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She lives life at a leisurely pace.  She finds helping others very rewarding.  She appreciates art and natural beauty.  She often feels discouraged.  She tends to avoid crowds.  She is put off by authority and tradition.  She is occasionally given to procrastination.
She lives life at a leisurely pace.  She finds helping others very rewarding.  She appreciates art and natural beauty.  She often feels discouraged.  She tends to avoid crowds.  She is put off by authority and tradition.  She is occasionally given to procrastination.
== World Two ==
== Fort Journal ==
This world is much more interesting.
However, even with regular goblin (and one elven) sieges and the challenge of managing water in the desert, I grow bored with a prosperous fort at the ten-year mark.  This time, I turned the booze spigot way, way down (not off, but a 4x3 farm plot doesn't make enough booze for a 220-dwarf fortress) and now I'm watching them struggle their way on down, very slowly.
I had my first fell mood.  It created Bunsothshin, "The God-forsaken Brightness", a lizard leather amulet. 
All craftdwarfship is of the highest quality. It is encrusted with Milk opal, decorated with bat leather and horse bone and encircled with bands of two-legged rhino lizard leather.  This object menaces with spikes of rope reed.
On the item is an image of Kogan Manorpaper the dwarf and a Rope reed bag in lizard leather.  Kogan Manorpaper is raising the rope reed bag.  The artwork relates to the masterful Rope reed bag created by the dwarf Kogan Manorpaper. 
On the item is an image of Coastbored the Native gold idol in Ash.  On the item is an image of two squares in Rubicelle.
== I wander the infinite world! (world 1) ==
'''Year Fourteen'''
Okay, now I'm just bored.
Abandon fortress, and attempt to return in Adventurer mode.
Wander around a bit.  Find that Flagdaubs seems to be inaccessible.  Look for something else to do.
The towns?  Everybody says no, no quests for me, everything is peaceful around here.
The goblin towers?  Full of friendly goblins.  And in one case, full of stolen children, guarded by friendly goblins.  I take four of them with me, as well as the theif that stole them in the first place.
No wonder Flagdaubs prospered peacefully for over a dozen years.
I wander the countryside, strangling cougars and wolves with my bare hands, periodically knocking them across the map with my hammer when I get bored.
Finally, the leader of a goblin tower has a quest for me.  A named giant!  I will die heroically, I think.
The giant smites the children with his spider-silk handbag (?!) while I mash it in the spleen with my hammer.  After near-exhausting exertion, he finally bleeds to death.  I return to the goblin leader with news of my success.  I am somewhat stunned to be alive.
'''Year Thirteen'''
Alas, despite my efforts to convince the other dwarves to bring food and drink to the incarcerated Fikod Shakenceilings, his experience of prolonged hunger, thirst, and drowsiness has driven him stark raving mad.
In other news, I'm attempting to purposely cave in the northwest corner of my map.  It's not like anything's going on there.  The channeling is complete; there's nothing holding it up other than supports (one on each level) which I'm currently having hooked up all to one lever.
Having one legendary Mechanic and four novices makes this slow going.
cave-in: Successful.  The one-support-on-each-level was unnecessary; the only level that required a support was the bottommost, which was fully mined out.  The one support was connected to a lever.    The other levels were held together by walls and floors. Then I went and deconstructed all the bridges, not because they would prevent the cave-in -- I think they don't -- but because taking the bridges down meant that I got the bright teal open-air coloring where my channelling was, to help me find the One Darn Tile that didn't get properly channelled out.  (turns out, it had been a floor constructed over a stairway.  The floor didn't get removed when I gave the command to channel the square out.)  The cave-in was dramatic!  The whole game froze for awhile, like it does when the season changes & the game auto-saves.  Three dwarves were crushed, and the whole area's filled with dust and jumbled stone and mist and here and there, a bit of the murky pool that had been on the surface.
I'll wait for it to settle down and then I'll probably have to think about closing off the tunnels that lead there, or else it'll be an unguarded way in from the surface.
but oh, my.  That was much fun.
In other news: Idiot traders.  A tree grew up next to the three-tile-wide paved path that exits the fortress walls, and the wagons wouldn't leave until I cut down the tree.  Then they left -- in the other direction.  Down the other paved path, which had no obstacle.  And they went with one wheel off the path, even, *right* next to another tree...idiot traders.
'''Year Twelve'''
It's now summer, and I've spent half the year trying to make this waterfall work.  It appears that a single pump operator is incapable of running two pumps at once, even if they're properly connected together.  I can tell they're properly connected, because they report the same amount of power requirements, and both go up by the same amount when I hang an extra gear off the side of one.  Fortunately, in the non-pressurized version of this setup, I can just send a second pump operator in to work the lower pump.  If I want to try the pressurized version again, I'll have to remove the lower pump or enlarge the chamber it's in.
Sure, I could set up a waterwheel, but I like finding productive work for idle dwarves!  I'm FDR for Flagdaubs.
If I turn off the top pump but leave the bottom one running, the front end of the lower pump chamber fills and all the pump operator's pets flee.  Hee hee!  But since the water coming out of the pump isn't pressurized, it can't reach the top chamber without the top pump running.  And eventually, the pump operator quits because the depth of the pumped water makes it too dangerous.
These dwarves are shockingly good-natured.  Pick a dwarf, any dwarf -- chances are, he or she is ecstatic.  Not just happy.  Finding one that was anything less than ecstatic was difficult.  The fortress has so much high-quality food and drink, two good dining rooms (one legendary, one fantastic) and comforting pets that even the chronic lack of jobs, regular noise-interruptions of sleep, scarcity of people to complain to, and random un-meetable noble demands can't seem to shake their fabulous moods.
Maybe it's time to un-forbid the Hammerer's hammer so she goes back to maiming and killing, instead of just leaving people slightly bruised.
...as if he'd been reading this journal, just after I wrote that, the Wrestler Iteb Bomrekimesh went berserk in the barracks.  With no warning.  He was immediately struck down by a fellow Wrestler and duly interred.
In response to repeated complaints by half the fortress of insufficient work, I've begun a massive excavation project, complete with wide hallways, smoothed walls and floors, engravings, and the works.  It goes all the way down to the bottom and has a giant staircase wending up the center.
Long-time mayor Rakust Firstbridges, who led the fortress every year since its inception, replaced only briefly during the festival by a popular dwarf who was taking a year off from his military service, has now been deposed by Tholtig Lancesplitter, a dwarf with a liking for clear glass.  There is no sand anywhere in Flagdaubs, a clay-filled notch at the base of a mountain.  There will be trouble eventually, Rakust warns, as Tholtig makes her demands for glass items.  The Hammerer taps her idle hammer against her palm while she drinks her strawberry wine.
Nobody's idle anymore.
I've got it!  I know what the massive, exquisitely smoothed, twelve-levels-deep excavation is for.  It's a *museum*.  Finally, a place to put all the *<☼pig tail bag☼>*s and the like.  Dwarves are milling around as I speak, admiring the exhibits and miraculously managing to avoid getting squoooshed by the falling rock as I channel out the ceiling to make this particular exhibit hall double-high.
With something of a chill (or is that a thrill?), it occurs to me, I may look back upon this moment as the beginning of the end for Flagdaubs.  I can imagine the uprising, some day, of dwarves that are *thoroughly* tired of tromping up and down six flights of stairs between their workshops and the museum-slash-meeting-hall..
I've read that when one does a large-scale excavation involving channeling, one should do it from the top down.  Is that because otherwise, the dwarves fall into the channels they dig?
Onul Fikodemath, Dyer cancels Dig Channel: Resting injury.
Zaneg Likotes, Miner has died after colliding with an obstacle.
Iteb Egastdakost, Planter cancels Dig: Too injured.
Sakzul Mosusakrul, Miner has died after colliding with an obstacle.
Nil Udistathel, Miner has bled to death.
Goden Bomrekmorul, Siege Operator has suffocated.
Lokum Okoshsigun has been ecstatic lately.  She has witnessed death...
hmm.  Top down it is, then.
'''Year Eleven'''
We survived the festival year!  I think the dwarves are relieved to get back to their regular routine.  We had to bring the farms and stills back online halfway through the festival year, but other than that, we wandered about aimlessly all year long.
Now, however, we're back in business.  The butchery is running full-time slaughtering down the teeming herds.  The Fortress Guard has been started, led by Kel 'Kelfish' Clashedrings, a crippled macedwarf who'd thought he was going to make a career in fishing before he was drafted and then maimed sparring.  We've dug out a little prison, which Tekkud Openedwhips, Hammerer, used to chain up the mother of a newborn and then beat her to death (the mother, not the newborn). "Edem Nakasdodok, Miller cancels seek infant: Infant inaccessible.  Edem Nakasdodok, Miller has bled to death."  We've enlarged the communal tomb.
Slight adjustment to our diet:  Eating meat.  All the time.  Cat meat, cow meat, donkey meat, horse meat.  Masterfully prepared cat tallow roasts.  Exceptional prepared donkey meat biscuits. And so on.  The plants are all going to booze, dye, and plants.  The clothier's has been poking along over the years, and not keeping up with demand.
Now things will change.  The caravan, unguided by any requests since there is no more liason now that the queen's moved in, brought bins and bins and bins of cloth.  For the first time in five years we weren't able to purchase every single thing the caravan bought.  But we do now have three hundred bolts of silk, and our pig tail industry is poised for midsummer, when the pig tails start harvesting.  My dwarves are wearing tatters.  Soon, they'll be wearing finery.  Ushat Foldclasped, Legendary Clothier, and his three apprentices will see to it.
Decided to build a waterfall in the prison.  Turned out that the pump was unnecessary, as the prison is three floors below the river, and therefore the water is pressurized.  The pump room that was supposed to move the water up above the prison began to flood even with no pump operation.  Good thing I'd put floodgates between the river and the rest of the fortress.
I was walling in the pump chamber, figuring I'd just open the floodgate when I needed pressure to run the waterfall and close it the rest of the time.  The last section of the wall had to wait for Kadol Tametrumpet to get out of the way; she was suddenly fishing in the water that's flooding the pump room. 
Some day I'm going to install a second pump to de-pressurize that water, and I'll need a pump up above the prison for the waterfall.  So I left the first pump up there.  This required fiddling around with the pump room walls, because otherwise, the pump blocked the water from moving, even as the water flooded the spot the pump operator would sit. 
The space beneath the waterfall wasn't properly connected up with the rest of the system; this is probably a good thing, as it would then have come bubbling up from there, too.  But I filled the cistern underneath, and now there are several muddy floor-engravings in the prison.  One of them is masterful, but the artist, Sodel Castelcrowns, doesn't seem to have noticed.  It's hard to tell if the overflow happened when the cistern filled or simply because pressurized water was spewing down from the sky.
It's really tempting to enlarge the cistern and then "drain" it back into the pressurized river and see what happens.  We just hit winter and I do seasonal backups ... I could always savescum if I had to ...
But first, the easy solution.  Like the system that feeds my first well, the prison water supply is a channel with several floodgates and a cistern.  I can use the floodgates to fill the cistern to about half-full, and then close the gate.  Now there's plenty of water in the cistern for the new prison well and to pump into the waterfall, too.  It's not as dramatically exciting as a pressure-driven waterfall, but it's not going to flood my fortress.  And, everything's still in place so if I want to play with the pressurized waterfall, I can just cancel the pump operator job and open the floodgates and forbid the door to the pump room, and see what happens.
In other news, the fort has its first Child with a strange mood.  Possessed, she is!  I'm thankful that the caravan's brought turtles and cave lobsters these last two visits.
Er.  And, no way to really tell if that pressurized waterfall thingy would have worked, since the water came up through the well and flooded the prison that way instead.  Good thing there were no prisoners.  Engravers still not noticing that their engravings are now muddy.  Perhaps I'll put someone back on the pump, and once the floor's not under 1/7 worth of water anymore, I'll send someone down to wall off half the cistern, so we can pressurize the half that feeds the waterfall without also pressurizing the well.
'''Year Ten'''
Days before the end of the previous year, we deactivated the military.  As the undrafted dwarves threw off their armor where they stood, a kobold was glimpsed in the courtyard.  The newly-civilian dwarves stood by and watched as the kobold was torn limb from limb by the settlement's war dogs.  The corpse of Srakadastreerbis lies where it fell.
The festival has begun.  All last year, we ran three kitchens, four stills, six farm plots, and one butchery full-time, putting up masterfully-produced food and drink.  Now all the workshops lie idle and the storerooms burst at their seams.  For the year, food, drink, rent, and everything else is free. There are two lavish sculpture gardens and there's already a party begun. Two sumptuous dining rooms, much to the chagrin of the nobles. While a few dwarves are still celebrating peactime by gleefully putting away discarded armor, most are whiling away their time partying, shopping, fishing, eating, drinking, tending wounded, or sleeping. Bom-Lokum Whippedstills, the appointed administrator and Rakust Firstbridges, the elected mayor, are still holding meetings and casting nervous eyes over the booze stocks.  Are 900 drinks of longland beer going to be enough?  And 400 drinks of strawberry wine?  Only 300 dwarven ale and worse, no rum. Rith Razortangles, one of the cooks, has a taste for dwarven syrup, and she talked head cook Athel Headmerchant into making making 200 dwarven syrup roasts.
We've made it into summer.  We're down to 130 ale, 580 longland beer, just over 200 strawberry wine.  This suggests that we'll run out of booze just as summer ends.
I suppose we should plant a plot of something.  Even if it's just a little.
'''Year Nine'''
'''Year Nine'''
Another supposedly "unbelievably agile" and "extremely tough" dwarf with a spinal injury from sparring.  That's two, now.  Plus one death from suffocation.  Apparently manufacturing large quantities of steel chain and plate armor and shields, instructing the military dwarves to wear them, and training them all up to 'wrestler' is insufficient to keep my military, who take down kobolds without even working up a sweat, from permanently maiming each other in training.  This is really dumb.  The dead dwarf died of a crushed throat from wrestling.  Perhaps I shall declare my military trained-enough and keep everybody who's more skilled than 'recruit' permanently on-duty so they don't spar anymore.
Argh.  Another supposedly "unbelievably agile" and "extremely tough" dwarf with a spinal injury from sparring.  That's two, now.  Plus one death from suffocation.  Apparently manufacturing large quantities of steel chain and plate armor and shields, instructing the military dwarves to wear them, and training them all up to 'wrestler' is insufficient to keep my military, who take down kobolds without even working up a sweat, from permanently maiming each other in training.  This is really dumb.  The dead dwarf died of a crushed throat from wrestling.  Perhaps I shall declare my military trained-enough and keep everybody who's more skilled than 'recruit' permanently on-duty so they don't spar anymore.
Upped the population cap to 250 so the Queen finally arrived.  The chambers dug out for her, her consort, and her advisor were nearly to their liking, once furnished, with only two seasons more worth of steady engraving by three legendary engravers!
In preparation for a festival year of bored workers -- tenth anniversary of the founding of Flagdaubs and the arrival of the king both!  -- am running four stills full-time.  Drink stockpiles are up over 1000 for the first time in years, but I'm still not sure we'll manage.  It may have to be a brewfest year -- no work done but for growing brewables, gathering plants, and brewing!  And drinking, of course.
I just don't get stockpiles.  The stockpile right next to the Mill has eight barrels of Blade Weed.  Yet the dwarves keep running off to the stockpile next to the Still to fetch Longland Grass, Cave Wheat, and the like.  I have been keeping watch on the incoming supplies and i (f)orbid them if they're brewables.  Then the dwarves go get other things.  From other places.  Instead of the stockpile right next to the mill.  wtf?  Do they go for non-barrelled items first?  If so, how do I get the blade weed back out of the barrels?  I've got way too much, and I don't want to grow any more, and I don't want to mill my brewables.
All Hail Unib Picklighting, member of the Royal Guard, who struck down a fellow guardsdwarf during sparring and was thereby promoted to Champion!  And then promptly raced down the stairs to contemplate the engravings in the common meeting room.  If these dwarves in the royal guard ever went outside, we'd never have anything to fear from marauding kobolds.  Not that kobolds maraud, anyway.
Oh, heck.  My Legendary Brewer has entered a Fey mood and requires shells, and we haven't seen a turtle 'round these parts for a year and a half.  And since the Queen lives here now, there was no liason this year for me to request imported turtles.  On the upside, I've kept this brewer so busy that she's only got two friends, and one of them's the Tax Collector.  So when she goes, she will be indirectly mourned due to the lower quality of booze, not directly mourned due to her death.  Am walling in the workshop she's acquired, just in case.  There used to be lots of turtles around here.  Other vermin have been restocking; I wonder why the turtles didn't come this year?
Suddenly, eighteen dwarves dropped everything they were doing and dashed out to fish.  They reported -- but did not stop fishing -- There is nothing to catch in the northeastern swamps.  Or in the northern swamps.  Or in the river.  But they fish on.  Unfortunately, even if they finally find a turtle, it's too late for Mistem Squeezeflag, Legendary Brewer, who has sunk into melancholy due to inability to even begin the craft she was possessed to dream up.  She wanders the halls of Flagdaubs, followed by her herd of pet cows.  Extremely strong, unbelievably agile, very tough, and utterly despairing.  The haunting moos of her favorite pets cannot comfort her now.
Around her, the rest of the fortress is in frenzied preparation for their year-long festival.  It's early winter, and the food and drink stores are vast.  We will drink the fruit of the brewer's labor -- Mistem's, and her less-skilled coworkers -- all next year.  The nobles are all ecstatic, and so are most of the dwarves. It's good to be a dwarf in Flagdaubs right now.  Unless you're Mistem Squeezeflag, the melancholic brewer.
I'm increasingly pessimistic about the idea of a festival -- it's cute idea from a storytelling perspective, but in game terms, it'll just make the dwarves complain of no work.  I suppose I could turn the economy off for the year.
'''Year Eight'''
'''Year Eight'''

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