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(→‎(29 July 2017): story conclusion!)
(→‎(4 November 2007): Added follow-up story from 2015)
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Soon Suffar would be the last wizard left in the world.  Once he had the power, the dwarves would bend to his will and create for him the ultimate artifact.  He wanted to create life, not another monster, but a companion worthy enough to be his partner.  Only then would he be at peace.
Soon Suffar would be the last wizard left in the world.  Once he had the power, the dwarves would bend to his will and create for him the ultimate artifact.  He wanted to create life, not another monster, but a companion worthy enough to be his partner.  Only then would he be at peace.
===(27th March 2018)===
===(7 January 2011)===
<pre>kN|kN|####  +++N++M+</pre>
The wizard walked barefoot along the sandy lake bottom, schools of
“Yes,” said Destra, “I promise you revenge.
axolotls swimming around his toes.  Through the murky water, the
wizard could see the remains of a wrecked ship.  The salamanders
guided him through a hole in the wooden hull.  In the darkness the
wizard noticed the faintest light.  It was coming from a chest half
buried in the sand.
Before the wizard could open the treasure chest a shock wave shot
“I will eat him,” said the minotaur“Then I will eat you.
through the water, knocking the wizard flat on his back.  The ship
tore in half revealing a huge monster covered in waving aquatic
plants.  It was the titan of the lake.  The axolotls scattered in all
directions.  The wizard scuttled backward.  He could not speak, making
his charms uselessIt was to be a battle of flesh and steel.
===(24 December 2014)===
“It's a deal!” said Destra.
Many of you remember the tale of the lakeYour dwarf mothers and
The monster guided the witch out of the caveWith all its strength, the minotaur pushed the boulders aside and he and the witch stepped out into the night air.  The witch cast a spell and traced the wizard's path through the etherThey followed the magical trail north.
fathers warned you not to go near, lest the giant axolotl eat you.
Now that the wizard had tempted fate by entering the lake titan's
domain, all were in danger.  The wizard was clever, transforming
himself into a fish and gobbling up the magic pearl, then swimming
away before the giant salamander could find himWhen he emerged from
the waters, he changed his shape into that of a pelican and flew away.
The titan was furious and took out its frustrations on people who
lived near the shore.
“Forgive us, mighty Hetain,” screamed the villagers.
Over stream and under the trees the pair closed in on the wizard's tower.  Meanwhile Suffar order his kobold to hunt for dwarven treasure once more.  He was on the brink of a breakthrough.  All he needed was one more artifact, one more vision into the true nature of magic.
It was too late and they knew it.  The poor people hardly protested as
It had been several days, and the kobold had yet to return.  Suffar was becoming concerned.  Then there was a knock at the door.  The wizard made his way down the long spiral staircase“I'm comingI'm coming!  Settle down!” grumbled the wizard as he reached to door at last.  Opening it, he saw a tall, cloaked figure.
Hetain transformed them into horrible, bloodthirsty monsters and sent
then on their way to find the thieving wizardThey stretched their
new wings and launched into the night's skyThere wasn't much time
before dawn, and the newly reborn night creatures could not travel
during daylight.
“Father,” asked one of the night creatures, “do you think that mighty
“I have come for you,” said the stranger.
Hetain will allow us to die after we return the pearl?”
“Our lives,” said the older night creature, “have always been those of
===(3rd January 2020)===
service and toil.  Before Hetain, we served the dwarven king.  All we
can do is serve our betters faithfully.  Then, perhaps, we shall
receive our just reward.”
Arriving at his tower, the wizard threw off his bird shape and reached
“Oh Lady of Darkness,” whimpered Suffar“I meant to summon you earlier, but it was my kobold's birthday and I...
into his mouth, withdrawing the magic pearlThe old man had spent
most of his life searching for enchanted artifacts such as this.  It
was a goal of his since youth to be the greatest wizard the world had
ever known.  For this end, he had to take chances.  Stealing the pearl
was no small thing. In belonged to one of the Four Titans who had
existed since the world was young. He knew the pearl was cursed, but
it had to be his all the same.
===(7 May 2015)===
“Enough excuses!” said the demon mistress.  “I knew you were collecting magic powers to bind me, but you are too late.  I have arrived.”
“Die in the name of Hetain!howled the ape-like creature as it leaped through the window of the wizard's tower.
“But how?asked Suffar.
Speaking a charm just in time to confuse his attacker, the wizard ran to his sword which he kept leaning against the wall of his laboratoryWith a slice and a thrust, the monsters was undone, laying in pieces on the floorThis was certainly a first, attacked by a night creature while relaxing at home.  The titan, Hetain, meant business.   
The kobold appeared from behind the demon's robesThat rascal had intoned the rites of summoning without himNow all was lost.   
Dressing himself in his magic robe, the wizard stepped out of the tower windowHe let himself fall for a few seconds, letting the refreshing breeze blow through his long gray hair.  Then he transformed into a red tailed hawk.  His idea was to travel to the capital of Assura and hire a hero or two to slay the titanJust getting to the city would prove a task difficult enough to call on his considerable skills.
The wizard groveled before Mistress of All EvilMaybe there was still a way out of this nightmare, something in the contract he had signed to make the legal mumbo-jumbo null and void.   
===(13 June 2015)===
He had to think. Then to answer came to him.
It was impossible, even for a hawk, to reach the capital before nightfallIt was suicide to stay in the air after sundown.  The titan, Hetain, controlled an armada of flying night creatures.  Instead, the wizard dove into the trees and landed in the jungleThere he took the shape of a mighty gorillaThe night creatures would be foolish to mess with him now.
It was the nature of demons to play the long gameTheir machinations took decades to resolveSuffar didn't have that kind of time.   
“Hey, gorilla,” said a voice in the evening wind“I know what you are carrying.
He knew that sooner than latter the demon would find him of no use and send him spiraling down into the NetherworldHis only chance was to find Destra, if she still lived.
“Show yourself,” growled the wizard.
So when the demon locked the door to the library behind her, Suffar slipped out of castle.
A tiny rodent scurried out of the brush and onto a patch of moss next to one of the wizard's impressive forearmsCloser inspection revealed that it was actually a mouse man, servant of one of the other three titansThe wizard told the mouse man to speak his piece quickly, for any minute they would be mobbed by vengeful night creatures.
The ruined dwarf fortress was only around the next bend in the roadSuffar began going over the language that he would use to convince Destra that feeding her to the minotaur was just a big mistake.   
“I serve almighty Domon and his chariot in the sky,” said the mouse man“Lend me the pearl and I will ensure your victory.
When he arrived at the entrance to the labyrinth he found the the stone had been rolled awayNow he was in serious trouble.  Someone behind him cleared their throat.
===(22 July 2015)===
“You have a lot of nerve coming back here.
So, Domon sought the pearl as wellThe wizard should not have been surprised that the word of his conquest had spread so quickly.  Now the wizard must be doubly careful. While Hetain controlled the night, Domon ruled everything under the sun and the eternal vault of sky.
It was Destra alright, and with her was the hulking minotaur looking hungry as everHis jaw jabbering, Suffar tried to quickly describe the trouble he was in. Nay, the trouble they were all in.
The giant gorilla shifted his weight unto his knuckles and howled at the mouse man. It was clear that the wizard had made his decision.  He would trust no titan.  The mouse man ran for his life.  This move would not go unanswered, for Domon was a vengeful titan. 
“Your kobold summoned the Princess of Darkness?” asked Destra.
The wizard couldn't stay in the jungle forever, hiding from the angry rays of the sun.  He moved to the edge of the final treeline and looked out over the rolling plains of SlusiaAssura was there, just beyond the horizon.  Stopping to think for a moment, the giant gorilla scratched its foreheadAt last the wizard decided on a shape, transforming himself into a speedy gazelle.
The pair of magic users and the reluctant minotaur returned to the castleThe cow man was none to happy to arrive back at the place where he had been created.   
===(20 August 2015)===
The minotaur wiped the tears from his eyes and promised himself he was have his revenge.
Not one.  Not two.  But, three cheetahs took off running after the wizard as he bounded across the plain.  The titan, Domon, meant business.  As Hetain controlled the night, Domon ruled the day.  None of it would matter if he reached the dwarf fortress of Assura.  Jumping just in time to avoid a pouncing wild cat, the wizard narrowly avoided death.  He ducked and rolled and transformed once again into human shape, wielding a longsword.  The cheetahs stopped where they were as the wizard had reached the gates of Assura.
“Bacabadabis,” said the demon, as she stirred the thick goo inside the magic cauldron, “I think this is the start of a magical friendship.
“Open the gates, I say,” boomed the wizard.
Yapping with alarm, the kobold pointed over the demon's shoulder.  Before she could react, the monster lifted her up by the neck and tossed her into the black metal bowl.
“Who gives a command to free dwarves?” answered the guards-dwarf.
Suffar was relieved that he was now free, until he looked up to see the cow monster standing over him.
“It is I,” said the wizard, “Suffar the Mighty.
“Your bones will make a good stew,” said the minotaur as he mixed the substance that was Suffar and the demon with a giant ladle.
Even the dwarves of Assura had heard tales of the great SuffarNot all good, it must be said.  Suffar was a rogue and a tricksterThe dwarves watched as the cheetahs circled the wizard, waiting for the moment to strike.  Maybe they wouldn't have to open the gates after all.
Watching with horror, the kobold bolted toward the doorDestra pointed her finger and a bolt of lightning struck the tiny monsterAfter the dust cleared there was nothing left behind but a long, pink-tailed rat.
“Are you going to eat that?” asked the minotaur.
===(23 September 2015)===
Holding up the magic pearl, Suffar demanded to be let in a third time. The greed of the dwarves was not easy to measure. It seemed they would do anything to acquire the smallest treasure.  Suffar stepped through the gates with a final sneer at his pursuers.  As the gates shut, the cheetahs disappeared in puffs of smoke.
===(7 January 2011)===
“Is that Hetain's magic pearl?” demanded the noble dwarf.
The wizard walked barefoot along the sandy lake bottom, schools of
axolotls swimming around his toes.  Through the murky water, the
wizard could see the remains of a wrecked ship.  The salamanders
guided him through a hole in the wooden hull.  In the darkness the
wizard noticed the faintest light.  It was coming from a chest half
buried in the sand.
“One and the same,” said Suffar, dropping the pearl back into his pocket.
Before the wizard could open the treasure chest a shock wave shot
through the water, knocking the wizard flat on his back.  The ship
tore in half revealing a huge monster covered in waving aquatic
plants.  It was the titan of the lake.  The axolotls scattered in all
directions.  The wizard scuttled backward.  He could not speak, making
his charms useless.  It was to be a battle of flesh and steel.
“The titans would offer a king's ransom for that treasure,” said the dwarf.
===(24 December 2014)===
“And I will offer twice that amount to the hero that slays Hetain,” countered Suffar.
Many of you remember the tale of the lake.  Your dwarf mothers and
fathers warned you not to go near, lest the giant axolotl eat you.
Now that the wizard had tempted fate by entering the lake titan's
domain, all were in danger.  The wizard was clever, transforming
himself into a fish and gobbling up the magic pearl, then swimming
away before the giant salamander could find him.  When he emerged from
the waters, he changed his shape into that of a pelican and flew away.
The titan was furious and took out its frustrations on people who
lived near the shore.
It was much to consider, coming between titans and wizards.  It meant almost certain death to the dwarves involved.  This mattered little to the hero class, a group of dwarves raised since birth to laugh at danger.  It was at the Temple of Bravery that Suffar met Kogan, the mightiest of the dwarves.
“Forgive us, mighty Hetain,” screamed the villagers.
“Will you kill Hetain for me?” asked Suffar.
It was too late and they knew it.  The poor people hardly protested as
Hetain transformed them into horrible, bloodthirsty monsters and sent
then on their way to find the thieving wizard.  They stretched their
new wings and launched into the night's sky.  There wasn't much time
before dawn, and the newly reborn night creatures could not travel
during daylight.
“I have been waiting for a challenge worthy of my blade,” said Kogan.
“Father,” asked one of the night creatures, “do you think that mighty
Hetain will allow us to die after we return the pearl?
===(24 October 2015)===
“Our lives,” said the older night creature, “have always been those of
service and toil.  Before Hetain, we served the dwarven king.  All we
can do is serve our betters faithfully.  Then, perhaps, we shall
receive our just reward.”
The two never actually agreed on a priceKogan instead offered to go with Suffar if he led him to glory and deathThe wizard agreed, knowing it was not a quest for a hero who still possessed reasonThere would be no coming back from the titan's lakeAll Suffar could do was help his new friend along his final journey.
Arriving at his tower, the wizard threw off his bird shape and reached
into his mouth, withdrawing the magic pearl.  The old man had spent
most of his life searching for enchanted artifacts such as this.  It
was a goal of his since youth to be the greatest wizard the world had
ever knownFor this end, he had to take chancesStealing the pearl
was no small thingIn belonged to one of the Four Titans who had
existed since the world was youngHe knew the pearl was cursed, but
it had to be his all the same.
“Is it far?” asked Kogan.  “These legs weren't made for walking.”
===(7 May 2015)===
“Fear not, little one,said Suffar, “I will summon the appropriate steeds.
“Die in the name of Hetain!howled the ape-like creature as it leaped through the window of the wizard's tower.
Standing on the tallest tower of the castle, Suffar spoke to the wind, whilst Kogan watched with interest.  After a time, the wizard pointed to the horizonTo specks appeared which grew steadily larger.  They were a pair of giant birds.  One was an enormous female nuthatch, while the other was a bushtit, the size of a bull.  The dwarf stood back, wielding his axe.
Speaking a charm just in time to confuse his attacker, the wizard ran to his sword which he kept leaning against the wall of his laboratoryWith a slice and a thrust, the monsters was undone, laying in pieces on the floor.  This was certainly a first, attacked by a night creature while relaxing at home.  The titan, Hetain, meant business.
“Fear not,” said Suffar“These creatures will take us to the hated lake of Hetain.
Dressing himself in his magic robe, the wizard stepped out of the tower windowHe let himself fall for a few seconds, letting the refreshing breeze blow through his long gray hair.  Then he transformed into a red tailed hawk.  His idea was to travel to the capital of Assura and hire a hero or two to slay the titan.  Just getting to the city would prove a task difficult enough to call on his considerable skills.
“Fear is not in my vocabulary,” said Kogan. “I will do anything to speed the march of doom and final destiny.
===(13 June 2015)===
===(30 November 2015)===
It was impossible, even for a hawk, to reach the capital before nightfall.  It was suicide to stay in the air after sundown. The titan, Hetain, controlled an armada of flying night creatures.  Instead, the wizard dove into the trees and landed in the jungle.  There he took the shape of a mighty gorilla.  The night creatures would be foolish to mess with him now.
<pre>,.@*W,.   ?D?</pre>
It was more than a day's journey back to the titan's lake and the giant birds would be no good against the creatures Hetain had prepared for them.  Kogan watched the terrain unfolding beneath him with wonder.  The world seemed so much smaller than it had beenThe birds flew quickly, knowing that at any moment, Domon might spy them from his chariot in the sky.
“Hey, gorilla,” said a voice in the evening wind“I know what you are carrying.
“Dive for those trees, Kogan,” said Suffar. “I fear that Domon has found us.”
“Show yourself,” growled the wizard.
The dwarf kicked the sides of his giant bushtit and the bird dove for the forest canopyKogan looked behind him to see a bright green dragon pursuing himSuffar was nowhere to be found.  Jumping off his steed before the jet of flames hit him, Kogan grabbed at tree branches as he fell through the air.
A tiny rodent scurried out of the brush and onto a patch of moss next to one of the wizard's impressive forearmsCloser inspection revealed that it was actually a mouse man, servant of one of the other three titansThe wizard told the mouse man to speak his piece quickly, for any minute they would be mobbed by vengeful night creatures.
“Wake up, brave dwarf,” said the wizard.
“I serve almighty Domon and his chariot in the sky,” said the mouse man. “Lend me the pearl and I will ensure your victory.”
Opening his eyes, Kogan found that he had indeed survived. Suffar had built a fire in a small clearing beneath the stars. Here they waited for Hetain's creatures to attack.
===(22 July 2015)===
===(18 December 2015)===
So, Domon sought the pearl as well. The wizard should not have been surprised that the word of his conquest had spread so quickly.  Now the wizard must be doubly careful.  While Hetain controlled the night, Domon ruled everything under the sun and the eternal vault of sky. 
The first night creature to attack was an ape-like creature with a single eye in the center of its foreheadKogan was ready, battleaxe in hand.  The creature huffed and puffedIts issue was not with the dwarf, but with the scheming wizard, but Kogan would not allow the creature to advance.  Finally, the creature sat back on its haunches and held its arms in a pose of tranquility.
The giant gorilla shifted his weight unto his knuckles and howled at the mouse man. It was clear that the wizard had made his decisionHe would trust no titan.  The mouse man ran for his lifeThis move would not go unanswered, for Domon was a vengeful titan.
“Shall you let us pass?” asked Suffar.
The wizard couldn't stay in the jungle forever, hiding from the angry rays of the sun.  He moved to the edge of the final treeline and looked out over the rolling plains of Slusia.  Assura was there, just beyond the horizon.  Stopping to think for a moment, the giant gorilla scratched its forehead.  At last the wizard decided on a shape, transforming himself into a speedy gazelle.
“You have my master's property,” said the ape.  “You must die for your crimes.”
===(20 August 2015)===
“What if we returned the treasure in person?” asked the wizard.  “I'm sure my friend here would love to meet the great and mighty Hetain.
Not one.  Not two.  But, three cheetahs took off running after the wizard as he bounded across the plain.  The titan, Domon, meant business.  As Hetain controlled the night, Domon ruled the day.  None of it would matter if he reached the dwarf fortress of Assura.  Jumping just in time to avoid a pouncing wild cat, the wizard narrowly avoided deathHe ducked and rolled and transformed once again into human shape, wielding a longsword.  The cheetahs stopped where they were as the wizard had reached the gates of Assura.
The ape struck like a snake, but Kogan was faster.  The night creature hit the ground, bleeding from a savage and mortal wound.  The adventurers watched with wonder as the creature's body transformed into the body of a dead dwarf.
“Open the gates, I say,” boomed the wizard.
“What have I done?” asked Kogan.
“Who gives a command to free dwarves?” answered the guards-dwarf.
===(22 January 2016)===
“It is I,” said the wizard, “Suffar the Mighty.
“It is because of Hetain that this poor dwarf suffered,said Suffar.  “You have only done him a mercy.
Even the dwarves of Assura had heard tales of the great Suffar.  Not all good, it must be saidSuffar was a rogue and a trickster.  The dwarves watched as the cheetahs circled the wizard, waiting for the moment to strikeMaybe they wouldn't have to open the gates after all.
“You said nothing of killing my own kind,” protested Kogan.
“It will get worse before the end,” said the wizard.  “You must be strong.  Don't let Hetain's evil confuse your heart and mind.”
===(23 September 2015)===
That night they buried the dead dwarf and Kogan prayed for his soulStrangely, no more creatures attacked.  It was as if Hetain knew he now had the upper hand and would toy with the adventurers.  Suffar wondered if he had made a mistake enlisting the help of a dwarven heroMaybe a true mercenary was called for.
Holding up the magic pearl, Suffar demanded to be let in a third timeThe greed of the dwarves was not easy to measure.  It seemed they would do anything to acquire the smallest treasure.  Suffar stepped through the gates with a final sneer at his pursuersAs the gates shut, the cheetahs disappeared in puffs of smoke.
“Hetain will pay for what he has done,said Kogan.  “You can rest assured of that.
“Is that Hetain's magic pearl?demanded the noble dwarf.
The lake was just on the other side of a screen of trees.  Kogan had the look of grim determination but Suffar wasn't entirely sure he trusted him.  Taking on the titan was an act for the insane brave.  While Kogan was clearly not stable, Suffar still didn't know which way his blade would cut.
“One and the same,” said Suffar, dropping the pearl back into his pocket.
===(28 February 2016)===
“The titans would offer a king's ransom for that treasure,” said the dwarf.
“Who are they?asked Kogan.
“And I will offer twice that amount to the hero that slays Hetain,countered Suffar.
“They are the dwarves of the once powerful fortress of Etwersbrot,” said Suffar.  “They worship Hetain now.
It was much to consider, coming between titans and wizards.  It meant almost certain death to the dwarves involved.  This mattered little to the hero class, a group of dwarves raised since birth to laugh at danger.  It was at the Temple of Bravery that Suffar met Kogan, the mightiest of the dwarves.
A horde of misshapen monsters ringed the lake, holding hands.  Some them had three arms.  Some had two heads.  They were all monstrous and terrifying.  Kogan knew that they were once dwarves.  He wished with all his might that he could forget that knowledge and slay them cleanly.  Now every dead monster was simply murder.
“Will you kill Hetain for me?” asked Suffar.
The chanting of the monsters intensified with the rising of the moon.  There was a bubbling vortex at the center of the lake.  Soon the giant axolotl appeared, rising magically above the water.  The monsters prostrated themselves before the titan.  It was Kogan's chance.  Suffar tapped him on the shoulder and he rose, stepping out into the moonlight.
“I have been waiting for a challenge worthy of my blade,” said Kogan.
“Hetain,” shouted Kogan, “why are you trying to control my people?”
===(24 October 2015)===
===(26 March 2016)===
The two never actually agreed on a price.  Kogan instead offered to go with Suffar if he led him to glory and death.  The wizard agreed, knowing it was not a quest for a hero who still possessed reason.  There would be no coming back from the titan's lake. All Suffar could do was help his new friend along his final journey.
“The pearl belongs to me,said the giant salamander“The villain you work for is no more than a thief.  I stand on the side of the righteous.”
“Is it far?asked Kogan“These legs weren't made for walking.”
“It is righteous to turn my kin into monsters?shouted Kogan.  “I have shed the blood of my blood because of you. Are you listening, oh dwarves of Etwersbrot?  Serve not this coward and let him fight his own battles!
“Fear not, little one,said Suffar, “I will summon the appropriate steeds.”
The monsters stopped their chanting and stepped aside as Kogan approached the water's edge.  Hetain looked nervous.  His slaves had never rebelled before.  The dwarf stood before the titan, holding his battle axe at the ready.  Hetain called on the power of the outer darkness, creating a vortex in the water below himSuffar saw the danger and began chanting to counter the spellThe little dwarf was in more danger than he knewHetain was opening a portal to a dimension of ultimate evil.
Standing on the tallest tower of the castle, Suffar spoke to the wind, whilst Kogan watched with interestAfter a time, the wizard pointed to the horizon.  To specks appeared which grew steadily largerThey were a pair of giant birdsOne was an enormous female nuthatch, while the other was a bushtit, the size of a bull.  The dwarf stood back, wielding his axe.
===(27 April 2016)===
“Fear not,” said Suffar. “These creatures will take us to the hated lake of Hetain.
Seeing that now was the time to act, Kogan charged passed the confused looking monsters and into the lakeSuffar spoke a charm and the water became solid as ice where Kogan stepped.  He ran across the lake toward the giant salamander.  The vortex at the center of the lake was growing larger.  A strange howling could be heard from within, like the terrible screams of all of those being tortured in the underworld.
“Fear is not in my vocabulary,” said Kogan.  “I will do anything to speed the march of doom and final destiny.
“You have done my kin ill,” pronounced Kogan as he raised his axe. “Prepare to die.
===(30 November 2015)===
<pre>,.@*W,.   ?D?</pre>
Entrails poured into the dimensional portal as Kogan gutted the monstrous titan with a great stroke of his blade.  The guts acted as chum, attracting the most hungry of demons up from the depths.  Kogan staggered backward as the monsters blasted up and out into the world of the living.
It was more than a day's journey back to the titan's lake and the giant birds would be no good against the creatures Hetain had prepared for them.  Kogan watched the terrain unfolding beneath him with wonder.  The world seemed so much smaller than it had been.  The birds flew quickly, knowing that at any moment, Domon might spy them from his chariot in the sky.
“What have you done?muttered Suffar.
“Dive for those trees, Kogan,said Suffar. “I fear that Domon has found us.”
===(30 May 2016)===
The dwarf kicked the sides of his giant bushtit and the bird dove for the forest canopy. Kogan looked behind him to see a bright green dragon pursuing him.  Suffar was nowhere to be found. Jumping off his steed before the jet of flames hit him, Kogan grabbed at tree branches as he fell through the air.
Hundreds of dwarves, finding that they now wore their own bodies, had to quickly stop celebrating and run for their lives.  A black fountain of evil blasted up from the center of the lake where Kogan had been standing seconds before.  Dark, winged shapes gathered in the sky above.  
“Wake up, brave dwarf,” said the wizard.
“Mul-o-rom, Sul-o-rom,” chanted Suffar as he dragged Kogan's body away from the water.
Opening his eyes, Kogan found that he had indeed survived.  Suffar had built a fire in a small clearing beneath the stars.  Here they waited for Hetain's creatures to attack.
The demons had not noticed the wizard yet, choosing instead to fly after the fleeing dwarves. Suffar could not help but think that this was all his fault.  The mess he had created was bigger than just a stolen pearl.  The entire world was in peril.  He had to seek out Domon, in the Palace of the Rising Sun.
===(18 December 2015)===
===(1 July 2016)===
The first night creature to attack was an ape-like creature with a single eye in the center of its forehead.  Kogan was ready, battleaxe in hand.  The creature huffed and puffed. Its issue was not with the dwarf, but with the scheming wizard, but Kogan would not allow the creature to advance. Finally, the creature sat back on its haunches and held its arms in a pose of tranquility.
“Where is the sun?” asked Kogan as he awoke.
“Shall you let us pass?” asked Suffar.
“There has been a lasting darkness since Hetain died,” said Suffar.
“You have my master's property,” said the ape. “You must die for your crimes.”
“Then we have won,exclaimed Kogan.
“What if we returned the treasure in person?asked the wizard. “I'm sure my friend here would love to meet the great and mighty Hetain.”
A dizzy spell forced Kogan to lie back down“It's a bit more complicated than that,” said Suffar.  The stars twinkled as giant bat-like creatures passed through the sky.  Kogan turned to witness a horrible sight just a stone's throw away.  Three demons were feasting on the body of a dead dwarf.  They were more horrible than the night creatures of Hetain.
The ape struck like a snake, but Kogan was fasterThe night creature hit the ground, bleeding from a savage and mortal wound.  The adventurers watched with wonder as the creature's body transformed into the body of a dead dwarf.
“They can't see us,said Suffar. “Rest, my friend.”
“What have I done?asked Kogan.
“There must be a way to stop them,” whispered Kogan. “You said something about Domon, and the sky chariot.”
===(22 January 2016)===
“I'm afraid the sun has set forever,” said Suffar.  “The four titans cannot help us now.”
“It is because of Hetain that this poor dwarf suffered,” said Suffar.  “You have only done him a mercy.”
“There must be something we can do?asked the dwarf hero.
“You said nothing of killing my own kind,protested Kogan.
“Yes,” said Suffar“As long as we hold the pearl there is hope.”
“It will get worse before the end,” said the wizard“You must be strong.  Don't let Hetain's evil confuse your heart and mind.”
===(31 July 2016)===
That night they buried the dead dwarf and Kogan prayed for his soul. Strangely, no more creatures attacked.  It was as if Hetain knew he now had the upper hand and would toy with the adventurers. Suffar wondered if he had made a mistake enlisting the help of a dwarven hero. Maybe a true mercenary was called for.
“The magic doorway will close,” said Suffar, “if we cast Hetain's magic pearl back through the demon gate.”
“Hetain will pay for what he has done,” said Kogan.  “You can rest assured of that.”
“Then do it,” exclaimed Kogan, suffering from another fainting spell.
The lake was just on the other side of a screen of trees.  Kogan had the look of grim determination but Suffar wasn't entirely sure he trusted him.  Taking on the titan was an act for the insane brave.  While Kogan was clearly not stable, Suffar still didn't know which way his blade would cut.
“Who ever should cast in the pearl shall die,” said Suffar.
===(28 February 2016)===
“Then give it to me,said Kogan. “I care not for my own life.”
“Who are they?asked Kogan.
“That much in obvious,” said Suffar, “but you cannot be the oneLook at your body.”
“They are the dwarves of the once powerful fortress of Etwersbrot,” said Suffar.  “They worship Hetain now.”
Straining to sit up, Kogan was horrified to see that his body was a mere skeleton, barely held together by bits of sinewSuffar used his magic to keep Kogan alive, but it was only a kind of half-lifeOnce the pearl was cast, Kogan too would die.
A horde of misshapen monsters ringed the lake, holding hands.  Some them had three arms.  Some had two heads.  They were all monstrous and terrifying.  Kogan knew that they were once dwarvesHe wished with all his might that he could forget that knowledge and slay them cleanlyNow every dead monster was simply murder.
“Then if you will not stand up and save the world,” asked Kogan, “who will?”
The chanting of the monsters intensified with the rising of the moon.  There was a bubbling vortex at the center of the lake.  Soon the giant axolotl appeared, rising magically above the water.  The monsters prostrated themselves before the titan.  It was Kogan's chance.  Suffar tapped him on the shoulder and he rose, stepping out into the moonlight.
“We must find the fourth titan,” said Suffar.  “He lives in a tower deep in the Garum.
“Hetain,” shouted Kogan, “why are you trying to control my people?
“Not Darquan the Deadly,” shouted Kogan. “That wicked old man would never make the sacrifice.
===(26 March 2016)===
“We have no other choice,” said Suffar.
“The pearl belongs to me,” said the giant salamander. “The villain you work for is no more than a thief.  I stand on the side of the righteous.”
===(20 September 2016)===
“It is righteous to turn my kin into monsters?” shouted Kogan. “I have shed the blood of my blood because of you. Are you listening, oh dwarves of Etwersbrot?  Serve not this coward and let him fight his own battles!”
Deep in the Garum it was unusually cold.  The sun hadn't risen for three days and the plants were beginning to dieKogan could see the light of a candle in the top room of the tower a way's off in the marsh.  Suffar explained to the skeletal dwarf that he should do the talkingThe master of the tower was Darquan the Deadly, one of four cosmic titans that had existed since the dawn of time.
The monsters stopped their chanting and stepped aside as Kogan approached the water's edge.  Hetain looked nervous.  His slaves had never rebelled before.  The dwarf stood before the titan, holding his battle axe at the readyHetain called on the power of the outer darkness, creating a vortex in the water below him.  Suffar saw the danger and began chanting to counter the spell.  The little dwarf was in more danger than he knewHetain was opening a portal to a dimension of ultimate evil.
The wizard of the tower was twisted and evil. He had exhausted every physical pleasure in a search for the ultimate experience. The truth was, now he was bored and wished for the eternal nothingness that awaited his extinction.  But if there was one thing that kept Darquan breathing it was his jealous hatred for all living things.
===(27 April 2016)===
“Who dares disturb my meditation?” came a voice from above.
Seeing that now was the time to act, Kogan charged passed the confused looking monsters and into the lake.  Suffar spoke a charm and the water became solid as ice where Kogan stepped.  He ran across the lake toward the giant salamander.  The vortex at the center of the lake was growing larger.  A strange howling could be heard from within, like the terrible screams of all of those being tortured in the underworld.
Looking up the dark wet stones of the tower, Kogan could see a pale bald head trailing long white whiskersSuffar shouted back, explaining the death of Hetain and the demon gateway.  The wizard's head disappeared and there was a click at the solid wood door before them, which swung open by itself.
“You have done my kin ill,” pronounced Kogan as he raised his axe“Prepare to die.
===(1 October 2016)===
Entrails poured into the dimensional portal as Kogan gutted the monstrous titan with a great stroke of his blade.  The guts acted as chum, attracting the most hungry of demons up from the depths.  Kogan staggered backward as the monsters blasted up and out into the world of the living.
The snake was fast, but Suffar was faster.  As the door opened, a king cobra snake man shot his long neck out toward the wizard's face.  He dodged to the right and seized the serpent man's throat.  Darquan was a coward to leave his minions in charge of greeting the adventurers.
“What have you done?” muttered Suffar.
“Come forth, dark titan,” said Suffar, “or I will break your pet's neck.
===(30 May 2016)===
While Suffar shouted at the open door, the snake man reached with his long articulated arm and pulled a dagger from one of its many beltsJust as it was about to push the blade in, the skeletal dwarf stepped out from behind the wizard and chopped at the snake man's wrist.
Hundreds of dwarves, finding that they now wore their own bodies, had to quickly stop celebrating and run for their lives.  A black fountain of evil blasted up from the center of the lake where Kogan had been standing seconds beforeDark, winged shapes gathered in the sky above.  
“That'sss cheating!” complained the cobra man.
“Mul-o-rom, Sul-o-rom,” chanted Suffar as he dragged Kogan's body away from the water.
“Save your whining for your master,” said Suffar.  “That is, if the coward is brave enough to show his face.
The demons had not noticed the wizard yet, choosing instead to fly after the fleeing dwarves.  Suffar could not help but think that this was all his fault.  The mess he had created was bigger than just a stolen pearl.  The entire world was in perilHe had to seek out Domon, in the Palace of the Rising Sun.
“You have the pearl?” came a voice from above. “Show it to me!”
===(1 July 2016)===
===(7 November 2016)===
“Where is the sun?” asked Kogan as he awoke.
“Only you can save the world now,” shouted Suffar as he held the pearl over his head.
“There has been a lasting darkness since Hetain died,” said Suffar.
“Hetain's Pearl,” said Darquan. “You are a naughty wizard.”
“Then we have won,” exclaimed Kogan.
The candlelight vanished from the window as Darquan descended the hundreds of steps of the dark towerIt seemed like ages later when he appeared in the doorway“Let Anthony go,” commanded the evil wizardSuffar released the cobra man who disappeared back into the tower.
A dizzy spell forced Kogan to lie back down.  “It's a bit more complicated than that,” said Suffar.  The stars twinkled as giant bat-like creatures passed through the skyKogan turned to witness a horrible sight just a stone's throw awayThree demons were feasting on the body of a dead dwarfThey were more horrible than the night creatures of Hetain.
“Who is your friend?asked Darquan, indicating the skeletal dwarf.
“They can't see us,said Suffar.  “Rest, my friend.
“This is Kogan,” said Suffar, “Slayer of Hetain.”
“There must be a way to stop them,” whispered Kogan.  “You said something about Domon, and the sky chariot.”
“You can do better for a titan slayer than this, surely,” said Darquan.
“I'm afraid the sun has set forever,” said Suffar. “The four titans cannot help us now.”
The serpent wizard began chanting in the ancient tongue of magic.  The wind began to blow and stir up muddy water and dead vegetation.  The muck attached itself to Kogan's skeleton and soon he began to resemble a living dwarf.
“There must be something we can do?” asked the dwarf hero.
“Now, Kogan,” said Darquan, “your body belongs to meTake the pearl from Suffar and give it to me!
“Yes,” said Suffar“As long as we hold the pearl there is hope.
===(11 November 2016)===
===(31 July 2016)===
Using his bracers to block a series of strikes and thrusts, Suffar desperately resisted as Kogan tried to wrestle the pearl from him.  Anthony returned wielding a pair of swords.  The dwarf grabbed the wizard around the legs and tackled him to the ground.  The snake man held his blades to Suffar's throat.  It was over.
“The magic doorway will close,” said Suffar, “if we cast Hetain's magic pearl back through the demon gate.
“And now,” said Darquan, “the pearl, if you please?”
“Then do it,” exclaimed Kogan, suffering from another fainting spell.
Reaching into his robe, Suffar withdrew the shining pearl.  Darquan's eyes lit up with joy.  Whoever possessed the pearl held sway over the hand of Fate.  Having exhausted the frivolous pleasures of this world, Darquan would use the pearl to enhance his hedonistic lifestyle.  With glee, he snatched the pearl out of Suffar's hand.
“Who ever should cast in the pearl shall die,” said Suffar.
“You will know, before the end,” said Suffar, “what you have to do.”
“Then give it to me,” said Kogan.  “I care not for my own life.”
===(5 January 2017)===
“That much in obvious,” said Suffar, “but you cannot be the one. Look at your body.
“Slay him,” commanded Darquan.
Straining to sit up, Kogan was horrified to see that his body was a mere skeleton, barely held together by bits of sinew.  Suffar used his magic to keep Kogan alive, but it was only a kind of half-life.  Once the pearl was cast, Kogan too would die.
Anthony the snake man brought his sword blade down onto the wizard's neck, but recoiled when his weapon clashed against the stone floor of the tower.  Suffar's robes lay empty on the ground, but the wizard was nowhere to be found.  Darquan hollered with disapproval.  Kogan stood up and brushed the dirt off his chest.
“Then if you will not stand up and save the world,” asked Kogan, “who will?”
“You, dwarf!shouted Darquan“Stop standing around like a moron and find the wizard.”
“We must find the fourth titan,” said Suffar“He lives in a tower deep in the Garum.”
A pair of giant bats landed at the base of the tower.  They were fitted with saddles and Kogan had the impression that his new master, Darquan, wanted him to rideHe climbed up the hairy bat and sat astride its back.
“Not Darquan the Deadly,” shouted Kogan.  “That wicked old man would never make the sacrifice.
“That rascal can't get far without the pearl,” said Darquan. “Find him, and snuff out his life!”
“We have no other choice,” said Suffar.
===(9 February 2017)===
===(20 September 2016)===
The pair of giant bats launched out of the tower with Kogan and Anthony the snake man on their backs.  The dwarf's vision was excellent at night, due to a long life undergroundHowever, he could see nothing in the marsh but wildlifeHe called over to Anthony and the snake man replied.
Deep in the Garum it was unusually cold.  The sun hadn't risen for three days and the plants were beginning to dieKogan could see the light of a candle in the top room of the tower a way's off in the marsh.  Suffar explained to the skeletal dwarf that he should do the talking.  The master of the tower was Darquan the Deadly, one of four cosmic titans that had existed since the dawn of time.
“He has changed himself into a bird or beast,” shouted Anthony.
The wizard of the tower was twisted and evil.  He had exhausted every physical pleasure in a search for the ultimate experience.  The truth was, now he was bored and wished for the eternal nothingness that awaited his extinction.  But if there was one thing that kept Darquan breathing it was his jealous hatred for all living things.
“How will I know him?” asked Kogan.
“Who dares disturb my meditation?” came a voice from above.
“He is the only beast that does not fear the power of Darquan,” said Anthony.
Looking up the dark wet stones of the tower, Kogan could see a pale bald head trailing long white whiskers.  Suffar shouted back, explaining the death of Hetain and the demon gateway.  The wizard's head disappeared and there was a click at the solid wood door before them, which swung open by itself.
The snake man held up his staff and the end began to glow an ominous red.  All around, beneath them, the animals froze in place, the birds so much as freezing in mid flight and falling into the murky water.  There was one that still flew, a kingfisher!
===(1 October 2016)===
“That's him!” cried Kogan.
The snake was fast, but Suffar was faster.  As the door opened, a king cobra snake man shot his long neck out toward the wizard's face.  He dodged to the right and seized the serpent man's throat.  Darquan was a coward to leave his minions in charge of greeting the adventurers.
===(12 March 2017)===
“Come forth, dark titan,” said Suffar, “or I will break your pet's neck.”
Cackling with glee, Darquan watched through his crystal ball as the two giant bat riders chased down the tiny bird.  They dove and pounced on the bird at once and there was a scuffle as the group splashed into the waterDarquan was giddy with anticipation.  When the fight subsided, Kogan stood up holding the body of a dead bird, but Anthony was stricken dead.  The snake man had been in Darquan's employ for many years, but the evil old man could not find it in himself to shed a single tear.
While Suffar shouted at the open door, the snake man reached with his long articulated arm and pulled a dagger from one of its many beltsJust as it was about to push the blade in, the skeletal dwarf stepped out from behind the wizard and chopped at the snake man's wrist.
“Bring me the carcass,” commanded Darquan. “We will feast on kingfisher tonight!”
“That'sss cheating!” complained the cobra man.
Throwing a cloth over the crystal ball, Darquan retired to his private chamber to contemplate the pearlSomething was wrong.  The pearl had taken on a dim brown color.  Gone was its magical luster.  The wizard was furious.  He charged back into his laboratory and awaited Kogan's return.  There had to be some sort of explanation, and without question, someone would pay.
“Save your whining for your master,” said Suffar“That is, if the coward is brave enough to show his face.
===(13 April 2017)===
“You have the pearl?” came a voice from above.  “Show it to me!”
The dwarf met Darquan in the feast hall below the wizard's tower.  The old man commanded that the dead bird be plucked and roasted on a spit.  As Kogan made himself busy preparing the meal, Darquan returned to fuss over the blackened pearl of Hetain.  A short time later, Kogan announced that the meal was ready.
===(7 November 2016)===
“Here's to you, Suffar,” said Darquan, raising his stein glass.  After chewing on a few strange tasting morsels, the wizard realized he had been tricked.  He stood up from the table and threw his arms out to the side, calling on his power to reveal the treachery.  There, on the table, was the partially devoured body of Anthony the snake man.
“Only you can save the world now,” shouted Suffar as he held the pearl over his head.
“Suffar,” shouted Darquan, “you will pay for this if I must strike at you with my last breath!
“Hetain's Pearl,” said Darquan.  “You are a naughty wizard.
===(16 May 2017)===
The candlelight vanished from the window as Darquan descended the hundreds of steps of the dark tower. It seemed like ages later when he appeared in the doorway. “Let Anthony go,” commanded the evil wizard.  Suffar released the cobra man who disappeared back into the tower.
The was a ringing sound coming from the laboratory.  Darquan stomped into the room and pulled the cloth from the crystal ball.  There was Suffar, standing on the beach near the portal to the dimension of ultimate evil.  Beyond words and consumed with hatred, Darquan could only stand and stare as Suffar beckoned to him.  The evil wizard called for Kogan and had the giant bats made ready for takeoff once again.
“Who is your friend?” asked Darquan, indicating the skeletal dwarf.
“It's a trick, boss,” said Kogan.
“This is Kogan,” said Suffar, “Slayer of Hetain.
“Don't speak,” said Darquan. “You know nothing save what I have taught you.”
“You can do better for a titan slayer than this, surely,” said Darquan.
They were airborne a short time laterThere was still a huge maelstrom over Hetain's lake and the pair had to land their bats far from shore.  Darquan landed behind a grassy hill which he scuttled up to spy on the portal from afar.  There was Suffar, strutting back and forth before the portal as freely as you please.
The serpent wizard began chanting in the ancient tongue of magic.  The wind began to blow and stir up muddy water and dead vegetationThe muck attached itself to Kogan's skeleton and soon he began to resemble a living dwarf.
“You will never have the pearl,” said Darquan under his breath.
“Now, Kogan,” said Darquan, “your body belongs to me. Take the pearl from Suffar and give it to me!”
===(18 June 2017)===
===(11 November 2016)===
"He means to trick you," said Kogan.  "All he wants is the pearl!"
Using his bracers to block a series of strikes and thrusts, Suffar desperately resisted as Kogan tried to wrestle the pearl from him.  Anthony returned wielding a pair of swordsThe dwarf grabbed the wizard around the legs and tackled him to the ground.  The snake man held his blades to Suffar's throat.  It was over.
"I have had enough of your talk!" shouted Darquan.
“And now,” said Darquan, “the pearl, if you please?”
There was a flash of light and where once stood Kogan the dwarf, there was now a statue made of stone.  Darquan instantly regretted his actionNot only had he lost a needed ally, but he had also given away his position.  He stood up and saw Suffar down by the lake, beckoning to him.
Reaching into his robe, Suffar withdrew the shining pearl.  Darquan's eyes lit up with joy.  Whoever possessed the pearl held sway over the hand of FateHaving exhausted the frivolous pleasures of this world, Darquan would use the pearl to enhance his hedonistic lifestyleWith glee, he snatched the pearl out of Suffar's hand.
"You will never have the pearl!" declared Darquan as he stalked down to where Suffar was standing, near the portal to ultimate evil.
“You will know, before the end,” said Suffar, “what you have to do.
"You mean this pearl?" asked Suffar, withdrawing the shiny pearl from his pocket.
===(5 January 2017)===
With a sudden sinking feeling, Darquan reached into his robe and held out the clouded brown pearl.  Driven by anger and outrage, Darquan cast the pearl into the maelstrom.  Suffar twirled, flaring out his cloak and disappearing in a puff of smoke.  The portal began to disappear.  Darquan could feel his heart sputtering and giving its last beat.  He had been tricked for the final time.
“Slay him,” commanded Darquan.
===(29 July 2017)===
Anthony the snake man brought his sword blade down onto the wizard's neck, but recoiled when his weapon clashed against the stone floor of the tower. Suffar's robes lay empty on the ground, but the wizard was nowhere to be found. Darquan hollered with disapproval. Kogan stood up and brushed the dirt off his chest.
Suffar rested by the lake, meditating on all that had passedThe pearl was gone, but so were the malevolent titans that sought to use it for evil.  Now the stars could resume their course through the sky and Domon could chase the moon in his fiery chariot.  After a good long time, Suffar stood and noticed the statue of Kogan for what seemed like the first time.  The stoney eyes seemed to follow him as he approached.
“You, dwarf!” shouted Darquan“Stop standing around like a moron and find the wizard.
“Darquan used the power of the pearl to keep you alive,” said Suffar“If I restore you, you will die.
A pair of giant bats landed at the base of the tower.  They were fitted with saddles and Kogan had the impression that his new master, Darquan, wanted him to rideHe climbed up the hairy bat and sat astride its back.
The statue blinked once.
“That rascal can't get far without the pearl,” said Darquan. “Find him, and snuff out his life!”
Calling on all his power, Suffar reversed Darquan's curse.  Kogan began to move, struggling to breathe, then collapsed.  Suffar held his hand as he died.  It was as it should be.  Kogan had taken the life of a titan and had to pay the price.  He would be with the heroes in Nullset now.
===(9 February 2017)===
Darquan would be there too, no doubt struggling to returnSuffar would be there to meet himIt was to this end that Suffar had made his vow.  The harmony of Nature must be preserved.
The pair of giant bats launched out of the tower with Kogan and Anthony the snake man on their backs.  The dwarf's vision was excellent at night, due to a long life undergroundHowever, he could see nothing in the marsh but wildlifeHe called over to Anthony and the snake man replied.
“He has changed himself into a bird or beast,” shouted Anthony.
“How will I know him?” asked Kogan.
===(11 August 2011)===
Inside or outside, the dwarf fortress was an ugly place.  Black smoke
“He is the only beast that does not fear the power of Darquan,” said Anthony.
rose from its misshapen stacks, and beneath the menacing gatehouse,
poor hill-dwarves moved under armed guard to bring their offerings to
Count Agak.
The Count had long been allergic to lightHis case of cave
The snake man held up his staff and the end began to glow an ominous redAll around, beneath them, the animals froze in place, the birds so much as freezing in mid flight and falling into the murky waterThere was one that still flew, a kingfisher!
adaptation was more pronounced than any ever knownHis skin was pale
and shot through with spidery veins.  His eyes were red and bloodshot.
Even in the dark, he looked sickly, and he never touched a morsel on
the feast days.
"The Count is a vampire," said Roder.
“That's him!” cried Kogan.
"Silence," said fair Nel.  "What if the guards hear you?"
===(12 March 2017)===
"Tell me you aren't suspicious," said Roder"Have you ever seen the
Cackling with glee, Darquan watched through his crystal ball as the two giant bat riders chased down the tiny birdThey dove and pounced on the bird at once and there was a scuffle as the group splashed into the water. Darquan was giddy with anticipationWhen the fight subsided, Kogan stood up holding the body of a dead bird, but Anthony was stricken deadThe snake man had been in Darquan's employ for many years, but the evil old man could not find it in himself to shed a single tear.
Count eat or drink?  Or his guards? I don't know if I would even
recognize them underneath their plated armorNoWe need proof.
Then we need deliverance."
“Bring me the carcass,” commanded Darquan.  “We will feast on kingfisher tonight!”
===(18 January 2011)===
Throwing a cloth over the crystal ball, Darquan retired to his private chamber to contemplate the pearl.  Something was wrong.  The pearl had taken on a dim brown color.  Gone was its magical luster.  The wizard was furious.  He charged back into his laboratory and awaited Kogan's return.  There had to be some sort of explanation, and without question, someone would pay.
===(13 April 2017)===
"Toward the light," cried Sot, master of the moth riders.  The
The dwarf met Darquan in the feast hall below the wizard's tower.  The old man commanded that the dead bird be plucked and roasted on a spit.  As Kogan made himself busy preparing the meal, Darquan returned to fuss over the blackened pearl of HetainA short time later, Kogan announced that the meal was ready.
squadron descended in wild corkscrews, falling toward the dwarf
fortress.  But Sot had dived too soon.  Flaming arrows shot up from
the castle walls, confusing the giant insects.  Sot's mount took three
hits and died in mid air.  The moth leader took the reins hard and
tried to pull the moth out of a death spiralHe hit the ground hard
and rolled across the paved stone, jumping up in a combat stance.
When he saw the two dozen dwarves that approached him, he took off his
chitin helmet, pointed at the closest dwarf and spoke.
"Let's see what you've got, half-man."
“Here's to you, Suffar,” said Darquan, raising his stein glass.  After chewing on a few strange tasting morsels, the wizard realized he had been tricked.  He stood up from the table and threw his arms out to the side, calling on his power to reveal the treachery.  There, on the table, was the partially devoured body of Anthony the snake man.
“Suffar,” shouted Darquan, “you will pay for this if I must strike at you with my last breath!”
===(24 April 2010)===
<pre> ||U+++WWWbbbbWb </pre>
Night, thief of all cheer. When has the sun set on a happy soul in
===(16 May 2017)===
Bonverland? Everyone knows the terror that lurks behind every shadow,
ever since the evil knight Galrod took up residence in Highthorn
castle. Werewolves and blendecs were at his command. It was said
that only one thing could end his cursed life, the Golden Shank of
Allmine. The people wailed with misery, for the shank was said to be
in the deep dungeon of a dwarf fortress many leagues to the east. It
was a time of mass panic. That was until the hero Mandack arrived.
The was a ringing sound coming from the laboratory.  Darquan stomped into the room and pulled the cloth from the crystal ball.  There was Suffar, standing on the beach near the portal to the dimension of ultimate evil.  Beyond words and consumed with hatred, Darquan could only stand and stare as Suffar beckoned to him.  The evil wizard called for Kogan and had the giant bats made ready for takeoff once again.
===(12 April 2012)===
“It's a trick, boss,” said Kogan.
Goblin master thief Garu picked his way through the irrigation ditch
“Don't speak,” said Darquan“You know nothing save what I have taught you.
of the dwarf fortress.  The dwarves were fools to leave the floodgate
open during the dry season.  There were fewer traps down there.  It
wasn't long before he reached the mushroom fieldsThere were a few
gardeners here and there but nothing that proved much of a challenge.
Once inside, Garu shed his black cloak in exchange for the robes of a
They were airborne a short time laterThere was still a huge maelstrom over Hetain's lake and the pair had to land their bats far from shoreDarquan landed behind a grassy hill which he scuttled up to spy on the portal from afar.  There was Suffar, strutting back and forth before the portal as freely as you please.
monk of AlakHe passed silently by the dwarves, a long hood hiding
his faceSlowly, he made his way to the meeting hall.  There were a
bunch of dwarf youths posing and trying to look tough.
"You are impressive," said Garu.
“You will never have the pearl,said Darquan under his breath.
"What's it to you, holy dwarf?" said the most obnoxious of the dwarves.
===(18 June 2017)===
"It's just that I heard from Zuglar that you were a weakling and a
"He means to trick you," said Kogan.  "All he wants is the pearl!"
coward," said Garu.  "He said he'd wait for you in the lower warehouse
if you were dwarf enough."
"You tell that son of an elf I'll be there," shouted the dwarf.
"I have had enough of your talk!" shouted Darquan.
There was a flash of light and where once stood Kogan the dwarf, there was now a statue made of stone.  Darquan instantly regretted his action.  Not only had he lost a needed ally, but he had also given away his position.  He stood up and saw Suffar down by the lake, beckoning to him.
===(17 December 2007)===
A rock plopped into the cave river from the platform above.  There
"You will never have the pearl!" declared Darquan as he stalked down to where Suffar was standing, near the portal to ultimate evil.
Durgal and the dwarf girl sat, above the murky waters. Durgal
explained, in great detail, his plans for the future.  When the riches
of the mountain were plundered, he would diagram the plans for a
second fortress himself.  How the dwarves would love him!
"But in your haste for riches," asked the girl, "would you have time
"You mean this pearl?" asked Suffar, withdrawing the shiny pearl from his pocket.
for the ones you love?"
Durgal's face became red as a cave turnipHe looked quickly away
With a sudden sinking feeling, Darquan reached into his robe and held out the clouded brown pearlDriven by anger and outrage, Darquan cast the pearl into the maelstromSuffar twirled, flaring out his cloak and disappearing in a puff of smoke.  The portal began to disappearDarquan could feel his heart sputtering and giving its last beat. He had been tricked for the final time.
from her and stared into the dark waterThere, eyes gazed up to meet
himDurgal reached for his axe, telling the girl to warn the others.
A pale, slimy hand reached out of the depths and pulled the creature
upward. It was an olmman!
===(3 September 2008)===
===(29 July 2017)===
Suffar rested by the lake, meditating on all that had passed. The pearl was gone, but so were the malevolent titans that sought to use it for evil. Now the stars could resume their course through the sky and Domon could chase the moon in his fiery chariot. After a good long time, Suffar stood and noticed the statue of Kogan for what seemed like the first time. The stoney eyes seemed to follow him as he approached.
“Darquan used the power of the pearl to keep you alive,” said Suffar. “If I restore you, you will die.”
The statue blinked once.
"Back!" cried Durgal, "back to the hall!"  The dwarf girl turned and
Calling on all his power, Suffar reversed Darquan's curse. Kogan began to move, struggling to breathe, then collapsed. Suffar held his hand as he died. It was as it should be. Kogan had taken the life of a titan and had to pay the price. He would be with the heroes in Nullset now.
screamed. Two blind cave fish men blocked the way out. Durgal turned
and swung his axe at the olmman, now completely out of the water. It
deftly dodged his panicked swings.  The dwarf girl screamed as the
cave fish men crawled toward her, arms outstretched, feeling their way
along the floor.
"By the power of the Lordaxe!" screamed Durgal, holding his axe aloft.
Darquan would be there too, no doubt struggling to return. Suffar would be there to meet him. It was to this end that Suffar had made his vow. The harmony of Nature must be preserved.
The dungeon rumbled. The sound of water crashed through the tunnel.
The fighters were swept away.  The olmman grabbed Durgal's axe arm as
they were washed through the watery tunnel.  The dwarf pulled a dagger
from his belt and jammed it into the monster's guts.
"Gula!" cried Durgal, bursting above the surface of the water.  He
pulled the axe free of the olmman's grasp and brought the pommel down
on its head, knocking it senseless.  "Gula!" he cried again.  With
sudden terror, Durgal recalled where this tunnel led -- the chasm.
Only a few seconds until the ultimate terrible plunge.
"Durgal!" cried the dwarf girl, Gula. With all his strength, he
===New Story (27 August 2017)===
stretched to reach her in the crashing water.
Who would throw away such a beautiful baby?  The basket had come down the Apagan river. From Etwersbrot. Ever since the outbreak of hostilities, people had looked to the magic city for hope and inspirationNow they were flinging their offspring into the riverIt was a time that would one day be called the Second Nightmare Apocalypse.
===(3 June 2014)===
“More demons ahead, Omak,” said the old knight.
Sword and axe clashed again and again as the combatants fought and
bledYou and I remember Tasan fortress in the days before the elves
emerged from the hated forestAt one time Fortress Tasan was second
only to the mountain homes in wealth and power. Now it was the front
line in a war to end the age.
"Aim low, marks-dwarves," said Kraton. "Make every shot count."
“I see them!” shouted Omak as the pair charged down the caravan trail.
It was the height of the Plump Helmet festival when Kraton first
The most promising rider Sir Twan had ever seen, Omak was a dwarf from the south. He served in the garrison of Akkadin before the Evil One cameIn the chaos that followed, Omak stole a pony and ran for the hillsThat was where Twan found him.
learned of the elven invasionAn arrow struck his sweetheart dead in
the chestThe ambush was over in seconds.  The castle guard were
able to chase down the archers before they escaped into the woods.
As captain of the guard, Kraton was in charge of interrogationThere
“Don't worry Master,” said Omak“This one is mine.
was no need in his mind.  Elves were not rational.  Their reasons for
acting made no sense.  He ordered that they be hammered immediately
and prepared the fortress for the assault to come.
==Insanity Prelude==
The monster wasn't used to the rules that governed this world. Its ungainly limbs smacked against the dirt as it struggled to get awayOmak smacked the flanks of his dark pony and then lifted his blade to strike.  The creature looked back just in time to get a face of steelA fountain of black blood shot up from the ruined head of the monster.
===(1. I forgot, sometime in 2009)===
Kittens roamed through the halls, as dwarf tanner Kramer worked the
cat skinsIt seemed his work would never end.  The uncounted vermin
in the fortress made the cat bellies full, and they bred out of
controlBaron Zarkin issued a final order:  "Suffer no cat to live."
Death squads searched the corridors for felines, and brought the
bodies to Kramer.  It was a tough job; Kramer admired cats for their
aloofness.  Someone tapped him on the shoulder.  It was cat-lord
"Who are you?" asked Kramer.
“I did it,” cried Omak.
"Who I am is not important," said the beast-woman"Don't you feel
“Excellent,said Twan“I'll make a Beast Maimer of you yet!”
that what you are doing is wrong?"
“What's it got in its arms?” asked Omak
“A dwarven child!” shouted Twan.
"Yes," said the dwarf, "but…"
===(25 September 2017)===
===(2. December 10, 2009)===
“Do you think the babe is from that village, yonder?” asked Omak.
"Stomer," said Tainaria, snapping her clawed fingers, "take him."
“If so, all her kin are dead,” said Sir Twan.
An enormous walking cat emerged from the shadows.  It was striped and
The beast maimers returned to the city of Otla, to seek a home for the childThere were electrical storms all nightUnforeseen to all knights of the realm, the evil Cenaster had been slain, and with his death the Earth had been cast adrift in the cosmic ether. The child cried and criedAt last, the warlord would see them.
grey with a round golden bellyIn its paws it held a large brown
sackThe cat people pounced on Kramer, tackling him to the ground.
They kicked and stomped him until he was knocked senselessTainaria
looked on as Stomer poured the dwarf into the sack.
Kramer awoke, suffocating in the damp confines of the sack that was
“You say you rescued the babe from a demon?” asked Lord Saster.
his prison.  The sack bounced up and down as the cat ran.  At last
Kramer was thrown down onto the mud.  He peered out of the bag into
the nauseating sunlight.  He felt a sharp kick to his ribs.
"Come out, killer!" shouted Tainaria.
“She is marked with magic power,” said Sir Twan, “and destined for greatness!
The dwarf crawled out onto the mossy ground.  He looked around as the
“Then you and Omak will raise her as a Beast Maimer,” said Saster.
tall trees and thick green ferns.
"This is the elf forest," said Kramer.
It was a great honor, and a great responsibility.  Omak found a room for the baby in the castle.  There was still the need for a name.  Sir Twan sought to name her after the great city where she was found.
Stomer drew his lips back across his teeth in a grotesque mockery of a smile.
“She shall be named Otilla,” said the knight.
"You," said Kramer, "you're not going to leave me out here!?"
===(28 October 2017)===
As great a fighter as master Omak was a rider, Otilla had grown up and found her place among the Beast Maimers.  Every morning at dawn the Maimers would sally forth from Otla Castle and search for demons to slay.  The creatures may have stopped pouring into this world since the death of Cenaster, but enough had made their through that a special effort was required to wipe them off the face of the Earth.
===(19 November 2013)===
“Grandfather Twan?” asked Otilla as she arrived at the meeting place. “Where is Master Omak?”
Nothing save dragon's fire was hotter than Cendra's fury at the goblin
“Omak has gone to speak with the head of our order,” said Twan“He has yet to return.
invaders.  Limbs and heads bounced along the mining tunnel as the
dwarf warrioress chopped them left and right.  Ever since Darkmaster
the Evil mounted his campaign against the dwarf fortress, no one was
safeIt was to dwarves like Cendra that all owed their freedom and
probably their very lives.
“To the right!shouted Kogan.
“He has gone to see mighty Bram?” asked Otilla with excitement.  “Is the champion coming here?
Ducking just in time, Cendra twirled around and planted her axe dead
The monster of Otla Hill was the Maimers' greatest shameThey had cleared out the Forbidden Forest and slain enough demons to keep the King's Highway open from Etwersbrot to AkkadinStill, no knight was brave enough, or skilled enough in the martial arts, to take on the Otla Hill monster.   
in the goblin's chestKogan had been Cendra's blade brother as long
as she could rememberIt made it all the more tragic when he finally
fell to Darkmaster's henchmenBut let us talk of happier times...
==[[User:JakobTheGreat|Jakob Zaborowski]]==
“He has come to slay the monster,” said Otilla.  “I know it!”
===(22 July 2015)===
It had been a century since the last Dulchari wizard had been crowned. Most of the old wizards had retired to remote towers to continue their studies, having abandoned the city of Etwersbrot and the council chamber. There simply was no need for them anymore. All the dimensional rifts had been sealed and reality had been restored to a liveable state.
===(11 August 2011)===
The wizards that lived in the capital were a new breed. The only demons they had ever seen were the ones that the Dulchari summoned themselves. Thamian was one of these. He longed to cross the boundaries between worlds like the old heroes did. Once the world had been filled with monsters. Now it was impossible to prove oneself.
Inside or outside, the dwarf fortress was an ugly place. Black smoke
"I have an idea," said Thamian. "Meet me behind the tower after class."
rose from its misshapen stacks, and beneath the menacing gatehouse,
poor hill-dwarves moved under armed guard to bring their offerings to
Count Agak.
The sun was sinking behind the mountains when Thamian met his friend Nesco in the dry field. What he had planned was a contest of magic. They would each summon a demon and they would fight to see which one was more fierce. Standing across the field from one another they drew pentagrams in the dirt. Thamian began summoning a creature from the world of Brepotog, the Bowels of the Universe. Nesco called his demon from Urmoro, the Land of the Undead. Somehow neither of them grasped that this was a bad idea.
The Count had long been allergic to light.  His case of cave
adaptation was more pronounced than any ever known. His skin was pale
===(3 January 2015)===
and shot through with spidery veins. His eyes were red and bloodshot.
Even in the dark, he looked sickly, and he never touched a morsel on
the feast days.
"The Count is a vampire," said Roder.
Thamian's monster was the first to appear.  About an hour after the ritual began there was a distinct smell on the western breeze.  It smelled like Brepotog, the sewer of reality.  Nesco flinched, but remained inside his protective pentagram.  Off to the right, the shadows darkened.  An arm, perhaps more tentacle than solid limb, protruded from the groundIt struck the ground with a splat and pulled the rest of the demon up.
"Silence," said fair Nel"What if the guards hear you?"
“I've done it, Nesco,” shouted Thamian“Admit it! I've won.
"Tell me you aren't suspicious," said Roder"Have you ever seen the
Count eat or drink?  Or his guards? I don't know if I would even
recognize them underneath their plated armor.  No.  We need proof.
Then we need deliverance."
“Wait,” said Nesco. “Look there!”
===(18 January 2011)===
Out of the trees, a figure stumbledOnce it came into the sunlight, the young wizards could see it for what it was, alive undeadIt was the animated body of another young wizard.  He had probably died during the trials which had taken place earlier that week.  Its neck was clearly broken and its head lolled crazily to the side.
"Toward the light," cried Sot, master of the moth riders.  The
squadron descended in wild corkscrews, falling toward the dwarf
fortress.  But Sot had dived too soonFlaming arrows shot up from
the castle walls, confusing the giant insects.  Sot's mount took three
hits and died in mid airThe moth leader took the reins hard and
tried to pull the moth out of a death spiral.  He hit the ground hard
and rolled across the paved stone, jumping up in a combat stance.
When he saw the two dozen dwarves that approached him, he took off his
chitin helmet, pointed at the closest dwarf and spoke.
“I command you, oh demon,” shouted Thamian, “attack!”
"Let's see what you've got, half-man."
===(3 December 2015)===
===(24 April 2010)===
<pre> ||U+++WWWbbbbWb </pre>
Night, thief of all cheer. When has the sun set on a happy soul in
Bonverland? Everyone knows the terror that lurks behind every shadow,
ever since the evil knight Galrod took up residence in Highthorn
castle. Werewolves and blendecs were at his command. It was said
that only one thing could end his cursed life, the Golden Shank of
Allmine. The people wailed with misery, for the shank was said to be
in the deep dungeon of a dwarf fortress many leagues to the east. It
was a time of mass panic. That was until the hero Mandack arrived.
Nesco was late to class.  The always-nosey Smesma was there at the door to greet him.  The first thing she noticed was the overpowering smell of filth.  They had been summoning demons again!  Nesco had the stink of Brepotog on him.  Where was Thamian?  The two rascals were usually inseparable.  Smesma stood in the doorway and would not let Nesco pass without an explanation.
===(12 April 2012)===
“Where is your friend, Thamian?” asked Smesma.
“Don't worryHe still lives,” muttered Nesco, “after a fashion.
Goblin master thief Garu picked his way through the irrigation ditch
of the dwarf fortress.  The dwarves were fools to leave the floodgate
open during the dry season.  There were fewer traps down there.  It
wasn't long before he reached the mushroom fieldsThere were a few
gardeners here and there but nothing that proved much of a challenge.
The witch let Nesco in, more overcome by his stench than his flimsy excusesAs Nesco took his seat at the desk the other wizards scooted away, annoying the professor with their squeaky chairs.  The instructor for this term was Lord DomoranHe was an incompetent teacher, just serving out his time until retirementMost young wizards never learned from class anymore.  The only ones who improved used the forbidden arts like Nesco and Thamian.
Once inside, Garu shed his black cloak in exchange for the robes of a
monk of AlakHe passed silently by the dwarves, a long hood hiding
his faceSlowly, he made his way to the meeting hallThere were a
bunch of dwarf youths posing and trying to look tough.
“You summoned a demon from the bowels of the universe,” whispered Smesma. “I smell it!”
"You are impressive," said Garu.
“Not me,said Nesco. “It was that fool Thamian.  But I got him back!”
"What's it to you, holy dwarf?" said the most obnoxious of the dwarves.
“If you have something to share,” boomed Lord Domoran, “you can share it with the whole class!”
"It's just that I heard from Zuglar that you were a weakling and a
coward," said Garu.  "He said he'd wait for you in the lower warehouse
if you were dwarf enough."
“Very well,” said Nesco. “Watch this!”
"You tell that son of an elf I'll be there," shouted the dwarf.
The young punk stood up and clapped his hands.  Suddenly the room felt very cold and still.  Outside the room, the students could hear footsteps.  Whoever it was, they didn't sound all that healthy.  The mystery person dragged one leg and moaned when he took a step.  The closer he got, the more loud and painful the moaning became.  At last there was a knock at the door.
===(17 December 2007)===
“Only students are allowed in the classroom,” shouted Domoran, clearly shaken.
A rock plopped into the cave river from the platform above.  There
Durgal and the dwarf girl sat, above the murky waters.  Durgal
explained, in great detail, his plans for the future.  When the riches
of the mountain were plundered, he would diagram the plans for a
second fortress himself. How the dwarves would love him!
“But it is one of your students,” said Nesco.  “Thamian!  Come inside.”
"But in your haste for riches," asked the girl, "would you have time
for the ones you love?"
The doorknob turned ever so slowly, and the door swung open to reveal a horrible sightIt was Thamian, or more accurately, what was left of him.  His clothing was bloody and torn, and his body was beset by a dozen mortal woundsThe fact that he was walking was clearly an infernal miracle.
Durgal's face became red as a cave turnip.  He looked quickly away
from her and stared into the dark waterThere, eyes gazed up to meet
him.  Durgal reached for his axe, telling the girl to warn the others.
A pale, slimy hand reached out of the depths and pulled the creature
upwardIt was an olmman!
“Nesco,” said Domoran, “what have you done?”
===(3 September 2008)===
“Only what you are too weak and afraid to do,” shouted Nesco“I used magic!”
"Back!" cried Durgal, "back to the hall!"  The dwarf girl turned and
screamed.  Two blind cave fish men blocked the way out.  Durgal turned
and swung his axe at the olmman, now completely out of the water.  It
deftly dodged his panicked swingsThe dwarf girl screamed as the
cave fish men crawled toward her, arms outstretched, feeling their way
along the floor.
The zombie trudged forwardNesco laughedHe was truly a Dulchari wizard now.  The monster came closer and the young wizards stood and backed away, leaving Domoran to face the ghost of Thamian alone.
"By the power of the Lordaxe!" screamed Durgal, holding his axe aloft.
The dungeon rumbledThe sound of water crashed through the tunnel.
The fighters were swept awayThe olmman grabbed Durgal's axe arm as
they were washed through the watery tunnel.  The dwarf pulled a dagger
from his belt and jammed it into the monster's guts.
“Stop it!” shouted Smesma.
"Gula!" cried Durgal, bursting above the surface of the water. He
pulled the axe free of the olmman's grasp and brought the pommel down
“I,” said Nesco, suddenly flustered, “I can't!”
on its head, knocking it senseless.  "Gula!" he cried again.  With
sudden terror, Durgal recalled where this tunnel led -- the chasm.
Only a few seconds until the ultimate terrible plunge.
===(19 December 2015)===
"Durgal!" cried the dwarf girl, Gula.  With all his strength, he
stretched to reach her in the crashing water.
===(3 June 2014)===
Sword and axe clashed again and again as the combatants fought and
bled.  You and I remember Tasan fortress in the days before the elves
emerged from the hated forest.  At one time Fortress Tasan was second
only to the mountain homes in wealth and power.  Now it was the front
line in a war to end the age.
Thamian's corpse caught hold of Domoran and plunged its fangs into his neck.  The young wizards cut and ran, leaving Nesco and Smesma to face the threat alone.  Blood poured from Domoran's wound.  There wasn't much hope for him now and Nesco knew itStill, Smesma wouldn't let Nesco flee.
"Aim low, marks-dwarves," said Kraton"Make every shot count."
“You did this,” shouted Smesma“Now undo it!”
It was the height of the Plump Helmet festival when Kraton first
learned of the elven invasionAn arrow struck his sweetheart dead in
the chest.  The ambush was over in seconds.  The castle guard were
able to chase down the archers before they escaped into the woods.
“But if Domoran lives,” explained Nesco, “we will be expelled from school.
As captain of the guard, Kraton was in charge of interrogation.  There
was no need in his mind.  Elves were not rational.  Their reasons for
acting made no sense.  He ordered that they be hammered immediately
and prepared the fortress for the assault to come.
“What?” asked Smesma, having heard the most ignorant excuse spoken in years.
==Insanity Prelude==
===(1. I forgot, sometime in 2009)===
Kittens roamed through the halls, as dwarf tanner Kramer worked the
cat skins.  It seemed his work would never end.  The uncounted vermin
in the fortress made the cat bellies full, and they bred out of
control.  Baron Zarkin issued a final order:  "Suffer no cat to live."
Death squads searched the corridors for felines, and brought the
bodies to Kramer.  It was a tough job; Kramer admired cats for their
aloofness.  Someone tapped him on the shoulder.  It was cat-lord
The zombie dropped the professor's body on the floor and advanced on the delinquent wizard.  Nesco grabbed Smesma by the arm and ran out of class.  Outside the classroom, the disaster containment squad had assembled.  The wizards in the tac-squad wore robes lined with adamantine and wielded special flame throwing wands.
"Who are you?" asked Kramer.
“They are in there,” shouted Nesco“Two of them!”
"Who I am is not important," said the beast-woman"Don't you feel
that what you are doing is wrong?"
“Villain!” cried Smesma.  “Domoran may yet live!”
"Yes," said the dwarf, "but…"
Nesco pushed Smesma to the side as the wizards stormed the classroom, blasting away indiscriminately with their flame throwers.  The evil Nesco chuckled into his cloak.  No one was paying attention but Smesma. She knew now that something must be done to stop him.
===(2. December 10, 2009)===
===(20 January 2016)===
"Stomer," said Tainaria, snapping her clawed fingers, "take him."
An enormous walking cat emerged from the shadows.  It was striped and
grey with a round golden belly.  In its paws it held a large brown
sack.  The cat people pounced on Kramer, tackling him to the ground.
They kicked and stomped him until he was knocked senseless. Tainaria
looked on as Stomer poured the dwarf into the sack.
Alone in her alcove, Smesma said a prayer to the gods and began her meditation. There was a buzzing sound deep in her throat.  She concentrated on the sacred syllables of the forbidden language.  The time had come to use her power.  She shouted the word and punched a hole through the brick wall of her roomSuch was the power of Axolar.
Kramer awoke, suffocating in the damp confines of the sack that was
his prison.  The sack bounced up and down as the cat ranAt last
Kramer was thrown down onto the mud.  He peered out of the bag into
the nauseating sunlight.  He felt a sharp kick to his ribs.
“Where is Nesco?” asked Smesma.
"Come out, killer!" shouted Tainaria.
“He has been hanging around Thamian's grave,” said one of the students“It's horrible that all of this happened.
The dwarf crawled out onto the mossy groundHe looked around as the
tall trees and thick green ferns.
“He has to be stopped before anyone else gets hurt,said Smesma.
"This is the elf forest," said Kramer.
She meant to kill Nesco before he could raise any more zombies.  Domoron had been a hero to Smesma, and she blamed Nesco alone for his death.  Outside the city gate, hidden behind a screen of trees, Nesco waited for Smesma in the cemetery.  He was alone dressed in the gray robes of mourning.
Stomer drew his lips back across his teeth in a grotesque mockery of a smile.
“You had better call to Urmoro for help,” shouted Smesma, “for I will have no mercy.”
"You," said Kramer, "you're not going to leave me out here!?"
Nesco just stood there, knowing that Smesma would probably just kill herself with a magic spell.  He had gained some perspective since the trouble started.  He could hear the sound welling up from Smesma's throat as she charged up for the killer blow.  She ran at Nesco, releasing the spell with a shout.  There was an explosion of gore and a terrible gargling sound.  No one knew what happened until the undertaker came across the bodies the next day.
===(19 November 2013)===
===(12 October 2006)===
Nothing save dragon's fire was hotter than Cendra's fury at the goblin
invaders.  Limbs and heads bounced along the mining tunnel as the
dwarf warrioress chopped them left and right.  Ever since Darkmaster
Beak dogs and goblins surround the adventurer! What will happen next?!
the Evil mounted his campaign against the dwarf fortress, no one was
safe. It was to dwarves like Cendra that all owed their freedom and
probably their very lives.
===(13 February 2007)===
“To the right!” shouted Kogan.
One of the five beak dogs pounced.  Rogar leapt, planting a foot on the beast's head and propelling himself toward the tattoed goblin.  Just as they collided, Rogar planted his dagger through the goblin's left eye.  They hit the ground hard, and Rogar rolled forward to his feet, spinning to face the remaining eight opponents.  The beak dog he had jumped on was still shaking its head, wincing.  Behind them stood a wiry goblin with a wild mane of maroon hair, brandishing a scimitar, and a lardy goblin holding an iron-studded club.
The beak dogs charged Rogar in unison.  His dagger was stuck back in the twitching goblin's face, but weaponless he stood his ground before themThe first dog to reach him received Rogar's knee under its chin, the long cruel spike at the top of the warrior's half-greave piercing the creature's throatTwo more beak dogs reached him as he twisted his leg in the air, trying to free it from his bleeding adversaryThe beasts slammed into him, one getting a hold of his right arm above the elbow, the other gnashing at his face. Before it could tear his nose off, Rogar grabbed it by the neck with his left hand and held it back. The other dog sank its beak deeper into the flesh of Rogar's arm. Could this be the end?!
Ducking just in time, Cendra twirled around and planted her axe dead
in the goblin's chestKogan had been Cendra's blade brother as long
as she could rememberIt made it all the more tragic when he finally
fell to Darkmaster's henchmenBut let us talk of happier times...
===(5 May 2007)===
==[[User:JakobTheGreat|Jakob Zaborowski]]==
===(22 July 2015)===
Rogar awoke in pain, his wrists in chains, his wounded arm throbbing. He opened his eyes only to be greeted by an all-encompassing darkness.  This must be Shalthidon's dungeon, which meant that he was locked inside the Tower of Hate from which no man had ever returned.
It had been a century since the last Dulchari wizard had been crowned. Most of the old wizards had retired to remote towers to continue their studies, having abandoned the city of Etwersbrot and the council chamber. There simply was no need for them anymore. All the dimensional rifts had been sealed and reality had been restored to a liveable state.
A dim light flickered some distance away, and he could see the silhouetted bars of his prison. Beyond them, shadows danced, and he heard a grating sound. The bars slid aside, and the lardy goblin waddled into the chamber holding a torch.
The wizards that lived in the capital were a new breed. The only demons they had ever seen were the ones that the Dulchari summoned themselves. Thamian was one of these. He longed to cross the boundaries between worlds like the old heroes did. Once the world had been filled with monsters. Now it was impossible to prove oneself.
"I have an idea," said Thamian. "Meet me behind the tower after class."
The foul creature stood below Rogar where he hung, an idiot grin perking up the otherwise sagging jowls of its bloated face.
The sun was sinking behind the mountains when Thamian met his friend Nesco in the dry field. What he had planned was a contest of magic. They would each summon a demon and they would fight to see which one was more fierce. Standing across the field from one another they drew pentagrams in the dirt. Thamian began summoning a creature from the world of Brepotog, the Bowels of the Universe. Nesco called his demon from Urmoro, the Land of the Undead. Somehow neither of them grasped that this was a bad idea.
"The master says you are to be entertained," it croaked as it continued to smile.
===(3 January 2015)===
"I do not desire such pleasures as Shalthidon has to offer," Rogar answered.  "Be off with you. The larder has grown lonely."
"The master says you are to feel the fire," the thing chortledThe goblin lifted the torch and took a step toward Rogar.
Thamian's monster was the first to appear.  About an hour after the ritual began there was a distinct smell on the western breeze.  It smelled like Brepotog, the sewer of realityNesco flinched, but remained inside his protective pentagram.  Off to the right, the shadows darkened.  An arm, perhaps more tentacle than solid limb, protruded from the ground.  It struck the ground with a splat and pulled the rest of the demon up.
It was enough.  Rogar lashed out with his legs, hooking them around the goblin's neck.  In a feat of strength that would become legend, Rogar strained against the chains on his arms, lifting the massive goblin and all its corpulence from the floorThere was a sickening crack, and the fixtures in the ceiling gave way. Rogar fell into the goblin's lardy folds, pushing away desperately until he regained his feet, ready to fight, but the goblin was already dead with a broken neck.
“I've done it, Nesco,” shouted Thamian“Admit it! I've won.
Fortunately, the torch had not been smotheredThe warrior picked it up and held it high.  There was nothing else in the cell.  Aside from the chains, the torch was his only possession.  Now it's the master who'll be entertained, Rogar thought, as he strode out into the passageway.
“Wait,” said Nesco“Look there!”
===(7 August 2007)===
Out of the trees, a figure stumbled.  Once it came into the sunlight, the young wizards could see it for what it was, alive undead.  It was the animated body of another young wizard.  He had probably died during the trials which had taken place earlier that week.  Its neck was clearly broken and its head lolled crazily to the side.
Rogar strode toward the great iron doors, leaving a trail of blood that was not his own.  In his hand he held a scimitar and from each of his wrists the chains still hung.  All of the servants of Shalthidon that lurked within the Tower of Hate were now dead, save whatever was in this room at the pinnacle of the tower.  The sword he had seized from the maroon-maned goblin, who had led the goblins in the tower barracks.
“I command you, oh demon,” shouted Thamian, “attack!”
The warrior pushed hard on the iron doors and they opened inward with a groan.  There, surrounded by brightly colored flowers, was an elf.  The sun shone down on the tower top through windows in the elegant curved ceiling.  The entire room sparkled.
===(3 December 2015)===
"Are you a prisoner here?  Where is Shalthidon?" Rogar asked urgently.
The elf chuckled pleasantly"Child, Rogar, I am ShalthidonMy parents named me Lilarilqua, but my attempts to hold the goblins under my sway with that name met with disasterAre you cold? Let me fetch you something warm." Shalthidon fished around under a dresser and pulled out a plush cloak with lacy frills. "The material was all offered freely from the feather trees, RogarYou don't have to worry about the animals."
Nesco was late to classThe always-nosey Smesma was there at the door to greet himThe first thing she noticed was the overpowering smell of filthThey had been summoning demons again! Nesco had the stink of Brepotog on himWhere was Thamian? The two rascals were usually inseparableSmesma stood in the doorway and would not let Nesco pass without an explanation.
Rogar was still stunned. Shalthidon, the Bringer of Ruin, murderer of his parents, lord of the evil of the creeping wastes that had engulfed half the world, was an elfDispelling the cloud over his mind, the warrior focused.  That will only make killing him all the more satisfying, he thought.  Rogar lifted his blade and advanced.
“Where is your friend, Thamian?” asked Smesma.
“Don't worryHe still lives,” muttered Nesco, “after a fashion.
The witch let Nesco in, more overcome by his stench than his flimsy excuses.  As Nesco took his seat at the desk the other wizards scooted away, annoying the professor with their squeaky chairs.  The instructor for this term was Lord Domoran. He was an incompetent teacher, just serving out his time until retirement.  Most young wizards never learned from class anymore.  The only ones who improved used the forbidden arts like Nesco and Thamian.
===(27th December, 2010)===
There was a beast called the Strangler that lived deep in the forest.
“You summoned a demon from the bowels of the universe,” whispered Smesma“I smell it!”
No one knew what forces woke it, but one night it scaled the walls of
the dwarf fortress with its four long arms and caught the dwarf king
as he was star gazing on the royal balconyWithout a moment's
hesitation, the monster pitched the king over the side to meet a
violent death at the base of the mountain.
At dawn's light the dwarves set out in search of the creature.
“Not me,” said Nesco“It was that fool ThamianBut I got him back!”
Captain Aliz, who had been trusted with the safeguarding of the king's
life, now sought vengeanceHe lead his posse of a dozen dwarves,
with twenty gray langurs leading the wayAs they entered the forest
Aliz pounded his chest and prayed the Forge Father for victory.
===(4th February, 2011)===
“If you have something to share,” boomed Lord Domoran, “you can share it with the whole class!”
“Very well,” said Nesco. “Watch this!”
At the base of an ancient tree, a langur called outAs the dwarves
The young punk stood up and clapped his hands.  Suddenly the room felt very cold and stillOutside the room, the students could hear footsteps.  Whoever it was, they didn't sound all that healthy.  The mystery person dragged one leg and moaned when he took a stepThe closer he got, the more loud and painful the moaning becameAt last there was a knock at the door.
came rushing, swords drawn, more gray langurs scaled the tree.  The
strangler stirred from its denIts four muscular arms flexed as it
“Only students are allowed in the classroom,” shouted Domoran, clearly shaken.
crawled from the knot in the treeIt blinked its three black eyes
and gave out a loud hoot through its shark-like teeth.
The monkeys pounced one after another and the strangler knocked them
“But it is one of your students,” said Nesco“Thamian! Come inside.
away.  They kept coming and even the four hands of the monster were
not enough to swat them allThe langurs grabbed onto the monster's
legs. Others mounted the strangler's head and poked its eyes as the
dwarves cheered below.
Branches cracked and snapped as the strangler fellWith a mighty
The doorknob turned ever so slowly, and the door swung open to reveal a horrible sightIt was Thamian, or more accurately, what was left of himHis clothing was bloody and torn, and his body was beset by a dozen mortal woundsThe fact that he was walking was clearly an infernal miracle.
crunch, the monster slammed into the forest floorAs the dwarves
closed in, the strangler coughed up blood, clearly dyingAliz
prodded his sword under the creature's chin.
"Who sent you?" demanded the dwarf.
“Nesco,” said Domoran, “what have you done?
"You know very well who," said the monster as it died.
“Only what you are too weak and afraid to do,” shouted Nesco. “I used magic!”
===(23rd May, 2011)===
The zombie trudged forward.  Nesco laughed.  He was truly a Dulchari wizard now.  The monster came closer and the young wizards stood and backed away, leaving Domoran to face the ghost of Thamian alone.
“Stop it!” shouted Smesma.
It could only be Malfacto, the evil necromancer.  Once Malfacto was a
“I,” said Nesco, suddenly flustered, “I can't!”
greedy dwarf with his eyes on the throne.  Universally loathed, the
wretched dwarf wandered the wilds, finding that not even the animals
would tolerate him.  He wasted his days away, scavenging meat like a
jackal and playing with bare bones.
It was at the depths of his insanity that a vision came to him.  It
===(19 December 2015)===
was an angel clothed in darkness, a spirit of some foreign religion.
It beckoned to him and he came, through the jungle and to a lost
temple.  As he neared the temple's entrance he had to do his best to
avoid stepping on the human bones that littered the ground.
The entire time he was in the temple, Malfacto couldn't shake the
feeling that the ever-present skulls turned to watch him.  The shade
lead him to the altar at the center of the ossuary.  On top was a
table marked with dashes and dots, some alien language.  The angel
moved its hand over the markings and they became words in the dwarven
Such were the beginnings of Malfacto, and Aliz knew he had to stop
Thamian's corpse caught hold of Domoran and plunged its fangs into his neck.  The young wizards cut and ran, leaving Nesco and Smesma to face the threat aloneBlood poured from Domoran's woundThere wasn't much hope for him now and Nesco knew itStill, Smesma wouldn't let Nesco flee.
himNo dark wizard would sit on the throneHe ordered the monkeys
made readyThere would be more than jungle monsters to hunt tonight.
===(24th April, 2012)===
“You did this,” shouted Smesma.  “Now undo it!”
“But if Domoran lives,” explained Nesco, “we will be expelled from school.”
The forest was creepy, dark and deep, but Aliz had far to go before he
“What?” asked Smesma, having heard the most ignorant excuse spoken in years.
reached Malfacto's templeThe monkeys fanned out, beating the bushes
and trees and howling as Aliz loaded a bolt into his crossbowHow
The zombie dropped the professor's body on the floor and advanced on the delinquent wizardNesco grabbed Smesma by the arm and ran out of classOutside the classroom, the disaster containment squad had assembledThe wizards in the tac-squad wore robes lined with adamantine and wielded special flame throwing wands.
low could a dwarf sink?, he thoughtMalfacto the dark wizard.
Malfacto the cannibal cultist.  It would all end tonight.
Something rushed through the bushes, excited by the grey langurs.
“They are in there,” shouted Nesco“Two of them!”
Aliz aimed his weaponIt was a rhesus macaque, the eyes of the
enemy.  The animal just barely dodged the bolt shooting past its left
ear.  Aliz hooted to his monkeys and they gave chase.
When the dwarf monkey master reached the macaque, it wasn't in good
“Villain!” cried Smesma“Domoran may yet live!”
shapeAliz came to it and grabbed it by the chin.  He raised its
head to him and stared into its remaining eye.
"Malfacto," said Aliz, "I know you are in thereKnow you will pay
Nesco pushed Smesma to the side as the wizards stormed the classroom, blasting away indiscriminately with their flame throwers.  The evil Nesco chuckled into his cloak.  No one was paying attention but SmesmaShe knew now that something must be done to stop him.
for the life you took, your rightful king."
===(20 January 2016)===
"Master?" asked the australopithecus. "Did you have the dream again?"
"The hero is near," said Malfacto, rising from his sarcophagus.
Alone in her alcove, Smesma said a prayer to the gods and began her meditation. There was a buzzing sound deep in her throat.  She concentrated on the sacred syllables of the forbidden language.  The time had come to use her power.  She shouted the word and punched a hole through the brick wall of her room. Such was the power of Axolar.
"Ready the apes."
The creature ran from the room panting as the evil wizard brushed the
“Where is Nesco?” asked Smesma.
dust from his robes.  Once the champion was dead, nothing would stand
between him and the crown.  Slowly, he made his way to the top of the
pyramid.  Venomous plants snaked their way all over the stone slabs.
Once at the top, he surveyed his army.  Hundreds of simians of all
types and descriptions jumped and howled before the temple.  A homo
habilis arrived with Malfacto's staff.  Taking it, he spoke.
"Soon they will know to fear our power!" shouted Malfacto.
“He has been hanging around Thamian's grave,” said one of the students. “It's horrible that all of this happened.”
A siamang began to hoot and soon all the apes were howling and beating
“He has to be stopped before anyone else gets hurt,” said Smesma.
their chests.  The jungle was alive with hatred.  Aliz could hear them
from almost a league away.  It was clear now that the wizard must be
stopped.  Aliz could very well be the only dwarf standing between the
fortress and oblivion.
She meant to kill Nesco before he could raise any more zombies.  Domoron had been a hero to Smesma, and she blamed Nesco alone for his death.  Outside the city gate, hidden behind a screen of trees, Nesco waited for Smesma in the cemetery.  He was alone dressed in the gray robes of mourning.
===(13 June 2011)===
“You had better call to Urmoro for help,” shouted Smesma, “for I will have no mercy.
Waves of arrows rained down on Aliz's machineIt was not a machine, in truth, but a suit of armor, powered by its user to great strength. Aliz himself wore the machine now, wading into the goblin ambush to check the kinks in the system.  Once he returned the king would reward him handsomely and he could continue his research well-funded.
Nesco just stood there, knowing that Smesma would probably just kill herself with a magic spell.  He had gained some perspective since the trouble started.  He could hear the sound welling up from Smesma's throat as she charged up for the killer blowShe ran at Nesco, releasing the spell with a shout.  There was an explosion of gore and a terrible gargling sound. No one knew what happened until the undertaker came across the bodies the next day.
The goblins came out from behind the rocks to inspect the curiosity. The thing was the shape of a dwarf, but made of metal.  It held an axe but was far from threatening because it moved so slowly.  The lead goblin snatched the axe out of the dwarf's hand.  As the other goblins laughed, the chief kicked the contraption on its side.  Aliz wondered how he might escape alive.
===(12 October 2006)===
===(25 December 2011)===
Beak dogs and goblins surround the adventurer!  What will happen next?!
===(13 February 2007)===
One of the five beak dogs pounced.  Rogar leapt, planting a foot on the beast's head and propelling himself toward the tattoed goblin.  Just as they collided, Rogar planted his dagger through the goblin's left eye.  They hit the ground hard, and Rogar rolled forward to his feet, spinning to face the remaining eight opponents.  The beak dog he had jumped on was still shaking its head, wincing.  Behind them stood a wiry goblin with a wild mane of maroon hair, brandishing a scimitar, and a lardy goblin holding an iron-studded club.
Far below the pond grabbers in the underground seas in the depths long
The beak dogs charged Rogar in unison.  His dagger was stuck back in the twitching goblin's face, but weaponless he stood his ground before themThe first dog to reach him received Rogar's knee under its chin, the long cruel spike at the top of the warrior's half-greave piercing the creature's throatTwo more beak dogs reached him as he twisted his leg in the air, trying to free it from his bleeding adversary.  The beasts slammed into him, one getting a hold of his right arm above the elbow, the other gnashing at his faceBefore it could tear his nose off, Rogar grabbed it by the neck with his left hand and held it back. The other dog sank its beak deeper into the flesh of Rogar's armCould this be the end?!
forgotten, a beast awokeScratching, itching, bitingIt was the
little ones again.  The beast put a claw over its aching headDidn't
they remember the last time they pulled this? The beast was still
trying to get the taste out of its mouthWith a turn of its tail,
the monster rose from the murky water.
"Are you going to the mead hall after work?" asked Aliz.
===(5 May 2007)===
"Nah," said Mokez, chipping off another piece of microcline, "I don't
Rogar awoke in pain, his wrists in chains, his wounded arm throbbing.  He opened his eyes only to be greeted by an all-encompassing darkness.  This must be Shalthidon's dungeon, which meant that he was locked inside the Tower of Hate from which no man had ever returned.
think those guys understand me anymore."
Suddenly, a crack formed in the end of the tunnelMokez started.  It
A dim light flickered some distance away, and he could see the silhouetted bars of his prisonBeyond them, shadows danced, and he heard a grating soundThe bars slid aside, and the lardy goblin waddled into the chamber holding a torch.
was unlike him to miss cues like this.  Call it ‘female trouble,' he
thoughtAliz scuttled up to see.  A hole was forming before them.
Quickly the dwarves rushed back up the mineshaft.
"You saw it," said Aliz.
The foul creature stood below Rogar where he hung, an idiot grin perking up the otherwise sagging jowls of its bloated face.
"Re-wall," replied Mokez. "Dwarves have been here before."
"The master says you are to be entertained," it croaked as it continued to smile.
"But it must have been an age ago," started Aliz.  "You saw the rock…"
"I do not desire such pleasures as Shalthidon has to offer," Rogar answered.  "Be off with you.  The larder has grown lonely."
Crash!  A huge claw shot up through the shaft and landed in between
"The master says you are to feel the fire," the thing chortled.  The goblin lifted the torch and took a step toward Rogar.
the miners.  Aliz ran to call the guard, while Mokez stayed behind
throwing rocks.  The monster was a giant black newt with external ribs
and massive claws.  Mokez stared into the creature's third eye and
dropped his stone.  There was a connection.
It was enough. Rogar lashed out with his legs, hooking them around the goblin's neck. In a feat of strength that would become legend, Rogar strained against the chains on his arms, lifting the massive goblin and all its corpulence from the floor. There was a sickening crack, and the fixtures in the ceiling gave way. Rogar fell into the goblin's lardy folds, pushing away desperately until he regained his feet, ready to fight, but the goblin was already dead with a broken neck.
===(29 December 2008)===
So unsteady was the rule of the land that no one walked the halls of
Fortunately, the torch had not been smotheredThe warrior picked it up and held it high. There was nothing else in the cellAside from the chains, the torch was his only possessionNow it's the master who'll be entertained, Rogar thought, as he strode out into the passageway.
Castle Sanazar aloneIt had become fashion for the lords to stab
each other in the back, or perhaps poison each other's beer steins.
Not even a squire was safe.  Rumors of war spread as did the news of
Sanazar's weaknessThe king called an audience of all the knights of
the realmA quest was called for -- something to prove the kingdom's
The tables of the great hall filled with mighty knights as squires
===(7 August 2007)===
rushed back and forth filling cups.  The king looked on silently
through sunken eyes, having recently lost his ability to speak.  He
motioned his consort to stand forth to deliver his proclamation.  She
was a handsome woman, recently bound to the king, from a kingdom far
to the north.
"The flower that is Sanazar," she said, "is wilting and sick.  While
Rogar strode toward the great iron doors, leaving a trail of blood that was not his ownIn his hand he held a scimitar and from each of his wrists the chains still hungAll of the servants of Shalthidon that lurked within the Tower of Hate were now dead, save whatever was in this room at the pinnacle of the towerThe sword he had seized from the maroon-maned goblin, who had led the goblins in the tower barracks.
we fight amongst ourselves, hungry jackals vie for their part of the
carcassWhat we need is a hero, and what better to prove a hero than
a mighty quest!  Far to the east lays Forgotten Quilts, an ancient
dwarf fortress abandoned long agoIt is said that within can be
found Gilded Lunch, the golden artifact bootReturn with the boot,
and return a hero!  Who will take the challenge?"
"I shall!" boomed a voice from the end of the hall.
The warrior pushed hard on the iron doors and they opened inward with a groan.  There, surrounded by brightly colored flowers, was an elf.  The sun shone down on the tower top through windows in the elegant curved ceiling.  The entire room sparkled.
Through the door came Bram, mighty barbarian warrior, a squire
"Are you a prisoner hereWhere is Shalthidon?" Rogar asked urgently.
following behind, eyes downcast.  The hall erupted into Chaos.  How
could this outsider be given the questThe king's consort looked on
the barbarian, heart racing.  "What makes you think you are up to the
task?" she said.
"May I know thy name Madame?" asked the barbarian.
The elf chuckled pleasantly.  "Child, Rogar, I am Shalthidon.  My parents named me Lilarilqua, but my attempts to hold the goblins under my sway with that name met with disaster.  Are you cold? Let me fetch you something warm."  Shalthidon fished around under a dresser and pulled out a plush cloak with lacy frills.  "The material was all offered freely from the feather trees, Rogar. You don't have to worry about the animals."
"Scandala," said the consort, brushing a blond hair from her face.
Rogar was still stunned.  Shalthidon, the Bringer of Ruin, murderer of his parents, lord of the evil of the creeping wastes that had engulfed half the world, was an elf.  Dispelling the cloud over his mind, the warrior focused.  That will only make killing him all the more satisfying, he thought.  Rogar lifted his blade and advanced.
"Lady Scandala," said Bram, "I have slain dragon, cyclops, and ogre.
There is nothing under the sky that I fear."
===(27th December, 2010)===
That same day, Bram found himself on a horse on the road to Forgotten
There was a beast called the Strangler that lived deep in the forest.
Quilts, his squire Dolphin on a mule trailing behind.  The lords of
No one knew what forces woke it, but one night it scaled the walls of
the realm had not taken it well.  Without the Mandate of the King,
the dwarf fortress with its four long arms and caught the dwarf king
returning with the boot would be uselessBram must die.  No knight
as he was star gazing on the royal balconyWithout a moment's
knew this better than Crusier, cruel black night of Petoun.  That very
hesitation, the monster pitched the king over the side to meet a
night he left the castle with his squire, taking the fast roads to
violent death at the base of the mountain.
arrive on the trail before the hero.
"Help!" cried the boy, "Oh help!"
At dawn's light the dwarves set out in search of the creature.
Captain Aliz, who had been trusted with the safeguarding of the king's
life, now sought vengeance.  He lead his posse of a dozen dwarves,
with twenty gray langurs leading the way.  As they entered the forest
Aliz pounded his chest and prayed the Forge Father for victory.
"Don't trust it Bram," said Dolphin.  "I recognize that boy, a squire
===(4th February, 2011)===
from the hall."
"A countryman in distress is just that," said the hero dismounting his
horse and drawing his sword.
As he approached, he found the boy laughing"Let's see how fast you
At the base of an ancient tree, a langur called out.  As the dwarves
can complete your quest without horses!" yelled the boy.
came rushing, swords drawn, more gray langurs scaled the tree.  The
strangler stirred from its denIts four muscular arms flexed as it
crawled from the knot in the tree.  It blinked its three black eyes
and gave out a loud hoot through its shark-like teeth.
Bram spun around to see Crusier leap upon Dolphin and, a knife to the
The monkeys pounced one after another and the strangler knocked them
boy's throat, ride away on Bram's horseThe evil squire laughed
away.  They kept coming and even the four hands of the monster were
until Bram turned and brought his sword across the boy's face, leaving
not enough to swat them allThe langurs grabbed onto the monster's
a deep gash in his cheek"I have marked you," said the barbarian,
legsOthers mounted the strangler's head and poked its eyes as the
"for you are mine now.  Lead me to your master's denKnow that if he
dwarves cheered below.
harms a hair on Dolphin's head, there won't be enough of you left to
fill your god forsaken tomb!"
Branches cracked and snapped as the strangler fell.  With a mighty
===(2 March 2012)===
crunch, the monster slammed into the forest floor.  As the dwarves
(I donated in honor of my friend Zach J's birthday, since he is too afraid to play DF)
closed in, the strangler coughed up blood, clearly dying. Aliz
prodded his sword under the creature's chin.
The dwarf fortress at Mount Hope was once the pride of the empire.
"Who sent you?" demanded the dwarf.
Pilgrims came from every corner of Allsphere to glory in its great
halls and carved pillars.  But years pass, and all that shines goes
dim.  The empire was overthrown and monsters roamed freely through the
land.  Some sought shelter at Mt. Hope and were always turned away.
It was this discourtesy that would spell the doom of the fortress.
"Will you let us in?" shouted the monk.
"You know very well who," said the monster as it died.
"No, sir!" laughed the dwarf from the high wall.  "Find somewhere else to die."
===(23rd May, 2011)===
"Why not just take the little ones?" pleaded the monk.  "Even if they
were vampires, they couldn't do much harm."
"Take your lying, no good carcass of my property," said the dwarf, "or
It could only be Malfacto, the evil necromancer.  Once Malfacto was a
I will shoot you down."
greedy dwarf with his eyes on the throne.  Universally loathed, the
wretched dwarf wandered the wilds, finding that not even the animals
would tolerate him.  He wasted his days away, scavenging meat like a
jackal and playing with bare bones.
The monk was still for a moment.
It was at the depths of his insanity that a vision came to him.  It
was an angel clothed in darkness, a spirit of some foreign religion.
It beckoned to him and he came, through the jungle and to a lost
temple.  As he neared the temple's entrance he had to do his best to
avoid stepping on the human bones that littered the ground.
"You will find," said the holy man, "that your walls don't protect you
The entire time he was in the temple, Malfacto couldn't shake the
from the evils of this worldThey were built to hold a greater evil
feeling that the ever-present skulls turned to watch him.  The shade
insideIn time you beg to be let out."
lead him to the altar at the center of the ossuaryOn top was a
table marked with dashes and dots, some alien languageThe angel
moved its hand over the markings and they became words in the dwarven
The dwarves pelted the refugees with rocks until they fledThey did
Such were the beginnings of Malfacto, and Aliz knew he had to stop
not give a single thought to the monk's warning, but they would all
himNo dark wizard would sit on the throneHe ordered the monkeys
remember it when the time cameIt was only a matter of days before
made readyThere would be more than jungle monsters to hunt tonight.
the killings startedA dwarf would go missing for a week, then a
body would turn up drained of blood, and that was only the beginning.
==[[User:John Tait|John Tait]]==
===(24th April, 2012)===
===(4 November 2007)===
The young adventurer stepped up to the statue, torch in hand.  After a quick inspection he grasped the stone minotaur's hornHe gave it a sharp yank and just as Albert foretold, the rock hand opened dropping the Sword of Fire into the adventurer's waiting handsThe stones in the ceiling above began to rumble, as if the temple itself was being rocked from its foundationsThrowing his cloak over his head, the young man made his way to the entrance, dodging the falling stones.
The forest was creepy, dark and deep, but Aliz had far to go before he
reached Malfacto's templeThe monkeys fanned out, beating the bushes
and trees and howling as Aliz loaded a bolt into his crossbowHow
low could a dwarf sink?, he thoughtMalfacto the dark wizard.
Malfacto the cannibal cultist.  It would all end tonight.
Something rushed through the bushes, excited by the grey langurs.
Aliz aimed his weapon.  It was a rhesus macaque, the eyes of the
enemy.  The animal just barely dodged the bolt shooting past its left
ear.  Aliz hooted to his monkeys and they gave chase.
==[[User:JoystickHero|Joystick Hero]]==
When the dwarf monkey master reached the macaque, it wasn't in good
===(14 September 2010)===
shape. Aliz came to it and grabbed it by the chin. He raised its
<pre>%W%%W%    ,.,."","@@@@".,@</pre>
head to him and stared into its remaining eye.
Fires burned on the high mountain.  The wind carried the cries of the
"Malfacto," said Aliz, "I know you are in thereKnow you will pay
dwarves as all they ever cared about was destroyed.  But one dwarf had
for the life you took, your rightful king."
not given in to despair.  It was Malvedar, slayer of dragons and
veteran of a thousand famous battles.  He watched the dwarf fortress
burn from his hiding place in the wooded slopeThere would come a
time when the enemy was not so lucky, when his schemes failed.  That
would be when they remember what they did to the dwarves this day and
would expect no mercy.
"Lord Malvedar," said a dwarf soldier, "I think the werewolves have
caught our scent."
The dwarf warlord nodded.  Together, the ragged band of dwarven
"Master?" asked the australopithecus"Did you have the dream again?"
survivors made their way down the slopeThe road back to the
mountain homes was long and full of danger, but there was nowhere else
left to go.  While others cried, Malvedar resisted the urge to throw
himself on the enemy.  He would kill many, but not enough before he
was brought low.  No.  It would be a hard time, and a long time, but
he would have his satisfaction.
"The hero is near," said Malfacto, rising from his sarcophagus.
===(3 March 2012)===
"Ready the apes."
The creature ran from the room panting as the evil wizard brushed the
dust from his robes.  Once the champion was dead, nothing would stand
between him and the crown.  Slowly, he made his way to the top of the
pyramid.  Venomous plants snaked their way all over the stone slabs.
Once at the top, he surveyed his army.  Hundreds of simians of all
types and descriptions jumped and howled before the temple.  A homo
habilis arrived with Malfacto's staff.  Taking it, he spoke.
At the top of the great stone temple, the high priest vampire held a
"Soon they will know to fear our power!" shouted Malfacto.
bone dagger over the victim under the light of the full moon.  The
evil spirit rose over the altar, changing the moonlight to a blood red
hue.  Another heartbeat and the victim's eyes snapped open.  A scream
tore the night as the final blow fell.
"If it is spring, Grandfather," said the kid, "why are the days getting colder?"
A siamang began to hoot and soon all the apes were howling and beating
their chests.  The jungle was alive with hatred.  Aliz could hear them
from almost a league away.  It was clear now that the wizard must be
stopped.  Aliz could very well be the only dwarf standing between the
fortress and oblivion.
Old man Udma patted the boy on the shoulder.  This could only mean one
thing.  Gonra had returned.  Upon reaching to his hut, Udma found his
===(13 June 2011)===
hiding place and retrieved the sword Sangrak, the vampire slayer.  But
he could no longer wield it.  If the world was to be saved, a true
hero must be found.
===(14 May 2012)===
Waves of arrows rained down on Aliz's machine.  It was not a machine, in truth, but a suit of armor, powered by its user to great strength. Aliz himself wore the machine now, wading into the goblin ambush to check the kinks in the system.  Once he returned the king would reward him handsomely and he could continue his research well-funded.
“I’ll have another,” said Atho.
The goblins came out from behind the rocks to inspect the curiosity. The thing was the shape of a dwarf, but made of metal.  It held an axe but was far from threatening because it moved so slowly.  The lead goblin snatched the axe out of the dwarf's hand.  As the other goblins laughed, the chief kicked the contraption on its side.  Aliz wondered how he might escape alive.
“You drink like a dwarf,” said the old man.
===(25 December 2011)===
“What of it?” grunted Atho.
Far below the pond grabbers in the underground seas in the depths long
forgotten, a beast awoke.  Scratching, itching, biting.  It was the
In the dim light of the tavern, Atho could barely see the stranger.
little ones again.  The beast put a claw over its aching headDidn't
He had been wasting his life away in dives like this for the last year
they remember the last time they pulled this?  The beast was still
or more.  It seemed that years of peace meant slim business
trying to get the taste out of its mouthWith a turn of its tail,
opportunities for a mercenary such as heAs he threw back his last
the monster rose from the murky water.
gulp he slammed the goblet back onto the tableThe color of the wine
reminded him of blood.
"Are you going to the mead hall after work?" asked Aliz.
“You look ill,said the stranger.  “You should take better care of yourself.
"Nah," said Mokez, chipping off another piece of microcline, "I don't
think those guys understand me anymore."
“Who are you?” shouted Atho.
Suddenly, a crack formed in the end of the tunnel.  Mokez started.  It
was unlike him to miss cues like this.  Call it ‘female trouble,' he
thought.  Aliz scuttled up to see.  A hole was forming before them.
Quickly the dwarves rushed back up the mineshaft.
“Forgive me,said the old man. “I am Udma, a master of secrets.  It
"You saw it," said Aliz.
is no secret you are in need of work.  Your skill is known to many.  I
would have you for myself before my neighbors seek you out.”
Atho had met his share of strange employers, but this was the weirdest
"Re-wall," replied Mokez"Dwarves have been here before."
by farHe was to meet Udma in the forest at midnight.  There, at the
shrine of Domon, he would receive his instructions.  The woodland
creatures grew quiet as he approached.  Just ahead was the blackened
shrine.  Udma was there, holding a weapon in his outstretched hands.
“It is the vampire Gonra I would have you kill,” said Udma.
"But it must have been an age ago," started Aliz. "You saw the rock…"
“Vampires are the stuff of legend,” said Atho.
Crash!  A huge claw shot up through the shaft and landed in between
the miners.  Aliz ran to call the guard, while Mokez stayed behind
throwing rocks.  The monster was a giant black newt with external ribs
and massive claws.  Mokez stared into the creature's third eye and
dropped his stone.  There was a connection.
“Then your task should be easy,” laughed Udma, “but I suggest you take
this weapon.  It is Sangrak the vampire slayer.  Take it, and go to
===(29 December 2008)===
the old dwarf fortress of Firesign.  It is there the fiend can be
==Kaelis Ebonrai==
===(22 June 2010)===
So unsteady was the rule of the land that no one walked the halls of
Castle Sanazar alone.  It had become fashion for the lords to stab
each other in the back, or perhaps poison each other's beer steins.
Not even a squire was safe.  Rumors of war spread as did the news of
Sanazar's weakness.  The king called an audience of all the knights of
the realm.  A quest was called for -- something to prove the kingdom's
The fierce warrior brushed the feathers out of his face as the battle
The tables of the great hall filled with mighty knights as squires
hawk circled for another diveHe slapped the neck of his winged
rushed back and forth filling cupsThe king looked on silently
steed and leaned low, one hand on the reins, the other on his deadly
through sunken eyes, having recently lost his ability to speakHe
javelins.  Since the time of the first legends, Geldrix and his men
motioned his consort to stand forth to deliver his proclamationShe
had been bird ridersThe ground rushed by as the hawk dove.  The
was a handsome woman, recently bound to the king, from a kingdom far
goblins never knew what hit themSpears fell from the sky like rain.
to the north.
Talons tore and beaks pecked.  Seeing the enemy commander, Geldrix
took the dagger from his teeth and launched from his saddle.
The enemy general rode proud in the saddleHis dark metal armor was
"The flower that is Sanazar," she said, "is wilting and sickWhile
festooned with black rosesGeldrix tackled him off his horse with
we fight amongst ourselves, hungry jackals vie for their part of the
the force of a meteor. Sitting astride the evil knight, Geldrix
carcassWhat we need is a hero, and what better to prove a hero than
marked the spot for the death strokeAs his knife plunged toward the
a mighty quest! Far to the east lays Forgotten Quilts, an ancient
knight's neck, a gauntlet seized him by the wristGeldrix smiled.
dwarf fortress abandoned long agoIt is said that within can be
There is still some fight in this one, he thought. He flipped back
found Gilded Lunch, the golden artifact bootReturn with the boot,
the enemy's visor and was shocked by what he saw.
and return a hero! Who will take the challenge?"
"I shall!" boomed a voice from the end of the hall.
Beneath him lay by far the most beautiful woman in the world.  Pain
Through the door came Bram, mighty barbarian warrior, a squire
shocked Geldrix's system as he suffered a blow to the lower body.  He
following behind, eyes downcast.  The hall erupted into ChaosHow
rolled to the side, his eyes shut tight in painHe could hear the
could this outsider be given the quest?  The king's consort looked on
woman knight curse him as she kicked him about the neck and head.
the barbarian, heart racing"What makes you think you are up to the
Others came, and he was boundHe opened his eyes and found himself
task?" she said.
lashed to the back of a horse.  There was nowhere they could take him
that the hawkmen could not find him, but would he be whole when he was
===(6 September 2010)===
"May I know thy name Madame?" asked the barbarian.
"Scandala," said the consort, brushing a blond hair from her face.
Geldrix returned to Hawkvir half a man.  Something was missing.  He
"Lady Scandala," said Bram, "I have slain dragon, cyclops, and ogre.
moved like a shadow, avoiding the company of his fellow warriors.  A
There is nothing under the sky that I fear."
fair lass came to him, offering a cup of wine.  He knocked it away,
spilling dark liquid onto the carpet of the royal hall.  All went
silent as the king rose from his throne. Geldrix hid his face with
his cloak, staring at the king with a single maddened eye as he
approached.  The guards opened a door and the king ushered Geldrix
outside, into a narrow passage.  Once they were alone, he spoke.
"What happened to you out there?" asked the king"What was it like
That same day, Bram found himself on a horse on the road to Forgotten
to be a prisoner of the goblins?"
Quilts, his squire Dolphin on a mule trailing behind.  The lords of
the realm had not taken it wellWithout the Mandate of the King,
returning with the boot would be useless.  Bram must die.  No knight
knew this better than Crusier, cruel black night of Petoun.  That very
night he left the castle with his squire, taking the fast roads to
arrive on the trail before the hero.
"I was defeated," said Geldrix, sobbing.  "I can never be a hawk rider
"Help!" cried the boy, "Oh help!"
again.  I did not escape, as I told the others.  I was traded to the
dwarves for a crate of dimple-dyed cloth."
The king looked down on the broken man that was once captain of the
"Don't trust it Bram," said Dolphin.  "I recognize that boy, a squire
riders and shook his head slowly.
from the hall."
"Surely there is something you can live for," shouted the king.
"A countryman in distress is just that," said the hero dismounting his
"Revenge, perhaps?"
horse and drawing his sword.
Geldrix found it difficult to take the saddle, having spent so long on
As he approached, he found the boy laughing.  "Let's see how fast you
the earthNow in the air, he watched the trails for Zona, warrior
can complete your quest without horses!" yelled the boy.
princess of the goblinsIt was all her fault, he kept telling
himselfHe would strike her down and his manhood would be restored.
Bram spun around to see Crusier leap upon Dolphin and, a knife to the
His hand trembled at the reinsMemories of his time underground came
boy's throat, ride away on Bram's horseThe evil squire laughed
flooding back.  Then his eye caught something on the road below, two
until Bram turned and brought his sword across the boy's face, leaving
riders heading for the dark mountain.
a deep gash in his cheek"I have marked you," said the barbarian,
"for you are mine nowLead me to your master's denKnow that if he
harms a hair on Dolphin's head, there won't be enough of you left to
fill your god forsaken tomb!"
===(26 September 2010)===
===(2 March 2012)===
(I donated in honor of my friend Zach J's birthday, since he is too afraid to play DF)
Flying low over the road, Geldrix pulled the hood over his headWith
The dwarf fortress at Mount Hope was once the pride of the empire.
a double flip, he launched through the air and landed before the
Pilgrims came from every corner of Allsphere to glory in its great
riders.  The two goblins sat upon their beak dogs glancing at each
halls and carved pillarsBut years pass, and all that shines goes
otherGeldrix drew his sword and turned his head to the side,
dim.  The empire was overthrown and monsters roamed freely through the
staring out of the hood with one hateful eye.  The goblins dismounted
landSome sought shelter at Mt. Hope and were always turned away.
and took up their heavy iron spiked clubs.  One of the goblins stepped
It was this discourtesy that would spell the doom of the fortress.
"Show your face," it said, "so we can tell tales of which mighty hero we slew."
"Will you let us in?" shouted the monk.
Geldrix's face burned with anger and shame.
"No, sir!" laughed the dwarf from the high wall. "Find somewhere else to die."
"Coward?" said the mocking goblin.  "Is that it?"
"Why not just take the little ones?" pleaded the monk.  "Even if they
were vampires, they couldn't do much harm."
At last, he could take it no more.  He threw back his hood, his blond
"Take your lying, no good carcass of my property," said the dwarf, "or
curls blowing in the wind.
I will shoot you down."
"Geldrix?" laughed the goblin.  "You have a lot of nerve showing your
The monk was still for a moment.
face around here."
"Boo!" shouted the goblin.  Overwhelmed by fear, Geldrix dropped his
"You will find," said the holy man, "that your walls don't protect you
sword and ranHis hawk landed before him but died instantly as a
from the evils of this worldThey were built to hold a greater evil
crossbow bolt struck its eyeGeldrix collapsed onto the carcass,
insideIn time you beg to be let out."
openly weepingThe goblins approached, chuckling and calling out
cruel jokesGeldrix screamed out to the heavensHe stood, ripping
The dwarves pelted the refugees with rocks until they fledThey did
out two handfuls of feathers.  When the goblins reached him, he threw
not give a single thought to the monk's warning, but they would all
the feathers in their faces and ran, to where the gods only knew.
remember it when the time cameIt was only a matter of days before