This article is about the current version of DF. Note that some content may still need to be updated.
These are the controls used in Adventurer mode (or perhaps you were looking for a quick start, instead?).
Key Bindings[edit]
- 82467913↑↓←→ - Move
- Alt+(movement key) - Move carefully or enter dangerous terrain
- Shift+(movement key) - Move in direction and upwards
- Ctrl+(movement key) - Move in direction and downwards
< or Shift-5 (num lock off) - Ascend
> or Ctrl-5 (num lock off) - Descend
- . - Wait for 10 instants
- , - Wait for 1 instant
j - Jump. Sprint in movement options to run and jump.
h - Start climbing by grabbing hold of a wall or tree; mount and lead petsv0.47.01
s - Stand or lie down*
S - Sneak
T - Fast Travel
m - Open movement preferences interface
*Use s to lay down, and then crawl past NPCs blocking your way.
- 82467913↑↓←→ - Random attack on adjacent creature
A - Attack an adjacent creature
W - Wrestle an adjacent creature
f - Fire a projectile
- t - Throw an item
X - Use ability (pet an animal, spit at someone...)
C - Open combat preferences interface
- l - Look around
L - Search the nearby area very carefully (chance of discovering small creatures)
k - Talk to somebody
P - Perform or compose
K - Display tracks
- Alt-k - Describe tracks underfoot.
c - View companion interface
E - Party tactical settings.
- o - Describe odor.
- O - Show strongest odor.
- u - Interact with lever, building, furniture, or mechanism.
y - Assume or abandon a submissive position (yield).
i - Inventory
d - Drop an item
g - Grab/gather (pick up) an item
p - Put an item into a container; or onto a pack animalv0.47.01
r - Remove an item you are wearing or from a container
w - Wear an item*
I - Interact with an object in inventory (unstick a weapon, refill waterskin etc)
x - Craft (butcher, create item)
b - Found a site and build
q - Sheathe your weapon
*If you want to get a specific item from your backpack to your hand (wield weapon), put current item into the backpack, and remove the other item from the backpack.
z - Status
- Space - Advance/Clear Messages
a - View Announcements
Q - Adventure log (tasks, map, et cetera...)
Z - Sleep
e - Eat or drink something
Travel Keys
- 82467913↑↓←→ - Move.
< or > - Move into/out of tunnel (respectively).
c - Start/stop cloud viewing.
d - Visit location.
- h - Display/hide instructions
m - Display/hide map.
S - Sneak.
K - Display all nearby tracks and strongest odor.
Q - Adventure log/information.
Z - Sleep/wait.