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Editing Bloodline:PuzzledBridges

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For players who are late: There is a 48hour period to claim your turn, however, if its missed, you are only bumped down one step in the order, not outright skipped, if your done for a weeks time, you are dropped out of waiting for all until you return for at least 24hours
For players who are late: There is a 48hour period to claim your turn, however, if its missed, you are only bumped down one step in the order, not outright skipped, if your done for a weeks time, you are dropped out of waiting for all until you return for at least 24hours
List if nothing goes wrong:
TrueWolves - Ian_K - [Tuxd] - BirdoPrey - wildfire1 - Foa
Notes: If there is a way to set "spoilers" so that things can be scrolled threw easier, add them please!
==Year 1 - TrueWolves (Drake)==
==Year 1 - TrueWolves (Drake)==
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HAHAHA! I've cut off anyone not coming across the bridge. Come and try that thieving again, little kobold.
HAHAHA! I've cut off anyone not coming across the bridge. Come and try that thieving again, little kobold.
'''11th Malachite'''
Here are how things stand at the moment. The past month has passed with very little activity, aside from building. The guard is supposed to be training upstairs with crossbows, however they feel better groping each other I guess. Whatever. A few aren't getting worse by any means.
'''20th Malachite'''
A carpenter withdrew from society, and claimed a Carpenter's Workshop for some secretive reason today. Who knows what she's up to, it's not like she's doing very badly.
'''22nd Malachite'''
She gave me a fucking Alder casket. ARE WE HINTING AT SOMETHING?! Either way, its worth some serious money, so either I'll build myself a tomb and stick it in, or I'll sell it. PERHAPS THE HIPPIES COULD CHERISH IT.
'''12th Limestone'''
Well, work has completed on the third floor of the barracks (floor wise). The roof is starting today. The Carpenters are throwing themselves a party at a table in the dining area.. Well deserved, if you ask me. My plans have mostly been completed for the fortress. Hopefully, by the end of the Winter, I won't have to do this anymore. Perhaps I can con the Mechanic/Siege Engineer into the job... Sheriff sounds like a nice cushy job for someone like me, especially with what I've accomplished.
'''25th Limestone'''
I woke up with a carp snapping at my face. Apparently I fell asleep out by the pumps after that wild ass party.. what? Two weeks ago? TRADERS?! BUILD THAT BRIDGE NOOOW!
'''13th Sandstone'''
The merchants embarked, only getting to glance upon us as we loaded the depot with what goods we could scrounge. The dolt architects wandered for over a week claiming they had nothing to do. Now '''I''' get the dirty stares in the hall. When I get the chance, I'm going to give up this position and take the Sherrif spot. Hopefully after a while I will be able to become a Hammerer and take my revenge on the lazy assholes who caused this.
'''12th Timber'''
We've got a healthy stockpile for winter. Floodgates have been installed in the entrance chamber, as well as a ballista/fortification/doors/traps setup. I feel the defenses are adequate at the least with barracks out front and the squad on patrols. A tunnel from the bauxite chamber, down, up and to the barracks has been dug for times of emergency. I'm building supports around the fortifications on the barracks in case we need to flood the area, to prevent any back-flow. The mechanic seems all for it...
'''24th Timber'''
The armorer is in a fey mood now. I should say, man, that's what you get for sleeping in a blood splattered barracks!
'''16th Moonstone'''
I copied down what the Hamlet Liason was babbling at me. Maybe the mechanic can make heads or tails of what they need from us by next year..
'''20th Moonstone'''
Told you guys to stay away.. not even 10 seconds and already being beaten to a pulp by 3 wrestlers. That's no way to go through life, son.
'''7th Opal'''
The armorer has gone fully insane. He's currently throwing the butcher down stairs. The guard has been notified, I hope we can save him...
'''9th Opal'''
We weren't fast enough. However, I believe that the butcher and the glassmaker, who escaped with mere scrapes, are friends of the Wrestlers... They made the Armorer pay dearly.
'''25th Obsidian'''
HAHAHA! They've sent me a fresh noble  to turn this place over to. Must have pissed those hippies off or something, so they went bawling to the King. Either way, more of a reason for me to take the Sheriffs position. Oh look, they just finished my office, too.
==Year 3 - BirdoPrey==
'''Granite 1'''
Tux has been pressuring me for some time now to take over his job as overseer of the fortress. I was reluctant at first, thinking of my wife and young daughter, but I was assured that my post would only last for one year, and I figure this is a good opportunity to make things flow a little smoother around here.
'''Granite 4'''
I've spent the first few days here walking around and compiling a list of concerns and bottlenecks in production. I came across some fellows sleeping on the floor of an unfinished tower near the entrance... Apparently some doofus dug out a couple dozen bedrooms but neglected to tell anyone they could use it. I took care of that quickly. I also noticed that our armed forces were milling about with nothing to do. There were no practice bolts for them to train on so I had a crafts workshop dug out next to the wood stockpile and ordered our woodcrafter to make some bolts for them. I also streamlined some stockpiles to hopefully unclutter some of these messy workshops.
'''Granite 15'''
I've ordered the miners to dig out grids on the bottom level, hoping for ore of some kind. It has come to my attention that we are without a forge... We really must get one next time a caravan passes through.
'''Granite 16'''
Speak of the devil!
Rather useless as far as traders go. I'm not even sure it's worth the effort to bring out goods for them. I may simply look at their wares and seize what I think is worth taking.. I've never liked those smug bastards.
'''Granite 21'''
Olivine, olivine olivine! All I hear from the miners is reports of more olivine! Idiots, if I liked puke green I would go out in the sun more often!
Also, among the useless ropes the elves brought, they had a caged jaguar! I think I'll chain it up out front. The elves didn't seem too thrilled when I relieved it from them, but bugger them.
'''Slate 11'''
Some migrants have arrived!
I believe I have enough lodgings for everyone, but I may have to ramp up the farming a bit. Finding something to do with them will be a bit harder though. I need some kind of project to focus our attentions on. I'll be thinking on it.
Our population has gone up significantly. We now have over 50 able bodies! Drake has proclaimed himself the mayor and Tux has started the fortress guard.
'''Slate 16'''
I have the new arrivals Dumping the limestone from the residential area near the craftsdwarf workshop. Limestone goods should be quite valuable!
Also it is beginning to bother me how cramped the barracks and archery range is. Our soldiers are practicing their marksmanship from 5 feet away! I've decided to lengthen those sections of the tower.
'''Slate 24'''
The extension to the tower is underway. Drake has decided to start throwing his weight around. He's demanding even nicer lodgings and some copper items to be made. I'm not sure how he expects us to make copper without copper ore or a forge. I fear the power is getting to his head.'
'''Felsite 1'''
Our new glassmaker is showing signs of possession! I'm a bit concerned about our ability to provide what he needs. We don't even have a glass furnace! I'll see what I can do.
'''Felsite 20'''
I fear it is hopeless. I made some green glass for him myself, and he took some rope reed cloth, but he's demanding some kind of shell and we have no shells nor turtles of any kind. I told our fisherdwarf to try and find some turtles but I don't have high hopes.
'''Hematite 1'''
I have decided it is time to rid our river of the fishy menace once and for all. I am mobilizing a project to dam the river and let the carp expire on the drying riverbed. I'm going to need pumps... lots of pumps. And some kind of drain. At last I feel like I've found the project that will mark my leadership here.
'''Malachite 5'''
Alas, just as we finally caught some turtles and were preparing them, our possessed glassmaker finally snapped.
He mumbles to himself and wanders aimlessly. We will prepare a coffin for him for when he eventually starves to death or wanders into the river.
In other news, the first step of my damming project is underway. The pumps are set up, and the waterwheel to power them is in construction. I believe 3 pumps should be enough to allow me to build one floodgate. Then I'll reposition the pumps, adding a floodgate along the line until the river is stopped completely.
'''Malachite 22'''
Excellent! The first floodgate is set!
'''Galena 27'''
The carp interfered with the building of the second floodgate. Amazingly there were no casualties, but I was so incensed at the audacity of those hellfish that I ordered our main military squad to take action. Today the river runs red with the blood of carp.
Limestone 20
A goblin kidnapper has stolen my precious baby girl! Oddly enough, I don't really seem to mind.
*you got to love Dwarven Fortress XD
The yearly dwarven caravan has arrived. I hope to trade several binfuls of limestone crap for an anvil. Finally we'll have metalworking! Now if only we could find some ore...
'''Sandstone 1'''
The cook was crossing the bridge to pick up some wood when a goblin ambush jumped out! He fought bravely, but the pikeman brought him down.
Before our marksdwarves even left the dining room, the caravan guards were already upon the ambushers, sending them flying.
'''Sandstone 22'''
I am somewhat dismayed right now. Several months ago Drake demanded some copper items be made back when we had no means to do it. I had assumed he had forgotten about his crazy demand but just now he ordered one of our training marksdwarves to be beaten because of our failure to complete it! The poor recruit is lying in bed now with a mangled hand and several broken bones. Has our mayor become a menace? I'm not sure what to do.
*I love what Drake is turning in to >=D
'''5 Timber'''
An Herbalist has taken some limestone and rough rubies and started a secret project! I'm eagerly waiting to see what he comes out with.
'''10 Timber'''
After 5 days he's finished!
Not the fanciest piece of work but very classy. He seems to have learned a lot from the process though and now he's pumping out incredible stone crafts!
'''5 Moonstone'''
At long last, my project is complete!
Now all there is left is wait until the rest of the river dries out, exposing the carp to the air. I am very satisfied.
'''13 Moonstone'''
Calamity! While our dwarves were taking apart the damming constructions, somehow there was a collapse! Our butcher and a child fell in the river and drowned. Our celebrations are now mixed with sorrow.
Editor's Note - Shortly after this last entry, Birdo StandardDrifts was killed by a carp in the river near the entrance moat. It is unclear how he ended up in the river, but we are comforted by the fact that his sacrifice was not in vain (probably).
Since his untimely demise, life in the fortress has continued as it always does. A pleasant tomb has been carved out for him posthumously and his remains will be interred there when they are retrievable.
A goblin ambush was spotted early from our tower and our team of steadily improving marksdwarves routed them with ease. A miner was taken with a fey mood and produced a limestone grate. Everyone politely told him it was brilliant.
Birdo's widow found some blueprints in his coffer; apparently damming the river was just step one. He had planned to build a series of floodgates on the dry riverbed closer to the bridge, hook them all up to levers, and then connect the retractable bridge to a lever. It seems his plan was to wait for any attackers to begin crossing, drop them into the empty river, and then release the flood on them, washing them away.
As the river slowly drained, the dwarves turned to their mayor for leadership, but he had grown increasingly erratic, muttering to himself and talking to no one. People lived in tension of his next impossible mandate and vicious punishments. One thing was clear, it was time for someone new to step up...
==Year 4 - Wildfire111==
As I strolled into the valley I spied a beautiful scene - a rushing river, trees everywhere. I knew this would be a pleasant change from the Mountainhome.
'''2nd Granite'''
Oh god, my eyes deceived me. The fort is a shambles, with only a few crossbow dwarves standing between us and the goblins. This will be high on my order of business, at least my predecessor started to drain the river with the intention of making a trap. I think I can improve on his design though, the bridge with which he was going to drop them in is far too small. Something to dwell on later.
'''4th Granite'''
My first move was to organize some trade goods of which we had perilous few. I appointed a Master Chef, VR98 to make some lavish meals to trade to the gullible elves for a fortune and then appointed a Brewmaster, Dudely and an assistant brewer to replenish our drink stocks. Our Mayor, Drake came to me to complain that he couldn't fit all his belongings into his measly single chest and threatened to mandate adamantium items if I didn't rectify the situation. I fobbed him off with promises, I'll attend to that later.
'''6th Granite'''
This fort is full of rock just lying around, I got rid of the stone stockpile and instead designated a spot where all the rock can be dumped and enlisted every member of the fort into clearing out the place. It will look much nicer then.
'''9th Granite'''
Elves! Let's see what the treehuggers have for us this time. Unfortunately I think my Master Chef has been slacking off, so we don't have much to offer. We'll just have to do our best!
I have also begun works to improve our defenses, especially in the bridge area. The river is very slowly draining.
'''17th Granite'''
I've started digging out extra space to store whatever else we might need.
'''20th Granite'''
Useless elves! All they brought was cloth and alcohol... Nevertheless, I traded a few paltry meals to them in exchange for some cloth and all the booze I could carry then sent them packing.
'''2nd Slate'''
Not to worry, our fort guard filled them with arrows and they didn't get away with anything...
...But it was a ruse! As we were clearing away the corpses, the goblins sprung an ambush just as the Caravan was leaving
The caraven legged it - straight into our fort
But the goblins were no match for our marksdwarves, but a lucky shot managed to kill poor Oddom who had only just graduated to Marksdwarfship. They also managed to kill our Jaguar :(
'''14th Slate'''
I've decided that I've done enough loafing and I've ousted Drake from most of his Managerial duties, he's now able to focus purely on being mayor which most dwarves seem relieved about - less chance of him doing something silly. Of course, with my new rank it demands certain... priveleges. Construction of my new quarters has begun immediately, and I have plans laid out for my future tomb. The fort is ticking along nicely and the cleanup is taking forever.
'''25th Slate'''
'''17th Felsite'''
We have a fey mood :)
He's claimed a masons workshop and is using Limestone, Oak logs and Silver Bars.
He's finished! It's an... oh...
Current ambitions for this season is to upgrade our defenses. I've started construction on a backup bridge so I can remove the current one and make it longer, all the better to drop people with. I also plan to make it automatic - we'll have to see how that pans out.
'''12th Hematite'''
Er, we have a problem. The new bridge wasn't constructed in time, and... er... since the wagons couldn't fit across, the humans have decided to give us a miss. Oops! They'll be back next year though.
'''13th Hematite'''
The bridge is finished. If those humans had given us one more day! *shakes fist*
'''17th Hematite'''
Some of the humans have deigned to visit our fortress but once they made it to the safety of the trading depot (relative safety that is), the accursed goblins struck everywhere, ambushing one of our donkeys and killing a wayward marksdwarf who for reasons unknown decided to take a stroll away from the fort.
'''22nd Hematite'''
Once again I have bested the traders and taken what we wanted for the mere cost of 2 meals. Here is what the humans are after for next year, but I suggest keeping on with the sumptuous meal production so that we can buy as much as we want with minimal outlay.
'''27th Galena'''
Not much of import has happened recently, the new bedrooms have all been cleared of rubble, I've ordered a few new stockpiles made, oh and my rooms are almost complete :>
'''2nd Limestone'''
Today Mebzuth, our resident Metalsmith became reclusive and quiet - I wonder what's up with him? He's locked himself in his workshop with some metal bars and is sketching pictures of more metal and shells. I have no idea where I'm going to procure those for him...
'''17th Limestone'''
Huzzah! Our supplies from the Mountainhome have arrived!
'''27th Limestone'''
After a bit of intense trading, I've managed to procure an anvil for ourselves plus a few new weapons and as many metal bars and shelled animals as I could to appease our metalsmith who appears closer to breaking point each day.
'''28th Limestone'''
Alas! It was all in vain. Mebzuth finally snapped and ran around yelling at all and sundry. It is all we can do to put up with him in his current state.
'''4th Timber'''
Migrants have arrived.
'''15th Opal'''
Another strange mood, our Furnace Operator Edem. He's claimed a Craftsdwarf's Workshop and is using Limestone, Wood and Pyrites - I wonder what he could be constructing in there but he won't talk to anyone, just stares at them until they go away.
In other news, I've been working on tombs and on additional bedrooms to try and accomodate the influx of dwarves to the fort.
'''20th Opal'''
Edem finished his greatest work today after days of nonstop labour. He staggered out of the workshop, cradling something protectively and wouldn't show us until we were all gathered. At that moment, he uncovered the forts latest artifact, a Limestone... mug? We were all a bit bemused, but it did have some fiddly linework I guess.
*Best mug ever.
==Year 5 - Foa==
Erg, well, there seem to be a nice waterfall here, I'll see I could get some friends to build a vault there.
And where are all of the siege operators, and engineers?
===Early Spring===
'''13th Granite, 205, Early Spring'''
[[File:Siege Line.png]]
'''16th Granite, 205, Early Spring'''
'''17th Granite, 205, Early Spring'''
'''27th Granite, 205, Early Spring'''
*I don't quite get what's going on, amongst other things =/
*It is a blue print, for a Fortress, but I'm currently drafting the Entrance, and some Defensive Features.
*I had to solve that problem with channel on the middle screenshot, if anyone fell in, they'd have a free way into the fort, and past the siege operators, and archers.
*And due to the planning, this may be a long turn.
*Hmm... so I see, no worry's on the long turn part, I wonder how all this will look on 3Dwarf ^.^
*I need to unpause the game...
*Oh, and a repeater + spikes + falling hostilities = Last Resort Fun
*This log like that Monarch's Nose in Bee... LARGE!!!
===A while Later, in real time===
*At the sheer scale of this... I have nothing to say @.@
*It's been over a week...?
*You think I wing the plans!
*Besides, Upload at the end of the mid spring... so you can get it started.
*Besides- again, how does this look, it floods said hall, and then drains itself when it is out of use... can be adapted to use water.
*Oh and I have integrated the plans for the Pit of Demons, and the Executive Blender Pit.
**I've now compacted the design, and this will allow for the Keep to be used.
*How is it going so far?
*Not well, I'll just jot down a few points, and then upload before I forget.
*[[http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?qrzryttndzn]] Anyways, for a constellation, I've over engineered the Death Pit thing, it became a tower, and I'll just put it in next round, and a lot faster.
*It's been a very long time...

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