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Editing User:Dark T Zeratul/Glentreaties

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===23rd of Timber===
===23rd of Timber===
The dwarven caravan brought considerable less than I was expecting; do they really expect us to survive on just two barrels of alcohol? Evidently they want to piss us off as much as possible; they even sent Thob Osedineth, that filthy goblin leech that's been living in the mountainhomes for the past several years, to be our liaison. I said some rather unflattering things about her mother, then sent her to talk to Brumbol. She may or may not survive the meeting. Fifty-fifty chance, I'd say.
The dwarven caravan brought considerable less than I was expecting; do they really expect us to survive on just two barrels of alcohol? Evidently they want to piss us off as much as possible; they even sent Thob Osedineth, that filthy goblin leech that's been living in the mountainhomes for the past several years, to be our liaison. I said some rather unflattering things about his mother, then sent him to talk to Brumbol. He may or may not survive the meeting. Fifty-fifty chance, I'd say.
===8th of Moonstone===
===8th of Moonstone===
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===26th of Timber===
===26th of Timber===
It's official: I absolutely despise those credits in charge at the mountainhomes. Last year, they supplied us with a whopping two barrels of booze. This year, they've bumped it up to a massive three. The remainder of their wares left a lot to be desired, too, in terms of both quality and usefulness. We bought all the food and booze they brought, as well as their armor, and a decent number of crossbow bolts, and several gems, and we still have a considerable number of trade goods. I mean, by the cosmic beard of Anriz Giginlun Udar Himself, the humans brought more with them! They brought that smug goblin asshole Thob Osedineth with them again, so I sent Mafola to go talk to her. As for myself, I'm gonna go hit some rocks with a sharp piece of metal until they crack into tiny pieces. That usually makes me feel better. If that doesn't work, then I'm going to get good and drunk and forget all of this ever happened.
It's official: I absolutely despise those credits in charge at the mountainhomes. Last year, they supplied us with a whopping two barrels of booze. This year, they've bumped it up to a massive three. The remainder of their wares left a lot to be desired, too, in terms of both quality and usefulness. We bought all the food and booze they brought, as well as their armor, and a decent number of crossbow bolts, and several gems, and we still have a considerable number of trade goods. I mean, by the cosmic beard of Anriz Giginlun Udar Himself, the humans brought more with them! They brought that smug goblin asshole Thob Osedineth with them again, so I sent Mafola to go talk to him. As for myself, I'm gonna go hit some rocks with a sharp piece of metal until they crack into tiny pieces. That usually makes me feel better. If that doesn't work, then I'm going to get good and drunk and forget all of this ever happened.
===9th of Moonstone===
===9th of Moonstone===
Today was the annual flash-freezing of the brook. I'm fully expecting that sooner or later someone is going to have their hands in the water when it freezes, resulting in a rather messy but probably hilarious accident.
Brook's all frozen; elaborate later.
===6th of Opal===
===6th of Opal===
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===18th of Obsidian===
===18th of Obsidian===
As of today, the Bridge of Death is, at last, complete! We still need to mine out the area under it so that when it retracts those <s>stupid elves</s> goblins will actually fall to their deaths instead of just onto their butts, but hey, it's progress. We're also mining out a quarry alongside our new fortress, which should provide an abundance of minerals and ore.
Bridge is done! Mining out quarry.
==Year 1053==
==Year 1053==
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===21st of Slate===
===21st of Slate===
Gimost Twistfolds, an iron table! It's inlaid with a picture of that damn legendary splint from last season.
Gimost Twistfolds, an iron table! It's inlaid with a picture of that damn legendary splint from last season.
===15th of Felsite===
The bridge of death is complete! It doesn't yet open, but the bridge is there. Phase two is to start digging down and create a pit. The elves have returned! This time they will simply be robbed. But once the bridge of death is rigged to open...
===28th of Felsite===
Those damn smarmy elf bastards brought nothing. Evidently they just wanted to say "hi" by sending merchants with no goods. Next time they're going in the pit for sure.
===2nd of Malachite===
Yet more migrants! Because that last bunch was SO useful.
===10th of Galena===
There's been an accident. While digging out the old fortress, someone caused a collapse. Domas and Kulet were crushed to death instantly, and Tula, Alath, Karalin, Kol, and Firble were pinned under the water and drowned.
===17th of Galena===
Evidently "inspired" by the recent mayhem, our mason Ushrir has claimed the Mason's Workshop and is working fiercely on some sort of mysterious construction. Human caravan also arrived.
===22nd of Galena===
I guess inspired was the right word; Ushrir has made a floodgate adorned with images of dwarves working, although he has morbidly named it the "Perfection of Humor."
===15th of Limestone===
The humans have departed, having provided us with a great deal of food, drink, livestock, cloth, leather, and other miscellaneous items. Truly, we look forward to their caravan even moreso than the one from the mountainhomes.
===21st of Sandstone===
Now that the brook has frozen, trying to dig out the corpses and gear that were lost in the collapse.
===18th of Timber===
The dwarven caravan returns. Will they do better this time?
===23rd of Timber===
Shorast is possessed!
===10th of Moonstone===
He makes the most intricately detailed earring ever. Also, it seems the dwarven caravan finally got their act together and set plenty of booze, food, armor, and weapons. That goblin's still being a jerk though.
===16th of Moonstone===
Another cave-in. Ustuth, one of the new migrants, proved his uselessness and got himself and Sibrek killed, badly wounding Lokum, Tun, Erib, and Erin in the process.
===19th of Obsidian===
Both Lokum and Erin have died of thirst in the past week, as with the brook frozen over there was no water to give them while they lay bedridden. We may need to make causing mining accidents punishable by death.
===20th of Obsidian===
Goblins! They've ripped apart a couple dogs. Our military has been mobilized to eliminate the threat.
===22nd of Obsidian===
Tuellan is first on the scene, and first to die horribly. The brook starts to unfreeze, and more goblins arrive.
===24th of Obsidian===
Lor is slain! Athar, Dodd, and Mafola are caught out in the open and killed. The military seems to be running around in chaos. At last, Anga charges out and disembowels a goblin, evidently being the only one smart enough to actually grab some armor.
===28th of Obsidian===
The "siege" continues, though it can best be described as chaos. The military spends most of their time running back and forth in the lower hallways as though they forgot something. Meanwhile everyone else is scrambling about getting killed by goblins. Melvin, Urist, Vabok, Erith, Sarbek, and Nil are the latest casualties, along with some stray dogs.
==Year 1054==
===1st of Granite===
The siege is still carrying on through the new year. Mebza the fish cleaner just died of a spear through the liver, Lilith the Blacksmith got stabbed in the face, and it seems the goblins don't like the goblin liaison to the mountainhomes much because they've battered her up a fair bit. Scouts report that in all of this mess we've so far managed to kill a whopping TWO goblins.
===3rd of Granite===
At last, the invaders have been repelled. Two goblins fled, and the other seven were slain - six by Anga and one by Danika. There was two final civilian casualties, Momuz and Monom, and several military casualties: Urdim, Leda, Dakkon, and Tirist. Maybe that will teach them to equip some armor next time. All in all, we lost 29 dwarves in the assault. Since the previous puppet leader, Mafola, was slain, Kethry has stepped in to fill the void. She isn't as easily manipulable as Mafola was, but with her lack of patience I've convinced her that I can be a good advisor.
===9th of Slate===
A goblin snatcher was discovered! The military was dispatched, but he escaped. Then the brook unfroze. No trace was found of the unfortunates caught in the collapse several months ago.
===14th of Slate===
23 migrants! Set to work on mining, and military.
===14th of Felsite===
After the bodies were secured, the next step was gathering up all the clothing of our dead and the armor of the goblins. After a month this is still going on.
===19th of Felsite===
The elven caravan has arrived! It is time to test the Bridge of Death...
===22nd of Felsite===
Well, the Bridge of Death test was a failure. Instead of catching the elves, we mistimed it and caught Tun (who broke several bones) and Ilral (who was impaled on a sharp rock and died shortly thereafter). It did, however, show that the bridge is not yet ready due to its current lack of guaranteed lethality.
===1st of Hematite===
We let the elves sit for a time, then snatched everything we wanted and sent them on their way. I also finally got around to asking why none of the military were picking up armor. Turns out they need an "arsenal dwarf" to sign it out for them. I yelled at them to "get their own damn armor!" When they kept starting at me, I begrudgingly appointed myself arsenal dwarf, then yelled at them again until they left.
===26th of Hematite===
Tun succumbed to whatever infection it was that was plaguing him. I don't know what it was, since no one wanted to touch him. On the other hand, ten more migrants!
===12th of Malachite===
Maldoth is our bookkeeper now. Someone needs to keep our records in order, and it sure as hell won't be me!
===12th of Galena===
The humans are here!
===19th of Galena===
Finally, payoff! After hanging around for almost a year, Thob Osedineth finally told Kethry that he wished to turn Glentreaties into an official barony of the mountainhomes. Of course, it was obvious who the choice of baron was, hahaha! At last, I'm going to get my dues! Of course, there can be no good without bad. Shortly after hearing the news, I learned that the goblins have attacked again! Just what we need. I hope the military is actually equipped this time...
===20th of Galena===
This attack was over as quickly as it began. Atir, Danika, and Anga wiped out the goblins almost without breaking a sweat. The only casualties were a pair of very expendable dogs and Tekkud, who made the mistake of charging in alone and got his head caved in with a maul for his stupidity.
===2nd of Limestone===
And this is why I love the humans so much: they took the massive, MASSIVE stockpile of old clothes we had from all the dead dwarves and goblins (not that I mentioned the former, of course) and in exchange gave us food, booze, weapons, armor, metal bars, and more. And that was only about half of what we had to trade, too.
===7th of Limestone===
Zefon goes secretive, grabs a craftsdwarf's workshop.
===23rd of Limestone===
Makes an iron figurine of a spiky cat.
===24th of Limestone===
Onul spotted a goblin thief today. As soon as he realized he'd been seen, he took off running. At first he looked like he would escape, until Anga chased him down and smashed his brains out with her mace.
===2nd of Sandstone===
Dishmab spotted another thief. He chased after him for awhile, then split off to go kill a mountain goat instead. I've asked Anga to talk to him about duty and responsibility.
===16th of Timber===
And the dwarven caravan has returned! No doubt to provide their new baron with the supplies he needs to run this place.
===7th of Moonstone===
And oh, what supplies they brought! Gems, ale, food, cheese, weapons, fine armor... This would-be barony is definitely set for years to come, now!
===18th of Moonstone===
Ingrran the glassmaker's been possessed.
===27th of Moonstone===
Someone finally figured out that the reason Ingrran is standing around muttering creepily to himself might be because we have no glass furnace. I've told Kethry to put the order out to rectify that.
===12th of Opal===
At last, I am a baron. I have abandoned all pretenses, openly declaring myself the ruler of this land. All shall tremble before me!
===16th of Opal===
Ingrran's possession has yielded the first tribute to my greatness: Uzlaltur Musod, The Growl-Cover of Chastity - A green glass crown adorned with images of trees, a mountain, and the legendary floodgate Ushrir made last year.
===14th of Obsidian===
Iteb finally died after losing an arm and a leg to the goblins at the beginning of the year. I say, sissy dwarves who can't overcome something like that and drag themselves to the booze stockpile don't deserve to survive.
Speaking of goblins, we've got more of them now! Anga and her crew have been dispatched to deal with the problem.
===18th of Obsidian===
All in all, there were nine goblins and two filthy traitorous dwarves who had sided with them. Ingrran and Dishmab died and Kogna was badly wounded, but as always Anga, Atir, and Danika slew the invaders with barely a scratch to show for it.
===20th of Obsidian===
Whoops, more goblins and dwarven traitors showed up. They killed Ustis and Fikod before they were put down.
===27th of Obsidian===
Damn and blast it! A goblin thief ran off with the child Rakust! I'd give my condolences to his parents, but truth me told I can't remember who they are. -- [[User:Dark T Zeratul|Dark T Zeratul]] 22:23, 17 July 2010 (UTC)
==Year 1055==
===12th of Granite===
And now Braka's been kidnapped. We need tighter security.
===11th of Slate===
Sarvy withdrew to one of the craftsdwarf's workshops last month, and has finally emerged with his masterpiece: an iron figurine of Anga, appropriately decorated with bloodstone and goblin bones.
===7th of Felsite===
Another mining accident today. It seems the dirt floors in parts of the quarry were not sufficient, and the falling rock punched down several levels and caused grievous bodily harm to Onul, Rigoth, Likot, Kubuk, Zoram, Cog, Atir, and Tralin; and killed Cilob, Obok and Lolor.
===13th of Felsite===
More goblins. Anga's gone out to kill them again.
===17th of Felsite===
Anga has died! How could this have happened? She was supposed to be an invincible warrior! How could a simple band of goblins have slain her? Though the rest of them were chased off, it came at a heavy cost - Danika was also badly injured. And an evil axedwarf is still running loose. Hopefully the remaining troops can kill him before he kills more than our livestock.
===22nd of Felsite===
The elves arrived, but so did more goblins. With our military in disarray due to the death of their thought-to-be unkillable leader, I'm hoping the elves provide a distraction so that we can get the situation under control. Alread Imush has been slain, and though Astesh killed a goblin he will not likely survive the wounds he received in the process.
===24th of Felsite===
All the goblins have either fled or been killed. With the loss of Anga, it is a bittersweet victory. I can only hope our remaining troops will train enough to be able to turn the tide next time.
===2nd of Hematite===
Anga's death has had a worse effect than I thought. Morale throughout the entire fortress has plummeted; Kethry threw a tantrum earlier today. Some dwarves seem to be on the verge of snapping. If something doesn't happen to raise our spirits soon, I fear this malaise will be our undoing.
===3rd of Hematite===
Kethry went wild again. This time she destroyed our tannery and killed a mechanic, Goda. I don't understand; everything was going so well! Why is this happening now? As Kethry no longer seems stable and hasn't been doing her job anyway, I've officially appointed Tula our new trader.
===6th of Malachite===
In an effort to improve morale, I've ordered a special commemorative coin issued with Anga's face on it.
===10th of Malachite===
Kethry has been stricken with a crippling melancholy. Aton has replaced her as mayor, an appointment that may perhaps raise some spirits.
===26th of Malachite===
More migrants have arrived! Maybe some fresh friendly faces will cheer us up.

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