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Urist likes dwarves for their beards. | |
Biome | |
Any location | |
Attributes | |
Cannot be tamed | |
Size | |
Birth: | 3,000 cm3 |
Mid: | 15,000 cm3 |
Max: | 60,000 cm3
Age | |
Child at: | 1 |
Adult at: | 12 |
Max age: | 150-170 |
Cannot be butchered | |
This article is about an older version of DF. |
- A short, sturdy creature fond of drink and industry.

Dwarves are "intelligent" alcohol-dependent humanoid creatures that are the featured race of fortress mode, as well as being playable in adventure mode. They are well known for their stout physique and prominent beards, which begin to grow from birth; dwarves are stronger, shorter, stockier, and hairier then the average human, and have a heightened sense of their surroundings. Dwarves live in elaborate underground fortresses carved from the mountainside, are naturally gifted miners, metalsmiths, and stone crafters, and value the acquisition of wealth and rare metals above all else.
Dwarven civilizations typically form peaceful trade-based relationships with humans and hippies elves, and their most hated enemies are the goblins. Dwarven babies become children one and a half year after birth, grow up to become adults at their twelfth birthday, and live to be around 150-170 years of age.
Well-trained dwarves are a menace in combat; they are the only race that can enter a martial trance when beset by multiple foes, granting them a major combat bonus, and their emphasis on mining and metalworking ensures access to the best arms and armor. They are incapable, however, of riding mounts, and will always fight on foot.
Fortress mode
Dwarves are the default race in fortress mode, as in, the only one that can be played without modding. As a trading race, Dwarves will send a caravan every year in Autumn. Immigrants will be more attracted to your fortress as your wealth grows, prompted by the stories of your wealth and the goods that the dwarven traders bring back from your fortress.
Dwarves may occasionally be struck by divine inspiration and desire to create a legendary artifact, an item of masterful crafting and great value; if the dwarf is successful in their quest, they will likely become legendary crafters of that material, but if the raw materials are not available, they will eventually go insane.
Dwarves react to stress violently. When pushed to unhappiness by unfortunate events, dwarves prefer tantruming to talking things out, overturning furniture, injuring others, and generally being rowdy. Paradoxically, they also have a strong sense of justice, resulting in the physical harm done by throwing chairs at others being exponentiation by the physical harm done when the hammerer breaks every bone in the offending dwarf's arms.
Adventure mode
Dwarven fortresses (and their inhabitants) currently do not exist in Adventurer mode, although player-made fortresses that have been abandoned can attract Dwarf NPCs that will settle down in it. Dwarven characters always start with steel or iron weapons and armor, making them the best-equipped race. Unfortunately, human-made armor is too large for them to wear, and humans are the only race with shops, so all armor upgrades will have to come from looting elves, goblins, and other dwarves. Most human weapons must be wielded two-handed by dwarves, due to their size.
Morally speaking, dwarven ethics most closely resemble human and elven ethics, agree somewhat with kobold and animal-people ethics, and disagree strongly with goblin ethics. Unlike elves, dwarves find the devouring of dead enemies unthinkable, and will not butcher or consume intelligent beings (goblins see this as a personal matter). They are entirely opposed to torture of any sort for any reason, unlike elves, humans, kobolds and animal-people (who find certain forms of torture acceptable) and especially goblins, who find all torture acceptable. Dwarves tolerate animal trophies but shun those who keep trophies of sapient beings, and find those who keep trophies of other dwarves appalling. Dwarves find the killing of animals, enemies and plants completely acceptable, unlike elves, kobolds and animal-people. An exception to this is the killing of neutral beings, which is sanctioned as long as the killing had been officially ordered. A dwarf found to have participated in assault, theft, trespassing or vandalism will be seriously punished; some crimes such as killing other dwarves, breaking oaths, slavery and treason are punishable by death. On the other hand, lying is considered a personal matter.
In real-life mythology, dwarves are much like humans, but generally prefer to live underground and/or in mountainous areas. In their fortresses they have accumulated treasures of gold, silver, and precious stones, and pass their time fabricating costly weapons and armor. They are famed miners and smiths, although, like humans, they can specialise in any number of trades. Generally shorter than humans, they are on average stockier and hairier, and usually sport full beards. Though slow runners and poor riders, dwarves are excellent warriors and defenders of their strongholds. Dwarves have the ability to forge magical items, which shows off their culture's and species natural craftsmanship. For instance, dwarvish smiths created some of the greatest and most powerful items of mythology, which inspired the in-game strange moods and Legendary artifacts.
Community outlook
Dwarves have accumulated a reputation for being slow-witted among players, although to be fair, this is more a function of the game itself (and certain consequences thereof) then it is the fault of the dwarves. The instances of dwarven stupidity are numerous; examples include dodging into thin air (off of cliffs and into rivers), never accounting for water flow (and being swept off of waterfalls to a watery grave several z-levels below), always taking the easy paths (even through a pond infested by poisoned forgotten beast blood), building constructions from the wrong side (trapping themselves within), wandering off to do dangerous things collect webs when a giant cave spider is up and about), and following orders under dangerous circumstances (carrying back friendly corpses even when the goblins that have rendered them are a mere two feet away).
The problem is further compounded by dwarven touchiness, easily getting depressed, throwing tantrums, and spiraling out of control over many a mundane reason. This inevitably leads to players' emphasis of the "dworfy": failsafe design, machinery in place of dwarfpower, fun with magma, seizing control of the environment, killing all the cute fuzzy animals, strip mining the whole place hallow, the like. It is thus a great insult to be called an elf, implying that the player is apt to sit around and gaze at trees, living in the world rather then bending it to their will.
In accounts of exploits or fun, the generic name Urist is often used in place of any specific dwarf name, often because the default dwarf names are complex, limited, and hard to remember. Several other nicknames for dwarves also exist; some are less polite than others.
[DESCRIPTION:A short, sturdy creature fond of drink and industry.]
Many of the following tags are actually caste-level tags (in this case, male and female), but because there are no differences between the castes for these tags in a dwarf, you can add them earlier. Any caste-level tag that occurs before castes are explicitly declared is saved up and placed on any caste that is declared later, unless the caste is explicitly derived from another caste.
Next we use body detail plans (which have their own raw file) to streamline the addition of some of the common materials, tissues and their relationships with each other.
Eyebrows and eyelashes are manually added here.
And nails.
Set up some major arteries that couldn't be handled in the raw templates. The selection commands can be used to grab tissue layers to adjust their properties after they have been created.
Then back to some more body detail plans.
[RELSIZE:BY_CATEGORY:LIVER:300] Of course! Standard relative size for humanoids is 200.
Tendons and ligaments are currently very abstract, but adding these flags will let wounds occur that damage them. The number afterward is the healing rate. Lower is faster.
This makes the creature susceptible to severed nerves when muscles are torn in limb, grasp and stance parts.
This controls the bleeding behavior.
These classes are used by syndromes (such as poison) as well as some restricted entity positions. You can name them whatever you want.
Some tags to control the overall infection behavior.
Attributes for dwarves are still described in terms of the median value below, but the actual game effects are altered according to the raw numbers. The numbers are different percentile values. 1000 is the human median for all attributes, so dwarven strength, for instance, has a higher median of 1250, although they suffer from their smaller size.
[PHYS_ATT_RANGE:STRENGTH:450:950:1150:1250:1350:1550:2250] +
[PHYS_ATT_RANGE:AGILITY:150:600:800:900:1000:1100:1500] -
[PHYS_ATT_RANGE:TOUGHNESS:450:950:1150:1250:1350:1550:2250] +
[MENT_ATT_RANGE:ANALYTICAL_ABILITY:450:950:1150:1250:1350:1550:2250] +
[MENT_ATT_RANGE:FOCUS:700:1200:1400:1500:1600:1800:2500] ++
[MENT_ATT_RANGE:CREATIVITY:450:950:1150:1250:1350:1550:2250] +
[MENT_ATT_RANGE:PATIENCE:450:950:1150:1250:1350:1550:2250] +
[MENT_ATT_RANGE:MEMORY:450:950:1150:1250:1350:1550:2250] +
[MENT_ATT_RANGE:SPATIAL_SENSE:700:1200:1400:1500:1600:1800:2500] ++
These tags establish the growth phases of the creature's life. The format is (BODY_SIZE|<year>|<day>|<average size>).
These body modifiers give individual dwarves different characteristics. In the case of HEIGHT, BROADNESS and LENGTH, the modifier is also a percentage change to the BODY_SIZE of the individual creature. The seven numbers afterward give a distribution of ranges. Each interval has an equal chance of occurring.
In order to set properties for body parts, first you select them. In this case, we select all body parts of category EYE, then we add a few modifiers to them.
[BP_APPEARANCE_MODIFIER:LENGTH:100:100:100:100:100:100:100] for vampires
These are as before.
Attack definitions are formatted as follows:
This means that the attack will use as much of the available tissue as possible, rather than, say, thrusting with a spike.
This causes all of the nails on the finger's of a given grasp to be used.
This causes all of the teeth on a given head to be used.
Here, GENERAL_BABY_NAME is at the creature level, and BABYNAME is at the caste level. These names could be gender-specific but aren't right now.
[GENERAL_BABY_NAME:dwarven baby:dwarven babies]
[BABYNAME:dwarven baby:dwarven babies]
[GENERAL_CHILD_NAME:dwarven child:dwarven children]
[CHILDNAME:dwarven child:dwarven children]
This is the new format for making specific unit names for a creature. Any unit token can be used. If you want to add a caste-specific profession name, use CASTE_PROFESSION_NAME instead, once the caste has been declared.
[PROFESSION_NAME:MASTER_CROSSBOWMAN:Elite Marksdwarf:Elite Marksdwarves]
[PROFESSION_NAME:MASTER_BOWMAN:Elite Bowdwarf:Elite Bowdwarves]
Now we'll declare the specific castes.
The gender tag lets it know how breeding works.
To add beards, put square brackets around the following:
This command lets you select all of the castes again.
Now we'll select all of the hair tissue layers we can find so that we can add colorations to them. Even if the castes have different tissue layers, it'll find the layers and establish modifiers for each of the castes properly.
A color modifier takes a list of color patterns (every color is associated to a monotone color pattern of its color, so you can also use color tokens) and frequencies.
This gives the start and finish time in <year>|<days> for the color change to occur
Now we'll select the eyebrows and eyelashes and give them variable lengths.
All of the other hair is selected and started at length zero. It's fine to group them all together like this -- the creature can still accomodate different lengths once hair cutting/styling goes in. I used one modifier here because the growth rates and starting length are all the same.
Here we set the growth rate. This will change the modifier (LENGTH) by 1 each day up to a maximum of 1000 from the start of the dwarf's life (early beards!) for as long as the dwarf is alive. The format is (APP_MOD_RATE|<rate>|<scale>|<min>|<max>|<start year>|<start day>|<end year>|<end day>) where the final two tokens can be replaced by NO_END if the growth is to continue indefinitely.
Here we handle nail length.
*** need a new style to keep these short and need to make the entity def say to keep them short
Here all of the skin is selected and various colors are listed.
Now we do the eyes, using the somewhat clunky eye color patterns.
{{ v0.34 creatures |cat= }}