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(Replaced content with '== Talk Page Use == Your talk page is for use so other people can contact you, not as a sandbox. If you want a sandbox, create a subpage on your user page ([[User:Res/sandbo…')
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Use this plaec for:
== Talk Page Use ==
Your talk page is for use so other people can contact you, not as a sandbox. If you want a sandbox, create a subpage on your user page ([[User:Res/sandbox]]) and play with that.  Also, was a 1.5mb test of article lengths really necessary? --[[User:Briess|Briess]] 03:08, 27 April 2010 (UTC)
RSOF archiving, talk, stuff, junk,
== Cats ==
hay gurl hay minnning
wtf?!? lol!
res, res,
== how i do stuff ==
i confused
== woah ==
== How To Do Stuff: ==
tools, type, l2notbeconfused
== Let's not forget: ==
also res
i can edit your st00f
== Knock Knock@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ==
30-Jan-2010 04:59:27
Last edited on 30-Jan-2010 05:11:55 by Jts79
Knock knock!
~who's there?
You notice a eye nailed to the door..
you open the letter, it says:
you examine the eye that nailed was to the door, and you immediately recognize it
it's an entirely solid red eye, except for the white veins
you look up at the sky cause it's raining and you notice the clouds glide by in black and purple
you turn on your porch light and notice dogs walking by
you go out to the car and notice an foot not nailed to the door, and there was actually no foot
you open your car door and notice the clock radio was stolen
you look in the back seat for your stuff and junk and notice it was looked through but nothing was tooken
you dig in your pocket and find your car keys, along with other keys attached by a metal key ring :)
you start your car while your porch is still lit up
you put your car in reverse and drive backwards
you put it in drive and drive forwards
you scan the neighborhood, with now sub zero temperatures
the roads are slippery and icy and you lose COMPLETE control of your car so you jump out along with all your belongings and retreat back to your house
you notice the dogs are still outside of your house, so you'll be sure to be super cautious of
you notice that your door is 0pen s0n to your house looks like it was kicked in gf
you walk into your house and shut electricity off cause thats how you should shoo out the dogs
but wait sounds like a human biped looking thru ur stuff in ur dining room
yu go in but no1 there so dogs walk in your house and take stuff
you decide to go on vacation cause your home is just too stupid for you
when you come back from your all expenses paid vacation you notice your door is put back together and the dogs are gone
you walk inside and find everything the way it was before that dreadful night
30-Jan-2010 04:59:33
Last edited on 30-Jan-2010 05:33:41 by Jts79
you log onto your computermachine and notice all your settings are different
you now have to type in a pass word for anything you do
your desktop background has changed to cats(?)
you forget about and go to the dining room.
you wake up the next morning, feeling refreshed
your pet cats come and greet you
you go outside for the newspaper and when you're returning back inside you notice an foot nailed to your door
you open the letter and it says
"u dont get it ollolo"
you sigh and admit that you don't
you walk back inside and notice that your nightstand's top has been shoved the stuff off of it, leaving it bare
the nightstand is made of wood but it's an blue color now(?)
you disregard that and go to make some breakfast
oh wait, it's 1:43 P.M.
you decide to make a lunch
you preheat your oven to 350 degrees and wait until adequately heated
you keep tripping over your cats cause they want attention real bad
you put the snacks in the oven for cooking
you are knocked out again
you wake up, feeling more hungry than before
you go back to the oven, and notice that it's empty and cooled down
it's now 6:21 P.M.
you decide to make dinner
you set the microwave for 6 minutes and add the edible pot pies to the microwave oven
you finally get something to eat, while the cats are still at your legs
you attend to your meal in the dining room, and turn the television on
you watch the 6 o'clock news and notice your neighborhood on it
something about *** offenders or something but that doesn't matter to you
you finish your meal and leave the trash for your cats, they are grateful
you go wash up for bed, and you're punched in the arm and then in the back of the knee
you hear mumbled swears as you are punched more, this time on the left side of your head
you are not very immediately knocked out..
you wake up three days later on your dining room table
30-Jan-2010 04:59:33
Last edited on 30-Jan-2010 05:32:57 by Jts79
you are on your dining room table
you are exhausted, every muscle in your body aches
you wonder what's going on and why you feel so bad and what's going on in your house
you try to stand, but you just can't
your legs hurt too much :c
your arms are pretty O.K. though
you crawl your way to the clock, it's 6:52 A.M.
you look through a window
you see that the sky is cloudy, and the temperature is low
it's about negative three degrees farenheit outside
it's also still icy out
you hear your cats coming up behind you and feel them lay on your back
you crawl around some more and they fall off
you go and try to stand up, and you manage to
you walk around, all the lights are on
so that means someone must have turned the power back on again
you become more and more aware of the anonymous presence in your house
you walk over to the fridge, it's not running
it has no cold air in it at all, and all the food and liquids are starting to smell much stronger
you close the fridge door and find an ear attached to the door
you open the letter and it says
"olollololo >:\"
you look at it the wrong way first, and re-read it
it now says:
"/:< ololollolo"
still makes not a lot of sense
you go over to the sink dispose-all and put it in there
your sink's water is rusty looking and has a pungent odor
you take a cup and drink some of it
it tastes sour
you look out of the window above the sink, and you feel this sharp, tiny pain in your lower back
you hear several mumbled swears and try to turn around, but you can't seem to move easily
you are punched in the elbows and kicked in the knees, and you feel something slice down the middle of your back(?)
you are knocked out again
30-Jan-2010 04:59:34
30-Jan-2010 04:59:35
30-Jan-2010 04:59:36
30-Jan-2010 04:59:37
30-Jan-2010 04:59:37
30-Jan-2010 04:59:38
30-Jan-2010 04:59:39
15-Dec-2009 00:31:16
Last edited on 20-Dec-2009 23:25:00 by Jts79
ok so i was in bh yesterday and i got to my target i had to wait about four hours for it because they were all hiding and so i finally met him and he had full rune on and neitiznot helmet and dragon dagger poison and rune defender so i thought he was pretty good since he was risking defender anyways i drank some super antipoison potions about two of them and went to battle him so i went to fight him and i said i wanted to fight him since were targets so he said yeah so i drank some more super antipoisons and we fought i had on full rune and no neitiznot helmet ther so we fought anyways he hit a fifteen on me but i hit a fourteen on him we both have around eighty five hp so i hit another fourteen on him he hit a thirteen on me so it was a long battle then i went over and killed him cause i kept hitting fourteens so i picked up his bones and buried them for prayer experience and got like three point five prayer point experience points so i also picked up the ring of recoil he dropped cause he was dead you know then i walked out of the wilderness to edgeville bank and banked my loot and looked at my remaining prayer experience to my next level which is eighty six prayer so i saw that it was around five hundred k experience to the next level so i went to the grand exchange and bought some burnt bones to train prayer and ended up spending my whole bank so now i have eighty six prayer levels only thirteen to ninety nine so yeah then i was at a non pvp world then went to the varrock west bank bank and talked to fletchers there they are usually cool guys cause theyre lower levels and all that so then i went to the rune shop in varrock then i saw a anvil and i thought that was a stupid place for an anvil then i went to morytania and the screen seemed to get darker and i was all like woah man thats cool weather update in the future right so then i went to that bank there and fought some werewolves it was cool since i hit more fourteens and killed a few then i was travelling
15-Dec-2009 00:31:21
Last edited on 15-Dec-2009 00:50:32 by Jts79
as i was saying i was travelling north and saw the slayer mansion i went into it and saw some crawling hands they were crawling bear style which was weird then i went around and through the walls cause of my ninety nine agility and then saw some banshee and then i was lolling at banshee cause they are level two or something so i killed a few cause i have the slayer level to do that then it dropped twenty pure essence and i went to pick it up the price checked it on a guy and he said wow nice drop i only get grimy herbs and i laughed at him and he said shut up so i went upstairs and killed some infernal mages and they were fire at me so i went and killed a few then they respawned but that was ok they forgot that i killed them so anyways i went on and saw some pig things crawling crawling hand style so i killed some of those and it dropped nothing so i showed my mate and he said wow nice drop and said i only get grimy herbs so i teleported to my poh and teleported from there to back to varrock then walked back to the rune shop but not quite so i went to the general store and saw some lumbridge teleport tablets there and went and bought some and teleported to lumbridge and i talked to hans and told him that id kill him and i laughed cause he actually believed me and i was all like no srsly i wont hahah so i went to complete rfd and buy some barrows gloves long story short i did so i went to upper story bank and withdrew bananas and turned them into bones and ate them and got more prayer exp then i went to the generul es*chunge and bought some eggs to make cake i also bought cake tin and pot of flour then went back to my poh to make cake then i made cake then i also built a larder for easier cake making then i ate the delicious cake and went to my dining room to eat it there my demon butler served me curry and i paid him twenty thousand gp and he said thz and i said to the guy np bro is ok so i went south out of my poh and then
15-Dec-2009 00:31:22
Last edited on 15-Dec-2009 00:58:48 by Jts79
as i was saying i went south of my poh to the grassland cause i have a lot of empty map in my poh its kinda cool anyways i went there and raised my cat it just got one hundred percent yesterday it was cool he was all like meow and grew up and need no food now im waiting for it to be overgrown so i can finally stack a cat so then i went out of my poh and to the gen store in rimmington it was cool they were selling stuff so i bought some newcomer map and was all like cool and then i went west to port sarim and talked to betty she was nice that day then i saw a mugger in her shop then i said look out to betty is that her name i dont know so the mugger died cause i hit him with my magnifying glass then he dropped bones then i picked them up and buried them to get prayer experience i got a little more than the charred bat bones but oh well money is just money so then i went south to the fishing shop then i talked to the guy and he sold me some feathers super cheap then i said thz and i went east to go to pest control then i saw i had unused points then used them to get magic experience cause im trying to get level ninety magic levels im so close just threehundred sixty thousand experience left i think then i went to pc did i say that i did so anyways i went to the rune shop and bought some death runes since im growing a cat anyways and used them fast at brawlers the monsters so then a guy ranged me and i died so i left the pest controls then i went north to falador and talked to gem salesman he was part of clue fest you know so he said wanna buy some gems i said sure then he sold me some i got a bargain btw so i went to east to west bank and banked gems i have five thousand gems btw so then i went to fill some jugs of water from the pump and i used them for wine and i got fourhundred thousand exp that hour it was pretty cool then i ate the wines then i went to the east direction
15-Dec-2009 00:31:22
Last edited on 15-Dec-2009 01:45:09 by Jts79
as i was saying i went to the east direction to the east bank and withdrew fifteen cats so i took the cats east more and to the party room i bought some afros and partied and then went back to the bank and went northwest to falador entrance then went to musician and rested his music is cool so then i went west and past the gates and then i saw taverly hes a pretty cool guy then i went to summoning shop and bought a headdress but i couldnt wear it so i went to herblore shop and bought some stuff i forget what then i went north into warriors guild and fought some stuff i got some defenders to go pking with then i went to get shot by cannon then i left the guild and went south to herro guild and went in then went back but there is only trees past the back room but thats ok i got my woodcut level from eighty to eighty five there so no bro is ok then i went inside again and went upstairs and he tried to sell me overpriced stuff but thats ok so i went down again and examined a statue then went down again and found some blue dragon then i killed it then i picked up some bones and leveled prayer again this time it is eighty seven also the dragon dropped a dragon med helm i want to make it my forum avatar but thats later so i went deeper into the dungeon good thing i have twenty glory amulets with me so i could charge them then i got out of the guild and went west across the mountain and came to a beach town then i saw some fishers then fished me some shark that was cool then i went to west to bank then i banked my sharks and glories then i went to the fletching shop he is overpriced so i went to the fish shop he is underpriced so i got some fish for my bowls so it was all cool then i went west and cut some trees and got another woodcutting level then i went up to pick some flax then i banked the flax and made fifty k off that trip so that was cool then i went south wards and then went to pick more flax i made sevenety five k that trip so then i went to bank and then went
15-Dec-2009 00:31:23
Last edited on 15-Dec-2009 02:03:02 by Jts79
as i was saying i went west this time i went to the bar and got some drinks then i pickpocketed a man and a woman they seemed cool with it so then i went west more and there was a tramp throwing tomatoes at a bot so thats cool anyways i went to this forest and dogs crawling around attacked me so i got out of there then i went south to a ranging place i got some tickets and price cheaked them and they were 500 gp not bad for some south traveling right so then i went west and there was this vampire that was cool anyways i ate a garlic and he says no dont do that i went south and west and then north into the fishing guild and fished sharks for a few days and nights then price checked them on a guy and got around five million coins so i banked those sharks and went west more and saw some gnomeball going on so i joined a game and tackled some gnomes then i laughed and they ran then i left the game so then i went north to the great grand tree and it welcomed me unto its husk so i went up the tree and found a bakery and did the game and got a mint cake and ated it anyways i went to bank and teleported to ardougne i thieved some paladin and stole some jewels it was cool then i went and killed a guard cause he saw me steal cakes why didnt i just make them and get exp points oh well not the point then i went west and wilderness teleported i didnt have a knife or axe or nothing to cut the web so i got pjed by a rev and then i died i went black to lumbridge basement bank and got a ardy tele and teled back then went east west so i went up and then back down to hunter area wait no it wasnt it was zoo yeah then i saw larry he was actin cool he gave me exp for slayer then i bought out santa with it so anyways i went east and got on the boat and it took me to brimhaven i went east to pick bananas and i made 30 gp not bad for one minutes work so i went back west and went to agility hole and got some agility levels and then got tickets and bought a pirate hook and then i traveled west
15-Dec-2009 00:31:24
Last edited on 16-Dec-2009 01:36:10 by Jts79
as i was saying i was traveling west and saw another gem guy i got some more great deals on gems then a spider gotted me and made me poison so i drank more of my super antipoison so it was all good then i went north a bit and found a bar there was a dog there i think oh well i killed it it doesnt matter now then i went in and asked for a food from that guy but the pirates jumped me and teleothered me out of the bar make it so anyways i went back in they were gone so np bro is ok then i went and drank some drinks and returned a totem pole that was cool then i got a quest point or two i dont remember then i went back out of the bar and some some people doing another quest it was cool then i went west/south and saw a portal it was purple then i tried to go in it but it wouldnt let me so i saw another guy go in and followed him in and he had white walls white ground it was weird anyways he served me food after a long fought journey and then i got a drink from his kitchen that was cool then i went to the menagerie and he had a bunch of pets there i loved it it was winter and coold and it had lotsa pets i think i said that so yeah but anyways where i went next was to his bed room he had lots of stuff in there i think he had two bed rooms they were both vety similar cause they both had beds and then they both had mirrors and full fourst age and robin boots and stuff like that he also had a hair cutter in a drawer and a boot maker in a drawer it was cool and he had a shaver bot so then i went to the next room the study hall and i made some teleport tablets and then i studied the wall chart that was cool and then i looked through the book case and got some reading material and read about the rules of runescape and then i read another abyss book that was cool he had lots of books also his cat was on a bed it was so cute i love that cat i think he likes to party and then i saw no cats in menagerie but thats ok so then i went outside but not out of the poh then i traveled wests
15-Dec-2009 00:31:25
Last edited on 18-Dec-2009 03:09:29 by Jts79
so as i was saying i went west in the poh to the tool room the butler never goes in there cause hes afraid of the tools and the armor stand and the clockworks anyways i went there and made some clockwork cats they are pretty cool guys cause they follow you and dont always ask for food and they dont die and they have to have large crafting levels to make anyways i went to the throne room and trapped my clockwork cat in the fence thing in the middle so he was trapped and i sat in the throne and laughed at him her i think its a him i built him like that so he was all crawling around crawling hand style like i mentioned earlier anyways i let him go then i went to the guys dungeon he had nothing in there also skeletons those skeletons were aggressive even though im quadruple their combat level including summoning but np bro is ok so i killed him hes easy then i picked up his drop and price checked it on the house owner but hes like haha oh wow and laughed at me then i called him stupid then we fought in the combat ring and i drank some super antipoisons and won cause i kept hitting fourteens then anyways i killed him again cause he has no def then i went to the no arm ring turns out hes a pure so i still killed him with no armor and then he blawed up at me so i then called the butler to serve me food at dining room table so i glitched his tables gone and then ran south out of the purple portal where was i oh yeah brimhaven so i went south and saw a woman playing music so i sat and rested she was nice to me she gave me sounds then i went to the general shop and bought some charcoal i think it was and burned it using my tinderbox and clockwork cat and poh anyways i went back up north and went into a dungeon i had to pay a guy first i think it was seven hundred coins or something so i went in there i noticed stairs good thing i had an axe with me so i cut through some vines and i saw some dogs crawling dog like and then went past them they barked at me but np bro is ok so i
15-Dec-2009 00:31:25
Last edited on 20-Dec-2009 20:44:27 by Jts79
so anyways i wan in the dungeon and dogs were barking at me so i sliced them up with the axe that i chopped the dungeon ivy to get through to the dogs with so anyways i saw some stairs and went up them and found a cool place but anyways i went back down the stairs and then saw more dogs they were agressive at me so i sliced them more and then i went more into the dungeon and then i saw some giants they were like made of fire and had big swords i think they used a graphic hack for those swords cause they dont hit like big swords that are on fire anyways i sliced them up too with the axe that i chopped the dungeon ivy to get through to the dogs with so anyways i saw some more dogs and sliced them they werent aggressive anymore but i dont care about dogs anymore cause they dont threat at me so then i was like going deeper into the dungeon and saw some black demons and i had to use the prayer levels i procured from burnt bat bones earlier so i used some split soul and sliced them demons cause they were no good and anyways i used the axe that i chopped the dungeon ivy to get through to the dogs with so anyways i went deeper and saw some red dragons i safespotted them with an axe and i laughed at them cause they have red dragonhide drops kinda like me but anyways i killed more dragons they were sorta tough but np bro is ok so then i went deeper and saw some brass dragons they were easy cause brass dents easy so like i killed some of those they dropped brass hides worth twenty two hundred k on the general exchange so then i went and sliced some more and got more hides and got another axe so i could chop and slice more dogs so then i went deeper into the dungeon and found some grey and extra grey dragons there so i sliced those easy np bro is ok so i used dual axes and they were easy then cause i had two weapons so then i picked their drops up i didnt know dragons dropped dragon stuff but thats ok so i picked their drops up and went around scouring their den and killed more
15-Dec-2009 00:31:26
Last edited on 03-Jan-2010 18:26:52 by Jts79
as i was saying i scoured their den and found more stairs they led upwards i saw some black demons and got scared so i teleported out with some teleport to bones tablets so then i went to the grand exchange and bought some super defence potions then potted up then went to fight guards they were tough today so i moved onto skeletons they were easier but they were higher combat levels whats up with that so i went over to pick up the drop and they said nice drop then i price checked it on them and went back to the grand exchange well i decided to flip some iron i cant say what kind or ore bar so ull just have to guess its a close guarded secret so they went down fifty two gold pieces today so i decided to buy at lowest i used money from dragon pickaxe drops that i got on christmas and new years true story so i put money in the general exchange and then i bought some iron for minimum price k so i got some for minimum price then i waited five hours since i was playing other games so then i put it in for max and it sold i thing i got a fifty two billion percent profit so now im the richest guy in runescape so yeah i bought more iron ore but didnt make as much profit this time i only got fifty two trillion thats not good anyways i went to the northeast and went to the old tree and asked him for some grand seed pods he said sure and traded me ten of them instead of one hundred because of my trade limit i think he did all quests including saving runespace so wow im like thanks dude bro so he like np bro is ok so im teleporting to the grand seed and then i walked up and said selling nine grand seed pods then i was spam traded they were offering me their shields and bows and stuff i declined it all and planted the grand seed pods to create a grand seed so everyone can have a grand seed pod thats how it works you know the grand seed gives grand seed pods so they were all like thx and i was like np bro is ok then i went eastward and went to that one town where the thieves at
15-Dec-2009 00:31:27
Last edited on 03-Jan-2010 18:45:50 by Jts79
as i was saying i went west to the town where the thieves at and stole some cakes then i read the signpost and then the chef baker guy came up to me and said hey stop stealing my soup and i said soup to him and hes all like idk so went over and stole more bread and he said take all you need i know your hawng*y so then i went and stole some silk the stupid salesman didnt even notice me stealing it so i stole around fifty thousand pieces of silk and sold to the geeneral exchanguh then collected my profits and went back to the thief city then i went over and traded the gem guy but he didnt have nothing in stock so i stole some gems he saw me but didnt mind neither did the paladins i can thieve those guys you know but i have a low success rate with them so im like ow when they hit me cause they do hit me a lot i think for three damage but when i do successfully get at them they are like hey stop that but im like i stole some chaos runes and coins off you what now son so then i went south to that new ish bar and they were like soup jt and i was hi and i ordered a drink i think and then i went over to cookie he is a cyan interface instead of a yellow one and thats weird cuz npcs are yellow but hes blue anyways i went south to the dock but decided not to go to that island again so i went west to the zoo i noticed a fairy ring and im like wow i can access that but i need to go to edge good thing i had a glory and then i went and teleported using fairy magic to the zoo cage and i was like chea im an animal so i got out of there and went south and saw yanille several hundred thousand people were having a house party with gilded altars and stuff so im like chea ill go into a house and gilded altar good thing i have one hundred thousand stacked burnt bat bones so i trained my prajer there for so long then i became rank one in prayer that is just one day this entire story is just one day so if you still dont understand the story i suggest you re read it all but for now bye

Latest revision as of 03:08, 27 April 2010

Talk Page Use[edit]

Your talk page is for use so other people can contact you, not as a sandbox. If you want a sandbox, create a subpage on your user page (User:Res/sandbox) and play with that. Also, was a 1.5mb test of article lengths really necessary? --Briess 03:08, 27 April 2010 (UTC)