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User talk:Smoking Gnu/Blood for the Blood God!

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Revision as of 23:23, 13 June 2008 by Savok (talk | contribs) (oops. Did not meant to click that link, but just as well: Qyterin, Smoking Gnu both said "this is over" and "don't talk on these pages")
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Signups & Voting

I'd like to be a jeweller/smith/miner. 1 point in each gem setting/cutting, one in mining and a pick is all I'll need. --Major

You sure about that? There's plenty of points for extra skills. Also, if you want, give in opinion on what style and area we should play in. --Smoking Gnu 12:48, 10 March 2008 (EDT)

If there is a volcano area possible, i'd like it, moreso if it has running water, up survival chances. If there is spare points after other people join, I would like a crossbow, and novice marksdwarf, bolts can be easily made. I could be backup guard, wielding my own smithed items of course! --Major sephiroth 00:55, 11 March 2008 (EDT)

I'd like to be a butcher/broker/head architect and I want to bring (at least) 20 cats. I'd prefer an aquifer map if possible; with magma and a warm (maybe even scorching) climate. It should be an Evil Armok sacrifice fortress, so access to goblins, elves, and humans is a necessity. VengefulDonut 22:21, 12 March 2008 (EDT)

I'll do the fishing if you need a fisherdwarf. Proficient Fishing, and Some points into fish cleaning. The rest of the time I can do hard labor. --LordoEverything 01:48, 13 March 2008 (EDT)

Why not... Axedwarf/Woodsdwarf. Prof Axe,Armor,Woodcutting. Votes go to Armok, warm or hot (not scorching), and neutral or worse lands. --Edward 06:40, 13 March 2008 (EDT)

D'oh... took a break from DF for a bit, and already forgot that you're limited to 2 Proficient skills. Let's make that Skilled Axe, Armor and just named woodcutter. --Edward 23:01, 13 March 2008 (EDT)

I'll be a Chef. Give me a hole in some soil or with a muddy area for a farm, kitchen, still, and food stockpile, and with my proficient skills in both cooking and brewing, I'll keep dozens of dwarves well-fed and happy. I shall even use organic, self-grown ingredients, though I'll be delighted to turn any meat into a delicious roast. I prefer a safe location for myself. I do not care what else there is - my whole existence will, ideally, be in that hole. --Savok 12:43, 13 March 2008 (EDT)

Past-tense/present tense

Just as an explanation, I wasn't planning on writing the whole story in present tense. It was just a way to introduce my character.--Smoking Gnu 14:00, 16 March 2008 (EDT)

That's the most frequent wrong use of present tense. AFAIK, most people aren't bothered by it and possibly even like it, but it really bugs those of us who have a good background in proper use and grammar and such, likely because our mothers are professional English teachers. --Savok 16:37, 16 March 2008 (EDT)


What is the fortress name? And the group name? Also, what types of stone are available? (specifically - can we get bauxite?) VengefulDonut

The fortress is called bloodtempests, as for the group and the possibility of bauxite, I forgot to check, so it'll be interesting.--Smoking Gnu 22:19, 16 March 2008 (EDT)
It will be clear once we reach the first layer of rock. VengefulDonut 23:31, 16 March 2008 (EDT)


It won't be very bloody from Nature's Beasts, what with the most peaceful type of surroundings possible... Good thing them Gobbos make a big mess when they're hacked in half! Well, suppose that means I get plenty of training time in shortly after I level any 'Fleshwood' in the area, since I probably won't be conscripted to chase off any marauding Cougars, etc. ;-) Edward 06:31, 17 March 2008 (EDT)