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User talk:Res

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Res Res Res Res Res Res Res Res Res Res Res Res Res Res Res Res Res Res Res Res Res Res


Edit:mayo3 hay gurl hay minnning

wtf?!? lol!


res, res, Jts79


30-Jan-2010 04:59:27 Last edited on 30-Jan-2010 05:11:55 by Jts79 Knock knock!

~who's there?

You notice a eye nailed to the door..

you open the letter, it says:


you examine the eye that nailed was to the door, and you immediately recognize it

it's an entirely solid red eye, except for the white veins

you look up at the sky cause it's raining and you notice the clouds glide by in black and purple

you turn on your porch light and notice dogs walking by

you go out to the car and notice an foot not nailed to the door, and there was actually no foot

you open your car door and notice the clock radio was stolen

you look in the back seat for your stuff and junk and notice it was looked through but nothing was tooken

you dig in your pocket and find your car keys, along with other keys attached by a metal key ring :)

you start your car while your porch is still lit up

you put your car in reverse and drive backwards

you put it in drive and drive forwards

you scan the neighborhood, with now sub zero temperatures

the roads are slippery and icy and you lose COMPLETE control of your car so you jump out along with all your belongings and retreat back to your house

you notice the dogs are still outside of your house, so you'll be sure to be super cautious of

you notice that your door is 0pen s0n to your house looks like it was kicked in gf

you walk into your house and shut electricity off cause thats how you should shoo out the dogs

but wait sounds like a human biped looking thru ur stuff in ur dining room

yu go in but no1 there so dogs walk in your house and take stuff

you decide to go on vacation cause your home is just too stupid for you

when you come back from your all expenses paid vacation you notice your door is put back together and the dogs are gone

you walk inside and find everything the way it was before that dreadful night Jts79


30-Jan-2010 04:59:33 Last edited on 30-Jan-2010 05:33:41 by Jts79 you log onto your computermachine and notice all your settings are different

you now have to type in a pass word for anything you do

your desktop background has changed to cats(?)

you forget about and go to the dining room.


you wake up the next morning, feeling refreshed

your pet cats come and greet you

you go outside for the newspaper and when you're returning back inside you notice an foot nailed to your door

you open the letter and it says

"u dont get it ollolo"

you sigh and admit that you don't

you walk back inside and notice that your nightstand's top has been shoved the stuff off of it, leaving it bare

the nightstand is made of wood but it's an blue color now(?)

you disregard that and go to make some breakfast

oh wait, it's 1:43 P.M.

you decide to make a lunch

you preheat your oven to 350 degrees and wait until adequately heated

you keep tripping over your cats cause they want attention real bad

you put the snacks in the oven for cooking

you are knocked out again

you wake up, feeling more hungry than before

you go back to the oven, and notice that it's empty and cooled down

it's now 6:21 P.M.

you decide to make dinner

you set the microwave for 6 minutes and add the edible pot pies to the microwave oven

you finally get something to eat, while the cats are still at your legs

you attend to your meal in the dining room, and turn the television on

you watch the 6 o'clock news and notice your neighborhood on it

something about *** offenders or something but that doesn't matter to you

you finish your meal and leave the trash for your cats, they are grateful

you go wash up for bed, and you're punched in the arm and then in the back of the knee

you hear mumbled swears as you are punched more, this time on the left side of your head

you are not very immediately knocked out..

you wake up three days later on your dining room table Jts79


30-Jan-2010 04:59:33 Last edited on 30-Jan-2010 05:32:57 by Jts79 you are on your dining room table

you are exhausted, every muscle in your body aches

you wonder what's going on and why you feel so bad and what's going on in your house

you try to stand, but you just can't

your legs hurt too much :c

your arms are pretty O.K. though

you crawl your way to the clock, it's 6:52 A.M.

you look through a window

you see that the sky is cloudy, and the temperature is low

it's about negative three degrees farenheit outside

it's also still icy out

you hear your cats coming up behind you and feel them lay on your back

you crawl around some more and they fall off

you go and try to stand up, and you manage to

you walk around, all the lights are on

so that means someone must have turned the power back on again

you become more and more aware of the anonymous presence in your house

you walk over to the fridge, it's not running

it has no cold air in it at all, and all the food and liquids are starting to smell much stronger

you close the fridge door and find an ear attached to the door

you open the letter and it says

"olollololo >:\"

you look at it the wrong way first, and re-read it

it now says:

"/:< ololollolo"

still makes not a lot of sense

you go over to the sink dispose-all and put it in there

your sink's water is rusty looking and has a pungent odor

you take a cup and drink some of it

it tastes sour

you look out of the window above the sink, and you feel this sharp, tiny pain in your lower back

you hear several mumbled swears and try to turn around, but you can't seem to move easily

you are punched in the elbows and kicked in the knees, and you feel something slice down the middle of your back(?)

you are knocked out again



30-Jan-2010 04:59:34 res Jts79


30-Jan-2010 04:59:35 res Jts79


30-Jan-2010 04:59:36 res Jts79


30-Jan-2010 04:59:37 res Jts79


30-Jan-2010 04:59:37 res Jts79


30-Jan-2010 04:59:38 res Jts79


30-Jan-2010 04:59:39 res

how i do stuff

i confused

