Scouting reports:
There's something wrong here: only two dwarven civilizations, and a huge expanse of haunted mountains stretching from the south pole northwestward, almost to the equator. The equatorial dwarves are hemmed in: to the south is a sea and generally inhospitable habitats; to the east a mountain range densely infested with goblins. The southeastern dwarves have great expansion prospects northwards, however, and the southern end of the next mountain range up has some impressive cliffs and chasms.
Only 5 rejects, all early; < 2 minutes on fast desktop, < 10 minutes on slow laptop.
Major Volcanoes
Nearby vents and other features
calm scorching tropical shrubland; aquifer; 2s from brook
ne on brook
calm scorching tropical savanna; 11s from brook; loamy sand/rhyolite/obsidian/granite
se next to goblin fortress; s in mountains near sandy savanna, 3s from brook; *w in wild tropical savanna 4s from brook, moderate cliffs, white sand/rhyolite/granite/diorite; nw 3s from brook, nearly flat; 2e 5s from brook; ssw far from brook; wnw far from brook
mountains, 11s from brook, 10s from calm scorching tropical grassland
ne in mountains near sandy wild savanna, 1s from brook, high cliffs; *ese along stream
mirthful moist brdlf forest / wilderness savanna; aquifer; 6s to brook
wild tropical savanna; aquifer; 2s from brook
sw far from brook; 2sw, double aquifer, 5s from brook; wsw, no brook
*warm temperate savanna/sinister mountain; 1s from brook; (silty clay loam)/andesite/gabbro/granite; basalt/phyllite/gabbro; high cliffs
ne far from brook; likely waterfall ese
tropical freshwater marsh/mountain; on brook; felsite/granite/diorite; red sand/gabbro/slate/diorite; medium cliffs (higher further east in conifer forest)
s2sw on swamp/broadleaf forest boundar, far from brook, flat
haunted mountains/rocky wasteland, extreme cliffs, 5s from brook
inaccessibly remote
temperate grassland island, aquifer
untamed temperate shrubland; double aquifer, no brook, flat
sw, ssw
haunted conifer forest; aquifer; 3s from brook
3 4s from brook
Other Known Vents
adjacent to goblin fort at sw corner of mountain range
A generally placid realm.
28 rejects, all early; < 5 minutes on slow desktop.
Major Volcanoes
Nearby vents and other features
deep in mountains, far from brook
on edge of mountains, far from brook
edge of mountains, 3s from brook; temperate mountain wilderness, untamed temperate broadleaf forest, temperate grassland wilderness: (black sand)/basalt/gneiss/diorite; river in canyon; moderate cliffs
solitary volcano 4s from brook; wild temperate freshwater swamp: yellow sand/rhyolite/felsite/granite
volcanic island; temperate broadleaf forest w. aquifer + vent
solitary, temperate grassland / sand desert, no brook
far back in mountains
on freezing grassland, 6s from brook
1s from brook but nothing habitable nearby
volcanic island, isolated in freezing taiga
tundra island
tundra island
Other Known Vents
just north of lake: untamed temperate mountain, temperate freshwater swamp wilderness; (sandy loam)/siltstone/gabbro/granite x obsidian/felsite/diorite; moderate cliffs