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Utility:Obsidian/Cell definition files

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This page contains technical information about the Obsidian visualizer

This list of files define the internal representation of the Cell engine, to be exposed to Lua and used by other modules (like the geometry generator or terrain exporters)


This describes the top level object that holds all of the components like terrain, creatures, etc., as well as static information about the fortress.

	<class name="Fortress" api="yes">
		<!-- TODO: Need a good default fortress size. How many tiles is the default 4x4 embark? -->

		<property name="SizeX" type="Int32" default="16">

		<property name="SizeY" type="Int32" default="16">

		<property name="SizeZ" type="Int32" default="16">

		<vector name="Maps" type="Map">
			<note>A fortress can have multiple maps, to represent timestamps of the fortress terrain over time</note>

		<vector name="Materials" type="Material">

		<method name="LoadFromDF">
			<return type="Void"/>


This just a collection of cells that describes the current map. Maps have a timestamp, so a fortress can hold multiple map instances to represent the development of the fortress over time

	<class name="Map" api="yes">

		<reference name="Fortress" type="Fortress">

		<property name="TimeStamp" type="ROString">

		<array name="Cells" type="Cell">
			<dimension name="x" size="Fortress.SizeX"/>
			<dimension name="y" size="Fortress.SizeY"/>
			<dimension name="z" size="Fortress.SizeZ"/>

		<property name="OpenSpace" type="Cell">
			<note>This is a readonly cell representing the default OpenSpace cell</note>


Each cell holds everything that you need to know about a specific tile in the fortress, including a reference to the terrain type, a reference to any building or construction that occupies that space, as well as lists of items, contaminants, liquids and creatures in that tile.

	<class name="Cell" api="yes">

		<reference name="Map" type="Map">

		<property name="PosX" type="Int32" default="-1">

		<property name="PosY" type="Int32" default="-1">

		<property name="PosZ" type="Int32" default="-1">

		<reference name="Terrain" type="Terrain">
			<note>I'm assuming that the all of the terrain information can be encapsulated in a terrain type. Changing the terrain will be done through the Map object</note>

		<reference name="Construction" type="Construction">
			<note>I'm assuming only one construction can exist in a cell at a time. Changing the construction will be done through the Map object</note>

		<list name="Items" type="Item" reference="yes">
			<note>Should the cell own the items, or just reference them?</note>

		<reference name="Building" type="Building">
			<note>Placing/removing buildings via the Map object will handle attaching/detaching themselves from the cell</note>

			<reference name="Top" type="Cell"/>
			<reference name="Bottom" type="Cell"/>
			<reference name="Left" type="Cell"/>
			<reference name="Right" type="Cell"/>
			<reference name="Up" type="Cell"/>
			<reference name="Down" type="Cell"/>