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v0.31:Material science
This article is about an older version of DF. |
Template:L have a number of properties representing real world variables that describe how they respond to inputs. In particular, the game now has a number of variables that describe what happens to a material when its put under stress.
What is stress
In the real world, an object is stressed when a force is applied to the object and the force cannot simply be elastically converted into movement. In DF, objects appear to assume that movement is impossible, and so all force attempts to deform the object. Depending on the nature of the force applied, this stress can take a number of forms, and the object can respond differently based on its material and how that material handles different stresses.
In the material raws, whenever you see yield, fracture, or elasticity, that property is a stress-related quality.
When does Dwarf Fortress make stress calculations?
At present, DF seems to only apply forces during combat, and thus only stresses objects (generally armor and various body layers) at that time.
The first thing you'll notice is that the second word in each stress variable is one of Yield, Fracture, or Elasticity. These are mechanical performance terms.
The first set of words are things like Impact, Bending, and so forth. These describe modes of applying force.
The following explanations assumes real world physics sort of apply (since Toady One chose real world properties).
Mechanical Performance Properties
Yield: This is almost certainly 'Yield Strength', which is the amount of stress needed to cause a material to go from elastic deformation to plastic deformation. (That is, if you cease stressing the object, does it revert to its original shape or not). Since most objects only elastically deform over small distances of deformation, high Yield values generally means it takes a lot of force to noticeably 'stretch' them (but see elasticity).
Fracture: The fracture point is the amount of stress or force necessarily to cause the material to fail, or in other words, to break.
Elasticity: This variable tells you how much deformation occurs to the material while it is deforming elastically. That is, as long as the force is less than the yield strength, stress * elasticity = deformation distance. The smaller the elasticity, the less deformation occurs under stress.
Modes of Applying Force
Impact: Force applied by a sudden strike, like a hammer.
Compressive: Force applied by exerting pressure on an object, like trying to squish something between your hands.
Tensile: Force applied by pulling on something, like suspending one object via another. (Ie, if you suspend a fan from a metal pole, you are applying a tensile force to the pole).
Torsion: Force applied by twisting something. Note that you're twisting some portion of the object relative to itself to cause a torsion stress to be applied to it. (Consider trying to twist a metal rod by grasping at either end and attempting to wring it - yes, you'd have to apply a lot of force to succeed).
Shear: Force applied by pushing part of the material so it tries to slide relative to another part of it. Ie, pushing at the top of an object when the bottom part is fixed to the ground is going to primarily apply a shear stress to it (the top part will try to move in the direction you push, and the lower part will resist this shear stress).
Bending: Force applied by bending a material.
I'm mostly here to learn about combat... How does this work in game?
Since we don't have access to the code, we need to use Science to figure out how the game actually uses these variables.
Hypotheses based on Real World
Believed Interactions
Remember, we need data before we add anything here.
Open Questions
- When you strike something, does the striking object (ie, weapon) test for damage as well as the struck target?