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Modification:Civilization Forge
This page includes mods. The content is not part of normal DF as released. Changing game files can sometimes cause unexpected results, and should always be done with care and caution. |
Civilization Forge | ||
Version | 2.1 | |
Updated | May 17, 2010 | |
For DF Version | 0.31.04 | |
Out of date for current version | ||
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This page is an in-depth Wiki for the Civilization Forge Mod.
The basis for the mod is pretty simple, it's my own edited version of Dwarf Fortress with a bunch of elements that I wanted to add in. New races, creatures, metals, stones, gems, plants, pretty much everything. These are all additions to the basic DF, so this isn't a full conversion mod. Much of what I want to do is still impossible, but as Toady fleshes out Dwarf Fortress more I'll be able to tweak things to my satisfaction.
New Races
I've added in quite a few new races to this mod. They add flavor, increase your trading options, and give a bit more challenge besides. Originally Hobgoblins, Dyansauri, and Frost Giants were enemies, but with the Army Arc changes they've been reduced to minor trading partners unless you managed to start at war with them. Hopefully as the Army Arc continues they'll go back to being their vicious, conquering selves. Until then, the various baby-snatching races will have to do.
High Elves - Noble and Wise, the high elves are a little more similar to Humans then their woodland cousins, living in cities and using metal weapons and armor. They are known for forging weapons of great beauty and power. They will accept items made of wood, but still hold life in high regard.
Silver Xelics - A strange race of Insectoids, these creatures live in the wetlands of the world. The Silver Xelics appear as large, humanoid beetles with brilliantly silver carapaces. While at peace with the world, like Elves, they do not seem to mind other races cutting down trees they way Elves do.
Vamarii - A race of ice-dwelling fox-like humanoids, they live off of the land and sea. When the snows come, they bring caravans of goods to trade for dwarven crafts, metals, and weapons.
Tainted Dwarves - A twisted branch of dwarves tainted by the powers of Chaos. They have no honor, black souls, and foul tempers. Otherwise, identical to normal dwarves. Tainted dwarves are a baby snatching race, and are always your enemies. They are a difficult foe, since they fight as well as dwarves and avoid most traps. Some few are even rumored to be possessed by demonic spirits, and possess unholy strength. Note that they used to be called Chaos Dwarves, and might be again. For now, though, they're Tainted.
Hobgoblins - A cruel but noble race, the Hobgoblins have more honor then their smaller cousins. They do not hold with the thieving ways of goblins, and will not approach an enemy until it is rich enough to be worthwhile attacking. When they come, however, it is in force.
Bugbears - Large and brutish, unskilled in metalworking, they attempt to take what they cannot make themselves. They are found in the deep forests of the world.
Dyansauri - A race of Savage saurian warriors who live to fight and die in battle. They do not sneak, they do not steal, and should they war upon you they will come swiftly and in great numbers.
Violet Xelics - Evil kindred to the Silver Xelics, the Violets ones make dark fortresses within the swamps of the world. They use no armor, nor do they need it. Unlike goblins, a single Xelic is more then a match for a dwarf, and fighting them should be done cautiously. The Violet Xelics appear as large, humanoid beetles with multi-hued purple carapaces. They are a baby snatching race, and are always your enemies. Xelic warriors use their four arms to good effect, carrying multiple shields into battle.
Frost Giants - Twice as large as a dwarf, and with hearts as cold as the glaciers they live on. Frost giants generally keep to their frozen strongholds, but any who incur their wrath have cause to fear their strength.
Sand Raiders - A mysterious race of robed humanoids that lives in the deserts of the world. They frequently raid surrounding settlements. They are very stealthy, and even their sieges are done in stealth. They are a baby snatching race, and are always your enemies.
Zephyrs - A mountain-dwelling race of intelligent rodents. They're thieves like Kobolds, and usually killed for the vermin they are.
Jawas - A strange desert dwelling race. They sometimes sneak into the settlements of other races to steal things, or perhaps just cause a bit of mischief. They use iron and bronze and can speak with other races, which makes them a little more noticeable in the world than kobolds.
New Equipment
New Weapons
Mattock - A two-handed pick often used by dwarven miners. It is no military weapon, but can still do considerable damage when necessary.
Club - A simple blunt weapon, usually used by more primitive races
Hand Axe - Lighter than a Battle Axe, the hand axe hits with less force but has greater speed.
War Axe - Larger and heavier than a Battle Axe, the war axe is often used two-handed by dwarves.
[Raven's Beak|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Bec_de_Corbin.jpg Raven's Beak] - A pole weapon with a hammer-head shaped much like a Raven's Beak. It is useful when fighting armored opponents.
Skullcracker - A dwarven maul that has been adopted by a few other races. The Skullcracker is heavy, and usually used two-handed.
[Flambard|http://www.realmcollections.com/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/5e06319eda06f020e43594a9c230972d/S/w/Swords_Celtic_Flame_Sword_2017_93.jpg Flambard] - A one-handed sword with a blade that is curved like fire.
[Falcata|http://swordforum.com/swd/dt/dt-falcata-largesand.jpg Falcata] - A long bladed sword curved inward and weighted for hacking.
[Falcion|http://www.levantia.com.au/military/pictures/falchion.jpg Falcion] - A short, heavy sword weighted for hacking.
[Kopesh] - An ancient design, the Kopesh is a sword with a sickle-like blade. It is favored by Bugbears, but generally considered inferior by other races.
Bastard Sword - A large sword in-between a long sword and a two-handed sword.
Dire Blade - A humongous sword wielded by the Frost Giants. It is unlikely that any normal creature could use one.
Dire Spear - A humongous spear wielded by the Frost Giants. It is unlikely that any normal creature could use one.
Dire Maul - A humongous hammer wielded by the Frost Giants. It is unlikely that any normal creature could use one.
Dire Axe - A humongous axe wielded by the Frost Giants. It is unlikely that any normal creature could use one.
Dread Star - A humongous spiked mace wielded by the Frost Giants. It is unlikely that any normal creature could use one.
New Armor
Mail Vest - A light vest made of woven chain. It provides less cover than a chain shirt, but requires fewer materials and is considerably lighter.
[Mail Hauberk|http://home.messiah.edu/~gdaub/armor/pictures/fletcher/hauberk.jpg Mail Hauberk] - A long coat made of woven chain. It provides even better protection than a chain shirt, but requires more materials and is considerably heavier.
[Scale Armor|http://www.globaleffects.com/C_pages/Rental/Wardrobe/Armor/Period/CompleteSuit/European/Armor_scale817_hi.jpg Scale Armor] - A coat of armor made with overlapping scales. It is generally equivalent to chain.
Scale Hauberk - A long coat of armor made with overlapping scales. It is generally equivalent to a chain hauberk.
[Lamellar Armor|http://www.metmuseum.org/special/Warriors_of_the_Himalayas/images/6-lamellar-armor.L.jpg Lamellar Armor] - A coat of armor made with small plates sewn next to each other. It is stiffer than chain, and so provides better protection against blunt attacks. However, it is heavier and less flexible.
Heavy Lamellar Armor - A long coat of Lamellar. It provides great protection, but is quite heavy.
Scale Leggings - Armored leggings made of overlapping scales. Generally equivalent to chain leggings.
Lamellar Leggings - Armored leggings made of small plates sewn together. Slightly better than chain leggings, but a bit heavier.
[Chain coif|http://www.thinkgeek.com/images/products/zoom/b53e_chain_mail_coif.jpg Chain coif] - A hood of woven chain. It provides better cover than a metal cap, though it protects less against blunt attacks.
Chain gauntlet - A glove of woven chain. Not as protective as full plate gauntlets, but they are much lighter
Scale gauntlet - A glove of overlapping scales. Not as protective as full plate gauntlets, but they are much lighter
Lamellar gauntlet - A glove of small plates. Not as protective as full plate gauntlets, but they are much lighter
New Shields
Kite Shield - A large shield with a pointed tip at the bottom. It provides better cover than a standard round shield, but is heavier.
Tower Shield - A very large shield that acts as a portable wall. It provides the best cover, but is very heavy.
Targe - A small round shield, in between a standard Round and a Buckler. It provides decent protection and is fairly light.
New Animals
Pig - Cheaper than cows and provide a lot of meat when butchered.
Chicken - No eggs yet, but they are cheap and breed quickly. A good renewable source of food.
Giant Beetle - A domestic animal used frequently by dwarves, the Giant Beetle can be used as both a pack animal as well as trained for war or hunting. A powerful asset for any fort.
Cave Crab - Another cavern based domestic animal, the Cave crab is a hardy creature. It is often trained for war or hunting. It can also be butchered for meat and shells.
Sugar Beetles - A large beetle (about cat sized) that builds up lots of sugary goodness in its meat.
Land Strider - A huge creature found wandering the grasslands of the world. It is often domesticated for its immense strength and used to haul goods.
Giant Wasp - A serious threat found in Savage lands, the Giant Wasp is nearly the size of a dwarf and boasts a deadly poisoned stinger. They will raid your fortress for food. It is recommended that young forts simply appease them with a pile of extra food stuffs well away from the fortress rather than attempt to actually fight the wasps.
Redstripe Wasp - These medium-sized forest critters can be a serious pest. About the size of a cat, these wasps will raid your fortress for food. Not too dangerous, generally, but their poisonous stings can be deadly.
Giant Ants - While only a minor pest to an established fortress, they can be a serious hazard to a young outpost. They will attempt to raid your food supplies, and Soldier ants especially can be quite dangerous.
Fire Beetle - A rare beetle found in savage lands. It is generally docile, but can spit a gout of fire when threatened.
Spike Beetle - A medium sized insect that roams the forests of the world. They can be hostile, but are generally too small to be a threat.
Woolly Mammoth - Elephants of the Tundra
Arctic Fox - Silver-white fox
New Plants
Glowcaps - Strange glowing mushrooms. They take a long time to grow, and the yield is small, but they produce one of the finest drinks in the world.
Crystal stalk grasses - The crystals that grow on these fibrous plants makes excellent dyes. The types are Golden, Verdant, Crimson, and Dark
Slime Mold - Not very tasty, but edible and grows fast.
Cave Bulb - Milled into spice, or brewed into a drink, this is a grand addition to any dwarven kitchen.
Web Lichen - A delicate and somewhat rare underground plant, it can be eaten raw or brewed into firewater.
Above Ground
Blueberries, Blackberries, Raspberries, Crowberries, Lingonberries - Just to add some variety. They're on par with wild strawberries.
Cotton - new, high value clothing plant
Cinnamon, Black pepper - more spices.
Sugar Cane - Produces sugar, molasses, or Rum.
Rime Berries - A rare tundra plant, these berries make a drink of unsurpassed quality
New Materials
Bladestone - A rock found in small pockets around the world, this stone can be easily chipped into very sharp stone weapons.
Marble variations - Marble will now have veins of Green, Black, Midnight, and Celestial marble running through it. They are used primarily for decorative purposes, although Celestial Marble is very valuable and the others can be used as flux.
Verdenite - A new bright green stone, which I added in to round out the selection of stone colors to work with. Also works as a good source of rock crystal and various types of jade. Common to many stone layers.
Nightstone - A bright blue stone. It's mainly a decorative stone to use for crafts and furniture. Worth more then basic stone. Generally found in Alunite and Orthoclase.
New micas - Lepidolite, Zinnwaldite, Muscovite, Phlogophite. These show up as colored mica veins within the mica blobs. Not quite accurate, but it adds some additional flavor. They're worth more then normal stones, so they're worth mining out.
Nivocite - A blueish-gray stone, this mineral is highly resistant to heat. It shows up in volcanic regions. According to some scholars, it is the result of magma coming in contact with traces of elemental water.
Fine Jet - Gemstone quality Jet. Should be fairly common in jet clusters.
Nightfire - A Precious gem occasionally found within clusters of Fine Jet.
Amazonite - Gemstone quality Microcline.
Ironworks Industry
Wrought Iron - Iron created at the smelter can no longer be used for weapons and armor. Instead, Iron can be work-hardened at the Finishing Forge to create Wrought Iron, which is about equal to Bronze.
Steel is no longer created at the Smelter. Instead, I am using some more historically accurate was to create steel.
'Pattern-welded steel' - This method of creating steel is done by taking Iron Bars, Pig Iron Bars, and charcoal or coke and hammering them together at the Finishing Forge to balance out the carbon levels between the two types of iron. This is the most labor intensive way to make steel, and dwarves usually have better options, but can be done if other resources are lacking. Note that Pig Iron no longer requires Flux
Crucible - Two types of Steel are made at the new Crucible furnace. Normal steel is made by taking Iron Bars and Wood and heating them with fuel or magma to add carbon to the iron to make steel. Crucible Steel is a special form of naturally alloyed steel made from Ilmenite (now an iron ore found in gabbro). Crucible Steel is made using Ilmenite, Wood, raw green glass, and fuel/magma. It is stronger than normal steel due to impurities of Vanadium in the Ilmentite.
Blast Furnace - This dwarf-only building allows for large-scale steel production. Six iron ore, six flux stones, and six coke/charcoal are placed into the blast furnace and fired with fuel or magma to create six steel bars. This is by far the most efficient way to make steel, but since it only works in large batches and requires flux you may still find yourself making steel using the other two methods as well. It requires 3 blocks, two units of leather for bellows, and a wrought iron bar to stir the molten iron.
Charcoal furnace - This high efficiency furnace turns wood into two units of Charcoal, although it is slightly harder to make than a normal wood burning furnace. It requires stone blocks to create.
NOTE - Neither of these graphic sets has been confirmed to work with the new version
Stridor has started making a Graphics pack for the mod.
Undeadstag has taken up the mantel, and has a fairly complete Graphics pack done.