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40d:Macros and keymaps

From Dwarf Fortress Wiki
Revision as of 02:10, 5 May 2008 by Dudecon (talk | contribs) (→‎'First Fortress' setup: Re-wrote some so it properly deals with items (by name instead of location))
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Playing Dwarf Fortress means lots of typing. Although the game (as of version v0.27.176.38c) has no internal macro/keymap system, using an external program can save you a great deal of time when dumping, rewalling, designating, and so forth.

  1. Go to Utilities#AutoHotKey and download AutoHotKey. Installation is simple and the program uses few system resources.
  2. Write macro scripts (file type .ahk), which may contain any number of commands. You activate scripts by double-clicking .ahk files and deactivate them by right-clicking the AutoHotKey icon on the task bar. Both of these can be done at any time - even right in the middle of a game. AutoHotKey also allows for automated activation of scripts.

AutoHotKey Examples


Stock Screen Dump

Taken from an old version of Jackard's user page.

To use, first have your bookeeper do enough desk work so you can view individual items in the stocks listing. Then bring it up and press del to quickly mark stuff. To adjust the key repeat rate, edit the KEY_HOLD_MS value in \data\init\init.txt.

IfWinActive Dwarf Fortress
  send d{down}
  send {del}

Designation Dump

A dumping script by Dukederek:

This script uses a system similar the commands in the designations menu to mark most of the contents of a large area for dumping. My talk page has more detailed instruction.

Essentially you need to create two text files with the following titles and content. When playing DF it is safe to have blockdumpinit running constantly as long as you dont plan on using the ctrl-d combination for something else.


RunWait, "blockdumpmain.ahk"


SetKeyDelay 25
Send k
Send w
Send a
Send s
Send d
x := 0
y := 1
Input, keypress, B, {esc} , w,a,s,d,k,q
if keypress = w
y := --y
Send {up}
}else if keypress = s
y := ++y
Send {down}
}else if keypress = a
x := --x
Send {left}
}else if keypress = d
x := ++x
Send {right}
}else if keypress = k 
}else if keypress = q
y := y / 2
z := y
z := Floor(z)
z := y/z
Send d{NumpadAdd}d
If z = 0
If x = 0
Loop %x%{
Send {left}d
}If z <> 1
Loop %y%{
Loop %x%{
Send {left}d{NumpadAdd}d
}Send {up}d
Loop %x%{
Send {right}d{NumpadAdd}d
}Send {up}d{NumpadAdd}d
}Loop %x%{
Send {left}d{NumpadAdd}d
}Else If z = 1
y := y + 0.5
Loop %y%{
Loop %x%{
Send {left}d{NumpadAdd}d
}Send {up}d
Loop %x%{
Send {right}d{NumpadAdd}d
}Send {up}d{NumpadAdd}d
}Send d{NumpadSub}d


Taken from Valdemar's user page.

This is a macro to aid with rewalling. To use, copy-paste the script into a new .ahk file and run the script with AutoHotkey. Then, in Dwarf Fortress, press b-C-w, move the cursor to where you want to start the wall, and hold Ctrl-Shift-Arrowkey, using the direction you want to rewall in. To build floors, press b-C-f instead, and use Ctrl-Alt-Arrowkey. To stop, just release the keys.

The script will use the first material in the list. I suggest you create a stockpile near the construction site that only accepts the item you wish to build with and temporarily forbid any nearby materials you don't want to build with.

$^+Left:: ProcessEvent("Left","w")
$^+Right:: ProcessEvent("Right","w")
$^+Up:: ProcessEvent("Up","w")
$^+Down:: ProcessEvent("Down","w")

$^!Left:: ProcessEvent("Left","f")
$^!Right:: ProcessEvent("Right","f")
$^!Up:: ProcessEvent("Up","f")
$^!Down:: ProcessEvent("Down","f")

ProcessEvent(direction, type)
    Send {Enter}
    Sleep 100
    Send {Enter}
    Sleep 100
    Send %type%
    Sleep 100
    Send {%direction%}
        if not GetKeyState(direction, "P") 
        Send {Enter}
        Sleep 100
        Send {Enter}
        Sleep 100
        Send %type%
        Sleep 100
        Send {%direction%}

Grid-by-grid designation

For easier diagonal and fancy mining. Assumes that DF is active. "^!" means ctrl-alt-direction.

send {Enter}{Enter}{NumpadEnd}
send {Enter}{Enter}{NumpadDown}
send {Enter}{Enter}{NumpadPgDn}
send {Enter}{Enter}{NumpadLeft}
send {Enter}{Enter}{NumpadRight}
send {Enter}{Enter}{NumpadHome}
send {Enter}{Enter}{NumpadUp}
send {Enter}{Enter}{NumpadPgUp}

Embark Settings macros

These macros are used to ease the setup of skills and supplies before you embark.

Food-buying macro

This macro buys all the 2 cost meat items available at the start screen. Simply go to the item screen, erase the random food items the game starts you with, and press F2. By Napsterbater.

  send {n}{Right}{Down}{Enter}
  send {n}{Right}{Down}{Enter}
  send {n}{Right}{Down}{Enter}
  send {n}{Right}{Down}{Enter}
  send {n}{Right}{Down}{Enter}
  send {n}{Right}{Down}{Down}{Down}{Enter}
  send {n}{Right}{Down}{Down}{Down}{Enter}
  send {n}{Right}{Down}{Down}{Down}{Down}{Enter}
  send {n}{Right}{Pgdn}{Enter}
  send {n}{Right}{Pgdn}{Enter}
  send {n}{Right}{Pgdn}{Down}{Down}{Down}{Enter}
  send {n}{Right}{Pgdn}{Down}{Down}{Down}{Enter}
  send {n}{Right}{Pgdn}{Down}{Down}{Down}{Enter}
  send {n}{Right}{Pgdn}{Down}{Down}{Down}{Down}{Enter}
  send {n}{Right}{Pgdn}{Down}{Down}{Down}{Down}{Enter}
  send {n}{Right}{Up}{Up}{Up}{Up}{Up}{Enter}
  send {n}{Right}{Up}{Up}{Up}{Up}{Up}{Enter}
  send {n}{Right}{Up}{Up}{Up}{Up}{Up}{Enter}

Useless, becuse the types of meat you can take with you varies with each world/civ. It will work with the civ you wrote it for, but not for the overwhelming majority of others--Dorten 05:08, 2 April 2008 (EDT)

Just realized this. Whoops - Napsterbater

I'll go ahead and delete this soon.

Improved Food/Alcohol buying macro

This macro buys all the cost-2 food (that I have seen), as well as the four types of alcohol. Just press ctrl+f on the Items screen. It can deal with meat or drink that you already have, or is not currently featured. By Redfenix.


send ndwarven{SPACE}ale{RIGHT}{ENTER}{F9}
send ndwarven{SPACE}rum{RIGHT}{ENTER}{F9}
send ndwarven{SPACE}beer{RIGHT}{ENTER}{F9}
send ndwarven{SPACE}wine{RIGHT}{ENTER}{F9}
send ndonkey{SPACE}meat{RIGHT}{ENTER}{F9}
send nchimpanzee{SPACE}meat{RIGHT}{ENTER}{F9}
send ngazelle{SPACE}meat{RIGHT}{ENTER}{F9}
send nbonobo{SPACE}meat{RIGHT}{ENTER}{F9}
send nmule{SPACE}meat{RIGHT}{ENTER}{F9}
send ndeer{SPACE}meat{RIGHT}{ENTER}{F9}
send nraccoon{SPACE}meat{RIGHT}{ENTER}{F9}
send nfox{SPACE}meat{RIGHT}{ENTER}{F9}
send nrhesus{SPACE}macaque{SPACE}meat{RIGHT}{ENTER}{F9}
send nhorse{SPACE}meat{RIGHT}{ENTER}{F9}
send ngroundhog{SPACE}meat{RIGHT}{ENTER}{F9}
send nmountain{SPACE}goat{SPACE}meat{RIGHT}{ENTER}{F9}
send nhoary{SPACE}marmot{SPACE}meat{RIGHT}{ENTER}{F9}
send ngorilla{SPACE}meat{RIGHT}{ENTER}{F9}
send norangutan{SPACE}meat{RIGHT}{ENTER}{F9}
send nsiamang{SPACE}meat{RIGHT}{ENTER}{F9}
send nbilou{SPACE}meat{RIGHT}{ENTER}{F9}
send npileated{SPACE}gibbon{SPACE}meat{RIGHT}{ENTER}{F9}
send nmandrill{SPACE}meat{RIGHT}{ENTER}{F9}
send nturtle{RIGHT}{ENTER}{F9}

'First Fortress' setup

This macro works with the default setup of DF, and starts you with (almost) the setup suggested in the "Your first fortress" tutorial. The amounts are adjustable with the variables at the top of the macro.

; materialplanner.ahk					  	;
; this is a ahk script to set up the embark settings roughly as	;
;suggested in the "your first fortress" tutorial.  Inventory	;
;can be customized slightly.					;
; use ctrl+shift+e to run				  	;
;							  	;
; NOTEs:						  	;
; change variables to suit your desires			 	;
; the fourth guy is a Stonecrafter instead of Herbalist		;


PICKS = 2	;number of picks to pack
AXES = 1 	;number of axes to pack
ANVILS = 0	;number of anvils to pack
MEATS = 7	;how much meat to take, each buys one of each cheap type (total number depends on locale)
DRINKS = 26	;how many drinks to take, each one buys 4 drinks, one of each type
SEEDS = 5	;each increment buys 5 plump helmet spawn, 2 pig tail, and 2 rock nuts

SetKeyDelay, 12	;Key delay, to keep Dwarf Fortress from being overwhelmed.
		:Set higher if you get weird results, or lower to get the
		:script to run faster
SLEEPTIME = 12	;same thing, only used in the repeated key press loops though

;;The code;;


			;remove all of the items
Send {Tab}

loop 105{
	Send {NumpadSub}

Send {Tab}

			;place the skills
			;first guy
			;Proficient Miner
Send {right}
loop 5{
	Send {NumpadAdd}
			;novice appraiser
Send {PgUp}
loop 7{
	Send {Up}
Send {NumpadAdd}
			;novice Judge of Intent
Send {Up}
Send {NumpadAdd}
			;competent gem setter
Send {PgUp}
Send {PgUp}
loop 7{
	Send {Up}
loop 3{
	Send {NumpadAdd}
			;second guy
Send {Left}
Send {Down}
Send {Right}
Send {PgUp}
			;Proficient Miner
loop 5{
	Send {NumpadAdd}
			;Proficient Mason
loop 3{
	Send {Down}
loop 5{
	Send {NumpadAdd}
			;third guy
Send {Left}
Send {Down}
Send {Right}
			;Proficient Carpenter
Send {UP}
loop 5{
	Send {NumpadAdd}
			;Proficient Wood Cutter
Send {UP}
loop 5{
	Send {NumpadAdd}
			;fourth guy
Send {Left}
Send {Down}
Send {Right}
			;Proficient Grower
Send {PgDn}
Send {Down}
Send {Down}
loop 5{
	Send {NumpadAdd}
			;Proficient Stone Crafter
loop 9{
	Send {Up}
loop 5{
	Send {NumpadAdd}
			;fifth guy
Send {Left}
Send {Down}
Send {Right}
			;Proficient Mechanic
loop 5{
	Send {Down}
loop 5{
	Send {NumpadAdd}
			;Proficient Building Designer
Send {PgUp}
loop 5{
	Send {Down}
loop 5{
	Send {NumpadAdd}
			;sixth guy
Send {Left}
Send {Down}
Send {Right}
			;Proficient Weaponsmith
loop 1{
	Send {Down}
loop 5{
	Send {NumpadAdd}
			;Proficient Armorsmith
loop 2{
	Send {Down}
loop 5{
	Send {NumpadAdd}
			;seventh guy
Send {Left}
Send {Down}
Send {Right}
			;Proficient Cook
Send {PgDn}
loop 2{
	Send {Up}
loop 5{
	Send {NumpadAdd}
			;Proficient Brewer
loop 1{
	Send {Up}
loop 5{
	Send {NumpadAdd}


			;do the inventory
Send {Tab}


if MEATS > 0
tmp := MEATS - 1
send ndonkey{SPACE}meat{RIGHT}{ENTER}
loop %tmp%{
Send {NumpadAdd}
Send {F9}
send nchimpanzee{SPACE}meat{RIGHT}{ENTER}
loop %tmp%{
Send {NumpadAdd}
Send {F9}
send ngazelle{SPACE}meat{RIGHT}{ENTER}
loop %tmp%{
Send {NumpadAdd}
Send {F9}
send nbonobo{SPACE}meat{RIGHT}{ENTER}
loop %tmp%{
Send {NumpadAdd}
Send {F9}
send nmule{SPACE}meat{RIGHT}{ENTER}
loop %tmp%{
Send {NumpadAdd}
Send {F9}
send ndeer{SPACE}meat{RIGHT}{ENTER}
loop %tmp%{
Send {NumpadAdd}
Send {F9}
send nraccoon{SPACE}meat{RIGHT}{ENTER}
loop %tmp%{
Send {NumpadAdd}
Send {F9}
send nfox{SPACE}meat{RIGHT}{ENTER}
loop %tmp%{
Send {NumpadAdd}
Send {F9}
send nrhesus{SPACE}macaque{SPACE}meat{RIGHT}{ENTER}
loop %tmp%{
Send {NumpadAdd}
Send {F9}
send nhorse{SPACE}meat{RIGHT}{ENTER}
loop %tmp%{
Send {NumpadAdd}
Send {F9}
send ngroundhog{SPACE}meat{RIGHT}{ENTER}
loop %tmp%{
Send {NumpadAdd}
Send {F9}
send nmountain{SPACE}goat{SPACE}meat{RIGHT}{ENTER}
loop %tmp%{
Send {NumpadAdd}
Send {F9}
send nhoary{SPACE}marmot{SPACE}meat{RIGHT}{ENTER}
loop %tmp%{
Send {NumpadAdd}
Send {F9}
send ngorilla{SPACE}meat{RIGHT}{ENTER}
loop %tmp%{
Send {NumpadAdd}
Send {F9}
send norangutan{SPACE}meat{RIGHT}{ENTER}
loop %tmp%{
Send {NumpadAdd}
Send {F9}
send nsiamang{SPACE}meat{RIGHT}{ENTER}
loop %tmp%{
Send {NumpadAdd}
Send {F9}
send nbilou{SPACE}meat{RIGHT}{ENTER}
loop %tmp%{
Send {NumpadAdd}
Send {F9}
send npileated{SPACE}gibbon{SPACE}meat{RIGHT}{ENTER}
loop %tmp%{
Send {NumpadAdd}
Send {F9}
send nmandrill{SPACE}meat{RIGHT}{ENTER}
loop %tmp%{
Send {NumpadAdd}
Send {F9}
send nturtle{RIGHT}{ENTER}
loop %tmp%{
Send {NumpadAdd}
Send {F9}


			;copper picks
if PICKS > 0
Send {n}copper picks{Right}{Enter}
tmp := PICKS - 1
loop %tmp%{
	Send {NumpadAdd}
if AXES > 0
Send {n}steel axes{Right}{Enter}
tmp := AXES - 1
loop %tmp%{
	Send {NumpadAdd}
if SEEDS > 0
send {n}Rock nuts{Right}{Enter}
Send {NumpadAdd}
send {n}plump helmet spawn{Right}{Enter}
Send {NumpadAdd}
Send {NumpadAdd}
Send {NumpadAdd}
Send {NumpadAdd}
send {n}Pig tail Seeds{Right}{Enter}
Send {NumpadAdd}

tmp := SEEDS - 1
loop %tmp%{
Send {NumpadAdd}
Send {NumpadAdd}
Send {up}
loop %tmp%{
Send {NumpadAdd}
Send {NumpadAdd}
Send {NumpadAdd}
Send {NumpadAdd}
Send {NumpadAdd}
Send {up}
loop %tmp%{
Send {NumpadAdd}
Send {NumpadAdd}

if ANVILS > 0
Send {n}iron anvils{Right}{Enter}
tmp := ANVILS - 1
loop %tmp%{
	Send {NumpadAdd}
if DRINKS > 0{
send {n}Dwarven ale{Right}{Enter}
send {n}Dwarven beer{Right}{Enter}
send {n}Dwarven wine{Right}{Enter}
send {n}Dwarven rum{Right}{Enter}

tmp := DRINKS - 1
loop 4{
loop %tmp%{
Send {NumpadAdd}
Send {up}


Bed Assigning macro

This will assign bedrooms to your dwarfs. Press F3 followed by a single digit indicating how many beds to assign. Can repeat the action, as the number of beds assigned is stored in a counter. Room size is default, but easily edited into the script. By Napsterbater.

bedcounter = 0
  Input, counter, L1
  SetKeyDelay, 100
  loop  %counter% {
    loop %bedcounter%
      send {Down}
    loop % A_Index - 1
      send {Down}
    send {q}{r}{Enter}{a}
    loop %bedcounter%
      send {NumPadAdd}
    loop % A_Index - 1
      send {NumPadAdd}
    send {NumPadAdd}{Enter}
    send {space}{r}
  bedcounter += counter

Room-designation macros

Valdemar's Designator Macro

This macro can read a spreadsheet and designate rooms according to it. Forum Thread/Download

Fedor's chambered circle

A circular room with eight equal-sized chambers, suitable for everything from housing to workshops to a mausoleum.
See this macro in action
Macro text

Valdemar's bedroom complex

A large fractal bedroom/dining complex, with 56 bedrooms and room for 24 tables.

You can press Alt-B to create a bedroom block, or Alt-C to create a full complex with 4 bedroom blocks and a dining block in the center.

Note - the macro is much faster than the demo movie shows, it is done in under a minute.

Demo Movie


Tulip's room macros

Based on the bedroom designs.

^g means alt+g, !g means ctrl+g, and so on. Open up the designations window before using these:

; This will make a basic 'x' pattern workshop/room layout
; and will 'land' back on the same tile it starts on each time,
; which happens to be the center.
; It is modified so that you will have 3 staircases, and an extra tile
; because many workshops do not have corner access.
Send di2{enter}88{enter}4d{enter}4{enter}67{enter}77{enter}66666666
Send {enter}11{enter}1{enter}6{enter}114{enter}4{enter}2{enter}11{enter}
Send 66666666{enter}77{enter}7{enter}6{enter}74

; This makes GnomeChomsky's Tessellated Apartments, bedrooms only.
; Your cursor will be over the left staircase.
Send i999866{enter}{enter}33332{enter}{enter}11114{enter}{enter}
Send d3{enter}22{enter}4{enter}{enter}
Send 78{enter}44{enter}8{enter}{enter}
Send 96{enter}88{enter}6{enter}{enter}	
Send 32{enter}66{enter}2{enter}{enter}
Send 96{enter}{enter}6{enter}88{enter}
Send 96{enter}{enter}8{enter}44{enter}
Send 1444{enter}{enter}2{enter}66{enter}
Send 88{enter}88{enter}6{enter}{enter}
Send 78{enter}{enter}8{enter}44{enter}
Send 78{enter}{enter}4{enter}22{enter}
Send 14{enter}{enter}2{enter}66{enter}
Send 66{enter}22{enter}4{enter}{enter}
Send 14{enter}{enter}8{enter}44{enter}
Send 78{enter}{enter}4{enter}22{enter}
Send 14{enter}{enter}2{enter}66{enter}
Send 32{enter}{enter}6{enter}88{enter}7i{enter}{enter}

; This makes GnomeChomsky's Tessellated Apartments, bedrooms plus dining.
; Everything above applies.
Send i{enter}{enter}999866{enter}{enter}33332{enter}{enter}11114{enter}{enter}d
Send 444{enter}{enter}2{enter}66{enter}
Send 32{enter}{enter}6{enter}88{enter}
Send 9966{enter}{enter}6{enter}88{enter}
Send 96{enter}{enter}8{enter}44{enter}
Send 7788{enter}{enter}8{enter}44{enter}
Send 78{enter}{enter}4{enter}22{enter}
Send 1144{enter}{enter}4{enter}22{enter}
Send 14{enter}{enter}2{enter}66{enter}
Send 36{enter}8886666666{enter}
Send 9{enter}4444444{enter}
Send 8{enter}6666{enter}744{enter}{enter}
Send 222222441{enter}6666666{enter}
Send {enter}22{enter}8{enter}4444{enter}
Send 7778

; This makes THLawrence's Living Pods (the A is for Arabia).
; Put your cursor where you want the upper left staircase to be.
; Like my other scripts, it recenters on that tile.
; Also, thank you THLawrence, this one was really easy write!
Send i{enter}{enter}d7{enter}7{enter}666{enter}3{enter}22{enter}1{enter}44{enter}7{enter}
Send 96666666
Send i{enter}{enter}d7{enter}7{enter}666{enter}3{enter}22{enter}1{enter}44{enter}7{enter}
Send 33222
Send i{enter}{enter}d7{enter}7{enter}666{enter}3{enter}22{enter}1{enter}44{enter}7{enter}
Send 7444
Send i{enter}{enter}d7{enter}7{enter}666{enter}3{enter}22{enter}1{enter}44{enter}7{enter}
Send 9988888

; This makes the lobby for THLawrence's Living pods.
Send i{enter}{enter}d7{enter}7{enter}666{enter}3{enter}66{enter}9{enter}66{enter}3{enter}41i{enter}{enter}
Send 36d{enter}1444444{enter}
Send 74{enter}1{enter}22{enter}3{enter}3i{enter}{enter}d1{enter}1{enter}666{enter}9{enter}
Send 66{enter}3{enter}66{enter}9{enter}88{enter}7{enter}74{enter}1144{enter}
Send 36666i{enter}{enter}777777

The MOUSE control

For unrivaled mouse control in DF try this DF Mouse script


Rating 40d:Macros and keymaps