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# Modders' guide to BAMM! graphics references # Place your conversions in a file named bamm_gfx_<identifier here>.txt . The file should be encoded in codepage 437, the same as the Dwarf Fortress raws. # Start by defining names for your target graphics elements. # These names must always start with @. # So if you want to reference the background color being used for the Lion creature token, you can do that with this definition: # CREATURE:LION|COLOR::@lionbgcolor # or # CREATURE:LION|COLOR::@lionbgcolor: # If you want to reference the *whole* color of the lion tile, which is a 3-argument value, you can add a number after the @, like this: # CREATURE:LION|COLOR:@3lionfullcolor # Or you can declare references for each argument of the lion color individually: # CREATURE:LION|COLOR:@lionfgcolor:@lionbgcolor:@lionbrightness # The name is case-sensitive and can contain any character in the alphabet. Numbers are not allowed except immediately after the @. Special characters, including underscores, are not allowed. # You can also create generic all-graphics-belonging-to-this-object referents this way: # CREATURE:LION|@allLionTags # BE AWARE: trying to define non-graphics or partially non-graphic referents won't work. Referent declarations which include non-graphic information will simply be ignored. # OK, now that we have our referents, it's time to use them to modify raws. # creature_modded.txt # [CREATURE:MODDED_LION] # @allLionTags # This sets all of the modded lion's graphics equal to the lion's graphics, in any graphics set. # However, this "copy all" functionality couldn't be used to set properties belonging to a non-creature object: # [INORGANIC:LIONSTONE] This won't work # @allLionTags This won't work # In order to make lionstone the color of a lion, you'll need to reference the colors instead: # [INORGANIC:LIONSTONE] # [DISPLAY_COLOR:@3lionfullcolor] # NB. References are always made to graphics as declared in the graphics source raws. If you declare a lion to use a deer's graphics, and a deer to use a lion's graphics, they'll swap, not have the same graphics. # Eventually I intend to expand this to include the ability to apply these changes based on the properties of entries, but right now, this should be enough. # TODO docstring def handle_graphics_references(graphics_root,def_file): # Runs after the graphics source has been pulled in # Modifies same global graphics_referents if graphics_refs is None: graphics_refs = [] # This is meant to be a dict, check syntax definitions_over_yet = False for line in def_file: actline = line.split('#')[0].strip() if len(actline) == 0: continue elif actline == defs_over # TODO declare this as a constant definitions_over_yet = True elif not definitions_over_yet: # load referent definition # If the referent name already exists in graphics_refs, write an error to the log and continue to the next line. # Otherwise, match it against a template # Then match it against the GRAPHICS NODES that meet that template # Not the bound node or the target node. # (TODO make each template node hold lists of objects that refer to it, by function.) # If a partial definition matches more than one object, keep track of all of them so they can be narrowed down later # If a full definition matches more than one object, write a warning to the logfile and choose one arbitrarily to go with. # If a full definition matches no graphics object, write a warning to the log and try it on target objects. # If a full definition matches neither graphics nor target, write an error to the log. # Put the mapping of referent name to an object storing the reference info into graphics_refs else: # Get a collection of all the targets that meet the reference
class TemplateNode(TreeNode): """A TreeNode tailored for holding graphics templates. TemplateNodes store the patterns which define what tags are graphics tags, and which of their tokens are immutable, identifying, graphical, or irrelevant. Each TemplateNode represents the template for a single type of graphics tag. Members: * _tag is the template string. It is a series of tokens separated by colons. Each token is one of the following: * LITERAL. This is a string, usually in all caps, which must be present in this exact form for a tag to match this template. The first token in a template is always a literal. Enums (e.g. the PLANT_GROWTH timing values of ALL and NONE) may simulated by splitting a template into multiple templates, one for each enum, with the enum in question present as a literal. * VARIABLE. This is a single character, '?' '$' or '&' (quotes not present in _tag). * '?' indicates that this is a graphics token. When matching a tag to a template, this can match any value. When merging occurs, this token's value will come from the graphics source. * '&' indicates that this is an info token. When matching a tag to a template, this can match any value. When merging occurs, this token's value will come from the raw source. * '$' indicates that this is an identifier token. When matching a tag to a template, this can match any value; but for two tags to match each other, they must share the same values for all identifier tokens in their template. * VARIABLE RANGE. This is a variable character, followed by a range in parentheses, e.g. ?(0,3). This means that the tag can contain 0-3 (inclusive) tokens in this position, all of which hold graphical information. The second value is optional - if omitted, it means there is no upper bound on how many tokens can be in this series. For examples, please see graphics_templates.config . The string between each pipe ( | ) is a valid TemplateNode._tag . * _children is a dict containing the TemplateNodes representing the types of tags which are allowed to be children of the type of tag represented by this TemplateNode. The keys are the full _tags of the child TemplateNodes. * _childref is the same as _children, but indexed by the first token (the "value") of the child's _tag, instead of the full _tag. For convenience/performance only. * _parent is the TemplateNode representing the type of tag that the type of tag this TemplateNode represents can be a child of. * _is_graphics_tag is a boolean that lets us know if this tag is a graphics tag, as opposed to a template included because it can have graphics children. This is necessary because some graphics tags are composed of only a single literal token. """ # string does not contain the character '|'. def __init__(self, parent, string=""): """ Initializes a TemplateNode Parameters: * parent is the parent TemplateNode of this node, or None. If it is None, this TemplateNode will replace the current global template_tree. * string is the template-formatted string which will be this TemplateNode's _tag. After creating itself, if the parent isn't None, it adds itself to its parent. """ TreeNode.__init__(self, parent) self._is_graphics_tag = False self._childref = {} self._tag = None global template_tree if parent is None: self._parent = None template_tree = self else: if template_tree is None: self._parent = TemplateNode(None, "") else: self._parent = parent self._tag = string parent.add_child(self) def is_standalone_tag(self): """ Returns True if this is a tag without any non-graphical information. """ return ('$' not in self._tag ) and '&' not in self._tag and self._is_graphics_tag def add_child(self, node): """ Adds TemplateNode node as a child of this TemplateNode. If a child with node's ._tag already exists, node will NOT be added. Parameters: * node is an existing TemplateNode. Returns: * The child now living at this TemplateNode._children[node._tag]. This may be the parameter node, or it may be a preexisting TemplateNode with the same ._tag as node._tag . """ if node._tag in self._children.keys(): return self._children[node._tag] else: self._children[node._tag] = node first_token = node._tag.split(':')[0] if first_token not in self._childref.keys(): self._childref[first_token] = [] self._childref[first_token].append(node) return node def get_child(self, tag): """ Returns the child node matching tag. "Matching" in this case can mean two different things: * If there is a child of this node indexed as tag, that is a match and that node will be returned. * If not, we compare tag to the child templates of this template, using template-to-tag comparison logic as defined in TemplateNode.get_template_match. ** If more than one child matches tag on this second criterion, the best match is chosen by TemplateNode._get_best_match. Parameters: * tag is a a tag or template tag, which we want to compare to the children of this TemplateNode. Returns: * The best-matching TemplateNode which is a child of self, or None if no matching children were found. """ if tag in self._children.keys(): return self._children[tag] else: return_possibilities = [] first_token = tag.split(':')[0] if first_token in self._childref: for child in self._childref[first_token]: return_node = child.get_template_match(tag) if return_node is not None: return_possibilities.append((child, return_node)) if len(return_possibilities) == 1: return return_possibilities[0][0] elif len(return_possibilities) == 0: return None else: # TODO error handling userlog.debug("Found more than one matching child. \ Matching children are:") for poss in return_possibilities: userlog.debug(poss[1]) possible_tags = [a[1] for a in return_possibilities] winner = TemplateNode._get_best_match(possible_tags) return return_possibilities[possible_tags.index(winner)][0] else: return None # This tells if a single tag matches a single tag; that is, it assumes # we've got one element of the |-separated list def get_template_match(self, tag_to_compare): """ Returns an expanded configuration of this template that describes/matches the given tag. Parameters: * tag_to_compare can be a tag, a template, or a partially-templatized tag. If it is a template, it must be in expanded configuration. Returns: * The fully-expanded configuration of self._tag which matches tag_to_compare, as a list of strings, each a token. If there are no matches, returns None. If there are multiple possible configurations, the configuration to return is chosen by _get_best_match. """ if self._tag is None: return None template_token_bag = [] template_token_bag.append(self._tag.split(':')) candidate_tokens = tag_to_compare.split(':') ii = 0 while (len(template_token_bag) > 0 and (ii < len(candidate_tokens) or ii < len(template_token_bag[0]))): good_to_go = False for var in template_token_bag: if ii < len(candidate_tokens) and ii >= len(var): template_token_bag.remove(var) elif ii >= len(var) and len(var) == len(candidate_tokens): good_to_go = True elif (ii >= len(candidate_tokens) and (ii >= len(var) or (ii < len(var) and '(0,' not in var[ii]))): template_token_bag.remove(var) elif ('&' == var[ii] or '?' == var[ii] or '$' == var[ii] or (ii < len(candidate_tokens) and var[ii] == candidate_tokens[ii])): # This case is an auto-pass good_to_go = True else: if '&' in var[ii] or '?' in var[ii] or '$' in var[ii]: varii_type = var[ii][0] varii_range = var[ii][2:var[ii].index(')')].split(',') # If len(varii_range) == 1 then we have a range of # format (x,), indicating any number of :'s if len(varii_range[1]) == 0: varii_range[1] = len(candidate_tokens)-len(var) + 1 # For every possible length (the +1 is because range is # exclusive-end and my notation is inclusive-end) for jj in range(int(varii_range[0]), int(varii_range[1])+1): # Make a copy of var new_var = var[:] # Remove the range item del new_var[ii] # Replace it with (one of the possible lengths) # times the multiplied symbol # If jj is 0 the range item is just removed for kk in range(0, jj): new_var.insert(ii, varii_type) # Place the new variant in the token bag for # evaluation template_token_bag.append(new_var) # No counting, there is a new template_token_bag[ii] template_token_bag.remove(var) if good_to_go: ii += 1 for tag in template_token_bag: if len(tag) != len(candidate_tokens): template_token_bag.remove(tag) # This isn't working properly? if len(template_token_bag) == 0: return None elif len(template_token_bag) == 1: return template_token_bag[0] else: highest_priority = TemplateNode._get_best_match(template_token_bag) userlog.debug("More than one template matched.\nTag: %s Matches:", tag_to_compare) for template in template_token_bag: userlog.debug("\t%s", template) userlog.debug("The highest-priority match is %s", highest_priority) # Technically this does in fact have a matching template return highest_priority @staticmethod def _get_best_match(template_tokens_bag): """ Chooses between different templates which both have been found to match a tag. It chooses based on the number of tokens which are NOT wildcards. The principle is that a template which matches a tag with fewer wildcards is probably a better match, because matches on wildcards are cheap. Parameters: * template_tokens_bag is a list of fully-expanded templates, with each template configured as a list of tokens. Returns: * the list in template_tokens_bag with the least wildcards. If there is a tie on the number of wildcards, it returns the earliest one in the list. """ if not template_tokens_bag: # empty bag returns false return None elif len(template_tokens_bag) == 1: return template_tokens_bag[0] else: best_currently = template_tokens_bag[0] best_tokens = 0 for tag in template_tokens_bag: challenger_tokens = 0 for token in tag: if token != '?' and token != '&' and token != '$': challenger_tokens = challenger_tokens + 1 if challenger_tokens > best_tokens: best_currently = tag best_tokens = challenger_tokens return best_currently def how_many_generations(self): """ Returns how deep into the template tree this node lives.""" # TODO consider moving this into TreeNode temp_node = self count = -1 global template_tree while temp_node != template_tree: temp_node = temp_node._parent count = count + 1 return count