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Adventure mode[edit]

Natural attacks[edit]

These are attacks that do not need the use of weapons, but instead utilize the body parts of the attacker to harm, manipulate or hold onto the body parts of an enemy.

Icon Attack Description
Adv icon wrestle.png Wrestle A set of attacks based on wrestling moves, naturally using one's limbs to attack.
Adv icon grab.png Grab Takes hold of an enemy's body part.
Adv icon joint lock.png Joint Lock Push or pull an enemy's joint to its maximum degree of motion, putting the combatant in pain and further preventing movement.
Adv icon choke.png Choke Grabs the enemy with the choke hold, suffocating them if they need to breathe.
Adv icon takedown.png Takedown Throws the enemy down, likely knocking them off their feet.
Adv icon throw.png Wrestle Send the enemy airborne.
Adv icon pinch1.png Pinch The user pinches an enemy's body part with their digits, fingers or pincers.
Adv icon pinch2.png Gouge Tears or claws into an enemy body part that has been grappled.
Adv icon break.png Break Forcefully break an enemy bone, rendering the body part useless.
Adv icon release.png Loosen Loosen or release the grip of a hold on an enemy.
Adv icon strangle.png Strangle Grab and shake the throat of the enemy, suffocating them they need to breathe.
Adv icon latch.png Latch Sharply bite into the victim, holding them in place.

Weapon/Item attack types[edit]

These attack utilize the weapons the user is holding or whatever items are in their inventory.

Icon Attack Description
Adv attack quick.png Quick A weaker attack that is quick and easy to recover from.
Adv attack heavy.png Heavy A strong attack that is slower and harder to recover from.
Adv attack wild.png Wild A fast attack, but is very inaccurate and hard to maintain the balance of.
Adv attack precise.png Precise A very slow but very accurate attack.
Adv attack charge.png Charge Charges into the enemy, possibly making an enemy stumble off balance or knock them down.
Adv attack multi.png Multi-attack A sequence of attacks customizable by the player, when finished, they will all be executed one after the other.

Weapon/Item utilization[edit]

These attack choices determine how the weapon or item will be used.

Icon Attack Description
Adv attack stab.png Stab Strike the enemy by directly thrusting a sword's sharp end.
Adv attack slash.png Slash Strike the enemy by swinging the edge of a sword at the enemy.
Adv attack slap.png Slap Hits the enemy with the flat side of a weapon.
Adv attack hack.png Hack Strike the enemy by swinging an axe or axe-like weapon into the enemy.
Adv attack bash.png Charge Strike the enemy with the a blunt weapon.
Adv attack lash.png Lash Attack an enemy by lashing a whip.
Adv attack pommel.png Pommel Bash an enemy with the handle of a weapon.
Adv attack punch.png Punch Swing a punch toward the enemy.
Adv attack kick.png Kick Kick the enemy.
Adv attack bite.png Bite Simply bite the enemy. A vampire can draw blood from a victim this way. A werebeast can also transfer a curse with a bite that breaks the skin. Very effective if the attacker's bite is venomous.
Adv attack sting.png Sting Attack the enemy with a stinger, if the attacking creature naturally has a stringer. Very effective if the attacker's sting is venomous.
Adv attack pincer.png Pincer Attack the enemy with a pincer, if the attacking creature naturally has a pincer.
Adv attack bite.png Push Shoves the enemy away.

Graphic Werecreature Graphic Werecreature Graphic Werebeast
Reptile Werebeasts
Werechameleon sprite.png
Weregecko sprite.png
Weregilamonster sprite.png
Wereiguana sprite.png
Werelizard sprite.png
Weremonitor sprite.png
Wereskink sprite.png
Weretortoise sprite.png
Weretortoise sprite.png

Mammal Werebeasts
Graphic Werecreature Graphic Werecreature Graphic Werecreature Graphic Werecreature
Wereanteater sprite.png Wereanteater* Werecoati sprite.png Werecoati Werekoala sprite.png Werekoala Wereporcupine sprite.png Wereporcupine
Wereantelope sprite.png Wereantelope** Werecoyote sprite.png Werecoyote Werelemur sprite.png Werelemur Wererabbit sprite.png Wererabbit
Wereape sprite.png Wereape** Weredeer sprite.png Weredeer Werellama sprite.png Werellama Wereraccoon sprite.png Wereraccoon
Werearmadillo sprite.png Werearmadillo Weredonkey sprite.png Weredonkey** Wereloris sprite.png Wereloris* Wererat sprite.png Wereraccoon
Werebadger sprite.png Werebadger Wereelephant sprite.png Wereelephant Weremammoth sprite.png Weremammoth* Wererhinoceros sprite.png Wererat
Werebear sprite.png Werebear** Wereelk sprite.png Wereelk Weremarmot sprite.png Weremarmot Weresheep sprite.png Wererhinoceros
Werebeaver sprite.png Werebeaver Werefox sprite.png Werefox Weremole sprite.png Weremole* Wereshrew sprite.png Wereshrew*
Werebison sprite.png Werebison* Weregiraffe sprite.png Weregiraffe Weremongoose sprite.png Weremongoose Wereskunk sprite.png Wereshrew*
Werebuffalo sprite.png Werebuffalo Weregoat sprite.png Weregoat Weremonkey sprite.png Weremonkey** Weresloth sprite.png Wereskunk
Werebull sprite.png Werebull Weregopher sprite.png Weregopher* Weremoose sprite.png Weremoose Weresquirrel sprite.png Weresloth
Werecamel sprite.png Werecamel** Werehare sprite.png Werehare Weremouse sprite.png Weremouse* Weretapir sprite.png Weresquirrel
Werecapybara sprite.png Werecapybara Werehedgehog sprite.png Werehedgehog Wereopossum sprite.png Wereopossum Werewarthog sprite.png Weretapir
Werecat sprite.png Werecat Werehorse sprite.png Werehorse Werepanda sprite.png Werepanda Wereweasel sprite.png Werewarthog
Werecavy sprite.png Werecavy Werehyena sprite.png Werehyena Werepangolin sprite.png Werepangolin Werewolf sprite.png Werewarthog
Werechinchilla sprite.png Werechinchilla Werejackal sprite.png Werejackal Werebeast sprite.png Werepanther** Werewombat sprite.png Wereweasel
Werecivet sprite.png Werecivet* Werekangaroo sprite.png Werekangaroo Werepig sprite.png Werepig Werewolf sprite.png Werezebra*


Rating User:Zippy/sandbox