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User talk:RustyMcloon

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I am indeed a Tolstoy fan :) (Sorry for the late response, I usually browse not-logged-in) Dolohov 14:27, 24 August 2008 (EDT)

Enjoy Anna Karenina! I love the opening line; I did my degree in robotics and was very fond of saying "The robots that work all work the same. The robots that don't work, don't work in their own special ways." -Dolohov 13:00, 9 September 2008 (EDT)

"Are you really Chinese?" Nope, I stole my name from an online story about ten years ago :) Just out of curiosity, what does it mean? I've been using this name for a decade and never actually found out. I remember hearing that it has multiple meanings due to the way the Chinese alphabet is transcribed? --FangXianfu 05:31, 1 June 2009 (UTC)

Stolen Credit?[edit]

You still around? I love the "The shoe is making a plaintive gesture" comment in scamps - but someone who is running for co-administrator just claimed he added that, when the page history states you were the author, here: Dwarf Fortress Wiki:Request for Adminship/Bombcar. Just wondering what's what.--Albedo 06:32, 23 February 2010 (UTC)

Well, it seems this issue was resolved already, but I made the trivially clever comment about Scamps. --Rusty Mcloon 05:59, 7 April 2010 (UTC)
Genius is unconscious - I liked it. Anyway, glad to see you're around, readya later.--Albedo 20:23, 7 April 2010 (UTC)

Rating User talk:RustyMcloon