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v0.31 Talk:Crop

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I had the entries sorted by RAW order, for easier editing. As it so happens, it's also a rough order of importance, too. If someone wants to order it by any particular attribute, that's what the little icons at the top of the table are for. --Eagle0600 19:15, 6 April 2010 (UTC)

Booze Cooking Bugged?[edit]

The article claims cooking with booze is bugged. I have not seen this. As long as there is also one solid ingredient, booze (and other liquids) can be cooked, and I have the Dwarven Wine Roasts to prove it. GhostDwemer 17:33, 1 November 2010 (UTC)

Product Value[edit]

Where did those product values come from? The material values of dwarven syrup and dwarven sugar are both 20, dwarven syrup is listed as 100. I realise that it probably has something to do with stack size, but that is not made clear. Also, is it verified for this version? This is why I was hesitant to add those values. --Eagle0600 19:35, 6 April 2010 (UTC)

The product value given is the value of the products created from processing one plant. As you surmised, it's the stack size. A single plant will process to a stack of five syrups, hence the value of 100. This is consistent with how the wiki has presented it in previous versions, since it's more useful for comparisons that way. You're right that it does need a footnote, or something. --Morlark
How about the other values? Has it been verified for this version the number that each process produces? For instance, doesn't processing thread produce more than one thread for each plant? --Eagle0600 05:17, 7 April 2010 (UTC)


I was wondering which reactions give seeds and which don't. I'm not sure if it would be appropriate to list here or not. Is cooking the only reaction that does not give seeds for all plants? Do both brewing and milling cave wheat give seeds?

Brewing has been verified to grant two seeds per plant. --Eagle0600 05:19, 7 April 2010 (UTC)
Are you sure it always gives two seeds? In 40d it gave 1-2 seeds when the plants were eaten/brewed/milled/processed. --Pugi 08:04, 8 April 2010 (UTC)
More thorough testing will be required. I might do that, but not right now. --Eagle0600 04:25, 9 April 2010 (UTC)

Plant Value[edit]

The value for plants is 2*StructuralMaterialValue for all plants I've seen. Has someone tested the values of those with only 1 value? I know which part of the raws could do this, but I want to see it verified that it does. --Eagle0600 05:21, 7 April 2010 (UTC)

I did not veryfiy the values, i just calculated the value by [MATERIAL_VALUE:x]*[VALUE:y]. In some cases there was so [VALUE:x] tag, in which cases i used 1. I don't know if these values are correct, so someone has to check them for correctness or just remove/change them, when it is wrong. --Pugi 08:01, 8 April 2010 (UTC)
So... you might be wrong, and you don't add a [Verify]? Pulling data from the raw files is good and all, but you have to actually know which parts do what, and we don't yet. I haven't had much luck finding one of these plants in-game yet, do you want to? --Eagle0600 04:25, 9 April 2010 (UTC)

Changes of 0.31.2[edit]

EDIBLE_VERMIN and EDIBLE_COOKED added to the seeds of plump helmet, pig tail, cave wheat, sweet pod, quarry bush(also added EDIBLE_RAW), prickle berries, wild strawberries, longland grass, rat weed, fisher berries, rope reed, dimple cup, blade weed, hide root, sliver barb, sun berry, and whip vine. This leaves muck root, bloated tuber, kobold bulb, and valley herb - the un-farmable plants - without the tags, and quarry bush with a unique case of having seeds that are edible raw. How should we reflect this in the article? Should we leave it to the plant-specific articles? --Eagle0600 04:35, 9 April 2010 (UTC)

The quarry bush also has leaves that are edible raw now. Which makes the information allready there accurate. Which it wasn't when it was added by Quietust. Did you have fore-knowledge that Toady was going to change that? Or were you guessing? --Eagle0600 04:35, 9 April 2010 (UTC)

More care please[edit]

Just dump the raws, or worse, copy old info, without even looking in-game? And not understanding the game mechanics. Lets stick with the values the game gives us first, and use then the raws to verify and explain, please. --Birthright 01:24, 12 April 2010 (UTC)

Where to get sliver barbs[edit]

Hi, I started in a haunted non-freezing biome, and there's no plants. Where do I get sliver barbs?-- 18:46, 26 July 2010 (UTC)

There are lots of biomes that can be "non-freezing", including deserts which can easily be entirely devoid of plant life. --Quietust 19:11, 26 July 2010 (UTC)
I tried an evil forest (haunted or sinister) and was only able to Gather wild strawberries and longland grass. Just can't seem to find sliver barb anywhere. Does anyone have experience gathering this crop? I'm wondering if it only grows in areas with dead trees or something..-- 16:25, 27 July 2010 (UTC)
In an evil non-freezing biome with all dead trees, there were no plants at all. I'm starting to wonder if Sliver Barbs are an urban legend. Would like to hear from anyone who's had success gathering or farming them.-- 19:35, 28 July 2010 (UTC)
Ah, finally some success! I've found sliver barbs in terrifying savannas during two seperate embarks. There were many ogres.-- 18:03, 30 July 2010 (UTC)
I should mention for anyone who wants black dye, that sliver barbs do not appear to grow in an area without Glumprongs (the purple trees). If you embark in an evil area and you see only green trees, sliver barbs will not be available.-- 14:33, 5 August 2010 (UTC)
Glumprongs do seem to be a good indicator, I've embarked in two different evil biomes (warm and temperate grasslands) with glumprongs and other neutral trees (no other evil trees) and found silver barbs both times. I was a little amazed because I'd never seen them before. 07:24, 16 September 2010 (UTC)

Growing Time[edit]

How long does it take for a given crop to reach maturity? Or put another way, how many batches of a crop can be grown within one season or year? - AngleWyrm 02:04, 12 August 2010 (UTC)

They don't seem to be listed on the pages, but the [GROWDUR] token in the raws determines how long it takes for a planted seed to grow into a harvestable plant. Plants have a default GROWDUR of 500 (which is used for all of the outdoor plants, since they never got proper values when they became plantable in the first 3D version), which is about a month and a half in-game (GROWDUR 12 is one day). --Quietust 02:14, 12 August 2010 (UTC)

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