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User:Fleeting Frames/max-wave

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Usage: Save into /hack/scripts folder as max-wave.lua script, put 'repeat -time 1 -timeUnits months -command [ max-wave 10 80 ]' in onMapLoad.init

<script lang="lua"> --Dynamically limit the next immigration wave --[[=begin



Set the population cap to the lesser of current_pop + wave_size or max_pop. Use with the `repeat` command to set a rolling immigration limit.

Usage examples::

   max-wave wave_size (max_pop)
   repeat -time 1 -timeUnits months -command [ max-wave 10 80 ]

The first example is abstract and only sets the population cap once; the second will update the population cap monthly, allowing a maximum of 10 immigrants per wave, up to a total population of 80.


local args = {...}

local wave_size = tonumber(args[1]) local max_pop = tonumber(args[2]) local current_pop = 0

if not wave_size then

 print('max-wave: wave_size required')


--One would think the game would track this value somewhere... for k,v in ipairs(df.global.world.units.active) do

 if dfhack.units.isCitizen(v) or (dfhack.units.isOwnCiv(v) and dfhack.units.isAlive(v) and (df.global.world.raws.creatures.all[v.race].caste[v.caste].flags.CAN_LEARN)) then
  current_pop = current_pop + 1

local new_limit = current_pop + wave_size

if max_pop and new_limit > max_pop then new_limit = max_pop end

df.global.d_init.population_cap = new_limit print('max-wave: Population cap set to '.. new_limit) </script>