v50 Steam/Premium information for editors
  • v50 information can now be added to pages in the main namespace. v0.47 information can still be found in the DF2014 namespace. See here for more details on the new versioning policy.
  • Use this page to report any issues related to the migration.
This notice may be cached—the current version can be found here.

Difference between revisions of "v0.31:Memory hacking"

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(→‎Legacy versions: reorganizing a bit, + .12 and .13)
(reorganizing, cleanup, + MD5s and timestamps)
Line 3: Line 3:
These are currently unverified, but it is a start, if the hex is -1, don't know that yet
These are currently unverified, but it is a start, if the hex is -1, don't know that yet
==Version identification==
{| {{prettytable}} style="font-family: monospace;"
{| {{prettytable}} style="font-family: monospace;"
|- bgcolor="#ddd"
|- bgcolor="#ddd"
! Description
! Version
! MD5 hash
! PE timestamp
! 0.31.01
! 0.31.01
! 0.31.02
| 851c1190b6a7b42f2463967623d18575
! 0.31.03
| 4bb45f99
! 0.31.04 legacy
! 0.31.04 SDL
! 0.31.05 legacy
! 0.31.05 SDL
! 0.31.06 legacy
! 0.31.06 SDL
! 0.31.07 legacy
! 0.31.07 SDL
! 0.31.08 legacy
! 0.31.08 SDL
! md5 hash
! 0.31.02
| 851c1190<br />b6a7b42f<br />24639676<br />23d18575
| 23dfe141c7ea4e63ebb3c618a12b48ec
| 23dfe141<br />c7ea4e63<br />ebb3c618<br />a12b48ec
| 4bbdf378
| 94641d97<br />a0ecff6f<br />2194e3d0<br />b310d946
| 98223ef6<br />728797aa<br />fd50b0a4<br />c2030a75
| 655a895c<br />5b90d15e<br />b9bb71e2<br />8c6c62e5
| ac100278<br />c7ec226d<br />8d9ba809<br />534faded
| 394ff63f<br />c00fedd5<br />df0b36e4<br />beb589bc
| 0dfe1f3a<br />98f6378a<br />cae6133e<br />fc2ec6f6
| c4b7e37d<br />afa2716e<br />31d29110<br />968ac64e
| 403647e6<br />afbfc5e0<br />85b8a5c6<br />d19c02db
| 1c0b5254<br />af1b8ff9<br />a34b51c3<br />f6609da3
| 56f4ae59<br />da5d2be6<br />00ca5c9e<br />c9d2a794
| a83e6b21<br />307cf41f<br />b54c315f<br />a40dec86
! pe_timestamp
! 0.31.03
| 4bb45f99
| 94641d97a0ecff6f2194e3d0b310d946
| 4bbdf378
| 4bc3c470
| 4bc3c470
! 0.31.04 legacy
| 98223ef6728797aafd50b0a4c2030a75
| 4befdde5
| 4befdde5
! 0.31.04 SDL
| 655a895c5b90d15eb9bb71e28c6c62e5
| 4bf014fa
| 4bf014fa
! 0.31.05 legacy
| ac100278c7ec226d8d9ba809534faded
| 4c090730
| 4c090730
! 0.31.05 SDL
| 394ff63fc00fedd5df0b36e4beb589bc
| 4c091569
| 4c091569
! 0.31.06 legacy
| 0dfe1f3a98f6378acae6133efc2ec6f6
| 4c0f6a01
| 4c0f6a01
! 0.31.06 SDL
| c4b7e37dafa2716e31d29110968ac64e
| 4c0f83d5
| 4c0f83d5
! 0.31.07 legacy
| 403647e6afbfc5e085b8a5c6d19c02db
| 4c1caaf9
| 4c1caaf9
! 0.31.07 SDL
| 1c0b5254af1b8ff9a34b51c3f6609da3
| 4c1cbe4b
| 4c1cbe4b
! 0.31.08 legacy
| 56f4ae59da5d2be600ca5c9ec9d2a794
| 4d1d60a0
| 4d1d60a0
! 0.31.08 SDL
| a83e6b21307cf41fb54c315fa40dec86
| 4d1d69fe
| 4d1d69fe
! 0.31.09 legacy
! 0.31.09 SDL
| 1a85839ab03df082974dc5629d3fbc26
| 4c3897c0
! 0.31.10 legacy
! 0.31.10 SDL
| 349d1ad6eda7b6c5e87f8e4726a0999a
| 4c398089
! 0.31.11 legacy
! 0.31.11 SDL
| 552cfa417fd131204ebfee66aefc4adb
| 4c496d93
! 0.31.12 legacy
| ed7cbf10442b56824a032d2bb82f7127
| 4c4c1527
! 0.31.12 SDL
| f0459165a426a9f2dd8d957e9fa7f01d
| 4c4c32e7
! 0.31.13 legacy
| 085dd59d4396f08e96124c3bdef6e2d0
| 4c908b66
! 0.31.13 SDL
| 59f194b0b2103ca5df7601a01ce21280
| 4c90ada8
==General offsets==
===Legacy versions===
===Legacy versions===
{| {{prettytable}} style="font-family: monospace"
{| {{prettytable}} style="font-family: monospace"
Line 230: Line 284:
| ? <!--0.31.04 legacy-->
| ? <!--0.31.04 legacy-->
| ?
| ?
|- bgcolor="#ddd"
|- bgcolor="#ddd"
Line 449: Line 502:
! 0.31.13 SDL
! 0.31.13 SDL
! cursor_xyz
! cursor_xyz

Revision as of 05:42, 19 September 2010

This article is about an older version of DF.

These are currently unverified, but it is a start, if the hex is -1, don't know that yet

Version identification

Version MD5 hash PE timestamp
0.31.01 851c1190b6a7b42f2463967623d18575 4bb45f99
0.31.02 23dfe141c7ea4e63ebb3c618a12b48ec 4bbdf378
0.31.03 94641d97a0ecff6f2194e3d0b310d946 4bc3c470
0.31.04 legacy 98223ef6728797aafd50b0a4c2030a75 4befdde5
0.31.04 SDL 655a895c5b90d15eb9bb71e28c6c62e5 4bf014fa
0.31.05 legacy ac100278c7ec226d8d9ba809534faded 4c090730
0.31.05 SDL 394ff63fc00fedd5df0b36e4beb589bc 4c091569
0.31.06 legacy 0dfe1f3a98f6378acae6133efc2ec6f6 4c0f6a01
0.31.06 SDL c4b7e37dafa2716e31d29110968ac64e 4c0f83d5
0.31.07 legacy 403647e6afbfc5e085b8a5c6d19c02db 4c1caaf9
0.31.07 SDL 1c0b5254af1b8ff9a34b51c3f6609da3 4c1cbe4b
0.31.08 legacy 56f4ae59da5d2be600ca5c9ec9d2a794 4d1d60a0
0.31.08 SDL a83e6b21307cf41fb54c315fa40dec86 4d1d69fe
0.31.09 legacy
0.31.09 SDL 1a85839ab03df082974dc5629d3fbc26 4c3897c0
0.31.10 legacy
0.31.10 SDL 349d1ad6eda7b6c5e87f8e4726a0999a 4c398089
0.31.11 legacy
0.31.11 SDL 552cfa417fd131204ebfee66aefc4adb 4c496d93
0.31.12 legacy ed7cbf10442b56824a032d2bb82f7127 4c4c1527
0.31.12 SDL f0459165a426a9f2dd8d957e9fa7f01d 4c4c32e7
0.31.13 legacy 085dd59d4396f08e96124c3bdef6e2d0 4c908b66
0.31.13 SDL 59f194b0b2103ca5df7601a01ce21280 4c90ada8

General offsets

Legacy versions

Description 0.31.01 0.31.02 0.31.03 0.31.04 legacy 0.31.05 legacy
buildings 0166f9a8 ? ? ? ?
current_menu_state 017f6f38 ? ? ?
cursor_xyz ae82cc ae92cc af42b8 af22b8
mouse_y ae82d0 ae92d0 af42bc af22bc
mouse_z ae82d4 ae92d4 af42c0 af22c0
effects_vector 017f6da0 ? ? ? ?
hotkey_start 01476ecc ? ? ? ?
items 0166eda8 ? ? ? ?
language_vector 016affe0 016b1028 01731684 0172f684
notes 01474de8 ? ? ? ?
pause_state 0146e45f ? ? ? ?
region_x 016ad750 ? ? ? ?
region_y 016ad754 ? ? ? ?
region_z 016ad758 ? ? ? ?
settlements 016af4a4 ? ? ? ?
translation_vector 016b0010 016b1058 017316b4 0172f6b4
vegetation 017f6da0 ? ? ? ?
window_dims 17f5abc 17f6b00 ? 1875408
window_grid_y 17f5ac0 17f6b04 ? 187540c
window_x (viewport_x) 00e32798 ? ? eb1df8
window_y (viewport_y) 00e60838 ? ? edfe98
window_z (viewport_z) 00e60814 ? ? edfe74
world 016aed50 ? ? ? ?
Description 0.31.06 legacy 0.31.07 legacy 0.31.08 legacy 0.31.09 legacy 0.31.10 legacy
cursor_xyz af32b8 af72c0
mouse_y af32bc af72c4
mouse_z af32c0 af72c8
window_dims 1876408 18f7d78
window_grid_y 187640c 18f7d7c
window_x (viewport_x) eb2df8 f33930
window_y (viewport_y) ee0e98 f61a08
window_z (viewport_z) ee0e74 f619e4
Description 0.31.11 legacy 0.31.12 legacy 0.31.13 legacy
cursor_xyz b0b2c0 ab3180
mouse_y b0b2c4 ab3184
mouse_z b0b2c8 ab3188
window_dims 190bea8 18ae950
window_grid_y 190beac 18ae954
window_x (viewport_x) f47970 eef7a8
window_y (viewport_y) f75a48 f1d880
window_z (viewport_z) f75a24 f1d85c


Version 0.31.03 seems to have a second cursor position block located at 13F008, with the Y and Z values swapped.

SDL versions

Description 0.31.04 SDL 0.31.05 SDL 0.31.06 SDL 0.31.07 SDL 0.31.08 SDL
cursor_xyz ae92c8 af12cc af12d0 af32d8 af22d8
mouse_y ae92cc af12d0 af12d4 af32dc af22dc
mouse_z ae92d0 af12d4 af12d8 af32e0 af22e0
language_vector 016bd38c 016c539c ? ?
translation_vector 016bd3bc 016c53cc ? ?
window_dims 18030fc 180b10c ? 180d11c 180c11c
window_grid_y 1803100 180b110 ? 180d120 180c120
window_x (viewport_x) e640dc e6c0dc ? e6e0ec e6d0ec
window_y (viewport_y) e921b0 e9a1b0 ? e9c1c0 e9b1c0
window_z (viewport_z) e9218c e9a18c ? e9a19c e9b19c
Description 0.31.09 SDL 0.31.10 SDL 0.31.11 SDL 0.31.12 SDL 0.31.13 SDL
cursor_xyz b062d8 ac77f0
mouse_y b062dc ac77f4
mouse_z b062e0 ac77f8
window_dims 182015c 17dc8bc
window_grid_y 1820160 17dc8c0
window_x (viewport_x) e81114 e42c74
window_y (viewport_y) eaf1e8 e70d48
window_z (viewport_z) eaf1c4 e70d24

Creature data

Description 0.31.01 0.31.02 0.31.03 0.31.04 legacy 0.31.04 SDL 0.31.05 legacy 0.31.05 SDL
creatures 0166eccc ? ? ? ? ? ?
creature_vector 0166ecb4 0166fcfc 016ec9f4 01678714 016ea9f4 0168070c
current_cursor_creature 00ae82cc ? ? ? ? ? ?
name 0 ? ? ? ? ? ?
profession 88 ? ? ? ? ? ?
race 8C ? ? ? ? ? ?
position 90 ? ? ? ? ? ?
flags1 F8 ? ? ? ? ? ?
flags2 FC ? ? ? ? ? ?
sex 110 ? ? ? ? ? ?
id 114 ? ? ? ? ? ?
artifact_name 6D0 ? ? ? ? ? ?
labors 770 ? ? ? ? ? ?
happiness 830 ? ? ? ? ? ?

Map data

Legacy versions

Description 0.31.01 0.31.02 0.31.03 0.31.04 legacy 0.31.05 legacy
map_data 16ad718 16ae760 172edbc 172cdbc
map x_count 16ad738 16ae780 172eddc 172cddc
map y_count 16ad73c 16ae784 172ede0 172cde0
map z_count 16ad740 16ae788 172ede4 172cde4
Description 0.31.06 legacy 0.31.07 legacy 0.31.08 legacy 0.31.09 legacy 0.31.10 legacy
map_data 172ddbc 17af72c
map x_count 172dddc 17af74c
map y_count 172dde0 17af750
map z_count 172dde4 17af754
Description 0.31.11 legacy 0.31.12 legacy 0.31.13 legacy
map_data 17c385c 1769c5c
map x_count 17c387c 1769c74
map y_count 17c3880 1769c78
map z_count 17c3884 1769c7c

SDL versions

Description 0.31.04 SDL 0.31.05 SDL 0.31.06 SDL 0.31.07 SDL 0.31.08 SDL
map_data 16baac4 16c2ad4 ? 16c4ae4 16c3ae4
map x_count 16baae4 16c2af4 ? 16c4b04 16c3b04
map y_count 16baae8 16c2af8 ? 16c4b08 16c3b08
map z_count 16baaec 16c2afc ? 16c4b0c 16c3b0c
Description 0.31.09 SDL 0.31.10 SDL 0.31.11 SDL 0.31.12 SDL 0.31.13 SDL
map_data 16d7b24 1697bdc
map x_count 16d7b44 1697bf4
map y_count 16d7b48 1697bf8
map z_count 16d7b4c 1697bfc

Tile data offsets

Description 0.31.01–12 0.31.13
map_data_map_x_offset 0058
map_data_map_y_offset 005A
map_data_type_offset 009a 007a
map_data_designation_offset 029c 027c
map_data_occupancy_offset 069c 067c
map_data_0a60_offset 0A9c 0A7c
map_data_pathfinding_offset 0D9c 0D7c
map_data_1160_offset 119c 117c
map_data_1360_offset 139c 137c
map_data_temperature1_offset 159c 157c
map_data_temperature2_offset 179c 177c
map_data_1960_offset 199c 197c
map_data_1b60_offset 1B9c 1B7c