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Personality traits, values, and dreams

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Dwarven personalities are determined by a set of traits. These traits are distinct from attributes.

Personality traits are shown in a dwarf's "thoughts and preferences" description page, which can be accessed by viewing that dwarf then p, z, Enter, or from the unit menu with view, Enter.

Each trait has a value from 0 to 100. The value triggers a report in "thoughts and preferences" depending on where it falls in these seven levels:

Traits marked with a "*" are capable of conflicting with the dwarf's personal values.

Value Range Values in Range Probability Effect
91 - 100 10 0.4% Highest
76 - 90 15 2% Very High
61 - 75 15 8.5% High
40 - 60 21 78% Neutral
25 - 39 15 8.5% Low
10 - 24 15 2% Very Low
0 - 9 10 0.4% Lowest

The 40-60 range does not cause a report.

Traits are also influenced by species via the use of the PERSONALITY creature token. For example, dwarves are slightly more straightforward than average with a median of 55 in that trait, whereas goblins aren't likely to help others out - their altruism median is a mere 25, and is capped at 50.

Traits also have an effect on which social skills are learned in social interaction, and determine whether certain actions may give a good or bad thought. Traits may have other, more subtle effects on creature behaviour, which are currently not entirely understood.

Token Value Description Gameplay effects
LOVE_PROPENSITY * 91 - 100 is always in love with somebody and easily develops positive feelings
76 - 90 very easily falls into love and develops positive feelings
61 - 75 can easily fall in love or develop positive sentiments
25 - 39 does not easily fall in love and rarely develops positive sentiments
10 - 24 is not the type to fall in love or even develop positive feelings
0 - 9 never falls in love or develops positive feelings toward anything
HATE_PROPENSITY 91 - 100 is often inflamed by hatred and easily develops hatred toward things
76 - 90 is prone to hatreds and often develops negative feelings
61 - 75 is quick to form negative views about things
25 - 39 does not easily hate or develop negative feelings
10 - 24 very rarely develops negative feelings toward things
0 - 9 never feels hatred toward anyone or anything
ENVY_PROPENSITY 91 - 100 is consumed by overpowering feelings of jealousy
76 - 90 is prone to strong feelings of jealousy
61 - 75 often feels envious of others
25 - 39 doesn't often feel envious of others
10 - 24 is rarely jealous
0 - 9 never envies others their status, situation or possessions
CHEER_PROPENSITY * 91 - 100 often feels filled with joy
76 - 90 can be very happy and optimistic
61 - 75 is often cheerful
25 - 39 is rarely happy or enthusiastic
10 - 24 is dour as a rule
0 - 9 is never the slightest bit cheerful about anything
DEPRESSION_PROPENSITY 91 - 100 is frequently depressed
76 - 90 is often sad and dejected
61 - 75 often feels discouraged
25 - 39 rarely feels discouraged
10 - 24 almost never feels discouraged
0 - 9 never feels discouraged
ANGER_PROPENSITY 91 - 100 is in a constant state of internal rage
76 - 90 is very quick to anger
61 - 75 is quick to anger
25 - 39 is slow to anger
10 - 24 is very slow to anger
0 - 9 never becomes angry
ANXIETY_PROPENSITY 91 - 100 is a nervous wreck
76 - 90 is always tense and jittery
61 - 75 is often nervous
25 - 39 has a calm demeanor
10 - 24 has a very calm demeanor
0 - 9 has an incredibly calm demeanor
LUST_PROPENSITY 91 - 100 is constantly ablaze with feelings of lust
76 - 90 is prone to strong feelings of lust
61 - 75 often feels lustful
25 - 39 does not often feel lustful
10 - 24 rarely looks on others with lust
0 - 9 never feels lustful passions
STRESS_VULNERABILITY 91 - 100 becomes completely helpless in stressful situations
76 - 90 cracks easily under pressure
61 - 75 doesn't handle stress well
25 - 39 can handle stress
10 - 24 is confident under pressure
0 - 9 is impervious to the effects of stress
GREED 91 - 100 is as avaricious as they come, obsessed with acquiring wealth
76 - 90 is very greedy
61 - 75 has a greedy streak
25 - 39 doesn't focus on material goods
10 - 24 desires little for [him/her]self in the way of possessions
0 - 9 often neglects [his/her] own wellbeing, having no interest in material goods
IMMODERATION * 91 - 100 is ruled by irresistible cravings and urges
76 - 90 feels strong urges and seeks short-term rewards
61 - 75 occasionally overindulges
25 - 39 doesn't often experience strong cravings or urges
10 - 24 only rarely feels strong cravings or urges
0 - 9 never feels tempted to overindulge in anything
VIOLENT * 91 - 100 is given to rough-and-tumble brawling, even to the point of starting fights for no reason
76 - 90 would never pass up a chance for a good fistfight
61 - 75 likes to brawl
25 - 39 tends to avoid any physical confrontations
10 - 24 does not enjoy participating in physical confrontations
0 - 9 would flee even the most necessary battle to avoid any form of physical confrontation
PERSEVERENCE * 91 - 100 is unbelievably stubborn and will stick with even the most futile action once [his/her] mind is made up
76 - 90 is very stubborn
61 - 75 is stubborn
25 - 39 has a noticeable lack of perseverence
10 - 24 doesn't stick with things if even minor difficulties arise
0 - 9 drops any activity at the slightest hint of difficulty or even the suggestion of effort being required
WASTEFULNESS 91 - 100 is completely careless with resources when completing projects and invariable wastes a lot of time and effort
76 - 90 is not careful with resources when working on projects and often spends unnecessary effort
61 - 75 tends to be a little wasteful when working on projects
25 - 39 tends to be a little tight with resources when working on projects
10 - 24 is stingy with resources on projects and refuses to expend any extra effort
0 - 9 cuts any corners possible when working on a project, regardless of the consequences, rather than wasting effort or resources
DISCORD * 91 - 100 revels in chaos and discord, and [he/she] encourages it whenever possible
76 - 90 finds a chaotic mess preferable to the boredom of harmonious living
61 - 75 doesn't mind a little tumult and discord in day-to-day living
25 - 39 prefers that everyone live as harmoniously as possible
10 - 24 feels best when everyone gets along without any strife or contention
0 - 9 would be deeply satisfied if everyone could live as one in complete harmony
FRIENDLINESS * 91 - 100 is quite a bold flatterer, extremely friendly but just a little insufferable
76 - 90 is very friendly and always tries to say nice things to others
61 - 75 is a friendly individual
25 - 39 is somewhat quarrelsome
10 - 24 is unfriendly and disagreeable
0 - 9 is a dyed-in-the-wool quarreler, never missing a chance to lash out in verbal hostility
91 - 100
76 - 90
61 - 75
25 - 39
10 - 24
0 - 9
91 - 100
76 - 90
61 - 75
25 - 39
10 - 24
0 - 9
91 - 100
76 - 90
61 - 75
25 - 39
10 - 24
0 - 9
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25 - 39
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0 - 9
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25 - 39
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91 - 100
76 - 90
61 - 75
25 - 39
10 - 24
0 - 9
91 - 100
76 - 90
61 - 75
25 - 39
10 - 24
0 - 9

Trait value distribution

To clarify how trait values are assigned, 16,000 dwarves were examined. The normalized traits (those with a mean value of 50) provided 432,000 data points; the results are shown below.

Plot of trait distribution.
Value Range Original Averaged Proposed Cumulative
0 to 9 0.3863% 0.3822% 0.3875% 0.3875%
10 to 24 1.8995% 1.928% 1.925% 2.3125%
25 to 39 8.5086% 8.4666% 8.4625% 10.775%
40 to 60 78.4465% 78.4465% 78.45% 89.225%
61 to 75 8,4245% 8.4666% 8.4625% 97.6875%
76 to 90 1.9565% 1.928% 1.925% 99.6125%
91 to 100 0.378% 0.3822% 0.3875% 100%

Understanding the results

The results demonstrate a better-than 78% chance that a normalized trait's value will fall within the "Neutral" band (from 40 to 60). Further, the probability of an outlying value decreases as distance from the mean value (50) increases. The results are similar to a Normal distribution (aka "Bell curve"), however they do not fall off quite as quickly in the "tails". A "High" or "Low" trait value will be generated approximately 8.5% of the time. A "Very High" or "Very Low" value will appear less than 2% of the time. The probability of receiving a trait in the "Highest" (or "Lowest") band is less than 0.4%; the probability of a dwarf receiving multiple extreme values is infinitesimal.