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This article is about an older version of DF. |
A creature has numerous attributes which impact its performance at various tasks. These attributes are split into physical factors associated with the body and mental factors associated with a creature's soul.
Attributes are located in the Thoughts and Preferences screen. Body attributes are listed just above prefstrings, and soul attributes are listed immediately thereafter. Positive attributes are dark green and negative attributes are red.
Attributes are now associated with skills, so that shield use will raise endurance as an attribute, but not attributes like memory. Attribute gain and rust rates, along with skill gain and rust rates, are moddable in the raws as a Creature token.
Attributes can be viewed for individual dwarves by selecting view dwarves, z, enter or by going to the units menu, view, then enter.
Body Attributes[edit]
The attribute values given in the tables correspond to default racial averages for dwarves only. Modded dwarves or any other creature will report the same phrases, but the underlying numbers may be very different. In almost every case, a higher attribute value is better, as opposed to personality traits where one may prefer higher or lower depending on the situation.
Strength[edit]Alters the damage done in melee (increases velocity of weapon swings), increases muscle mass (thicker muscle layer also resists damage more), and increases how much a creature can carry. Higher strength also increases the speed with which a creature, even a naked creature, may move.
Agility[edit]This attribute increases the speed at which a creature works in the same way as strength -- a creature with maximum agility and strength can move around three times faster than a creature with minimum agility and strength.
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Toughness[edit]Reduces physical damage.
Endurance[edit]Reduces the rate at which dwarves become exhausted.
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Recuperation[edit]Increases the rate of wound healing.
Disease Resistance[edit]Reduces the risk of disease.
Soul Attributes[edit]
The attribute values given in the tables correspond to default racial averages for dwarves only. Modded dwarves or any other creature will report the same phrases, but the underlying numbers may be very different. In almost every case, a higher attribute value is better, as opposed to personality traits where one may prefer higher or lower depending on the situation.
With respect to skills: most of these attributes only affect duration, when that is the only available skill effect to begin with, but they are factored into outcomes when it applies.
At the bottom is a list of which attributes affect which skills. This pair of charts provides an easier to read summary of the soul attributes that are useful for doctors and soldiers.
Analytical Ability[edit]
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Willpower[edit]Willpower directly reduces exertion and pain effects.
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Patience[edit]Some non-skill tasks are affected by Patience.
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Linguistic Ability[edit]
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Spatial Sense[edit]
Musicality[edit]This attribute doesn't affect any skills as of version .31.25.
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Kinesthetic Sense[edit]Most skills involving any movement at all (lots of them), and many non-skilled tasks as well are affected by Kinesthetic Sense.
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Social Awareness[edit]
Skills By Soul Attribute[edit]
[show]Skills impacted by Soul Attributes |
Skills by Associated Attributes[edit]
Strength, Toughness, Endurance, Willpower, Spatial Sense, Kinesthetic Sense:
Miner, Biter
Agility, Creativity, Spatial Sense, Kinesthetic Sense:
Bowyer, Engraver, Gem setter, Bone carver, Clothier, Stone crafter, Weaver, Wood crafter
Strength, Agility, Creativity, Spatial Sense, Kinesthetic Sense:
Strength, Agility, Endurance, Willpower, Spatial Sense, Kinesthetic Sense:
Wood cutter, Swimmer, Wrestler
Strength, Agility, Endurance, Creativity, Spatial Sense, Kinesthetic Sense:
Mason, Armorsmith, Metal crafter, Metalsmith, Weaponsmith, Glassmaker, Leatherworker
Agility, Focus, Spatial Sense, Kinesthetic Sense:
Ambusher, Surgeon, Suturer, Archer, Blowgunner, Bowman, Crossbowman
Agility, Analytical Ability, Memory, Empathy:
Animal caretaker
Agility, Kinesthetic Sense:
Animal dissector, Tanner, Fish dissector
Agility, Toughness, Endurance, Intuition, Patience, Empathy:
Animal trainer
Agility, Analytical Ability, Creativity, Spatial Sense:
Strength, Agility, Focus, Spatial Sense, Kinesthetic Sense:
Bone doctor
Agility, Endurance, Willpower, Spatial Sense, Kinesthetic Sense:
Crutch walker
Analytical Ability, Memory, Intuition:
Diagnostician, Appraiser
Agility, Spatial Sense, Kinesthetic Sense, Empathy:
Wound dresser
Strength, Agility, Kinesthetic Sense:
Balance, not implemented
Strength, Agility, Endurance, Kinesthetic Sense:
Butcher, Dyer, Grower, Milker, Miller, Thresher
Strength, Agility, Endurance, Analytical Ability, Creativity, Kinesthetic Sense:
Cheese maker
Agility, Analytical Ability, Creativity, Kinesthetic Sense:
Agility, Memory, Kinesthetic Sense:
Strength, Toughness, Endurance, Kinesthetic Sense:
Lye maker, Potash maker, Soaper, Wood burner
Agility, Endurance, Kinesthetic Sense:
Fish cleaner
Strength, Agility, Focus, Patience, Kinesthetic Sense:
Strength, Toughness, Endurance, Analytical Ability, Kinesthetic Sense:
Furnace operator
Agility, Analytical Ability, Spatial Sense, Kinesthetic Sense:
Gem cutter
Strength, Agility, Endurance, Analytical Ability, Kinesthetic Sense:
Strand extractor
Strength, Agility, Endurance, Analytical Ability, Creativity, Spatial Sense:
Mechanic, Siege engineer
Strength, Toughness, Endurance, Willpower, Kinesthetic Sense:
Pump operator, Armor user
Strength, Toughness, Endurance, Analytical Ability, Focus, Spatial Sense:
Siege operator
Agility, Analytical Ability, Creativity, Intuition:
Alchemist, not implemented
Strength, Agility, Analytical Ability, Spatial Sense, Kinesthetic Sense:
Analytical Ability, Creativity, Spatial Sense:
Building designer
Analytical Ability, Creativity, Social Awareness:
Analytical Ability, Memory, Focus:
Record keeper, Student
Strength, Agility, Toughness, Willpower, Spatial Sense, Kinesthetic Sense:
Axeman, Fighter, Hammerman, Kicker, Knife user, Lasher, Maceman, Misc. object user, Pikeman, Shield user, Spearman, Striker, Swordsman, Thrower
Agility, Toughness, Endurance, Willpower, Spatial Sense, Kinesthetic Sense:
Agility, Creativity, Kinesthetic Sense, Linguistic Ability:
Comedian, unless otherwise prohibited by traits
Linguistic Ability, Empathy, Social Awareness:
Conversationalist, Flatterer, Negotiator, Persuader, Consoler, Leader, Pacifier, Teacher, unless otherwise prohibited by traits
Agility, Kinesthetic Sense, Linguistic Ability:
Intimidator, unless otherwise prohibited by traits
Intuition, Empathy, Social Awareness:
Judge of intent
Creativity, Linguistic Ability, Social Awareness:
Liar, unless otherwise prohibited by traits
Focus, Willpower, Patience:
Concentration, not implemented
Intuition, Focus, Spatial Sense:
Analytical Ability, Creativity, Intuition:
Military tactics, not implemented
Agility, Toughness, Endurance, Focus, Willpower, Empathy:
Druid, not implemented
Analytical Ability, Focus, Spatial Sense:
Tracker, not implemented
Focus, Willpower:
Discipline, not implemented
Creativity, Intuition, Linguistic Ability:
Poet, Wordsmith, Writer, not implemented
Memory, Focus, Linguistic Ability:
Reader, not implemented
Linguistic Ability:
Speaker, not implemented
Agility, Spatial Sense, Kinesthetic Sense:
Coordination, not implemented
Implemented but unknown: Shearer, Spinner, Presser, Beekeeper, Potter, Glazer, Wax worker
Notes: This data assumes, without evidence, that the same skills use some of the attributes that they train (i.e. that high agility improves chance of dodging). Game version 31.18.
- Spatial Sense and Kinesthetic Sense are almost everywhere
- Nothing trains Disease Resistance, Recuperation, or Musicality
- Intimidation and Comedy, social skills, raise Agility. Dwarven comedy is slapstick/clowning, not stand-up.
- knowledge_acquisition (student) doesn't boost skill gain except for teacher-student relations in a barracks
- Choose high-volume labors that train useful attributes for milita day-jobs/bootcamp
- Fishing, Siege Operating, and Record Keeping are useful for marksdwarves as they train the Focus attribute
- Hunting (ambusher/sneak) has identical attribute gain to Crossbow and Archer skills
Attributes trained by skills[edit]
Miner, Carpenter, Wood cutter, Mason, Bone doctor, Brewer, Cheese maker, Dyer, Grower, Lye maker, Milker, Miller, Potash Maker, Soaper, Thresher, Wood burner, Fisherdwarf, Armorsmith, Furnace operator, Metal crafter, Metalsmith, Weaponsmith, Glassmaker, Leatherworker, Strand extractor, Mechanic, Pump operator, Siege engineer, Siege operator, Swimmer, all general combat and close combat skills (but not Dodger)
Bowyer, Carpenter, Wood cutter, Engraver, Mason, Animal caretaker, Animal trainer, Trapper, Bone doctor, Crutch-walker, Surgeon, Suturer, Wound dresser, Brewer, Butcher, Cheese maker, Cook, Dyer, Grower, Herbalist, Milker, Miller, Tanner, Thresher, Fish cleaner, Fish dissector, Fisherdwarf, Armorsmith, Metal crafter, Metalsmith, Weaponsmith, Gem cutter, Gem setter, Bone carver, Clothier, Glassmaker, Leatherworker, Stone crafter, Weaver, Wood crafter, Strand extractor, Mechanic, Siege engineer, Alchemist, Swimmer, Comedian, Intimidator, Student, Druid, Coordination, all general combat, close combat, and ranged combat/hunting skills (but not Biter or Armor user)
Miner, Animal trainer, Lye maker, Potash maker, Soaper, Wood burner, Furnace operator, Pump operator, Siege operator, Druid, all general combat and close combat skills
Miner, Wood cutter, Mason, Animal trainer, Crutch-walker, Butcher, Cheese maker, Dyer, Grower, Lye maker, Milker, Miller, Potash maker, Soaper, Thresher, Wood burner, Fish cleaner, Armorsmith, Furnace operator, Metal crafter, Metalsmith, Weaponsmith, Glassmaker, Leatherworker, Strand extractor, Mechanic, Pump operator, Siege engineer, Siege operator, Swimmer, Armor user, Biter, Dodger, Druid
Disease Resistance:
Analytical Ability:
Animal caretaker, Trapper, Diagnostician, Cheese maker, Cook, Furnace operator, Gem cutter, Strand extractor, Mechanic, Siege engineer, Siege operator, Alchemist, Knapper, Appraiser, Building designer, Organizer, Record keeper, Student, Military tactics, Tracker
Animal caretaker, Diagnostician, Herbalist, Appraiser, Record keeper, Student, Reader
Bowyer, Carpenter, Engraver, Mason, Trapper, Cheese maker, Cook, Armorsmith, Metal crafter, Metalsmith, Weaponsmith, Gem setter, Bone carver, Clothier, Glassmaker, Leatherworker, Stone crafter, Weaver, Wood crafter, Mechanic, Siege engineer, Alchemist, Building designer, Organizer, Comedian, Liar, Military tactics, Poet, Wordsmith, Writer
Animal trainer, Diagnostician, Alchemist, Appraiser, Observer, Military tactics, Poet, Wordsmith, Writer
Bone doctor, Surgeon, Suturer, Fisherdwarf, Siege operator, Record keeper, Concentration, Observer, Student, Tracker, Discipline, Reader, ranged combat/hunting skills
Miner, Wood cutter, Crutch-walker, Pump operator, Swimmer, Concentration, Discipline, all general combat and close combat skills
Animal trainer, Fisherdwarf, Concentration
Spatial Sense:
Miner, Bowyer, Carpenter, Wood cutter, Engraver, Mason, Trapper, Bone doctor, Crutch-walker, Surgeon, Suturer, Wound dresser, Armorsmith, Metal crafter, Metalsmith, Weaponsmith, Gem cutter, Gem setter, Bone carver, Clothier, Glassmaker, Leatherworker, Stone crafter, Weaver, Wood crafter, Mechanic, Siege engineer, Siege operator, Swimmer, Knapper, Building designer, Observer, Tracker, Coordination, all general combat, close combat, and ranged combat/hunting skills (but not Armor user)
Kinesthetic Sense:
Miner, Bowyer, Carpenter, Wood cutter, Engraver, Mason, Bone doctor, Crutch-walker, Surgeon, Suturer, Wound dresser, Brewer, Butcher, Cheese maker, Cook, Dyer, Grower, Herbalist, Lye maker, Milker, Miller, Potash Maker, Soaper, Tanner, Thresher, Wood burner, Fish cleaner, Fish dissector, Fisherdwarf, Armorsmith, Furnace operator, Metal crafter, Metalsmith, Weaponsmith, Gem cutter, Gem setter, Bone carver, Clothier, Glassmaker, Leatherworker, Stone crafter, Weaver, Wood crafter, Strand extractor, Pump operator, Swimmer, Knapper, Comedian, Intimidator, Coordination, all general combat, close combat, and ranged combat/hunting skills
Linguistic Ability:
Comedian, Conversationalist, Flatterer, Intimidator, Liar, Negotiator, Persuader, Consoler, Leader, Pacifier, Teacher, Poet, Wordsmith, Writer, Reader, Speaker (personality traits may preclude access to some of these skills)
Animal caretaker, Animal trainer, Conversationalist, Flatterer, Judge of intent, Negotiator, Persuader, Consoler, Leader, Pacifier, Teacher (personality traits may preclude access to some of these skills)
Social Awareness:
Organizer, Conversationalist, Flatterer, Judge of intent, Liar, Negotiator, Persuader, Consoler, Leader, Pacifier, Teacher (personality traits may preclude access to some of these skills)
How Your Dwarf Gets Attributes[edit]
Each attribute is a number between 0 and 5000, but in dwarven terms anything above 2500 is extraordinary. In the default raws (/raw/objects/creature_standard.txt), dwarven attributes come in four levels.
Focus and Spatial Sense are referred to as "++", or two steps above default. Their range is defined as [700:1200:1400:1500:1600:1800:2500], which sets out six ranges: 700-1200, 1200-1400, etc. Dwarves have an equal chance of dropping into any of these ranges, and an equal probability again of getting any number in that range. So the bottom one-sixth of your dwarves will be really low, the top one-sixth really high, and the two-thirds in the middle huddled around average. This also means that the median and the mean are slightly different: the mean for ++ is 1516.66... while median is 1500.
Strength, Toughness, Analytical Ability, Creativity, Patience, and Memory are +, or one step above default. Their ranges are [450:950:1150:1250:1350:1550:2250], and their mean is 1266.66...
Endurance, Disease Resistance, Recuperation, Intuition, Willpower, Kinesthetic Sense, Linguistic Ability, Musicality, Empathy, and Social Awareness are AVG, or the default. Their ranges are not specified in the raws, but they are [200:700:900:1000:1100:1300:2000] for Physical and [200:800:900:1000:1100:1300:2000] for Mental.
Agility is "-", the only attribute to be below default. Its ranges are [150:600:800:900:1000:1100:1500], mean 862.5, median 900.
Special Attributes[edit]
Though they are not classified with the above attributes, creatures can have the following attribute(s):
Attribute | Value Range | Value Points | Effect |
Psychological Trauma | 100 | Doesn't really care about anything anymore. | This trait increases as dwarves witness death and suffer tragedy. The higher it gets, the harder it is for the dwarf to be affected by negative thoughts, so in several ways, this is a useful, if tragic, side effect of running a bloody fort. This trait often finds its way into experienced soldiers, who might watch friends and comrades die as often as they kill goblins. |
67 - 99 | Is a hardened individual. | ||
33 - 66 | Is getting used to tragedy. | ||
0 - 32 | Nothing displayed. Dwarf is not yet traumatized. |