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#REDIRECT [[Sphere]]
{{Quality|Superior|14:40, 8 November 2013 (UTC)}}
[[File:Spheres_connection_graph.png|thumb|300px|right|A graph showing the connections between all the spheres. A thin line represents a friendship, a thick line a parent/child-relationship, and a red line preclusion.]]A '''sphere''' is an aspect where a being has influence. [[Deity|Deities]], [[force]]s, [[angel]]s, [[demon]]s, [[megabeast]]s, [[semi-megabeast]]s, [[forgotten beast]]s and [[titan]]s may be associated with one or more spheres, and [[civilization]]s may prefer certain spheres when selecting creatures to worship. There are currently a total of 130 spheres.
==Understanding spheres==
A being such as a [[deity]], [[demon]] or [[megabeast]] may come to represent or epitomize certain things like emotions, qualities, terrain types, and items, which are called "spheres". As an example from real-world mythology, the Greek goddess [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Athena Athena] is goddess in the "spheres" of wisdom, warfare, handicrafts and reason.
Gods and adored megabeasts can grant secrets related to their spheres. In unmodded ''Dwarf Fortress'', this means that death gods can teach the secret of life and death to their worshipers, turning them into [[necromancer]]s.
Dwarves and other creatures will come to worship certain "powerful beings" and, as such, will follow the "religion", and have a relationship with its "deity".
==Creatures with pre-determined spheres==
While many procedurally generated creatures in ''Dwarf Fortress'' are given random spheres upon creation, there are others who have static spheres, which remain constant across all save files:
*[[Bogeyman]]: Misery, night, nightmares
*[[Bronze colossus]]: Metals, strength, war
*[[Cyclops]]: Light, longevity, minerals, strength, thunder
*[[Dragon]]: Fire, wealth
*[[Ettin]]: Speech, strength
*[[Experiment]]: Deformity, night
*[[Giant]]: Food, strength
*[[Hydra]]: Muck, rebirth, strength
*[[Minotaur]]: Caverns, chaos, darkness, deformity, strength
*[[Nightmare]]: Misery, night, nightmares
*[[Roc]]: Hunting, sky, wind
*[[Werebeast]]: Animals, chaos, moon, night
==Available spheres==
According to Toady: "''Spheres have a parent/child list, a friend list, and a preclude list. A deity has either one or two base spheres, and then they pick friends of those spheres, while never choosing a precluded or parent/child sphere of any of the spheres they already have. I tried to be pretty lax with the preclude list so that interesting relationships could pop up.''"
As extracted from the [[string dump]], the spheres available are [[40d:sphere|unchanged from 40d]]; their relationships with each other may also be unchanged.
Available sphere tokens are:
{| {{prettytable}}
|- bgcolor="#999999"
! Sphere
! Parent spheres
! Child spheres
! Friend spheres
! Precluded spheres
! Associated string and properties
| AGRICULTURE || || || FOOD, FERTILITY, RAIN || || it looks constantly to the sky for rain
| ANIMALS || NATURE || FISH || PLANTS || || it growls, buzzes, clicks and generally makes a varied racket
| ART || || DANCE, MUSIC, PAINTING,<br/>POETRY, SONG || INSPIRATION, BEAUTY || || it is decorated with intricate patterns
| BALANCE || || || || || it is perfectly symmetric
| BEAUTY || || || ART || BLIGHT, DEFORMITY, DISEASE, MUCK || it is strikingly beautiful
| BIRTH || || || CHILDREN, CREATION, FAMILY, MARRIAGE,<br/>PREGNANCY, REBIRTH, YOUTH || || it is covered with a filmy sac
| BLIGHT || || || DISEASE, DEATH || BEAUTY, FOOD, FERTILITY, HEALING || nearby vegetation seem(sic) to shrink away from it
| BOUNDARIES || || COASTS || || || the pieces of its body are carefully separated by markings
| CAVERNS || || || MOUNTAINS, EARTH || || its moans seem to echo no matter where it resides
| CHAOS || || || WAR || DISCIPLINE, ORDER, LAWS || it spins wildly, lurching and howling
| CHARITY || || || GENEROSITY, SACRIFICE || JEALOUSY || it seems very pleasant
| CHILDREN || || || BIRTH, FAMILY, YOUTH, PREGNANCY || || it never misses an opportunity to jump in puddles
| COASTS || BOUNDARIES || || LAKES, OCEANS || || it appears to be covered with rocky crags
| CONSOLATION || || || || MISERY || it radiates a sad kindness
| COURAGE || || VALOR || || || it makes those around it feel brave
| CRAFTS || || || CREATION, LABOR, METALS || || it appears constructed
| CREATION || || || CRAFTS, BIRTH, PREGNANCY, REBIRTH || || small objects seem to pop into existence around it
| DANCE || ART || || FESTIVALS, MUSIC, REVELRY || || it whirls, skips and jumps whenever it moves
| DARKNESS || || || NIGHT || DAWN, DAY, LIGHT, TWILIGHT, SUN || it is difficult to see clearly even in bright light
| DAWN || || || SUN, TWILIGHT || NIGHT, DAY, DARKNESS || it always turns to welcome the rise of the sun
| DAY || || || LIGHT, SUN || DARKNESS, NIGHT, DAWN, DUSK<br/>DREAMS, NIGHTMARES, TWILIGHT || it hums pleasantly when the sun is high in the sky
| DEATH || || || BLIGHT, DISEASE, MURDER,<br/>REBIRTH, SUICIDE, WAR || HEALING, LONGEVITY, YOUTH || it has a rattling exhale
| DEFORMITY || || || DISEASE || BEAUTY || its body is bent and misshapen
| DEPRAVITY || || || LUST || LAWS || it slavers uncontrollably
| DISCIPLINE || || || LAWS, ORDER || CHAOS || it moves with great focus
| DISEASE || || || BLIGHT, DEATH, DEFORMITY || BEAUTY, HEALING || it bears malodorous pustules<br/>[ODOR_STRING:death][ODOR_LEVEL:100]
| DREAMS || || || NIGHT, NIGHTMARES || DAY || the details of its form are easily forgotten without deliberate concentration
| DUSK || || || TWILIGHT || NIGHT, DAY || it never looks toward the sun
| DUTY || || || ORDER || || it is utterly still when not taking deliberate action
| EARTH || || METALS, MINERALS, SALT || CAVERNS, MOUNTAINS, VOLCANOS || || it looks very solid and stocky
| FAMILY || || || BIRTH, CHILDREN, MARRIAGE, PREGNANCY || || it appears to be closely related to every other of its kind
| FAME || || || RUMORS || SILENCE || fanfare follows it wherever it goes
| FATE || || || || LUCK || it never appears to be perturbed or surprised by any happening
| FERTILITY || || || AGRICULTURE, FOOD, RAIN || BLIGHT || it appears to be very healthy
| FESTIVALS || || || DANCE, MUSIC, REVELRY, SONG || MISERY || it skips and twirls as it moves
| FIRE || || || METALS, SUN, VOLCANOS || WATER, OCEANS, LAKES, RIVERS || a sheen around it always seems to rise upward
| FISH || ANIMALS || || OCEANS, LAKES, RIVERS, WATER, FISHING || || it only looks comfortable when it is in the water
| FISHING || || || FISH, HUNTING || || it always moves carefully around water
| FOOD || || || AGRICULTURE, FERTILITY || BLIGHT || it has the delicious smell of freshly-baked goods<br/>[ODOR_STRING:freshly-baked goods][ODOR_LEVEL:100]
| FORGIVENESS || || || MERCY || REVENGE || it is impossible to hold a grudge near it
| FORTRESSES || || || WAR || || it is very sturdy-looking
| FREEDOM || || || || ORDER || it eagerly moves from place to place
| GAMBLING || || || GAMES, LUCK || || it changes between two colors intermittently
| GAMES || || || GAMBLING, LUCK || || it giggles at random
| GENEROSITY || || || CHARITY, SACRIFICE || || it makes those around it want to give up their possessions
| HAPPINESS || || || REVELRY || MISERY || it seems to smile constantly
| HEALING || || || || DISEASE, BLIGHT, DEATH || it is surrounded by a gentle atmosphere
| HOSPITALITY || || || || || it radiates an aura of welcoming
| HUNTING || || || FISHING || || it inspects the ground intently as it moves
| INSPIRATION || || || ART, PAINTING, POETRY || || flashes of energy pulse across its surface intermittently
| JEALOUSY || || || || CHARITY || it appears to be a very bitter creature
| JEWELS || || || MINERALS, WEALTH || || its whole body appears to be faceted in a symmetric fashion
| JUSTICE || || || LAWS || || it seems eager to pronounce judgment on others
| LABOR || || || CRAFTS || || it appears very deliberate in its actions
| LAKES || WATER || || COASTS, FISH, OCEANS, RIVERS || FIRE || it moves ponderously
| LAWS || || || DISCIPLINE, JUSTICE, OATHS, ORDER || CHAOS, DEPRAVITY, MURDER, THEFT || it has a very stark look about it
| LIES || || || TREACHERY, TRICKERY || TRUTH || it seems unerringly honest if one does not concentrate
| LIGHT || || || DAY, RAINBOWS, SUN || DARKNESS, TWILIGHT || it returns surrounding light with a new vibrance and intensity
| LIGHTNING || WEATHER || || RAIN, STORMS, THUNDER || || it crackles with energy
| LONGEVITY || || || YOUTH || DEATH || it always seems to be looking far into the distance
| LOVE || || || || || it stares longingly at those nearby
| LOYALTY || || || OATHS || TREACHERY || it never abandons its companions
| LUCK || || || GAMBLING, GAMES || FATE || it changes direction suddenly at times
| LUST || || || DEPRAVITY || || it has an unnerving stare
| MARRIAGE || || || BIRTH, FAMILY, OATHS, PREGNANCY || || it heckles those it meets that are not married
| MERCY || || || FORGIVENESS || REVENGE || it always seems like it is on the verge of crying
| METALS || EARTH || || CRAFTS, FIRE, MINERALS || || it appears to have sharp shimmering edges on many parts of its body
| MINERALS || EARTH || || JEWELS, METALS || || it has an angular appearance
| MISERY || || || TORTURE || CONSOLATION, FESTIVALS, REVELRY, HAPPINESS || it has a distinctly depressing moan
| MIST || || || || || it is difficult to see clearly
| MOON || || || NIGHT, SKY || || it changes color with the phases of the moon
| MOUNTAINS || || || CAVERNS, EARTH, VOLCANOS || || it is very solidly built
| MUCK || || || || BEAUTY || there is a foul reek about it
| MURDER || || || DEATH || LAWS || it cannot abide anything that lives
| MUSIC || ART || || DANCE, FESTIVALS, REVELRY, SONG || SILENCE || it sounds clear tones as its body moves in time
| NATURE || || ANIMALS, PLANTS || RAIN, SUN, WATER, WEATHER || || it seems most at ease when it is outdoors
| NIGHT || || || DARKNESS, DREAMS, MOON, NIGHTMARES, STARS || DAY, DAWN, DUSK, TWILIGHT || it eerily reflects the light of the stars and moon
| NIGHTMARES || || || DREAMS, NIGHT || DAY || it reminds those that look upon it of their most unpleasant memories
| OATHS || || || LAWS, LOYALTY, MARRIAGE || TREACHERY || it cannot look directly at somebody that has broken an oath
| OCEANS || WATER || || COASTS, FISH, LAKES, RIVERS, SALT || FIRE || it always raises a part of its body toward the moon
| ORDER || || || DISCIPLINE, DUTY, LAWS || CHAOS, FREEDOM || it moves very stiffly
| PAINTING || ART || || INSPIRATION || || its surface is always enlivened with a refreshing play of color
| PEACE || || || || || it has an incredibly calm demeanor
| PERSUASION || || || POETRY, SPEECH || || it rocks back and forth whenever somebody changes their mind in its presence
| PLANTS || NATURE || TREES || ANIMALS, RAIN || || it always seems to point toward the sun when it is in the sky
| POETRY || ART || || INSPIRATION, PERSUASION, SONG, WRITING || || it recites verses in a strange language on occasion
| PREGNANCY || || || BIRTH, CHILDREN, CREATION, FAMILY, MARRIAGE || || it appears to be expecting
| RAINBOWS || WEATHER || || LIGHT, RAIN, SKY || || it is strikingly colored
| REBIRTH || || || BIRTH, CREATION, DEATH || || it alternates from instant to instant between sluggishness and extreme vibrancy
| REVELRY || || || DANCE, FESTIVALS, HAPPINESS, MUSIC, SONG || MISERY || it moves with a bouncing rhythm
| REVENGE || || || || FORGIVENESS, MERCY || it has a fixed and unblinking gaze when interacting
| RIVERS || WATER || || FISH, LAKES, OCEANS || FIRE || its outer surface seems to flow about its body
| RULERSHIP || || || || || it is hard to disobey
| RUMORS || || || FAME || || it always nods eagerly when somebody is speaking
| SACRIFICE || || || CHARITY, GENEROSITY || WEALTH || it inspires those around it to acts of great sacrifice
| SALT || EARTH || || OCEANS || || it makes nearby water undrinkable
| SCHOLARSHIP || || || WISDOM, WRITING || || it always seems to be deep in thought
| SEASONS || || || || || its form is ever-changing
| SILENCE || || || || FAME, MUSIC || it makes absolutely no sound
| SKY || || || MOON, RAINBOWS, SUN, STARS, WEATHER, WIND || || it has a slowly shifting pattern on its surface
| SONG || ART || || FESTIVALS, MUSIC, POETRY, REVELRY || || it sings beautiful songs endlessly
| SPEECH || || || PERSUASION || || it pays attention carefully to anybody that is speaking
| STARS || || || NIGHT, SKY || || it appears to sparkle after night falls
| STORMS || WEATHER || || LIGHTNING, RAIN, THUNDER || || its movement is the sound of wind and rain
| STRENGTH || || || || || it looks solidly built
| SUICIDE || || || DEATH || || it mutters to itself about death
| SUN || || || DAWN, DAY, FIRE, LIGHT, NATURE, SKY || DARKNESS || it is difficult to look at directly
| THEFT || || || || LAWS, TRADE || it always seems to have its attention on the most valuable object in the area
| THRALLDOM || || || || || its movements sound like the rattling of chains
| THUNDER || WEATHER || || LIGHTNING, RAIN, STORMS || || it is incredibly noisy
| TORTURE || || || MISERY || || it appears to be covered with sharp hooks and barbs
| TRADE || || || WEALTH || THEFT || it seems most content when a fair wind is blowing
| TRAVELERS || || || || || it never stops moving completely
| TREACHERY || || || LIES, TRICKERY || LOYALTY, OATHS || it is unsettling to be around
| TREES || PLANTS || || RAIN || || it is top-heavy
| TRICKERY || || || LIES, TREACHERY || TRUTH || it has a tendency to laugh quietly to itself every so often
| TRUTH || || || || LIES, TRICKERY || it tenses up throughout its entire body whenever somebody tells a falsehood in its presence
| TWILIGHT || || || DAWN, DUSK || LIGHT, DARKNESS, DAY, NIGHT || it chitters briefly before sunrise and just after nightfall
| VALOR || COURAGE || || WAR || || it always tries to embolden any fighting in its presence with exhortations of bravery, even its foes
| VICTORY || || || WAR || || it looks very proud of itself
| VOLCANOS || || || EARTH, FIRE, MOUNTAINS || || it seems to glow brightly from within
| WAR || || || CHAOS, DEATH, FORTRESSES, VALOR, VICTORY || || it bellows and cheers without pause
| WATER || || LAKES, OCEANS, RIVERS, RAIN || FISH, NATURE || FIRE || it seems to flow as it moves
| WEALTH || || || JEWELS, TRADE || SACRIFICE || it always seems to be counting something
| WEATHER || || LIGHTNING, RAIN, RAINBOWS,<br/>STORMS, THUNDER, WIND || NATURE, SKY || || it changes appearance based on the clouds and precipitation above
| WIND || WEATHER || || SKY || || it is surrounded by an everpresent rush of wind
| WISDOM || || || SCHOLARSHIP || || it acts with unwavering calm
| WRITING || || || POETRY, SCHOLARSHIP || || it is covered with divine writing
| YOUTH || || || BIRTH, CHILDREN, LONGEVITY || DEATH || it appears spry and vigorous

Revision as of 03:59, 20 December 2022

This article is about an older version of DF.
A graph showing the connections between all the spheres. A thin line represents a friendship, a thick line a parent/child-relationship, and a red line preclusion.

A sphere is an aspect where a being has influence. Deities, forces, angels, demons, megabeasts, semi-megabeasts, forgotten beasts and titans may be associated with one or more spheres, and civilizations may prefer certain spheres when selecting creatures to worship. There are currently a total of 130 spheres.

Understanding spheres

A being such as a deity, demon or megabeast may come to represent or epitomize certain things like emotions, qualities, terrain types, and items, which are called "spheres". As an example from real-world mythology, the Greek goddess Athena is goddess in the "spheres" of wisdom, warfare, handicrafts and reason.

Gods and adored megabeasts can grant secrets related to their spheres. In unmodded Dwarf Fortress, this means that death gods can teach the secret of life and death to their worshipers, turning them into necromancers.

Dwarves and other creatures will come to worship certain "powerful beings" and, as such, will follow the "religion", and have a relationship with its "deity".

Creatures with pre-determined spheres

While many procedurally generated creatures in Dwarf Fortress are given random spheres upon creation, there are others who have static spheres, which remain constant across all save files:

Available spheres

According to Toady: "Spheres have a parent/child list, a friend list, and a preclude list. A deity has either one or two base spheres, and then they pick friends of those spheres, while never choosing a precluded or parent/child sphere of any of the spheres they already have. I tried to be pretty lax with the preclude list so that interesting relationships could pop up."

As extracted from the string dump, the spheres available are unchanged from 40d; their relationships with each other may also be unchanged.

Available sphere tokens are:

Sphere Parent spheres Child spheres Friend spheres Precluded spheres Associated string and properties
AGRICULTURE FOOD, FERTILITY, RAIN it looks constantly to the sky for rain
ANIMALS NATURE FISH PLANTS it growls, buzzes, clicks and generally makes a varied racket
INSPIRATION, BEAUTY it is decorated with intricate patterns
BALANCE it is perfectly symmetric
BEAUTY ART BLIGHT, DEFORMITY, DISEASE, MUCK it is strikingly beautiful
it is covered with a filmy sac
BLIGHT DISEASE, DEATH BEAUTY, FOOD, FERTILITY, HEALING nearby vegetation seem(sic) to shrink away from it
BOUNDARIES COASTS the pieces of its body are carefully separated by markings
CAVERNS MOUNTAINS, EARTH its moans seem to echo no matter where it resides
CHAOS WAR DISCIPLINE, ORDER, LAWS it spins wildly, lurching and howling
CHILDREN BIRTH, FAMILY, YOUTH, PREGNANCY it never misses an opportunity to jump in puddles
COASTS BOUNDARIES LAKES, OCEANS it appears to be covered with rocky crags
CONSOLATION MISERY it radiates a sad kindness
COURAGE VALOR it makes those around it feel brave
CRAFTS CREATION, LABOR, METALS it appears constructed
CREATION CRAFTS, BIRTH, PREGNANCY, REBIRTH small objects seem to pop into existence around it
DANCE ART FESTIVALS, MUSIC, REVELRY it whirls, skips and jumps whenever it moves
DARKNESS NIGHT DAWN, DAY, LIGHT, TWILIGHT, SUN it is difficult to see clearly even in bright light
DAWN SUN, TWILIGHT NIGHT, DAY, DARKNESS it always turns to welcome the rise of the sun
it hums pleasantly when the sun is high in the sky
HEALING, LONGEVITY, YOUTH it has a rattling exhale
DEFORMITY DISEASE BEAUTY its body is bent and misshapen
DEPRAVITY LUST LAWS it slavers uncontrollably
DISCIPLINE LAWS, ORDER CHAOS it moves with great focus
DREAMS NIGHT, NIGHTMARES DAY the details of its form are easily forgotten without deliberate concentration
DUSK TWILIGHT NIGHT, DAY it never looks toward the sun
DUTY ORDER it is utterly still when not taking deliberate action
FAMILY BIRTH, CHILDREN, MARRIAGE, PREGNANCY it appears to be closely related to every other of its kind
FAME RUMORS SILENCE fanfare follows it wherever it goes
FATE LUCK it never appears to be perturbed or surprised by any happening
FERTILITY AGRICULTURE, FOOD, RAIN BLIGHT it appears to be very healthy
FESTIVALS DANCE, MUSIC, REVELRY, SONG MISERY it skips and twirls as it moves
FIRE METALS, SUN, VOLCANOS WATER, OCEANS, LAKES, RIVERS a sheen around it always seems to rise upward
FISH ANIMALS OCEANS, LAKES, RIVERS, WATER, FISHING it only looks comfortable when it is in the water
FISHING FISH, HUNTING it always moves carefully around water
FOOD AGRICULTURE, FERTILITY BLIGHT it has the delicious smell of freshly-baked goods
[ODOR_STRING:freshly-baked goods][ODOR_LEVEL:100]
FORGIVENESS MERCY REVENGE it is impossible to hold a grudge near it
FORTRESSES WAR it is very sturdy-looking
FREEDOM ORDER it eagerly moves from place to place
GAMBLING GAMES, LUCK it changes between two colors intermittently
GAMES GAMBLING, LUCK it giggles at random
GENEROSITY CHARITY, SACRIFICE it makes those around it want to give up their possessions
HAPPINESS REVELRY MISERY it seems to smile constantly
HEALING DISEASE, BLIGHT, DEATH it is surrounded by a gentle atmosphere
HOSPITALITY it radiates an aura of welcoming
HUNTING FISHING it inspects the ground intently as it moves
INSPIRATION ART, PAINTING, POETRY flashes of energy pulse across its surface intermittently
JEALOUSY CHARITY it appears to be a very bitter creature
JEWELS MINERALS, WEALTH its whole body appears to be faceted in a symmetric fashion
JUSTICE LAWS it seems eager to pronounce judgment on others
LABOR CRAFTS it appears very deliberate in its actions
LIES TREACHERY, TRICKERY TRUTH it seems unerringly honest if one does not concentrate
LIGHT DAY, RAINBOWS, SUN DARKNESS, TWILIGHT it returns surrounding light with a new vibrance and intensity
LONGEVITY YOUTH DEATH it always seems to be looking far into the distance
LOVE it stares longingly at those nearby
LOYALTY OATHS TREACHERY it never abandons its companions
LUCK GAMBLING, GAMES FATE it changes direction suddenly at times
LUST DEPRAVITY it has an unnerving stare
MARRIAGE BIRTH, FAMILY, OATHS, PREGNANCY it heckles those it meets that are not married
MERCY FORGIVENESS REVENGE it always seems like it is on the verge of crying
METALS EARTH CRAFTS, FIRE, MINERALS it appears to have sharp shimmering edges on many parts of its body
MINERALS EARTH JEWELS, METALS it has an angular appearance
MIST it is difficult to see clearly
MOON NIGHT, SKY it changes color with the phases of the moon
MOUNTAINS CAVERNS, EARTH, VOLCANOS it is very solidly built
MUCK BEAUTY there is a foul reek about it
MURDER DEATH LAWS it cannot abide anything that lives
MUSIC ART DANCE, FESTIVALS, REVELRY, SONG SILENCE it sounds clear tones as its body moves in time
NATURE ANIMALS, PLANTS RAIN, SUN, WATER, WEATHER it seems most at ease when it is outdoors
NIGHT DARKNESS, DREAMS, MOON, NIGHTMARES, STARS DAY, DAWN, DUSK, TWILIGHT it eerily reflects the light of the stars and moon
NIGHTMARES DREAMS, NIGHT DAY it reminds those that look upon it of their most unpleasant memories
OATHS LAWS, LOYALTY, MARRIAGE TREACHERY it cannot look directly at somebody that has broken an oath
OCEANS WATER COASTS, FISH, LAKES, RIVERS, SALT FIRE it always raises a part of its body toward the moon
PAINTING ART INSPIRATION its surface is always enlivened with a refreshing play of color
PEACE it has an incredibly calm demeanor
PERSUASION POETRY, SPEECH it rocks back and forth whenever somebody changes their mind in its presence
PLANTS NATURE TREES ANIMALS, RAIN it always seems to point toward the sun when it is in the sky
POETRY ART INSPIRATION, PERSUASION, SONG, WRITING it recites verses in a strange language on occasion
it leaves water wherever it goes
RAINBOWS WEATHER LIGHT, RAIN, SKY it is strikingly colored
REBIRTH BIRTH, CREATION, DEATH it alternates from instant to instant between sluggishness and extreme vibrancy
REVENGE FORGIVENESS, MERCY it has a fixed and unblinking gaze when interacting
RIVERS WATER FISH, LAKES, OCEANS FIRE its outer surface seems to flow about its body
RULERSHIP it is hard to disobey
RUMORS FAME it always nods eagerly when somebody is speaking
SACRIFICE CHARITY, GENEROSITY WEALTH it inspires those around it to acts of great sacrifice
SALT EARTH OCEANS it makes nearby water undrinkable
SCHOLARSHIP WISDOM, WRITING it always seems to be deep in thought
SEASONS its form is ever-changing
SILENCE FAME, MUSIC it makes absolutely no sound
SKY MOON, RAINBOWS, SUN, STARS, WEATHER, WIND it has a slowly shifting pattern on its surface
SONG ART FESTIVALS, MUSIC, POETRY, REVELRY it sings beautiful songs endlessly
SPEECH PERSUASION it pays attention carefully to anybody that is speaking
STARS NIGHT, SKY it appears to sparkle after night falls
STORMS WEATHER LIGHTNING, RAIN, THUNDER its movement is the sound of wind and rain
STRENGTH it looks solidly built
SUICIDE DEATH it mutters to itself about death
SUN DAWN, DAY, FIRE, LIGHT, NATURE, SKY DARKNESS it is difficult to look at directly
THEFT LAWS, TRADE it always seems to have its attention on the most valuable object in the area
THRALLDOM its movements sound like the rattling of chains
TORTURE MISERY it appears to be covered with sharp hooks and barbs
TRADE WEALTH THEFT it seems most content when a fair wind is blowing
TRAVELERS it never stops moving completely
TREACHERY LIES, TRICKERY LOYALTY, OATHS it is unsettling to be around
TREES PLANTS RAIN it is top-heavy
TRICKERY LIES, TREACHERY TRUTH it has a tendency to laugh quietly to itself every so often
TRUTH LIES, TRICKERY it tenses up throughout its entire body whenever somebody tells a falsehood in its presence
TWILIGHT DAWN, DUSK LIGHT, DARKNESS, DAY, NIGHT it chitters briefly before sunrise and just after nightfall
VALOR COURAGE WAR it always tries to embolden any fighting in its presence with exhortations of bravery, even its foes
VICTORY WAR it looks very proud of itself
VOLCANOS EARTH, FIRE, MOUNTAINS it seems to glow brightly from within
WAR CHAOS, DEATH, FORTRESSES, VALOR, VICTORY it bellows and cheers without pause
WATER LAKES, OCEANS, RIVERS, RAIN FISH, NATURE FIRE it seems to flow as it moves
WEALTH JEWELS, TRADE SACRIFICE it always seems to be counting something
NATURE, SKY it changes appearance based on the clouds and precipitation above
WIND WEATHER SKY it is surrounded by an everpresent rush of wind
WISDOM SCHOLARSHIP it acts with unwavering calm
WRITING POETRY, SCHOLARSHIP it is covered with divine writing
YOUTH BIRTH, CHILDREN, LONGEVITY DEATH it appears spry and vigorous