- Subterranean water
- Subterranean chasm
- Subterranean lava
Trunk Graphic
No graphic
Product Graphic
No graphic
Max trunk height
Max trunk diameter
Trunk branching
Heavy branch radius
Branch radius
Root radius
Heavy branch density
Branch density
Root density
This article is about an older version of DF.
Tower-caps are a type of mushroom-like subterranean Template:L. Once fully grown, they can be designated for Template:L and produce tower-cap Template:Ls. Tower-caps will randomly grow on muddy stone once you locate the Template:L. Unlike other tree saplings, young tower-caps seem to be entirely immune to trampling.
Tower-caps will only grow on muddy rough stone - thus, if you wish to prevent them from growing somewhere, simply Template:L the floor, ideally before it becomes muddy. Once a tower-cap grows in a location and is cut down, the floor will turn into Mud/Dirt and can no longer be smoothed (unless a Template:L happens to grow there and is harvested).
[PREFSTRING:great size]
[WET][DRY]************** temp
[BIOME_SUBTERRANEAN_CHASM]************** temp