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You may also like to see the Tileset repository or Graphics set repository.

Here are third party applications useful for Dwarf Fortress players and modders.

Dwarf Fortress filesharing services[edit]

Dwarf Fortress File Depot[edit]

The Dwarf Fortress File Upload Service - an excellent place to store mods, community games, tilesets and other files. Courtesy of Janus; for files related to Dwarf Fortress only.

DF Map Archive[edit]

The Dwarf Fortress Map Archive is a large collection of user-submitted maps and a nice flash viewer for perusing them. Maps are uploaded, stored, and downloaded in a special compressed format created by the DF Map Compressor (see below).

Read more about the DF Map Archive on Markavian's User page.

DF Map Compressor[edit]

The DF Map Compressor encodes multiple bitmaps exported from Dwarf Fortress into a single, very compressed, .fdf-map file, and functions as a viewer for this format. It can also export the maps to PNG format.

The .fdf-map file can then be shared with your friends by uploading to the DF Map Archive that features an online viewer (written in Flash).

The map compressor was created by Shadowlord in May 2007. The web site is currently not accessible. Extract from the website :

"The DF Map Compressor is a program I made to encode Dwarf Fortress fortress or world map images into a much smaller format than is possible with normal image formats. Here's a quick summary of how it works: It determines the size of your tiles from your DF font file (or asks you), splits the map up into tiles, identifies duplicate tiles, writes out every unique tile image, and then writes out a list of ID#s for each tile position which points to the tile image for that tile. What it outputs is piped through the LZMA compressor (the one used in 7-zip), to compress it further. The .df-map file which it writes out is usually less than 100 KB in size. (By comparison, a PNG of the same map can exceed 2 megabytes, depending on how well you compress it, whether you change the color depth, and whether you are using a graphical tileset or detailed font)."

There is a little bit of information at the DF File Depot page, where the compressor can be downloaded:

"It requires either .NET 2.0 or newer (If you have Windows Vista, you already have this, if not, you might need to get it), or if you're on Linux or a Mac or other non-Windows OS, requires Mono.

To get it working on OSX, according to this forum post:

1. download the Mono Framework and install it. If you're on a modern Mac, you want the latest Intel version, which requires OSX 10.5 or 10.6. Older versions are available but no longer supported.
2. export your map from Dwarf Fortress (Esc -> Export Local Image)
3. download the DF Map Compressor from the DF File Depot.
4. open the terminal, navigate to the DF Map Compressor folder and type:
mono DwarfFortressMapCompressor.3.3.4.exe
5. WAIT a bit for the DF Map Compressor windows to appear (I almost thought it had crashed, it's rather slow)
6. follow the on screen instructions

3D Visualizers[edit]


Stonesense Screenshot

by Jonask, Solifuge, Kaypy and Japa

Stonesense is a third party real-time visualizer that lets you view your Dwarf Fortress world in a classic isometric perspective.

More information is available in this forum thread.

Stonesense is now in version 2.3 Slate, supports v0.31.21 - Download

It is possible to get a quick working version of Stonesense for versions up to v0.31.21, without compiling the SVN development version (or downloading the new non SVN version), by downloading the updated Memory.xml and overwriting the file of the same name in the base directory of Stonesense 2.2. If (and only if), this does not work, download and replace dfhack.dll. If it still doesn't work, replace stonesense.exe. If it displays a problem with missing dlls, download these .dll files 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and place them in the Stonesense base directory.

Fortress Overseer[edit]

by thewonderidiot and sexymustard

Overseer is a full 3D visualizer for v0.31 using the DFHack library. Its appearance is highly customizable and will be even more so in the near future. Check out its forum thread for more details or download it from here.

Music and Sounds[edit]


SoundSense is a tool that parses game logs and reacts to game events with sound effects, incidental music and dwarfy comments.

forum thread, download at homepage.

Interface tools[edit]


Dfterm2 is a tool to run Dwarf Fortress via terminals remotely. Multiple people can connect and watch or join in.

Main article here: Utility:Dfterm2.

Game manipulation tools[edit]


The standalone Reveal utility is obsolete due to missing source code. DFHack's reveal command works like Reveal did, and has built-in undo capability.

Reveal (or Reveal.exe as it is commonly referred to) is a program that runs alongside Dwarf Fortress and shows all "unexplored" or "undug" tiles of the map (in fortress mode). To reveal entire map designate the entire bottom level to be mined and then remove designation before running reveal (Not required in the latest version using the parameters below, simply start the .exe file.). Playing on revealed map might (read "will") cause some bugs (like not being able to build magma buildings or a tower-cap farm, losing all plants/trees on the map, and a lot more). Using Reveal has been known to corrupt saved game folders. and, as such, it is highly recommended to only use Reveal to preview a biome's layout and then restart without running Reveal.

Dwarf Therapist[edit]

Dwarf Therapist gives you an advanced GUI to manage and check dwarf job allocations, military assignments (40d), statistics (such as attributes, personality traits and happiness), plus sort dwarves by various criteria (eg. profession, migration wave, happiness, number of assigned jobs etc.) and generally manage the Dwarven Resources of your fortress in a very convenient way.

Version 0.6.12 is out. This version supports DF builds up to 0.34.02..

NOTE: DwarfEngineer has taken over chmod's task in maintaining this MOD.

New dedicated support forum: http://code.google.com/p/dwarftherapist/

Read the full changelog here: http://code.google.com/p/dwarftherapist/source/browse/CHANGELOG.txt

Instruction for making it work with new versions here: http://code.google.com/p/dwarftherapist/wiki/MappingNewVersions This page also tends to have the new addresses within an hour or two of new releases of Dwarf Fortress. N.B. Dwarftherapist appears to be automatically updating; 0.6.9 updated automatically from 0.31.19 to 0.31.21 on Windows SDL.

For Mac users[edit]

A mac version of this utility (built by ghalidrim and compatible with the DF version 31.25) is free for download at the DF file depot. Beware though : this is a test build, so there may be bugs, use with care! It is also possible to use it with the latest version of DF by using Wine. A DT version for natively running it on OSX is in the works by DwarfEngineeer and should be ready in 2012 March-April.

Dwarf Therapist and Dwarf Fortress on Mac using Wine[edit]
  1. Download latest windows versions of DF and DT.
  2. Download winebottler http://winebottler.kronenberg.org/. It should also download wine. Launch them both.
  3. Click the Wine icon on your taskbar and find Change Prefix.
  4. From there, create a prefix (it may auto-detect some other games and create prefixes for them, don't bother with that) in a convenient directory, call it 'generic' or something.
  5. Click Change Prefix again after it's done configuring and make sure Wine is using that one.
  6. Move DF and DT to the Program Files associated with the *general* prefix. DT won't find any running versions of DF otherwise. Mine was located in *username*/documents/generic/drive_c/program files.
  7. When launching DF and DT a small window pops up asking which prefix you want to use, choose general.
  8. Strike the earth.

If Dwarf Therapist in Wine starts running slow or gets really laggy, find it's preference file, "Dwarf Therapist.ini," and trash it. It is located in *username*/documents/generic/drive_c/users/*usernameagain*/application data/UDP Software/.

For Linux users[edit]

There are repositories with a Linux version of DwarfTherapist available for download.

Instructions (Ubuntu)[edit]

Run "Software Sources" (super/windows key, type "software s" and click) [System->Administration->Software Sources] Click Other Software, then Add

For Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid) paste:

deb http://dwarftherapist.com/apt lucid universe

For Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric) paste:

deb http://dwarftherapist.com/apt oneiric universe

Click on line that says (Source Code) on the end; Remove. Open a terminal and

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install dwarftherapist

To run, run "dwarftherapist" from the terminal or create a shortcut on the desktop. When you run, a box asking for root privileges should pop up.

See http://code.google.com/p/dwarftherapist/wiki/LinuxVersion for updates.


Runesmith is a Dwarf information viewing and editing tool inspired by the original Dwarf Companion. It uses the DFHack library to interface with Dwarf Fortress and Qt to provide a robust and professional looking cross-platform GUI. http://www.bay12forums.com/smf/index.php?topic=59056.0

Version 0.1.9 is out for Windows, currently supporting 0.31.25. Since it uses DFHack, all versions of DF that DFHack supports, Runesmith supports!

   * Windows: http://dffd.wimbli.com/file.php?id=2538
   * Linux: to follow (the windows one is reported to work fine under wine though)

"A tool that allows smithing (editing) of the digits and runes (letters) that control all life in DF. By smithing these runes, the metagods (players) can meddle with DF mortals to suit their games, be it recasting a soul into a new species body, blessing and cursing indiviudals or just to make predictions of when a mortal will attain the next degree of competence to guide them on how they should spend their limited time." - Psieye - (http://www.bay12forums.com/smf/index.php?topic=57003.msg1324765#msg1324765)


DFHack is an advanced Dwarf Fortress memory access library and a set of tools using this library, providing direct object-oriented access to Dwarf Fortress's internals as if it were compiled into the game itself. The last release for this version supports 0.31.25 only, and it runs on Windows and Linux.

DFHack has an official forum thread.

Code and binary releases are available from the Github site.

Dwarf Foreman[edit]

Dwarf Foreman is a third party program to automatically dispatch jobs to your workers.

Dwarf Script[edit]

Dwarf Script is a program and allows you to manipulate DF's memory using a script.

Fortress layout tools[edit]


Quickfort is an AutoHotkey-based utility for Dwarf Fortress that helps you build fortresses from "blueprint" .CSV files (comma separated values). These files are easily created and edited in an app like Excel. Most building-oriented DF commands are supported through the use of multiple .CSV files to describe the different phases of DF construction (designation, building, stockpiles, and making adjustments. Also see Quickfort Community Blueprints.

DF Designer[edit]

DF Designer, by soundnfury is a fort layout planning tool. It enables you to work out your designs before you start to build, and even see how they look in 3-D. It's written in C with SDL, and both Linux and Windows builds are available. The source code is freely available under the GPL. Since DF Designer does not 'talk to' Dwarf Fortress, it is version-independent. Supports exporting to Quickfort-compatible CSV files.


Chromafort allows you to convert 24-bit bitmap (.bmp) images into Quickfort-compatible CSV files.

DF Architect[edit]

DF Architect is a short cut to using Chromafort in conjunction with DF Designer. It uses 24-bit bitmap files and directly designates them into Dwarf Fortress. It is an early release program and currently only supports digging, stairs (up, down, and both), and ramps. Its defining feature is the use of an 'index' which allows for the designer to visually connect the cursor to the image. Be careful when using this program as it had no abort or terminating ability while designating, nor will it check to see if you've uploaded correct formats.

DF Designator[edit]

DF Designator helps you build fortresses from either image files or Quickfort .CSV files. It also has a user interface that allows you to assign hotkeys to blueprints and to combine blueprints in multi z-level designs. Windows, Mac and Linux versions are available.

=== Quickfort Mapping Tool === (This link is dead -- is there an updated link?) Quickfort Mapping Tool is a simple to use web app for creating Quickfort blueprints graphically.

Modding tools[edit]

Custom Workshop Workshop[edit]

WYSIWYG editor for designing the raws for a custom workshop. (Not all raws, just the tiles and colors) Lets you see how it will look at each stage of construction. Comes with the default 16x16 CURSES font built in, but you can load any .BMP formatted DF font you like, keeping in mind that if its bigger than 16x16 it won't fit.

Accommodates up to 32x32 workshops, not that there's any reason for such a large workshop, right?


A program which uses text files to automatically change/update raw files. Makes installation of mods easier. However at this time, the documentation is a little confusing and makes creating mods harder for beginners. Forum Thread

Accent replacement tool[edit]

A small application to remove accented characters from a file. A quick solution if you need the language files for a tileset that has images in place of special characters. Alternatively, you can use this 20-line perl script: http://github.com/rofl0r/df-mayday/blob/master/charfix.pl

NightS' Easy metal creator[edit]

A small script in batch which lets you make new metals easily by introducing their raw values. It provides values of ingame metals as example for the most obscure values.

Raw tile tools[edit]

Utility:Raw tile selector[edit]

Provides an easy to use graphical interface to select which tiles and colors should be displayed for plants, stones and small creatures.

Made to ease the job of creators of tilesets with edited raws. It will also be useful for users that dislike decisions made by tileset creators or users that could not find the edited raws for a tileset.


Currently for windows only.

Raw tile merger[edit]

Provides an easy to use interface to change the tile and color data of raws to match the data of another set of raw files.

Made to ease the job of creators of tilesets with edited raws when new versions of df are released. The edited raws for your tileset for a new df version can now be created with a few clicks.


World Map / World Gen Tools[edit]


Very detailed Windows program to help create customize world gens.
Bay 12 forum link
Dwarf Fortress File Depot link (may be old version)
Dwarf Fortress File Depot listing for the author

It is a Windows program but can also be run under Linux with help of Mono. You can install the required Mono packages by typing this into the terminal (Debian and Debian-based distributions only):

 sudo apt-get install libmono-system-windows-forms4.0-cil libmono-system-core4.0-cil

After installing this you should be able to double-click on the exe and it should work.

Map Maker[edit]

Tool to create realistic-looking fantasy maps out ouf worldgen export. download link



Exita is a python program that takes your DF world map exports and dump them into several different text outputs.


Winmerge allows you to compare the contents of folders or files. It highlights any differences between files and allows you to merge them. It is most useful for modders or users of mods. If you compare modified raw files with unmodified ones you can quickly see any differences.


df2ttf allows you to convert any Dwarf Fortress tileset (png or bmp) into a TrueType Font equivalent. It's great for running Dwarf Fortress in ncurses mode.

Dwarven Guidance Counselor[edit]

The Dwarven Guidance Counselor is a JavaScript/HTML page that lets you input a dwarf's attributes and traits, and gives an estimate of how well that dwarf will serve in a particular job.

Lazy Newb Pack Expanded[edit]

Everything you could possible ever need all in one handy program. It includes graphics packs, DF Hack tools, StoneSense, and much more.

Legends Viewer[edit]

Recreates Legends Mode from exported data. Browser like navigation, including tabs, allows to easily view other people/places/entities by just clicking names in the event logs or search lists.

Tools under development[edit]

The tools listed below are under development for DF 2010, but cannot perform the task they are intended for at this time.


Rating v0.31:Utilities