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This article is about an older version of DF.


Agents are covert operatives that are sent off to other civilizations' sites to perform tasks, like gathering information.

Mode of action[edit]

Agents infiltrate foreign towns and taverns, befriending other historical figures - even hanging out with criminals such as bosses. The friendships are stored asymmetrically - agents consider their 'friends' as information sources, whereas the 'sources' themselves think they made a new friend.

Agents usually arrive at your fortress as visitors, assuming the identity of an artist, warrior or scholar. In addition, outside your fortress, they may also pose as pilgrims, monks, peddlers, prophets or petty criminals in other sites.

Agents typically want to know about the whereabouts of an artifact. In fortress mode, they will arrive at your tavern and chat with your locals and other visitors to gather information. If the artifact is not at your fortress, they will use the rumor system used by other visitors and your diplomat to find out where to go next. If you do have it, and one of your dwarves mindlessly opens their mouth about it, they will sneak back home with the information. Either way, if they come back empty-handed while believing the artifact is at your fortress, they may come to your fortress once again, this time with an army of siegers to persuade you, looming at the edge of your map. At this point, you may either give in (resulting in the army retreating peacefully with the artifact) or fight back (resulting in a regular full-blown siege). Although threatening, ultimatums are always fair: they will never attack you or your messenger while negotiations are ongoing, and even if negotiations go awry, they will let the messenger come back inside first. Moreover, they will never attack you anyway if you give in to their demands.

You may draw the ire of a civilization and its agents by stealing artifacts from outside (as opposed to making your own) in a mission.


Agents use false identities and cannot be forced to reveal their cover, but they can be manually detected by the player by looking at discrepancies between their self-styled profession and actual equipment or skills (e.g. a poet with a crossbow*), or their name style and race (e.g. a dwarf with an elven name).

(* This may not be a reliable indicator. Traveling entertainers seem to all[Verify] come with one Level 3 weapon skill, plus supplemental Level 1 combat skills - apparently, the roads are dangerous.)

Another suspect indicator is a migrant with the schemer skill, although more research needs to be done.


Traitor dwarves were added with the first villainy update. At the time of this edit, next to nothing is known about them except that the concept exists. Clearly, research is needed, although the nature of the subject makes that difficult to replicate or observe.


In versions earlier than 0.47, agents from your own civilization may retain their assumed identities when immigrating to your fortress.Bug:10490 These agents remain loyal to your civilization (at least for now), as they are part of it. Sometimes this can be easily betrayed by the agent's profession that wouldn't normally show up in Fortress mode (the above pilgrims, peddlers, prophets or petty criminals).

See also[edit]


Rating DF2014:Agent