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DF2014:Domestic animal

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Domestic animals are creatures that can be used by a civilization one way or another without any training required, usually for security or food. Distinguished by having the [COMMON_DOMESTIC] tag in the raws, they can be bought at embark or traded for with caravans. Wild versions of domesticated animals (horses, turkeys, etc.) can be captured in cage traps and receive training, which will turn them completely tame afterwards.

Dwarf, human and elf civilizations have access to the same variety of domestic animals, which are listed below. Goblins can't use these, but rather have access to domesticated beak dogs, which dwarves can only access by capturing in the wild or as spoils of war. Meanwhile, kobolds and subterranean animal people have no 'domestic' animals at all.

Every embark starts with two free, randomly-selected domestic draft animals which arrive with the wagon at the fortress site. These can be any of the animals in the list below which are available at embark that have the [WAGON_PULLER] tag (i.e. horses, yaks and water buffaloes). Note that the two animals do not (intentionally) come as a "matched pair", and so may not be from the same species. Embarking with a sufficient quantity of goods can result in multiple wagons, each of which comes with another pair of randomly selected animals. Since fortresses cannot move their wagons after embark, these "draft" animals can be slaughtered or kept for breeding, or can become pets for making certain dwarves happy.

When purchasing* draft animals at embark, the player may choose which gender of animals (only one male is necessary for breeding). Depending on the animal, you may wish to limit breeding altogether, or assign a gelder.

(* Note that the two free draft animals per wagon are not "purchased", and so are randomly generated, both re species and gender.)

Comparison of domestic mammals[edit]

When butchered, all adult domestic mammals yield one skull and one raw hide. All milkable mammals give the same value of milk and appear to be milkable at the same frequency. The embark costs shown apply to both adults and juveniles of either sex. All domestic mammals reach adolescence at 1 year and adulthood at 2 years, except cavies, which take half as long. All grazing animals require a pasture; the lower the 'grazer' value, the larger the size of the required pasture.

Animal Embark cost Pet value Size when full-grown* Total edible†‡ Bones Horns + hooves Milkable? Shearable? Grazer§ Notes
Alpaca 101 200 70,000 35 16 0 Yes Yes 2614
Beak dog 26 50 150,000 35 16 0 No No Domestic for goblins, also poultry
Cavy 2 3 800 0 0 0 No No 74768
Cat 11 20 5,000 14 4 0 No No Adopts owners. Hunts vermin. Beware Catsplosion!
Cow 151 300 600,000 37 15 6 Yes No 522
Dog 16 30 30,000 37 11 0 No No Trainable as war dogs or hunting dogs, which can also be bought for 31☼
Donkey 101 200 300,000 30 13 4 Yes No 878
Goat 26 50 50,000 27 10 6 Yes No 3364
Horse 101 200 500,000 32 13 4 Yes No 599
Llama 101 200 180,000 36 18 0 Yes Yes 1287
Mule 101 200 400,000 34 13 4 No No 708 Sterile in real life; all-male in Dwarf Fortress
One-humped camel+ 251 500 500,000 54 17 0 Yes No 598 Domestication not guaranteed.
Pig 51 100 60,000 17 8 4 Yes No Only milkable domestic animal that does not graze
Rabbit 2 3 500 0 0 0 No No 106,366
Reindeer 101 200 130,000 28 16 6 Yes No 1643
Sheep 51 100 50,000 27 8 or 10 4 or 6 Yes Yes 3364 Cheapest shearable domestic animal
Two-humped camel+ 251 500 500,000 44 17 0 Yes No 598 Domestication not guaranteed.
Water buffalo 101 200 1,000,000 70 20 6 Yes No 356
Yak 101 200 700,000 42 16 6 Yes No 465
* Gives a crude estimate of ability in combat, and thus danger to hunters. This number comes from the raws, so it might also be a better estimate of butchering results than the dodgy numbers from this wiki.
† Total of meat, fat, and offal.
‡ Maximum reported in infoboxes in this wiki, April 2011. Strongly influenced by individual attributes, especially for larger animals. Use with caution!
§ A lower number means the animal needs to graze more often, and will thus need a larger pasture. Cats and dogs have the [CARNIVORE] tag and do not graze or require pasture.
¶ The higher number is for rams.
+ These animals don't possess the [COMMON_DOMESTIC] tag, but may be domesticated due to having [PACK_ANIMAL]. Unlike the others, they are not guaranteed to exist in your civilization.

Comparison of domestic poultry[edit]

All domestic poultry have a pet value of 10 and cost 6 at embark. Blue peafowl, geese, and guineafowl reach adolescence at six months and are full-grown after one year; ducks, chickens and turkeys reach adolescence at one year and are full-grown after two years. When butchered, all full-grown poultry yield one skull; those that yield bones also yield a raw hide. However, domestic poultry are much more efficient when used for egg production than as a meat source; over the lifetime of an average hen, many more meals can be produced from the eggs. This is especially true for ducks and guineafowl.

Animal Min. eggs Max. eggs Avg. eggs* Egg size Years til
Max Age Size when full-grown Total edible†‡ Bones
Blue peafowl 6 8 7 102 1 15-30 4000 17 6
Beak dog 5 10 7.5 1600 2 10-20 150000 35 16
Chicken 4 15 9.5 62 1 7-15 3000 13 4
Duck 8 13 10.5 52 1 7-9 1000 0 0
Goose 3 8 5.5 152 1 10-24 4500 17-18 6
Guineafowl 4 15 9.5 42 1 10-15 1500 0§ 0
Turkey 10 14 12 87 2 7-10 5000 19 6
* Estimate based on mean of minimum and maximum clutch sizes.
† Total of meat, fat, and intestines.
‡ Reported in infoboxes in this wiki, April 2011. Might be influenced by individual attributes. Use with caution!
§ A yield of 2 meat, 2 fat, a skin, and a skull has been reported for butchering a guineafowl. This seems to be rare.
‖ Egg size does not currently affect food quantity
"Domestic animal" in other Languages Books-aj.svg aj ashton 01.svg
Dwarven: rodnul emär
Elven: wotha fela
Goblin: ongob slulasp
Human: hustra dik