Wikipedia article
This article is about an older version of DF.
One of the two mineral sources of fuel, lignite is found in veins in sedimentary layers. When processed at a smelter or magma smelter, one unit of lignite produces 5 units of coke. If done at a regular smelter, this processing requires one pre-existing unit of fuel (either charcoal or coke), leaving a net production of 4 fuel.
Lignite is flammable - if exposed to fire or magma, an item made of lignite will burn for the better part of a year before wearing away. Exposure to water (including rain) will extinguish it, unless it happens to be stored in a bin.
Although no more materially valuable than any generic stone, by default lignite is considered an economic stone, and will be reserved for coke production, unless changed in the z-Stone sub-menu. It otherwise behaves as an ordinary stone - if you don't need it to produce coke, you can use it to produce goods with a mason or stonecrafter.
Lignite, in all its glory.
This article or section has been rated D for Dwarf. It may include witty humour, not-so-witty humour, bad humour, in-jokes, pop culture references, and references to the Bay12 forums. Don't believe everything you read, and if you miss some of the references, don't worry. It was inevitable.
Despite its similar-sounding name, lignite is in no way related to ligma. It is a common misconception that it can be smelted into ligma bars. Ligma is a prized valuable material which can only be recovered from goblin fortresses, since goblins like to gobble on finished ligma products. Ligma's most common use is in crafting ☼ligma balls☼.
See also[edit]
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[SOLID_DENSITY:1250] Should be less dense than bituminous coal.