- "What do you call a soaper in Dwarf Fortress? A Recruit!" -Zander j
- "What do you call a soaper in Dwarf Fortress?! What's soap?" -anonymous
A soaper is a dwarf who creates soap from tallow and lye at the Alchemist's laboratory. This is one of the least useful roles in the fortress. At present soap has no different effect than a handmade block, but given that the base value of soap being 25☼ multiplied by the [MODVALUE:] of the creature whose fat it is made from can be very valuable to build with. It is also the best way to get value out of megabeast fat (admit it, a block of Hydra or Dragon soap is just cool, and very valuable!), any dwarf can be assigned the task and yield the same result since soap has no quality modifier; the only difference is faster producing. Therefore soapers are typically excellent candidates to be drafted into the military or full-time hauling duty, or otherwise re-trained in another profession.