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A door (called a portal when made of glass) is a piece of furniture which can be built from rock (at a mason's workshop), wood (at a carpenter's workshop), glass (at a glass furnace), or metal (at a metalsmith's forge - requires three bars). The symbol for a stone door is that of a solid tile, the color of its material, with a cross of a different color across it (e.g. ). Doors of different materials use different tiles. Glass doors (or portals) use the symbol O. Metal doors use the symbol . Wood doors use the symbol .

Doors made of all materials function identically, although doors made of more valuable material will increase the "value" of a room it is used in. High-quality doors give a happy thought to any dwarf seeing them, especially when a door is part of a room that the dwarf personally owns.[Verify] Items made of a material a dwarf has a preference for will give an even happier thought.

Doors, when closed, will prevent the passage of fluid (water and magma). However, if a dwarf opens the door, the fluid will come spilling through.

Door settings[edit]

There are three options one can specify on a door from the q menu:

  • l Forbid/Permit Passage
    • A door set to Forbidden is impassable to everyone in the game. A door cannot be set Forbidden if the door is open. Invading thieves may lock-pick and bypass a Forbidden door.
  • o Keep Tightly Closed/Make Pet-Passable
    • A door that is pet-passable allows through traffic of pets. A pet can still pass through a door that is tightly closed if it does so while it is being held open by an object or dwarf. This also affect the door's permeability to wild animals - a tightly closed door is a good way to keep wild animals from blundering into your fort.
  • s Set as Internal/External
    • A door set to external functions as a wall when defining boundaries of a room such as a bedroom. A door set to internal allows the room boundaries to pour over.

Placing doors[edit]

After constructing a door at any of the above workshops, they must be "built" (placed) like all other furniture. Doors can only be built immediately adjacent to an impassable tile: a wall, a tree, a statue, a window, a floodgate, or the impassable tiles of a workshop.

Because doors must be placed adjacent to an impassable tile, it is ordinarily not possible to place more than two doors side-by-side across a hallway. However, it is possible to use another door as an impassable tile if that door is first locked ("Forbid Passage"). The other door can then be unlocked, even before its neighbor is built. However, if the new door will be placed on a tile occupied by an item (such as a loose stone), it is usually wise to keep the previous door (and any other doors adjacent to the new door) locked until the new door has been hauled and installed. This way, the worker will not move the item from the construction site to on top of an existing neighbor door and block it open. By placing and locking doors in this manner, it is easy to span a hallway of any width.

If a door is built next to a wall and the wall is dug out, the door will be "unbuilt". However, if a door is built next to an impassable building (a statue or another door) and that building is removed, the door will remain in place.

Door strength[edit]

Creatures with the building destroyer tag can destroy doors. All doors. There are no exceptions. Run.
Conversely, any door is completely invulnerable to anything that isn't a building destroyer.

Thus, while a Troll can smash a masterwork Adamantine door with ease, an elite hammergoblin will be foiled by a base quality green glass portal.

Doors ajar[edit]

Sometimes dwarves will leave items in doors, propping them open; also, if a vermin is standing in a doorway when the door would otherwise be closed, it will be killed and turned into "remains" (and a spatter of blood or ichor) which will also hold the door open. Having a door open when it should be closed can lead to all sorts of fun with water, magma and hostile creatures (see Boatmurdered for a particularly famous example involving a monarch butterfly). It is also impossible for a door to be forbidden or "tightly closed" while propped open, further complicating matters. One way to avoid this problem is the use of a door, chamber and then another door. This decreases the likelihood that both doors will be jammed.

The easiest way to remove an item from a doorway is to deconstruct the door and then rebuild it, as the item will then be moved out of the way. If you have multiple doors spanning a wide hallway, you may want to lock them so that the object does not simply end up propping open another door.

Note that if an invader passes through a door, the door will be marked as "DOOR TAKEN BY INVADERS" - you will need one of your dwarves to walk through it before you can lock it again. The easiest way to do this is station a military squad so that it passes through the door. The same thing happens if the door is touched by a kobold thief, albeit with a slightly different message: "DOOR USED BY INTRUDER".

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