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Urist likes badgers for their striped faces.


Badger - Badger man - Giant badger

Tamed Attributes
Pet value 25

· Exotic pet · Breeding

Not trainable 

Birth: 1,500 cm3
Mid: 7,500 cm3
Max: 15,000 cm3

Adult at: 1
Max age: 10-15
Butchering returns

Food items

Meat 11
Fat 11
Brain 1
Lungs 2
Intestines 1
Liver 1
Tripe 1

Raw materials

Bones 10
Skull 1
Skin Raw hide

Wikipedia article

This article is about an older version of DF.
A small mammal with a striped face. It lives in groups and is ferocious in combat.

A small mammal (about half the size of a dog) that travels in groups referred to in the community as "congas", badgers distinguish themselves from the common pack critter that occasionally wanders onto your map by their Prone To Rage feature. This means that badgers will often go berserk and attack adventurers, dwarves, and livestock.

For an adventurer, badgers can serve as a superb sparring partner (much better than other critters like gophers or hoary marmots) in order to gain experience in skills like Shield User and Armor User. See this FAQ section for more details.

Badgers that are enraged will hunt down common peasant dwarves going about their business on the surface, disrupting early fortress setup procedures as they force a terrified dwarf to run to the edge of the map before being cornered by the badger.

Fortunately, it's still a small and fairly harmless creature due to its size and lack of any notable form of attacks, and a common adult unarmed dwarf will probably cripple it with a single kick (which is not to say that a badger can't get lucky, but it mostly seems to be limited to bruises and scratches). However, children are vulnerable to their attacks, especial the young (and hence small) ones.

If you are attacked by aggressive badgers early on while still digging out your fort, consider training some of your dogs to be wardogs - a wardog is more than a match for a badger, and spares you the need to set a valuable soldier dwarf to badger-hunting duty.

Honey badgers are similar to normal badgers, but found in tropical and desert regions rather than temperate ones. Giant badgers are far larger, far more fun versions of badgers. Some dwarves admire badgers for their underground communities and their striped faces.

D4Dwarf.png This article or section has been rated D for Dwarf. It may include witty humour, not-so-witty humour, bad humour, in-jokes, pop culture references, and references to the Bay12 forums. Don't believe everything you read, and if you miss some of the references, don't worry. It was inevitable.

Here is a lovely quote from Untelligent of the Bay12 forums.

"For ages, the crown of the King of Beasts has rested upon no head, the title long being vacant. Elephants became docile long ago, Carp have shrunk even smaller than they once were and dwarves made less fearful of their terrifying stare, and Giant Cave Spiders had the razor-tips of their fangs filed off.

But now, a new beast, freshly wrought from the blood-forges of Armok himself, has begun its reign of terror over the land. He made it ubiquitous, such that all would know its name. He filled it with fury, such that none would think it harmless. And He granted several of them tremendous size and insatiable anger far beyond that of their normal kin, such that even those who had thought they had mastered them had still more treacherous foes to be slain by.

There is a new King of Beasts, and its name is Badger. Tremble before it."

This may seem to contradict earlier claims of the badger being harmless. This is true, for a single badger or for small groups. Unfortunately, they tend to enter the map in huge "badger storms", swirling masses of highly irritable, lightning quick, sharp-clawed monsters. Any dwarf unlucky enough to be caught alone in a badger storm will soon find themselves being torn to shreds, reduced to a mangled pile of flesh.

..Hands and feet will be severed.

animal people
Albatross (man, giant) • Barn owl (man, giant) • Bushtit (man, giant) • Cassowary (man, giant) • Cockatiel (man, giant) • Crow (man, giant) • Eagle (man, giant) • Emu (man, giant) • Great horned owl (man, giant) • Grey parrot (man, giant) • Hornbill (man, giant) • Kakapo (man, giant) • Kea (man, giant) • Kestrel (man, giant) • Kiwi (man, giant) • Loon (man, giant) • Lorikeet (man, giant) • Magpie (man, giant) • Masked lovebird (man, giant) • Osprey (man, giant) • Ostrich (man, giant) • Parakeet (man, giant) • Peach-faced lovebird (man, giant) • Penguin (little, emperor, man, giant) • Peregrine falcon (man, giant) • Puffin (man, giant) • Raven (man, giant) • Snowy owl (man, giant) • Sparrow (man, giant) • Swan (man, giant) • White stork (man, giant) • Wren (man, giant)
Bark scorpion (man, giant) • Brown recluse spider (man, giant) • Damselfly (man, giant) • Grasshopper (man, giant) • Jumping spider (man, giant) • Louse (man, giant) • Mantis (man, giant) • Moon snail (man, giant) • Mosquito (man, giant) • Moth (man, giant) • Slug (man, giant) • Snail (man, giant) • Thrips (man, giant) • Tick (man, giant)
Desert tortoise (man, giant) • Gila monster (man, giant) • Leopard gecko (man, giant)
AlpacaBlue peafowlCatCavyChickenCowDogDonkeyDuckGoatGooseGuineafowlHorseLlamaMulePigRabbitReindeerSheepTurkeyWater buffaloYak
AngelsharkBasking sharkBlacktip reef sharkBlue sharkBluefin tunaBluefishBull sharkCodCoelacanthCommon skateConger eelCrab (man, giant) • Cuttlefish (man, giant) • Elephant seal (man, giant) • Frill sharkGiant grouperGreat barracudaGreat white sharkHalibutHammerhead sharkHarp seal (man, giant) • Horseshoe crab (man, giant) • Leopard seal (man, giant) • Longfin mako sharkManta rayMarlinMilkfishNarwhal (man, giant) • Nautilus (man, giant) • Nurse sharkOcean sunfishOctopus (man, giant) • OpahOrca (man, giant) • Sea lampreyShortfin mako sharkSperm whale (man, giant) • Spiny dogfishSponge (man, giant) • Spotted wobbegong • Squid (man, giant) • StingraySturgeonSwordfishTiger sharkWalrusWhale sharkWhitetip reef shark
Axolotl (man, giant) • Beaver (man, giant) • CarpHippo • Leech (man, giant) • Longnose garMink (man, giant) • Otter (river, sea, man, giant) • PikePlatypus (man, giant) • Pond turtle (man, giant) • Snapping turtle (common, alligator, man, giant) • Tigerfish
Adder (man, giant) • AlligatorBadger (man, giant) • Black bearBobcat (man, giant) • BuzzardCapybara (man, giant) • Coati (man, giant) • Copperhead snake (man, giant) • CougarCoyote (man, giant) • DeerDingo (man, giant) • Echidna (man, giant) • FoxGray langur (man, giant) • Green tree frog (man, giant) • Grizzly bearGroundhogHare (man, giant) • Ibex (man, giant) • Kangaroo (man, giant) • Kingsnake (man, giant) • Koala (man, giant) • Moose (man, giant) • Opossum (man, giant) • Panda (man, giant) • Porcupine (man, giant) • RaccoonRattlesnake (man, giant) • Red panda (man, giant) • Rhesus macaqueSkunk (man, giant) • Weasel (man, giant) • Wild boar (man, giant) • WolfWombat (man, giant)
Aardvark (man, giant) • Anaconda (man, giant) • Armadillo (man, giant) • Aye-aye (man, giant) • BilouBlack mamba (man, giant) • Black-crested gibbonBlack-handed gibbonBonoboBushmaster (man, giant) • Capuchin (man, giant) • Cheetah (giant) • ChimpanzeeElephantGazelleGiant desert scorpionGiant tortoise (man, giant) • GiraffeGorillaGray gibbonHoney badgerHyena (man, giant) • Impala (man, giant) • Jackal (man, giant) • Jaguar (giant) • King cobra (man, giant) • Leopard (giant) • Lion (giant) • Lion tamarin (man, giant) • MandrillMongoose (man, giant) • Monitor lizard (man, giant) • Ocelot (man, giant) • One-humped camelOrangutanPangolin (man, giant) • Pileated gibbonPython (man, giant) • RhinocerosSaltwater crocodileSiamangSilvery gibbonSloth (man, giant) • Sloth bear (man, giant) • Spider monkey (man, giant) • Tapir (man, giant) • Tiger (giant, man) • Two-humped camelVultureWarthogWhite-browed gibbonWhite-handed gibbon
ElkLynx (man, giant) • MuskoxPolar bearStoat (man, giant)
Flying squirrel (man, giant) • Hamster (man, giant) • Hedgehog (man, giant)