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Lua functions
Modding |
Tokens |
Audio · Biome · Graphics · Tile page · Interaction · Mod info · Plant · Speech · Sphere · Syndrome · World |
Body tokens |
Body · Body detail plan · Bodygloss · Tissue |
Creature tokens |
Creature · Creature mannerism · Personality facet · Creature variation · Procedural graphics layer |
Descriptor tokens |
Descriptor color · Color · Descriptor pattern · Descriptor shape |
Entity tokens |
Entity · Ethic · Language · Value · Position |
Job tokens |
Building · Labor · Reaction · Skill · Unit type |
Item tokens |
Item type · Item definition · Ammo · Armor · Instrument · Tool · Trap component · Weapon |
Material tokens |
Material type · Material definition · Inorganic material definition |
Lua |
Scripting · Examples · Functions |
Dwarf Fortress defines a number of functions in addition to those standard for Lua 5.4.
C++ Function Calls[edit]
Function | Description |
int trandom(int n) | Returns a 32-bit integer from 0 to n-1. Uses DF's internal RNG system instead of math.random() .
str capitalize_string_words(str s) | Capitalizes every word in a string. |
str capitalize_string_first_word(str s) | Capitalizes the first word in a string. |
str utterance() | Returns a word from the kobold language. |
void lua_log(str s) | Prints a string to Dwarf Fortress/lualog.txt . The log() function is more robust and should be used instead.
void raws.register_creatures(table lines) |
Takes a table of tokens and reads them as that type of raw file. It is not necessary to add a header. |
Helper functions are defined in init/globals.lua
, and can be accessed by any script even if vanilla_procedural
is not loaded.
This function is defined in init/generators.lua
Function | Description |
table add_generated_info(table tbl) | Adds [GENERATED] to the input table, and [SOURCE_HFID] /[SOURCE_ENID] if IDs are defined. Necessary for generated raws to be saved properly.
Function | Description |
userdata pick_random(table t) | Returns a random value from a table. |
userdata pick_random_no_replace(table t) | Returns a random value from a table, then removes it from the table. |
userdata pick_random_conditional(table t, function cond,...) | Returns a random value from a table that satisfies cond(...) .
bool one_in(num x) | Returns true with a one in x chance. |
userdata pick_random_pairs(table tbl) | Returns a random key from a table. For example, pick_random_pairs( {WATER = true} ) returns "WATER".
userdata pick_weighted_from_table(table tbl) | Requires a table of tables with weight keys. Returns a weighted random value.
At debug level >=4, logs the roll. |
userdata generate_from_list(table tbl,...) | Requires a table of functions that return a weight key. Runs each function and returns a weighted random output. Used by werebeasts to generate an interaction and link to options from it.
Function | Description |
table split_to_lines(table tbl,string str) | Adds a string into a table, with each line being a separate key. |
table map_merge(table tbl1, table tbl2) | Combines two tables. If tbl1 already has a value for a given key, it will not be overwritten. Used for sets such as { WATER = true } .
table table_merge(table tbl1, table tbl2) | Adds each value from tbl2 onto the end of tbl1 .
bool find_in_array_part(table tbl, userdata item) | Returns true if item is a value in tbl .
void convert_array_to_set(table tbl) | For each key in a table, sets the value to true. |
void add_unique(table tbl, userdata item) | Adds item to the end of tbl if not already present.
void remove_item(table tbl, userdata item) | Removes all instances of item from tbl .
table shallow_copy(table tbl) | Returns a table copied from all values in the input table. |
table deep_copy(table tbl) | Returns a table recursively copied from all values in the input table. |
Function | Description |
void log(...) | Logs the input to Dwarf Fortress/lualog.txt . Used for most cases.
string get_caller_loc_string() | Returns the debug source info and the current line. |
string get_debug_logger(num level=1,...) | Logs get_caller_loc_string() and any overloads if the debug_level is at least level . debug_level is a global variable that defaults to 0.
function partial_function(function f, arg,...) | Returns f(arg,...) .
function log_table(table tbl, num debug_level=0, num nest_level=0, num added_debug_from_nest=0) | Logs a table if the global debug_level is at least the input debug_level . nest_level starts at 0 and adds added_debug_from_nest for each nesting to the input debug level.
function print_table(table tbl, num nest_level=0) | Logs a table, regardless of debug level. |
Function | Description |
string get_random_sphere_adjective(string sphere) | Returns a random string from global table random_sphere_adjective[sph] .
table get_random_sphere_noun(string sphere) | Returns a random table tbl from global table random_sphere_nouns[sphere] .
table add_sphere_mpp(table sphere_list, string new_s, table available_sphere, table available_sphere_cur) | Adds new_s to sphere_list and all parents and children. Sets the added spheres in available_sphere and available_sphere_cur to false, and sets all enemies in available_sphere_cur to false.
At debug level >= 2, will be logged. |
Generation Tables[edit]
The generate()
function is defined in init/generators.lua
, and is called to generate objects.
Each type of random object is defined through a function that generates a table of raws. To generate objects for specific purposes, generate()
can call functions from a table and provide inputs such as tok
(unique token string).
For example, forgotten beasts are unique and generated for each cave region. If multiple functions are defined in creatures.fb
, such as both creatures.fb.default
and a modded forgotten beast, the game uses the weight
output to influence which one will be randomly chosen.
By default, objects are generated in this order: unittests*, preprocess, do_once, materials, items, languages, creatures, interactions, entities, and postprocess. Do note that you can register raws at any step. For example, each vault entity generates a set of divine equipment during the entity step, and werebeasts generate a curse interaction during the creature step.
All functions in these tables are run each tick, but global variable random_object_parameters
is only ever populated with values once per generation. Functions called through these tables are not supplied with arguments.
Table | Description |
preprocess | Runs once the world's terrain has been finalized and before history can begin.
Includes two functions by default: |
do_once | Runs immediately after all functions in preprocess, and before all other generation steps. Only runs if random_object_parameters.main_world_randoms = true , for added safety.
Recommended for generating custom objects. |
postprocess | Runs after all other generation steps are finished. |
unittests | Runs before preprocess if the global debug_level is greater than 0. Expects a boolean output.
languages | For each function in this table, registers a language. Expects table of key-value pairs where the key is the word token and the value is the translated string. |
Table | Inputs | Article |
creatures.angel.great_beast |
function(tok) | Angel (see types) |
creatures.demon | function(demon_type,difficulty,tok) | Demon |
creatures.experiment.beast_large |
function(tok) | Experiment |
creatures.fb | function(layer_type,tok) | Forgotten beast |
creatures.night_creature.bogeyman | function(tok) | Bogeyman |
creatures.night_creature.nightmare | function(tok) | Nightmare |
creatures.night_creature.troll | function(tok) | Night troll |
werebeast_origin_interactions* |
function(tok,name,options) |
Werebeast |
creatures.titan | function(subregion,tok) | Titan |
Generated entities are supplied with the idx
parameter, which is a number that starts at 1 and increments by 1 for each entity of that type. It can be used to give a unique ID to divine equipment.
Table | Inputs | Articles |
entities.vault_guardian | function(idx,tok) | Vault (angels) |
entities.mythical_guardian | function(idx,tok) | Mysterious dungeon (dungeon guardians) |
World interactions are generated in the generate_random_interactions()
step of generators.lua
Table | Inputs | Examples |
interactions.blessing.minor |
function(idx) | Die roll effects: luck, holy item, healing, etc |
interactions.curse.minor |
function(idx) | Die roll effects: week of curse |
interactions.curse.major | function(idx,tok) | Vampire |
interactions.disturbance | function(idx) | Mummy |
interactions.mythical | function(idx,power_level,sphere) | Dungeon guardian |
interactions.mythical_item_power | spheres={}, interaction=function() | Primordial remnant#List of powers |
interactions.regional | function(idx) | Reanimating evil biomes |
interactions.secrets | function(idx,sphere) | Necromancer |
Powers are stored in the interactions.powers
table and can be generated by other interactions. The structure of each power entry contains several keys that determine how it can be added to an interaction's syndrome.
Key | Inputs | Notes |
tags | table | A table of user-defined values that can be checked by other functions. |
tags.lieutenant | bool | If true, available to intelligent undead. |
rarity | number n | Higher is rarer. An intelligent undead has a 1 in n chance to receive this power. |
gen | table tbl , table end_tbl function(name)
Generates and returns lines of raws.
Interaction helpers[edit]
Function | Notes |
table tbl , table end_tbl basic_lieutenant(string name, string name_plural, string token)
Generates an interaction that raises an intelligent undead and calls basic_lieutenant_powers(token) .
table tbl , table end_tbl basic_lieutenant_powers(string token)
Adds any number of powers (chosen from among interaction.powers ) and 0-5 sicken effects (from add_curses() ) to the current definition.
table tbl , table end_tbl , int idx add_curses(table tbl, table end_tbl, string token, int num, int start_idx, int sev, table good_effects)
Adds num curses/afflictions to the current definition. good_effects lists the possible curses that can be chosen from default_curse_effects , and sev is the syndrome's severity. Basic lieutenants use a sev of 500.
string get_abstract_gesture() | Returns a random string from either gestures or gestures_abstract , used for [VERB] .
The default instrument system is not currently open to Lua, but generators.lua
defines tables for each token.
Table | Inputs | Token |
items.instruments.keyboard | N/A | [GENERATE_KEYBOARD_INSTRUMENTS]
items.instruments.stringed | N/A | [GENERATE_STRINGED_INSTRUMENTS]
items.instruments.wind | N/A | [GENERATE_WIND_INSTRUMENTS]
items.instruments.percussion | N/A | [GENERATE_PERCUSSION_INSTRUMENTS]
Divine equipment[edit]
generates from the list angel_item_gens
, the default function of which then calls functions from angel_item_info
. Unless otherwise stated, the Behavior column refers to the behavior of how angel_item_gens.default
generates from these lists.
Table | Inputs | Behavior |
angel_item_gens | function(prefix,tokens) | Called by entities.vault_guardian.default , which supplies a unique prefix and doesn't provide tokens .
angel_item_info.armor.pants.gen |
function(i,prefix) | Generates 1 piece of armor for each slot and 1 shield. |
angel_item_info.clothing.pants.gen |
function(i,prefix) | Generates 1 piece of clothing for each slot. |
angel_item_info.weapon.PIKE.gen |
function(i,prefix) | Generates 5 weapons. The tables correspond to combat skills, and are not repeated. For example, a vault can't generate two types of swords. |
angel_item_info.ammo.ARROW |
function() | When a ranged weapon is generated, it will also generate a random subtype of the proper ammunition. |
Table | Inputs | Article | Notes |
materials.rain |
function() | Evil weather | Associated regional interactions are automatically written by init/generators.lua .
materials.divine.silk |
function(sphere) | Divine metal | The list of potential spheres is determined by the individual function. See Lua script examples#New divine metal.
materials.mythical_remnant | function(sphere) | Primordial remnant | Possible spheres are determined by random_object_parameters.mythical_sphere .
materials.mythical_healing | function() | Mythical substance |
Random Creatures[edit]
Creatures generated by vanilla_procedural
use a number of shared functions to determine their attributes. The local options
table stores most of the data used by these steps.
RCP Functions[edit]
The random creature profile determines the basic body of a generated creature, such as "humanoid" or "toad", and provides options and data to later build the proper creature definition.
Function | Notes |
table get_random_creature_profile(options,blacklist) | Makes a weighted random choice of options from random_creature_types that satisfy arguments set in options (options.do_water , etc) and blacklist . Falls back to random_creature_types.GENERAL_BLOB .
At debug_level >= 3, will log failures. At debug_level >= 4, will also log successes. |
bool is_valid_random_creature(string creature, bool do_water, bool humanoid_only, bool is_good, bool beast_only) | Checks if creature is a valid key in certain tables depending on the arguments: aquatic (do_water ), can be "twisted into humanoid form" (humanoid_only ), isn't an "evil" species (is_good ), and is an animal species (beast_only )
At debug_level >= 3, will be logged. |
void finalize_random_creature_types() | If random_creature_types_finalized is false: sets it to true and iterates over random_creature_types to sanitize certain inputs.
Default creatures use add_regular_tokens()
, populate_sphere_info()
, get_random_creature_profile()
, add_body_size()
and build_procgen_creature()
as the main steps in generating raws.
Function | Notes |
add_regular_tokens(tbl,options) | Adds tokens to tbl . Sets [PETVALUE] , calculates material weaknesses (if options.material_weakness ), and adds a few immunity tokens depending on options.normal_biological .
tile_string(arg) | Returns a string usable for [CREATURE_TILE] . Encloses number arguments in ' characters.
add_body_size(tbl,size,options) | Adds [BODY_SIZE] and sets options.body_size . Calls body_size_properties() .
body_size_properties(tbl,size,options) | Adds [BUILDINGDESTROYER] if size > 80,000; adds [GRASSTRAMPLE] and [TRAPAVOID] if size > 100,000.
populate_sphere_info(tbl,options) | Adds [SPHERE] tokens from options.spheres . If options.do_sphere_rcm , 1/2 chance to set options.sphere_rcm .
add_poison_bits(tbl,options) | Generates a poison material based on options.poison_state and options.sickness_name .
build_procgen_creature(rcp,tbl,options) | Calls build_body_from_rcp() , build_description() , and build_pcg_graphics() .
build_body_from_rcp(rcp,tbl,options) | Generates based on rcp and options , assigns tweaks (mutations from the base body), tissues, organs, special attacks.
build_description(tbl,options) | Writes the [DESCRIPTION] and any [PREFSTRING] s.
build_pcg_graphics(tbl,options) | Assigns procedural graphics layers based on options.pcg_layering keys set by build_body_from_rcp() .
Key | Usage | Notes |
token | add_poison_bits()
build_body_from_rcp() |
The creature's token. |
do_water | get_random_creature_profile() | Use an aquatic RCP (water_based_random_creature )
humanoid_only | get_random_creature_profile() | Use a RCP that can be turned into a humanoid form (humanoidable_random_creature )
beast_only | get_random_creature_profile() | Forbids generic humanoid/blob/quadruped RCPs (not_beast_random_creature ).
normal_biological | add_regular_tokens() | If false, adds [AMPHIBIOUS] , [SWIMS_INNATE] , [NONAUSEA] , [NOEXERT] , [NO_DIZZINESS] , [NOPAIN] , [NOSTUN] . Used by experiments.
always_nobreathe | build_body_from_rcp() | Adds [NOBREATHE] , even if not uniform.
no_general_poison | build_body_from_rcp() | If false and the creature has blood or ichor, adds [CREATURE_CLASS:GENERAL_POISON] .
fire_immune | build_body_from_rcp() | Adds [FIREIMMUNE] . Does not affect materials. Set if the creature has a fire interaction.
material_weakness | add_regular_tokens() | Will gain a 10x [MATERIAL_FORCE_MULTIPLIER] to a random weapon metal and a [GENERAL_MATERIAL_FORCE_MULTIPLIER:1:2] .
is_good |
get_random_creature_profile() |
Forbids "evil" RCPs (cannot_be_good_random_creature ).
Affects options for materials, tweaks, description. Cannot have attack tweaks unless the RCP forces it. |
is_evil | build_body_from_rcp()
build_description() |
Affects options for materials, tweaks, description. |
spheres | populate_sphere_info()
color_picker_functions |
A set of the creature's spheres. |
do_sphere_rcm | populate_sphere_info() | Adds a 1/2 chance to set options.sphere_rcm to a material relevant to their spheres.
pick_sphere_rcm | random_creature_class.UNIFORM.body_fun() | If uniform, adds an additional 1/2 chance to use a material relevant to their spheres. |
pos_sphere_rcm | populate_sphere_info() | Temporary data storage for possible sphere RCM during populate_sphere_info() .
sphere_rcm | build_body_from_rcp() | Forces the creature to be uniform and made of that random_creature_material .
always_insubstantial | build_body_from_rcp() | If uniform, will always choose an insubstantial material from insubstantial_materials .
never_uniform | build_body_from_rcp() | If options.r_class is UNIFORM, change it to FLESHY.
always_make_uniform | build_body_from_rcp() | Changes options.r_class to UNIFORM.
do_not_make_uniform | build_body_from_rcp() | Do not randomly change options.r_class to UNIFORM (normally there is a 1/20 chance), unless options.sphere_rcm is set.
walk_var | build_body_from_rcp() | A string for [APPLY_CREATURE_VARIATION] , ex: "STANDARD_WALKING_GAITS". Usually set by rcp.body_base .
special_walk_speed |
build_body_from_rcp() | The basic walking speed in a creature's gait. options.special_walk_speed will be used instead of options.walk_speed if both are present.
Crawling bodies use a |
add_fly_gaits | build_body_from_rcp() | Creature has a flying gait even if wings aren't added. local add_fly_gaits is used for creatures with wings.
intangible_flier | build_body_from_rcp() | If options.intangible (set by certain uniform materials), sets options.add_fly_gaits and adds [FILER] .
cannot_swim | build_body_from_rcp() | Will not add a swimming gait. |
no_tweak | build_body_from_rcp() | Will not add any random tweaks (such as body parts or attacks) to the basic creature that aren't specified by the RCP. |
always_glowing_eyes | build_body_from_rcp() | Will always add glowing eyes if the creature has options.eyes .
no_glowing_eyes |
build_body_from_rcp() | Will not add the listed body tweaks. |
no_random_attack_tweak | build_body_from_rcp() | Will not add attack tweaks (or body parts that grant them) that aren't specified by the RCP. |
strong_attack_tweak | build_body_from_rcp() | Enables access to attack tweaks. Will always gain an attack tweak, unless the RCP already specifies it. |
experiment_attack_tweak | build_body_from_rcp() | Enables access to a limited set of attack tweaks 1/4 of the time. |
sickness_name | add_poison_bits() | Determines the name of syndromes caused by this creature. |
poison_state | add_poison_bits()
build_body_from_rcp() |
Accepts "LIQUID" (default), "GAS", or "SOLID_POWDER". Determines the state of this creature's venom. |
prioritize_bite | post_attack_tweaks | If true, non-bite attacks will have [PRIORITY:SECOND] . If false, non-bite attacks will have [PRIORITY:MAIN] .
bite_interaction | post_attack_tweaks | Adds [SPECIALATTACK_INTERACTION] to bite attacks.
can_bogey_polymorph | post_gait_tweaks | Allows the creature to use the bogeyman polymorph interaction. |
rcp | build_body_from_rcp()
build_description() |
Set in build_body_from_rcp() from the rcp argument.
Usually derived from |
r_class | build_body_from_rcp() | Set to a table in random_creature_class . Describes the basic tissues/features a creature has, such as FLESHY, CHITIN_EXO, or UNIFORM.
surface | build_body_from_rcp() | The creature's exterior tissue. Set based on its random_creature_class and any tweaks.
rcm | random_creature_class.UNIFORM.body_fun() | Set by random_creature_class.UNIFORM.body_fun() .
If |
post_mat_adj | build_description() | A string that says "composed of X", etc. Normally supplied by random_creature_material .
matgloss | random_creature_class.UNIFORM.body_fun() | Temporary data storage when calling inorganic materials from random_creature_material .
tok2 |
random_creature_class.UNIFORM.body_fun() | A uniform creature's [TISSUE_MATERIAL:options.tok1:options.tok2] .
Must be supplied by |
mat_temp2 |
random_creature_class.UNIFORM.body_fun() | A uniform creature's [USE_MATERIAL_TEMPLATE:options.tok1:options.tok2] .
Can be supplied by |
st_tok | random_creature_class.UNIFORM.body_fun() | A uniform creature's [TISSUE_MAT_STATE] . Must be supplied by random_creature_material .
fixed_temp | random_creature_class.UNIFORM.body_fun() | A uniform creature's [FIXED_TEMP] .
Can be supplied by |
intangible | build_body_from_rcp() | Flag normally supplied by random_creature_material . Creature is non-solid, serves as the condition for options.intangible_flier . Limits access to attack tweak.
fire_mat | build_body_from_rcp() | Flag normally supplied by random_creature_material . Prevents a fire breath attack.
body_string | build_body_from_rcp() | An array of all [BODY] tokens used.
body_size | build_description()
build_pcg_graphics() |
Set by body_size_properties() . Stores the creature's volume for later use.
body_tweak_candidate | build_body_from_rcp() | Temporary data storage for assigning tweaks. |
tweak | quadruped_function_curry() | Temporary data storage for quadruped leg tweaks. |
attack_tweak |
build_description() |
Strings used as a key to retrieve information about the chosen tweaks. Set by build_body_from_rcp()
beak |
build_body_from_rcp() | Normally set by the creature's random_creature_class (MAMMAL, CHITIN_EXO, etc).
Adds the listed parts to the creature's body plan. |
blood |
build_body_from_rcp() | Normally set by the creature's random_creature_class (MAMMAL, CHITIN_EXO, etc).
Sets the creature's default |
force_ichor |
build_body_from_rcp() | If the creature is not uniform, overwrites the creature's default [BLOOD] type.
blood_color | build_body_from_rcp() | Expects a function that takes a color's HSV values and returns a boolean. Sets the creature's blood color to any color that returns true for this function.
Only works with standard blood from |
eyes |
build_procgen_creature() | Set when building the body if the creature has those traits. Can be called by the description and when building graphics.
Nails, claws, and talons are given attacks. |
eye_count | build_procgen_creature() | The number of eyes the creature has. Set when building the body. |
tail_count | build_procgen_creature() | The number of tails the creature has. Can be set before building the body. |
clp | build_procgen_creature() | The creature's body color. Chosen randomly or based on material unless rcp.cannot_have_color is true.
eye_clp | build_procgen_creature() | The creature's eye color. Set when building the body. |
color_f |
build_body_from_rcp() | Set based on options.clp unless options.forced_color is supplied. Adds [COLOR:options.color_f:options.color_b:options.color_br] .
forced_color | build_body_from_rcp() | Adds [COLOR:options.forced_color.f:options.forced_color.b:options.forced_color.br] and [NO_UNIT_TYPE_COLOR] .
animal_coloring_allowed | build_body_from_rcp() | Color must be a shade of brown. |
experiment_colors | build_body_from_rcp() | Uses the set of colors assigned to experiments. |
exp_proc_surface_color | build_pcg_graphics | Stores the index of an experiment's color, for portraits. |
name_mat |
Custom names | An array of names for a creature's material. Can be supplied by random_creature_material .
feature_flavor_adj | Custom names | When build_description() is run, populates options.flavor_adj with strings based on the creature's tweaks and color.
can_learn | build_description() | Enables certain description strings, such as "it knows and intones the names of all it encounters". Used by default intelligent creatures. |
no_extra_description | build_description() | Will not add strings from default_desc_adds /good_desc_adds /evil_desc_adds to the end of the description.
custom_desc_func | build_description() | Adds the output of a string instead of default_desc_adds /etc. Cannot have options.no_extra_description.
end_phrase | build_description() | Adds a phrase after all other generated description pieces, such as "Now you know why you fear the night." |
and_add | build_description() | Temporary storage for description grammar. |
pref_str | build_description() | A table of possible [PREFSTRING] s.
fallback_pref_str | build_description() | A string that is added to options.pref_str it is empty.
odor_level |
build_body_from_rcp() | Sets [ODOR_STRING] and [ODOR_LEVEL] respectively. Can be supplied by random_creature_material .
forced_odor_level forced_odor_chance |
build_body_from_rcp() | Sets [ODOR_STRING] and [ODOR_LEVEL] (defaults to 90), 1 in options.forced_odor_chance of the time.
always_odor | build_body_from_rcp() | Can use the options.forced_odor_string even if creature is uniform.
pcg_layering | build_pcg_graphics() | A set of procedural graphics layers. Set by build_pcg_graphics() .
pcg_layering_base | build_pcg_graphics() | The basic PCG layer-set string, concatenated to form options.pcg_layering keys. Set by build_body_from_rcp() .
pcg_layering_modifier | build_pcg_graphics() | A set of extra info for PCG layering, such as experiment skin types. Set by build_body_from_rcp() .
use_werebeast_pcg | build_pcg_graphics() | If true, use the layers for werebeasts. |
experiment_layering | build_pcg_graphics() | If true, use the layers for humanoid experiments. Expects options.experiment_colors to be true.
is_male_version night_creature_strength_pref night_creature_agile_pref night_creature_strength_agile_pref |
night_troll_names | Flags used by Night trolls. |
no_default_werebeast_curse | werebeast_origin_interactions.default() | If this is true for a custom function in creatures.night_creature.werebeast, generate_from_list(werebeast_origin_interactions,tok,rcp.name_string,options) will not be able to use werebeast_origin_interactions.default. This allows mods to better control access to werebeast curses.
failed_experiment |
experiment_description() | Flags used for default experiments.
experiment_name_type | experiment_name_token | Array of nouns used instead of ropar.making_experiment for naming experiments.
is_large | make_failed_rcp() | Used for large failed experiments. Capitalizes the creature tile. |
fadj |
Custom names | Temporary data storage for complex name generation. |