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Animal person
v51.07 · v0.47.05 This article is about the current version of DF.Note that some content may still need to be updated. |
Animal peoples are half-man, half-beast creatures with various animal-like traits (such as flying, thievery, and poisons), inherited from their base animal. They generally have significantly longer lifespans than their base animals, as well as the ability to learn. Animal peoples can join civilizations and live in sites. They can come to your fort as visitors.
Animal peoples are playable creatures in adventure mode. If they became established members of a playable civ (dwarf, elf, human), they will appear listed in the creature selection screen alongside the main races. Otherwise, they are selectable under Intelligent Wilderness Creature. Some animal peoples may not be available due to having died out or being uncontacted (e.g. excluded to an isolated island).
Wild animal peoples wander above the surface in savage environments or dwell underground in the caverns; these two populations form distinct groups. Subterranean animal peoples are actually a civilization of themselves, rarely encountered in small groups or "tribes". They are equipped with primitive weaponry such as wooden spears and blowguns (they are the only known source of blowdarts). Subterranean animal people will be labeled as Hostile upon discovery. They are not interested in negotiations and will attack your dwarves on sight. Encountering them often comes as a surprise, since there is no way to know about their presence before embarking. They do not appear in the civilizations menu.
Subterranean animal people are also found in generated sewers, formed from a collection of outcasts.
Subterranean animal peoples
Amphibian mana
Bat manf
Cave fish mans
Cave swallow mano
Olm manr
Reptile manr
Rodent mans
Serpent man
Being an entity in their own right, subterranean animal peoples possess ethics much like other civs. It's incomplete for now—their ethics are directly copied from kobolds and their values are all set to zero (none).
Like kobolds, subterranean animal peoples consider the killing of other living beings very much acceptable, but treason is unthinkable and they'll respond to the murder of their own kind by exiling the offender from their tribe. They oppose torturing as an example and the torture of animals, but consider torturing for fun a fair game. Assault is considered a personal matter, while slavery, animal trophies, and the consumption of sapient beings (which includes other animal peoples) are all unthinkable acts.
Other animal peoples
Aardvark mana
Adder mana
Albatross manA
Alligator manA
Anaconda mana
Anole mana
Armadillo mana
Axolotl mana
Aye-aye manb
Badger mans
Bark scorpion manb
Barn owl manb
Beaver manb
Beetle manB
Black bear mans
Black mamba manb
Bluejay manb
Bobcat mans
Brown recluse spider mans
Bushmaster manb
Bushtit manb
Buzzard manc
Capuchin manc
Capybara manc
Cardinal manc
Cassowary manc
Chameleon manc
Cheetah manc
Chinchilla manc
Chipmunk manc
Coati manc
Cockatiel mans
Copperhead snake manc
Cougar manc
Coyote manc
Crab manc
Crow manc
Cuttlefish mand
Damselfly mand
Deer mant
Desert tortoise mand
Dingo mand
Dragonfly mane
Eagle mane
Echidna manE
Elephant manS
Elephant seal manE
Elk manE
Emu manf
Firefly manf
Fly manf
Flying squirrel manf
Fox mang
Gazelle manT
Giant tortoise mang
Gila monster manG
Giraffe mang
Grackle mang
Grasshopper manl
Gray langur mans
Gray squirrel mano
Great horned owl manf
Green tree frog manp
Grey parrot manB
Grizzly bear mang
Groundhog manh
Hamster manh
Hare manh
Harp seal manh
Hedgehog manH
Hippo manm
Hoary marmot manb
Honey badger manh
Hornbill manh
Horseshoe crab manh
Hyena mani
Ibex mani
Iguana mani
Impala manj
Jackal manJ
Jaguar mans
Jumping spider mank
Kakapo manK
Kangaroo mank
Kea mank
Kestrel mank
King cobra mank
Kingsnake mank
Kiwi mank
Koala manl
Leech mang
Leopard gecko manl
Leopard manL
Leopard seal manL
Lion manl
Lion tamarin manl
Lizard manl
Loon manl
Lorikeet manl
Louse manl
Lynx manm
Magpie manm
Mandrill manm
Mantis manl
Masked lovebird manm
Mink manb
Monarch butterfly manm
Mongoose manM
Monitor lizard mans
Moon snail manM
Moose manm
Mosquito manm
Moth mang
Mountain goat manM
Muskox manN
Narwhal mann
Nautilus mano
Ocelot mano
Octopus manC
One-humped camel mano
Opossum manO
Orca mano
Oriole mano
Osprey manO
Ostrich mano
Otter manP
Panda manp
Pangolin manp
Parakeet manl
Peach-faced lovebird manp
Penguin manp
Peregrine falcon manp
Platypus manB
Polar bear mant
Pond turtle manp
Porcupine manp
Puffin manS
Python manr
Raccoon manr
Rat mans
Rattlesnake manr
Raven manr
Red panda manr
Red squirrel manr
Red-winged blackbird manm
Rhesus macaque manR
Rhinoceros manr
Roach manC
Saltwater crocodile mans
Skink mans
Skunk manB
Sloth bear mans
Sloth mans
Slug mans
Snail mant
Snapping turtle mano
Snowy owl mans
Sparrow manW
Sperm whale manm
Spider monkey mans
Sponge mans
Squid mans
Stoat mans
Swan manT
Tapir mant
Thrips mant
Tick manT
Tiger mant
Toad manC
Two-humped camel manv
Vulture manW
Walrus manW
Warthog manw
Weasel mans
White stork manB
Wild boar manw
Wolf manw
Wolverine manw
Wombat manw
Worm manw
Wren man
Present from the first official release of the game, the animal people did not exist as a class but were instead part of a small group of subterranean creatures that harassed your dwarves. Frogmen, lizardmen, and snakemen emerged from cave rivers, and antmen, batmen, and ratmen would come out from chasms to attack.
v0.27.169.32a released three-dimensional worlds, and subterranean creatures were moved to flock near generated chasms, underground rivers, and underground pools. Cave swallowmen and olmmen were introduced. The first set of above-ground savage animal peoples were also introduced: leechmen, snailmen, slugmen, and tigermen.
In v0.31, every creature was renamed and/or had their properties revamped (for example, "frogman" was changed to "amphibian man" and "batman" was changed to "bat man"). Not every animal people were redefined in this version, and some continued to use old codes for many releases. The version also introduced "creature variation" templates which made converting existing animals to humanoid (and giant) variations much more efficient. Underground features were expanded to the current caverns, and subterranean animal peoples formed civilizations. More anthropomorphic variations of animals present at the time were added.
More animal peoples were added to the game in v0.34.
v0.42.01 allowed animal peoples to join civilizations, live in sites, and visit forts. Animal peoples became playable as adventurers. A grizzly bear hammerman has much to offer a dwarven society. v0.42.04 added more animal peoples to the game.
- Humanoid versions of animals with the
token will keep it when converted, leading to severe issues with their pathfinding. These animal peoples will move extremely slowly unless when performing a task.Bug:9588