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[[File:trading_icon_preview.png|right]]'''Trading''' in ''Dwarf Fortress'' allows your dwarves to trade with friendly [[civilization]]s. They can barter their excess goods for items they need, possibly even items they can't otherwise acquire for themselves. Trade can make up for the lack of [[Industry|industries]] you neglected or don't find interesting, provide resources that aren't available where your dwarves settled, replace key tools you lost or accidentally destroyed, and allow you more freedom in selecting starting gear and skills at [[embark]]. Trading generally begins in the first [[Calendar|autumn]] after establishing your fortress, with the arrival of the [[dwarf|dwarven]] [[caravan]] from your home [[civilization]].
'''Trading''' in Dwarf Fortress first occurs in the first [[Calendar|autumn]] after establishing your fortress, with the arrival of the [[dwarf|Dwarven]] [[Trading#Caravans|caravan]]. Trading is a good way to acquire resources that are not readily available in the local area. It also allows for more freedom in selecting starting gear and skills at [[embark]], since neglected items can be obtained through trade later.
'''Trader''' is the generic term used at your [[trade depot]] to refer to your fortress representative (usually your [[broker]], although it can be anyone else in a pinch) when dealing with merchants in a visiting caravan. As a [[profession]], the term applies to visiting merchants and dwarves whose highest [[skill]] is [[Appraiser]].
'''Trader''' is the term used at your [[trade depot]] to refer to your fortress representative when dealing with merchants in a visiting caravan ({{key|r}} - "''Trader requested at Depot"''). As a [[profession]], the term applies to visiting merchants and dwarves whose highest [[skill]] is [[Appraiser]].
To trade at all, you will need a [[trade depot]] and peaceful relations with at least one [[civilization]] that can reach your site. Appointing a citizen as a [[broker]] is not strictly necessary but is very helpful. Newly-founded fortresses begin the game at peace with their home civilization and will generally have at least that one trading partner each year, unless the parent civilization is [[Civilization#Dead and struggling civilizations|dead or dying]], or simply can't reach your site due to intervening mountains or open water. A [[civil war]] in your home civilization will also stop trade with them. Trading with your home civilization is quite important, as being visited by their caravans is part of attracting [[Immigration|immigrants]] after the first two waves.
== Trade Depot ==
Graphically, merchants will always appear in white clothing.
{{Main|Trade depot}}
==Trading flowchart ==
Building a [[trade depot]] is a pre-requisite for trade with caravans that arrive at your fortress.
While it may be convenient to build a Trade Depot outside at first, it is usually a good idea to move it inside or secure it with [[wall]]s, [[bridges]] and other fortifications to protect caravans and your goods from [[steals drink|thirsty animals]], [[thief|thieves]] and [[goblin]]s.
Everything that is on your map belongs to you, except:
== Trade depot ==
* the items that are on merchant animals and wagons
* the items that are on the trade depot (they belong to the caravan until they are moved out of it)
* items worn by non-fortress units are initially forbidden, but can be claimed via unforbidding and dumping them
==Trading Flowchart ==
{{Dual image
|caption=A Trade Depot
==Trader to depot==
{{Main|Trade depot}}
Before you can begin trading, your fortress's representative trader must be at the [[trade depot]]. Select the [[trade depot]] with {{K|q}} and then {{k|r}}equest the trader. Be sure that {{k|b}} reads "Only broker may trade" if you want your [[broker]] to represent your fortress. If it reads "Anyone can trade", a random, probably unskilled dwarf will volunteer to conduct the trade. Pressing {{k|b}} will toggle this setting. Once your trader has arrived, select the depot again with {{k|q}} and enter the {{k|t}}rade menu. In the trade menu select the items to offer from the right and the desired items from the left. All caravans have a weight limit which cannot be exceeded, and the allowed additional weight is displayed in the lower right corner. If your broker (specifically, not necessarily your trader) has at least Novice or better [[Appraisal]] skill, the value of all items will be displayed.  Once the proposal is ready, press {{K|t}} to propose the trade, but merchants will not agree unless they make adequate profit.  Be sure to use '''trade''', not '''offer''' {{K|o}}, as this will make a gift of the selected items. The amount of acceptable profit is determined by the trader's [[Broker skills|skills]] and the merchant's mood, described below.  Merchants may attempt to propose counteroffers if they do not accept the proposal, which can then be accepted, rejected, or further amended by the trader.
Building a [[trade depot]] is a prerequisite for trade with caravans that arrive at your fortress. If traders can't access your trade depot when they show up, their caravans will simply bypass your fortress that year. While it may be convenient to build a depot outside at first, it is usually a good idea to move it inside, or secure it with [[wall]]s, [[bridge]]s and other fortifications, to protect incoming caravans and your goods from [[steals drink|thirsty animals]], [[thief|thieves]], and [[goblin]]s.
With more experienced traders and pleased merchants, even marginally profitable trades can be successful, and counterproposals can be rejected safely, offering the same trade again. Note however that a low profit margin for the traders may not be desirable - it has been suggested that both export and profit numbers influence the size of next years caravan and, in the case of the dwarven caravan, immigration numbers.{{Verify}}
Everything that is on your map belongs to you, except:
* the items that are on merchants' animals and wagons
* the items that are in the trade depot (they belong to the caravan until they are moved out of it)
* items worn by creatures that are not [[citizen]]s of your fortress (initially forbidden, but can be claimed via unforbidding and dumping them)
Goods brought by caravans rarely have base quality higher than superior, and decorations on a good rarely exceed superior as well.
== Trading ==
{{Dual image
|caption=Trading screen
== Trading cue colors ==
Before you can begin trading, you need to designate what goods to trade and have the fortress's representative trader located at the [[trade depot]]. Select the trade depot and then click either "Broker requested at depot" or "Anyone requested at depot" if you have no [[broker]] [[noble]] assigned. Be aware that without an assigned [[broker]], it's likely a random, probably unskilled dwarf will volunteer to conduct the trade. Next click "Move goods to/from depot" to be presented with a list of all items in your fortress that belong to you. Mark the goods you want to sell --insert clever advice--, and your dwarves will begin moving them to the depot. If you are unsure about which goods are in which containers, clicking the bin or barrel within the menu will show every item that is stored inside, along with its perceived value (using your broker's [[Appraisal]] skill). However, individual items cannot be marked if they are in a container. Note that during this step, we are just moving the goods physically to the trade depot, and that containers like [[barrels]] and [[bins]] must be moved with all of their contents (although for bins you will have an opportunity to specify which contained items you wish to trade).
* {{DFtext|Brown|6:0}} Items have been created (or modified) by your fortress. They can be traded away or offered as a gift.
Once the trade goods are moved to the depot and your trader has arrived, select the depot again and finally click the "Trade" button to enter the trade menu. In the trade menu, select the items to offer from the right and the desired items from the left. All caravans have a weight limit which cannot be exceeded, and the allowed additional weight is displayed in the lower left corner. If your trader has sufficient [[Appraisal]] skill, the value of all items will be displayed with reasonable accuracy. Once the proposal is ready, click the "Trade" button to propose the trade; merchants will not agree unless they make adequate profit. Clicking the "Offer as gift" button instead will make a gift of the selected items. The amount of acceptable profit is determined by the trader's [[Broker skills|skills]] and the merchant's mood, described below. Merchants may attempt to propose counteroffers if they do not accept the proposal, which can then be accepted, rejected, or further amended by the trader. If the Trader Profit is listed in green rather than yellow or red the trade will always be accepted.{{Verify}}
* {{DFtext|Gray|7:0}} Items were created by another source. They can be traded, but if one of these items has been selected, the entire selection cannot be offered as a gift.
* {{DFtext|Purple|5:0}} Items are under a no-export mandate.  If they are traded away it will result in disciplinary action (see [[justice]]) against the dwarf that brought the item to the depot.
* {{DFtext|Green|2:0}} Items have just been gifted to the caravan and they will not trade it back.
* {{DFtext|Red|4:0}} Items have been seized from another caravan and cannot be traded as is; you will need to decorate them or turn them into other items for them to become "valid" trading items.
Note that containers (barrels, bins, etc.) will be displayed according to the origin of the ''container'', not the contents. So a foreign barrel holding locally-produced beer will display as foreign (white). Once you {{k|v}}iew the container, the locally-made contents are displayed as local (brown).
With more experienced traders and pleased merchants, even marginally profitable trades can be successful, and counterproposals can be rejected safely, offering the same trade again. Note however that a low profit margin for the traders may not be desirable - it has been suggested that both export and profit numbers influence the size of next year's caravan and, in the case of the dwarven caravan, immigration numbers.{{Verify}}
== Merchant mood ==
Note: Goods brought by caravans rarely have base quality higher than superior, and decorations on a good rarely exceed superior as well.
If your trader has Novice or better [[Judge of intent]] skill, there will be a line added below the merchant's dialogue describing the caravan's attitude. Their attitude rises with successful trades (especially if they get lots of profit) and falls when you propose deals they don't like.  
* (trader) seems ecstatic with the trading
Note if you give or trade away an [[Artifact|artifact]], you will receive a special notification:
* (trader) seems very happy about the trading
* (trader) seems pleased with the trading
* (trader) seems willing to trade (Default, at least for humans)
* (trader) seems to be rapidly losing patience
* (trader) is not going to take much more of this
* (trader) is unwilling to trade
The happier you make a merchant, the less profit margin he will demand in a trade. If merchants reach the lowest level, no further trade will be possible, and they will immediately pack up and leave your depot. Since annoyed traders are more likely to reject deals, you should be generous in initial negotiations. Skilled negotiators seem less likely to offend traders with unsuccessful deals.  
=== Items cue colors ===
{| class="wikitable"
! {{DFtext|Brown|6:0}}
| Items have been created (or modified) by your fortress. They can be traded away or offered as a gift.
! {{DFtext|Gray|7:0}}
| Items were created by another source. They can be traded, but if one of these items has been selected, the entire selection cannot be offered as a gift.
! {{DFtext|Purple|5:0}}
| Items are under a no-export mandate.  If they are traded away it will result in disciplinary action (see [[justice]]) against the dwarf that brought the item to the depot.
! {{DFtext|Green|2:0}}
| Items have just been gifted to the caravan and they will not trade it back.
! {{DFtext|Red|4:0}}
| Items have been seized from another caravan and cannot be traded as is; you will need to decorate them or turn them into other items for them to become "valid" trading items.
An easy way to capitalize on this mood system is to perform several partial trades. First trade for a few items, offering goods twice the value of the items you ask for (e.g. offer 2000☼ for 1000☼ of his stuff). This will likely make the merchant ecstatic about trading with you. Exit the trade screen, unpause briefly, and then return to trading with a vengeance. With the merchant in such a good mood, he is more likely to counteroffer than reject a trade outright.
Note that containers (barrels, bins, etc.) will be displayed according to the origin of the ''container'', not the contents. So a foreign barrel holding locally-produced beer will display as foreign (white). Once you {{k|v}}iew the container, the locally-made contents are displayed as local (brown).
== Seizing items ==
=== Seizing items ===
Pressing {{K|s}} from the trade menu will seize the selected items of the merchant's.  If you seize goods from a caravan, the merchant will respond "Take what you want. I can't stop you." and then leave immediately without the seized goods.  Items cannot be seized from the dwarven caravan, and other races will not buy goods stolen from one of their caravans (then marked in red) unless they are tricked into asking for them via counteroffer, or the items are "laundered" by decoration or used to create other goods.  Seizing goods will hurt diplomatic relations, but is not grounds for an automatic [[siege]].
Clicking "Seize" from the trade menu will seize the selected items of the merchant's.  If you seize goods from a caravan, the merchant will respond "Take what you want. I can't stop you." and then leave immediately without the seized goods.  Items cannot be seized from the dwarven caravan, and other races will not buy goods stolen from one of their caravans (then marked in red) unless they are tricked into asking for them via counteroffer, or the items are "laundered" by decoration or used to create other goods.  Seizing goods will hurt diplomatic relations, but is not grounds for an automatic [[siege]].
Pressing the seize button while no goods are selected will result in the merchant interpreting your seizure as a joke. This apparently does nothing to benefit or hinder your trading.
Pressing the seize button while no goods are selected will result in the merchant interpreting your seizure as a joke. This apparently does nothing to benefit or hinder your trading.
As a side note, if you deconstruct your trade depot with a caravan in it, all the caravan's items will drop to the ground, to be readily hauled away by your Dwarves. This does not mark the items as stolen, and the caravan will leave. However, ''next'' year's caravan is partly based on the profits from the previous year - so if you are relying on that race's caravans for needed items, you're hurting yourself in the long run.
As a side note, if you deconstruct your trade depot with a caravan in it, all the caravan's items will drop to the ground, to be readily hauled away by your dwarves. This does not mark the items as stolen, and the caravan will leave. However, ''next'' year's caravan is partly based on the profits from the previous year - so if you are relying on that race's caravans for needed items, you're hurting yourself in the long run.
Trying to interrogate a merchant can also cause a wagon to fall apart.
Another way to steal without marking as stolen is to forbid the trade depot just before they leave, causing them to leave their goods at the depot.
Another way to steal without marking as stolen is to forbid the trade depot just before they leave, causing them to leave their goods at the depot.
If you're using the search plugin for [[Utility:DFHack|DFHack]] (e.g. from the [[Utility:Lazy Newb Pack|Lazy Newb Pack]]), be warned that {{K|s}} means "seize" and '''NOT''' "search", and there is '''no warning''' for it. Use {{K|q}} to search the merchant's goods and {{K|w}} to search yours.
Note that the civilization attached to a particular caravan will keep track of the value of items the caravan was carrying when they set out to trade, and they will compare this value with the value of items they return home with. Regardless of what method you use to confiscate items from a caravan, even if you came to possess the goods through no fault of your own (an [[ambush]] killed the traders and guards, for example) the parent civilization may decide that you stole from them and send a [[siege]] instead of a caravan the following year. It is prudent to take measures to protect caravans visiting your lands!
Note that the civilization attached to a particular caravan will keep track of the value of items the caravan was carrying when they set out to trade, and they will compare this value with the value of items they return home with. Regardless of what method you use to confiscate items from a caravan, even if you came to possess the goods through no fault of your own (an [[ambush]] killed the caravaners, for example) the parent civilization may decide that you stole from them and send a [[siege]] instead of a caravan the following year. It is prudent to take measures to protect caravans visiting your lands!
===Offering items===
==Offering items==
You can also give away items, as gifts to the leaders of the [[civilization]] you are trading with. This presumably helps relations between yourself and the other faction, though there is not yet a clear correlation between the value of the offerings and the improvement to relations. The exact effects of offerings on trading are unknown but it is believed due to the offerings' net trade value being counted towards the merchants' profit, possibly with a modifier (possibly a multiplier of more than 1 as a bonus or less than 1 to compensate for the improved relations){{Verify}}, which in turn increases the quantity and variety of trade goods brought by next year's caravan. Also the [[Monarch]] requires offerings to be made before their arrival. You cannot offer items that were not made at your fortress; the merchants do not want your spare [[Goblinite]] clothes.
{{key|o}} You can also give away items, as gifts to the leaders of the [[civilization]] you are trading with. This presumably helps relations between yourself and the other faction, though there is not yet a clear correlation between the value of the offerings and the improvement to relations. The exact effects of offerings on trading are unknown but it is believed due to the offerings' net trade value being counted towards the traders' profit, possibly with a modifier (possibly a multiplier of more than 1 as a bonus or less than 1 to compensate for the improved relations){{Verify}}, which in turn increases the quantity and variety of trade goods brought by next year's caravan. Also the [[King]] requires offerings to be made before his arrival. You cannot offer items that were not made at your fortress; the traders do not want your spare [[Goblinite]] clothes..
The value of an offering for the purpose of becoming the capital is adjusted by your current export agreement.
Unless you are looking for [[fun]], under no conditions should you offer or trade items which are wooden or used wood in their creation (clear glass, for example) to [[elves]], as this will insult the traders, and may cause them to leave or even damage relations enough to provoke a war between you and the elven civilization you traded with. They will accept their own "grown wood" items in trade without insult, however.
Unless you are looking for [[fun]], under no conditions should you offer or trade items which involve animal products, wood, or used wood in their creation (clear glass, for example) to [[elves]], as they will refuse the trade, take offense, and leave, possibly damaging relations enough to provoke a war between you and the elven civilization you traded with. They will accept their own "grown wood" items in trade without insult, however. See below and the [[elves]] page for more detailed information.
== Miscellaneous Trading Advice ==
== Miscellaneous trading advice ==
* Thieves and thieving critters tend to follow caravans. Expect assaults and intruders.
* Thieves and thieving critters tend to follow caravans. Expect assaults and intruders.
* Create your trading depot inside your fort, preferably in the beginning. Place a 3-tile wide path (which must be free of obstructions such as stairways, traps, minecart tracks and boulders) to the entrance of the fort and position war dogs along it (chains do not block wagons); this will help to protect the traders and keep the depot close to your supplies.
* Create your trading depot inside your fort, preferably in the beginning. Place a 3-tile wide path—which must be free of obstructions such as stairways, traps, minecart tracks and boulders (not stones)—to the entrance of the fort and position war-trained animals along it (chains do not block wagons); this will help to protect the traders and keep the depot close to your supplies.
* Avoid having multiple wagon paths to your depot. Caravan [[wagon]]s cannot move through each other, and if two wagons happen to meet at a fork they may become gridlocked against each other, resulting in the destruction of wagons and loss of trade opportunities.
* Avoid having multiple wagon paths to your depot. Caravan [[wagon]]s cannot move through each other, and if two wagons happen to meet at a fork they may become gridlocked against each other, resulting in the destruction of wagons and loss of trade opportunities.
* All caravans will bring extra food (meat and edible plants), wooden logs, and cloth/leather (for making clothes) if the supplies of your fortress are low enough, independent of whether or not you requested them. This does not apply in the case that the weight limit is exceeded by (other) items you requested. The supply situation, as observed by traders, is based solely on the number of unforbidden items in your fortress, stockpiled or not; thus, it is possible to trick caravans into thinking your supplies are low by [[forbid]]ding all of your relevant stocks immediately prior to their arrival.
* All caravans will bring extra food (meat and edible plants), wooden logs, and cloth/leather (for making clothes) if the supplies of your fortress are low enough, independent of whether or not you requested them. This does not apply in the case that the weight limit is exceeded by (other) items you requested. The supply situation, as observed by traders, is based solely on the number of unforbidden items in your fortress, stockpiled or not; thus, it is possible to trick caravans into thinking your supplies are low by [[forbid]]ding all of your relevant stocks immediately prior to their arrival.
Line 79: Line 104:
*** 5 pieces of food - meat, fish, plants, or "other" in your [[Status]] screen (even though "other" includes inedible items)
*** 5 pieces of food - meat, fish, plants, or "other" in your [[Status]] screen (even though "other" includes inedible items)
*** 1 wood log
*** 1 wood log
*** 5 pieces of cloth, pieces of leather, or complete sets of [[wear|pristine]] clothing (shirt+pants+shoe)
*** 5 pieces of ''[[wear|undamaged]]'' cloth, pieces of leather, or complete sets of [[wear|pristine]] clothing (shirt+pants+shoe)
* Define your trade depot as a burrow. When traders arrive, you can add your broker or another dwarf, perhaps one you want to train in trading, to the burrow. They will head to the depot immediately, and stay there until you remove them from the burrow.
* Define your trade depot as a burrow. When traders arrive, you can add your broker or another dwarf, perhaps one you want to train in trading, to the burrow. They will head to the depot immediately, and stay there until you remove them from the burrow.
* Each trade you make (regardless of value) will increase your trader's skills by 50, distributed among Comedian, Flatterer, Intimidator, Judge of Intent, Negotiator, and Persuader.  Each skill seems to gain around 5-15 points, but the sum will always be 50.  The skill gain occurs as soon as the "t" button is pressed - if the offer is rejected, the dwarf will still gain 50 points.  If the same offer is subsequently accepted, no additional skill will be gained.
* Each trade you make (regardless of value) will increase your trader's skills by 50, distributed among Comedian, Judge of Intent, Negotiator, and Persuader.  Each skill seems to gain around 5-15 experience points, but the sum will always be 50.  The skill gain occurs as soon as the "t" button is pressed - if the offer is rejected, the dwarf will still gain 50 points.  If the same offer is subsequently accepted, no additional skill will be gained.
* Selecting "only broker may trade" ensures that you will start negotiations with a decently-skilled trader, but also requires a significant wait while your broker makes his way to the depot (possibly months if he is "[[on break]]"). Selecting "anyone can trade" will result in a poorly-trained trader arriving immediately. Once your fortress is producing enough goods to buy out the caravan, waiting for your broker is unnecessary; allowing your commoners to trade spreads out the trading skill gains and eliminates the micromanagement of trying to get your broker to the depot in a timely manner.
* Selecting "only broker may trade" ensures that you will start negotiations with a decently-skilled trader, but it may require a significant delay if your broker is far away (or is busy with other tasks). Selecting "anyone can trade" will ensure that you get the trading done quickly, but at the cost of all item trade values being extremely inaccurate. Once your fortress can produce enough goods to reliably buy out the whole caravan, waiting for your broker is less important; allowing your commoners to trade spreads out the trading skill gains and eliminates the micromanagement of trying to get your broker to the depot in a timely manner.
== Caravans ==
== Types of Merchant Caravans==
Each friendly race will send a caravan per year, linked to one season, which is autumn for dwarves, summer for humans, spring for elves, and winter for goblins. It is rare for your civilization to be on peaceful terms with goblins, however. In the first year, only a dwarven caravan will arrive, although it will only arrive  in late autumn, about a month later than in previous versions. Caravans will only show up if that race considers the fortress site accessible (as denoted on the embark screen), with the exception of dwarves, who always arrive unless they are [[extinct]].{{verify}}  Caravans appear to enter the map from a random direction which does not coincide with the relative direction of the originating [[civilization]], and they may appear from different directions and z-levels each year. However, they will always arrive at a location with a wagon-navigable path to the Trade Depot when one is available. Caravans may leave without trading if it takes too long to reach the trade depot, or if they become spooked by wildlife or corpses. Caravans will embark on their journey back exactly one month after their arrival, whether they have succeeded in reaching the depot or not.
By default, each friendly [[civilization]] (including your own) will send one merchant [[caravan]] per year. Each race always trades in a particular season: autumn for dwarves, spring for elves, and summer for humans. (No race trades in winter by default.) If you have friendly contact with multiple civilizations of the same race, you may even get multiple caravans in a single season. Each race brings different goods, and they sometimes have different trading preferences.
Note that if traders or their animals are prevented from leaving, they will eventually go [[insane]].
If your fortress was founded in spring, it is highly unlikely that you will receive an elven caravan that spring, and it is uncommon for a human caravan your first summer, so probably your first and only caravan your first year will be the dwarven one. Caravans will only show up if that race considers the fortress site accessible (as denoted on the embark screen) and "worth the effort" (as determined by the [[Entity token#PROGRESS_TRIGGER_POPULATION|[PROGRESS_TRIGGER_*]]] tokens in the entity definition), with the exception of dwarves, who always arrive unless they are [[extinct]].  
Also worth mention is the pathing behavior of the entire caravan. If one member of the caravan reaches an obstacle in their chosen path (i.e. a raised drawbridge that was lowered when they entered the map) the entire caravan will re-path, instead of encountering the obstacle one by one. This behavior can be useful when attempting to free "stuck" wagons--a trader on foot encountering a locked door will cause the stuck wagons to turn around and path to a different exit, if available.
=== Dwarven ===
: ''Greetings from the mountainhome. Your efforts are legend there. Let us trade!''
:: (Or, if your fort ''is'' the [[Fortress|mountainhome]]...)  
: ''Greetings from the outer lands. Your efforts are legend there. Let us trade!}}
Typically, the first caravan you receive is the [[Dwarves|dwarven]] one from your home civilization, giving you at least 22 weeks to prepare (assuming you started mid-spring, the default). This does require that you are on the same continent as they are, and you are not isolated by mountains or bodies of water.
==== [[Dwarves]] ====
:''"Greetings from the mountainhome. Your efforts are legend there. Let us trade!"''
The dwarven caravan:
The dwarven caravan:
* arrives in [[Calendar|autumn]].
* arrives in [[Calendar|autumn]].
* carries metal bars, [[leather]], weapons and armor, food and booze, and more.  Dwarves alone may bring [[steel]] and steel goods. They can still bring steel (and steel goods) and [[pig iron]] bars even if they do not have access to [[iron]], but will not bring iron products.
* carries metal bars, [[leather]], weapons and armor, food and booze, and more.  Dwarves alone may bring [[steel]] and steel goods.  
:* If the trading civilization does not have access to [[iron]], they can still bring steel (and steel goods) and [[pig iron]] bars, but will not bring iron products.
* usually carries a selection of books that your civilization has access to.  This can include books written in previous forts of yours within the same civilization. 
* is heavily guarded.
* is heavily guarded.
The dwarven caravan from your home civilization:
* sends a liaison who will speak with the [[Expedition leader]], [[Mayor]], [[Baron]], [[Count]], or [[Duke]] to negotiate an import-export agreement (unless the [[Monarch]] is present).
* sends a liaison who will speak with the [[Expedition leader]], [[Mayor]], [[Baron]], [[Count]], or [[Duke]] to negotiate an import-export agreement (unless the [[Monarch]] is present).
* influences the number of immigrants received (if the caravan leaves intact).
* influences the number of immigrants received (if the caravan leaves intact).
* will not cause sieges when repeatedly destroyed or lost.
* will not cause sieges when repeatedly destroyed or lost.
* is the only caravan to arrive during a fortress' first year.
* is the only caravan to arrive during a fortress' first year.
* always arrives regardless of embark location unless the dwarven civilization is [[extinct]].
* always arrives, regardless of embark location, unless the dwarven civilization is [[extinct]].
* cannot have its goods seized from the trade menu.
* cannot have its goods seized from the trade menu.
* may not arrive if your civilization lacks any notable figures.
* may not arrive if your civilization lacks any notable figures.
* cannot be offered goods if the monarch is present.
==== [[elf|Elves]] ====
=== Elven ===
{{quote|Greetings. We are enchanted by your more ethical works. We've come to trade.}}
[[Image:Evil_elves.png|thumb|400px|A typical elven caravan.]]
[[Image:Evil_elves.png|thumb|400px|A typical elven caravan.]]
:''"Greetings. We are enchanted by your more ethical works. We've come to trade."''
Friendly [[elf|elven]] civilizations will each send a caravan sometime in [[Calendar|spring]], giving you about a full year before the first caravan arrives when starting at the default time.
The elven caravan:
The elven caravan:
* arrives in the [[Calendar|spring]].
* arrives in the [[Calendar|spring]].
* carries [[cloth]], [[rope]]s, various above-ground seeds, [[plant]]s and their byproducts, [[log]]s, [[wood]]en goods & [[weapon]]s, clothing and [[armor]], and may carry tame exotic [[creature]]s.
* carries [[cloth]], [[rope]]s, various above-ground seeds, [[plant]]s and their byproducts, [[log]]s, [[wood]]en goods & [[weapon]]s, clothing and [[armor]], and may carry tame exotic [[creature]]s.
* Is unguarded.
* does not use [[wagon]]s, only [[Creature#Domestic animals|pack animals]]
* does not accept some items in trade:
* is unguarded.
* will become angry and immediately leave if offered "unethical" wooden or animal products; see [[Trading#Unacceptable items|below]].
Elven caravans don't use wagons, instead bringing all of their goods on pack animals. This means that they don't need any special accommodation to get to the [[trade depot]]: any untrapped one-tile-wide path will suffice. However, this also means that elven caravans have a much lower weight limit, which means selling them heavy items like [[furniture]] or large [[stone]] goods can be problematic. Their caravans are also unguarded, and may need protection if your fortress is in a [[Surroundings|dangerous environment]] or [[Siege|under attack]].
Elves will only ever have goods made from above-ground plants, goods made from their special "grown" wood, or various exotic [[creature]]s or [[vermin]] in grown wooden [[cage]]s. The possibility of getting a breeding pair of [[giant tiger]]s is nice, although they might just bring something useless like [[raven]]s or [[Green tree frog|tree frog]]s instead. If you trade with elves for unusual [[plant]] [[crop]]s, you may be able to [[brew]] or [[Millstone|otherwise]] [[Farmer's workshop|process]] those plants for [[seed]]s you can later grow in your own [[Tile attributes|above-ground]] [[Farming|farm]]s, if you live in a compatible [[biome]]. Elves also wear and sell the same-sized [[clothing]] as dwarves, if you haven't gotten your [[textile industry]] going yet. Otherwise, food, logs, cloth, or miscellaneous wooden goods like [[cage]]s, [[barrel]]s, and [[bucket]]s can be useful.
Elves don't forge [[metal]]. All of their [[weapon]]s and [[armor]] are made from [[wood]], including item types that dwarves can't normally make from wood, like [[spear]]s or different [[sword]] varieties. These are even less useful than most arms and armor sold by caravans, as wooden weapons and armor are [[Material science#Material and item properties|basically useless in combat]]. Even metal-poor dwarves can cheaply make superior arms and armor from bone or leather. It's probably for the best that elves are so poorly armed, because offending them and damaging your [[Diplomacy|diplomatic relationship]] with their civilization is very easy.
==== Unacceptable items ====
Elves [[Elf#Ethics|view]] living trees as sacred and dislike the killing of non-hostile animals; they're the only [[Ethic#Ethics of vanilla civilizations|unmodded civilization]] to do so. Offering them wood or animal-derived products, either as part of a trade or as a gift, will offend the merchant. The merchant will rebuke your broker and leave immediately. This offense reduces your [[civilization]]'s [[Diplomacy|diplomatic relationship]] with the elves' civilization, possibly leading to [[war]] after multiple infractions.
Examine your items carefully! Elf traders will reject [[container]]s holding a prohibited item, otherwise-acceptable items stored in a prohibited container, and all items «[[decoration|decorated]]» with a prohibited [[material]]. If you want to sell food or liquid to elves, it's best to use a [[large pot]] or one of their own grown wood barrels.
Elven traders do not like to be offered any tree byproducts unless they are "grown", which only elves can produce. Forbidden (dwarf-made) items include:
Note that elves only care about the items they are actually offered. It's perfectly allowable to use wooden [[bin]]s to haul items to the [[trade depot]], as long as you only offer the elves acceptable items from the bin and not the bins themselves.
* [[Wood]]en items (including subterranean mushrooms such as [[tower-cap]]s)
===== Items made from wood =====
* Items derived from wood - [[ash]] and [[charcoal]], as well as [[lye]], [[potash]], and [[pearlash]]
{{quote|Once a beautiful tree, and now? It is a rude bauble, fit only for your kind.}}
* Items made from clear and crystal [[glass]] (due to the [[pearlash]] used) - green glass appears to be perfectly acceptable
Elves do not want to be offered items you made from wood, nor do they want most items that require wood as part of their creation process.
* Items [[decoration|decorated]] with any of the above materials
* All items made of or decorated with [[wood]]. This includes wood from [[Tree#Underground trees|tree-like subterranean fungus]], such as [[tower-cap]]s. Elves make an exception for the "grown" wood items they make themselves, but items made by other races using "grown" wooden logs are still not acceptable.
* [[Obsidian]] shortswords (since they have wooden handles)
* All items made of or decorated with wood derivatives. This includes [[ash]], [[potash]], [[pearlash]], [[charcoal]], and [[lye]]. Note the exception for ash-[[glaze]]d [[earthenware]] below, however.
* [[Soap]] (made with [[lye]])
* Items made from or decorated with clear or crystal [[glass]], as these items require [[pearlash]] in their creation. Again, note the exception for raw or cut glass [[gem]]s below.
* [[Obsidian]] [[short sword]]s. These require wood in their production, for the handle.
Offering or trading forbidden items will cause the mood of the trader to drop rapidly, causing them to refuse to trade any more that season and leave immediately. Additionally you will be called uncouth, crude, and barbaric for not understanding their customs.
===== Animal products =====
{{quote|I see your low race still revels in death. That poor, gentle creature...}}
Elves also reject the majority of animal products. (This taboo extends to items made from intelligent creatures, despite the fact that you may see elven [[historical figure]]s hypocritically wearing items made from the hair or bones of their enemies.)
* Items and decorations made from [[body parts]], such as [[hair]], [[bone]]/[[skull]], [[shell]], [[horn]]/hoof/antler, and [[ivory]]/[[tooth]]. It also includes items dwarves can't normally use for crafting, such as [[nail]]s, [[chitin]], and [[scale]]s.
* [[Leather]] or [[parchment]]/vellum, and all items made from them. These are made from [[skin]]s.
* [[Wool]] [[yarn]] and [[cloth]], as well as all items made from them. Elves have never heard of [[shearing]], so it doesn't matter how well you treat your [[sheep]]; they still associate animal products with death.
* [[Meat]] (including [[prepared organs]]), [[fish]] (both raw and prepared), [[fat]], and [[tallow]]
* [[Egg]]s. Elves aren't keen on keeping chickens, either.
* [[Prepared meals]] made using any of the above products.
* Tallow [[soap]]
* [[Corpse]]s and [[body parts]] themselves, although these are usually worthless anyway.
* [[Blood]], even if you somehow manage to get it into an elf-friendly container.
However, [[stone]] and [[metal]] items, even when [[charcoal]] is used in production, are acceptable (since the elves are unfamiliar with metalworking, and do not know that charcoal is used to make metal items). Items made from [[silk]] are acceptable, as are all non-wooden plant-derived products such as [[cloth]] and [[thread]]. Items made of bone (totems too), horn, shell or leather are acceptable, so are meat and fish. You can also transport your goods to the [[trade depot]] in a wooden [[bin]], as long as you do not try to sell the bin. Living animals are acceptable, as long as the [[cage]] or [[trap]] is not made of [[wood]].
A distinct retort awaits dwarves who are so tactless as to offer goods made from both wood products '''and''' animal products at the same time (such as tallow soap, or an item decorated with both wood and bone):
{{quote|You truly despise life, don't you?  I am beside myself with grief. Perhaps we will show you how they suffered.}}
Be especially careful with reselling decorated items from other caravans, as non-wood/glass items may have decorations of wood or clear/crystal glass. Note that items elven caravans sell ''can'' be resold to them, as the elves know that they were made in an elf-kosher way.
===== Acceptable items =====
Any item that isn't specifically prohibited above is acceptable to elves. A non-exhaustive list of items they accept:
Because they do not utilize wagons, elven caravans have a much smaller weight limit than dwarven and human ones, making trading heavy items like furniture problematic.
* The "Feather Tree Egg Yolk" that the elves litter your trade depot with, can be traded back to them. Useful free trade items if you're looking to level another broker.
* Items made from or decorated with [[stone]], as well as raw [[clay]] or raw [[sand]]. This includes items made from [[petrified wood]], [[lignite]], or [[bituminous coal]]; elves aren't concerned with items that were plants or animals in a different geological age.
** [[Gizzard stone]]s are acceptable. Elves can't tell them from any other object made of stone.
* Items made from or decorated with [[metal]] (including [[steel]]), green [[glass]], or [[ceramic]]. Elves are content to assume your dwarves fuel their craft with [[coke]] and [[magma]] rather than [[charcoal]].
* All rough gems and cut gems, as well as items and decorations made from [[gem]] materials. Note that clear glass and crystal glass are not gem materials and are generally not acceptable, even though they can be used for [[Gem setting|gem decoration]]s and gem [[craft]]s.
** Due to a long-standing bug{{bug|919}}, elves do not examine the material rough gems or cut gems are made of. You can safely sell them raw clear or crystal glass, or cut gems made from clear or crystal glass, as long as you haven't used those gems for decorations. Be careful, because clear or crystal glass [[craft]]s from the "cut gems" job, including "large" gems, are still unacceptable.
* [[Plant]] and fungus products in general. Unless otherwise prohibited, all of these items are acceptable either as themselves or as the material for an item or decoration:
** Plant [[crop]]s, [[fruit]]/pods, [[seed]]s/nuts, and [[leaf|leaves]]/bulbs/flowers. Anything that can be grown on a [[farm plot]] or harvested with [[herbalism]] is one of these four. This includes non-wooden produce from trees.
** [[Plant fiber]] [[thread]] and [[cloth]], and all items made from them.
** Processed plant products. This includes (but isn't limited to) [[booze]], [[dye]], [[flour]], [[dwarven sugar]] and [[dwarven syrup]], [[oil]], [[press cake]], and [[paper]]. [[Papyrus]] sheets seem to be a notable exception.
* [[Silk]] [[thread]] and [[cloth]] and items made from them. Elves don't care if you're exploiting spiders.
* Products of the [[beekeeping industry]], including [[honey]], [[royal jelly]], [[mead]], [[wax]], and wax [[craft]]s.
* [[Cheese]] and [[milk]]
* [[Prepared meal]]s made entirely with allowed ingredients.
* "Grown" wood items. These can generally only be obtained from elves, and are made in keeping with elven ethics. Note that these items can still become unacceptable if they contain unacceptable items or are later decorated with unacceptable materials.
* Items made from [[Adamantine|certain]] [[Divine metal|spoiler]] [[Divine fabric|materials]], if you're willing to give these up.
* Live [[creature]]s or [[vermin]]. Since these can only be traded when in a [[cage]] or [[animal trap]], make sure the cage or trap is also made of acceptable materials.
* [[Soap]] made from [[oil]]. This may be a bug{{bug|8571}}, as even plant-based soap requires [[lye]], which is made from [[ash]].
* Otherwise-acceptable items are not disqualified by [[ash]] [[glaze]], which may be a bug{{bug|4652}}.
:''"Once a beautiful tree, and now? It is a rude bauble, fit only for your kind."''
=== Human ===
{{quote|Greetings. The craftsdwarfship of the dwarves is unparalleled. Let's make a deal!}}
==== [[Human]]s ====
Assuming you do have friendly contact with [[human]]s, their first caravan will arrive sometime in summer, giving you well over a full year before they arrive.
:''"Greetings. The craftsdwarfship of the dwarves is unparalleled. Let's make a deal!"''
The human caravan:
The human caravan:
* arrives in [[Calendar|summer]].
* arrives in [[Calendar|summer]]. (Usually your first caravan opportunity.)
* carries metal bars, sand, [[leather]], cloth, wood, food and booze, ropes, waterskins, quivers, backpacks, metal weapons and clothing and armor, cages and a few domestic animals.
* carries metal bars, sand, [[leather]], cloth, wood, food and booze, books, ropes, waterskins, quivers, backpacks, metal weapons and clothing and armor, cages and a few domestic animals.
* carries only large-sized clothing and armor, which is unusable by dwarves.
* carries only large-sized clothing and armor, which is unusable by dwarves.
* is moderately guarded.
* is moderately guarded.
* sends a chief treasurer to negotiate import/export agreements
==== Good Humor ====
Choosing to seize goods from a human caravan without marking anything to be taken is treated as a joke, which will raise the visiting trader's mood. This can only be done once each year.
=== Goblins and Kobolds ===
==== [[Goblin]]s and [[Kobold]]s ====
A [[goblin]] caravan will only arrive if you mod the game, primarily because their entity lacks the [[entity token]]s needed to make use of pack animals and wagons - that, and that the token {{token|BABYSNATCHER|e}} makes them hostile to all non-goblin civilizations. The same caveats apply to [[kobold]]s (whose {{token|UTTERANCES|c}} and {{token|ITEM_THIEF|e}} tags, similarly, make them hostile to every civilization).
A goblin caravan will only arrive if you mod the game, primarily because their entity lacks the [[entity token]]s needed to make use of pack animals and wagons. That, and one of the tokens (presumably {{token|BABYSNATCHER|e}}) makes them hostile to all non-goblin civilizations. These same caveats apply to kobolds (whose {{token|UTTERANCES|c}} and {{token|SKULKING|e}} tags make them hostile to every civilization).
The goblin caravan:
The goblin caravan:
*will arrive every season, four times per year
*will arrive every season, four times per year
*is unguarded
*brings mostly food and cloth
*brings mostly food and cloth
*does not send a liaison or a guild representative
*does not send a liaison or a guild representative
*does not make import/export agreements
*does not make import/export agreements
== Diplomats ==
== Merchant mood ==
[[Diplomat]]s may be sent by other civilizations to speak to your [[noble]] dwarves (and they ''will'' speak to those dwarves, even if they have to wait at their bedside in the hospital for months after the caravan has left). Diplomats generally appear on the map edge around the time that civilization's caravan would arrive. Meeting with a diplomat may allow you to request specific items for the next caravan to bring (at a premium price), take requests for production for the next caravan (for which the merchants will pay a premium), or sign a cease-fire to end hostilities.
{{Verify|Are we sure that this section is correct?}}
If your trader has Novice or better [[Judge of intent]] skill, there will be a line added below the merchant's dialogue describing the caravan's attitude. Their attitude rises with successful trades (especially if they get lots of profit) and falls when you propose deals they don't like. You can never make a deal that's at a loss for the merchant, even if they are at the highest possible mood.
Current trade agreements can be viewed through the Civilization menu ({{k|c}}). These trade agreements are cleared when a diplomat of the corresponding civilization enters the screen, so they are generally not accessible after the caravan has arrived.
* {{DFtext|(trader) seems ecstatic with the trading.|2:1}}
* {{DFtext|(trader) seems very happy about the trading.|3:1}}
* {{DFtext|(trader) seems pleased with the trading.|1:1}}
* {{DFtext|(trader) seems willing to trade.|7:1}}
* {{DFtext|(trader) seems to be rapidly losing patience.|6:1}}
* {{DFtext|(trader) is not going to take much more of this.|4:1}}
* {{DFtext|(trader) is unwilling to trade.|5:1}}
In the event that your leader is replaced, killed, or taken by a [[strange mood]], the diplomat may decide to leave your fortress [[stymied|"unhappy"]]. Curiously, this will '''not''' occur if your leader is otherwise unable to perform the "conduct meeting" task. You can currently lock a diplomat in a room and he will wait years to attend the meeting your noble is constantly conducting (and all subsequent diplomats appear to wait in line for the first to finish); this behavior is presumably a bug.{{bug|3027}}
The happier you make a merchant, the less profit margin they will demand in a trade. Dwarven merchants start off wanting about 100% profit, maybe a little more. If you repeatedly offer less than what they expect, that will "lower" their mood. If, on the other hand, you meet or exceed their expectation, that will, over several trades, improve their mood. If merchants reach the lowest level, no further trade will be possible, and they will immediately pack up and leave your depot. Since annoyed merchants are more likely to reject deals, you should be generous in initial negotiations. Skilled negotiators seem less likely to offend merchants with unsuccessful deals.  
An unhappy diplomat will naturally prevent you from creating trade agreements and ending hostilities. However, it is not currently known what other effects this has on relations with that civilization. Whether the diplomat successfully met with your leader or just gave up, a diplomat who has decided to leave but is prevented from reaching the map edge will eventually go [[insane]].
An easy way to capitalize on this mood system is to perform several partial trades. First trade for a few items, offering goods twice the value of the items you ask for (e.g. offer 2000☼ for 1000☼ of his stuff). This will likely make the merchant ecstatic about trading with you. Perform the next trades more aggressively, working them down to about a 30% profit. With the merchant in such a good mood, they are more likely to counteroffer than reject a trade outright. If you don't like the counter-offer, try to split the difference, or just back out of the trade and start again.
== Destruction ==
== Trade Agreements and Liaisons ==
If caravans are destroyed (intentionally or unintentionally), the items may remain for use. Traders caught in a [[cave-in]] will flee as if they were attacked, but will leave all the items dropped by the caravan behind. Pack animals carrying items are affected just like a normal tamed [[mule]] and must be killed in the cave-in for them to drop items on the ground. It is however much more likely that the pack animals will only be stunned or rendered unconscious, and flee shortly after recovering from the hit.
[[Outpost liaison]]s (from your own civilization) and foreign Merchant Nobles (if added with the [[Position token#TRADE|TRADE responsibility]]) will arrive with the caravan to speak to your [[noble]] dwarves (and they ''will'' speak to those dwarves, even if they have to wait at their bedside in the hospital for months after the caravan has left), appearing on the map edge at the same time as the caravan (though in a different location). Meeting with them allows you to request specific items for the next caravan to bring (at a premium price) or take requests for production for the next caravan (for which the merchants will pay a premium).
While caravans can defend themselves, they don't like being ambushed. If a caravan becomes terrified by wildlife or horrified by corpses it will turn around and flee the map. Any event resulting in the death of any merchant or pack animal will also cause them to retreat and forget about trading with you for the season. Repeated caravan destruction (intentional or unintentional) will strain diplomatic relations and may result in a [[siege]].
Current [[Trade agreement|trade agreements]] can be viewed through the Civilization menu ({{k|c}}). These trade agreements are cleared when a liaison of the corresponding civilization enters the screen, so they are generally not accessible after the caravan has arrived.
Ambushing or seizing a caravan and letting a survivor escape seems to have a more detrimental effect than simply annihilating the whole caravan.
In the event that your leader is replaced, killed, or taken by a [[strange mood]], the liaison may decide to leave your fortress [[stymied|"unhappy"]].{{bug|576}} Curiously, this will '''not''' occur if your leader is otherwise unable to perform the "conduct meeting" task. You can currently lock a liaison in a room and they will wait years to attend the meeting your noble is constantly conducting (and all subsequent diplomats appear to wait in line for the first to finish); this behavior is presumably a bug.{{bug|8947}}
== Caravan Delay ==
Whether having successfully met with your leader or given up, a liaison who has decided to leave but is prevented from reaching the map edge will eventually go [[insane]].
If a caravan has arrived at your trade depot and is unable to leave for about two months after they finished packing up their goods, the merchants and animals will go insane.  This can result in a bunch of merchants attacking your dwarves, or just standing around moping until they starve to death.  It is not known for certain if this hurts diplomatic relations, but most likely it's the same as any case where the entire caravan fails to return home.
If you have locked the caravan into your fortress to hold out against a siege, it's a good idea to station a squad of soldiers near the trade depot in case the merchants [[Insanity#Types|go berserk]]. You may also want to make the depot a restricted area to encourage civilians to go around it. Alternatively, you can design the trade depot using drawbridges, so that it can be sealed off from the rest of the fortress during a siege.
If you want the merchants to leave safely, you can build four or more tunnels to each corner of the map, connected to your fortress only by drawbridges. As long as there is no other way to enter and exit your fortress, invaders and merchants will both go towards any tunnel that you activate. You can lock the merchants into the trade depot, and then open a tunnel entrance on one side of the map to make the invaders head towards that tunnel. When they get close to it, you can close it, and then open the entrance on the other side of the map, and let the traders out of the depot. If your fortress and depot are in the middle of the map, this will give the traders quite a head-start to get away.
Merchants can leave the map from any map edge-- including underground and aboveground map edges.  If an unobstructed path through your fortress reaches a cavern edge, then blocking all overland paths will cause the merchants to depart underground.  This can be useful, if you're suffering a prolonged siege; it can also be dangerous, if your underground regions are less secure than your surface. While it requires more preparation, an elevated bridge to a map edge can also allow traders to depart in peace.
Caravan guards cannot be starved, dehydrated, or driven to insanity if prevented from leaving, their employers and animals will however.
If an large amount of items is sold / offered to the caravan, it may take a while to load it all, especially if you chose to keep your precious bins and traded your items individually.
== Bugs ==
== Bugs ==
*Caravans become terrified/horrified very easily, abandon their wagons, and flee. {{bug|7185}}
* Merchants who are attacked by enemies or even wild animals will sometimes become disconnected from the trade depot and refuse to pack of their things to leave the map, and these items will remain 'stuck' in the depot. Deconstructing the trade depot usually forces them to leave, presumably with the downside of causing those goods to be considered seized by the player.
*Aggressive, untrainable creatures (captured goblins, for example) cannot be traded; when a dwarf attempts to move the caged animal to the Depot, the creature is set free.
* Aggressive, untrainable creatures (captured goblins, for example) cannot be traded; when a dwarf attempts to move the caged animal to the Depot, the creature is set free.
*Wagons can occasionally become "stuck" on other wagons, walls, etc. Stuck wagons eventually deconstruct, leaving their merchandise behind. {{Bug|5687}}
* When merchants leave with an animal, the merchants seem to be dragging their beast of burden instead of leading it. If the animal is incapacitated but not dead, the merchant will continue to walk at the same speed, dragging the unconscious beast.
*[[Unfortunate accident|Killed]] caravan guards can't be [[slab|memorialized]] {{Bug|5755}}
* If a merchant's chosen map edge exit is guarded by a hostile creature (including those on a [[restraint]]), the merchant will wander back and forth repeatedly and eventually go insane rather than path to an alternate exit.
*If a caravan attempts to leave in late Winter/early Spring, they may try to path over any large frozen body of water. If the water thaws while the caravan is on it, the caravan will become magically stuck in mid-air for the majority of the year (until the water refreezes). At this point, if they are still alive, they will leave the map normally.
* Animals bought from merchants don't always become available for use.{{bug|10162}}
*When merchants leave with an animal, the merchants seem to be dragging their beast of burden instead of leading it. If the animal is incapacitated but not dead, the merchant will continue to walk at the same speed, dragging the unconscious beast
*If a merchant's chosen map edge exit is guarded by a hostile creature (including those on a [[restraint]]), the merchant will wander back and forth repeatedly and eventually go insane rather than path to an alternate exit.
== Loyalty cascade ==
== Loyalty cascade ==
{{main|Faction#Loyalty cascade|l1=Faction}}
{{main|Faction#Loyalty cascade|l1=Faction}}
If you order your military to kill merchants from your own civilization, a bizarre result of the way loyalty is handled makes the members of your military who attacked the traders become enemies of your civilization, but members of your fort's government (dwarves of this [[faction]] are referred to as ''separatists''). As enemies, they attack your other dwarves (''citizens''), but as members of the fort, they still follow orders. Allowing citizen militia dwarves to attack the separatists will give them opposite loyalties of the separatists, (i.e. loyal to civ, not to fort), or ''loyalists'', who do '''not''' follow orders. And then, if a separatist or loyalist kill a citizen, they become enemies of the civ '''and''' fort, making them ''Renegades'', who are essentially complete enemies of the citizens.
If you order your military to kill merchants from your own civilization, a bizarre result of the way loyalty is handled makes the members of your military who attacked the traders become enemies of your civilization, but remain members of your fort's government (dwarves of this [[faction]] are referred to as ''separatists''). As enemies, they attack your other dwarves (''citizens''), but as members of the fort, they still follow orders. Allowing citizen militia dwarves to attack the separatists will give them opposite loyalties of the separatists, (i.e. loyal to civ, not to fort), or ''loyalists'', who do '''not''' follow orders. And then, if a separatist or loyalist kill a citizen, they become enemies of the civ '''and''' fort, making them ''Renegades'', who are essentially complete enemies of the citizens.
To prevent the cascade from spreading, order the original separatists away from the fortress and let them fight amongst themselves. If the results are renegades, it is okay to allow other dwarves to kill them (by stationing them nearby). If the results are separatists/loyalists, then you will need to separate them somehow.
To prevent the cascade from spreading, order the original separatists away from the fortress and let them fight amongst themselves. If the results are renegades, it is okay to allow other dwarves to kill them (by stationing them nearby). If the results are separatists/loyalists, then you will need to separate them, somehow.
== Exploits ==
== Exploits ==
*Deconstructing the depot will cause merchants to leave your fortress and abandon any goods in the Depot because items are not available until the building is fully deconstructed. However any animals they had caged will still belong to the merchants and only become friendly, you won't actually own them. According to Toady One, this is actually working as intended, and is not really an exploit or bug: "...the reckoning comes when they return with lesser value, and it has the same negative effect (it'll be listed as a disaster rather than an intentional seizing -- the depot could be destroyed, for instance -- but it counts for the same value if I remember). The overall wording could be changed and the interaction could be deepened to recognize this or that, but it's working as intended."{{bug|293}}
*If you wait until the merchants leave the map, you can "claim" caged animals by linking a lever to the cage and opening it, the animals will be released in a tamed state. Check the {{k|u}}nit screen before releasing them; if the creatures still show as Merchant creatures, they will wander off the map when released; if they show as Tame creatures, they will stay once released.
*If you lock them in your fortress for a minute or two (real time), the merchants '''may''' drop items and leave behind pack animals (both of which are yours for the taking!) Note: Results are not consistent.
* If [[Caravan#Destruction|spooked or attacked]] the merchants' caravan could leave their stuff behind as they attempt to flee the map, leaving the items free for the taking.
[[File:Bullock_Team_Wool_Wagon.jpg|thumb|400px|center|An old trading wagon from the 1880's.]]
== World level trade ==
During world generation, trade is established between sites. This probably determines growth.
*Deconstructing the Depot will cause merchants to leave your fortress and abandon any goods in the Depot because items are not available until the building is fully deconstructed. However any animals they had caged will still belong to the merchants and only become friendly, you won't actually own them. According to Toady One, this is actually working as intended, and is not really an exploit or bug: "...the reckoning comes when they return with lesser value, and it has the same negative effect (it'll be listed as a disaster rather than an intentional seizing -- the depot could be destroyed, for instance -- but it counts for the same value if I remember). The overall wording could be changed and the interaction could be deepened to recognize this or that, but it's working as intended."[http://www.bay12games.com/dwarves/mantisbt/view.php?id=293#c8393]
{{Translation| dwarven = nish | elvish = lathì | goblin = otsmor | human = batow}}
*If you wait some time (2-3 months{{verify}}), you can "claim" animals by linking a lever to the cage and opening it, the animals will be released in a tamed state. Check the {{k|u}}nit screen before releasing them; if the creatures still show as Merchant creatures, they will wander off the map when released; if they show as Tame creatures, they will stay once released.
{{Category|Trade| }}

Latest revision as of 22:10, 16 October 2024

This article is about the current version of DF.
Note that some content may still need to be updated.

Trading icon preview.png

Trading in Dwarf Fortress allows your dwarves to trade with friendly civilizations. They can barter their excess goods for items they need, possibly even items they can't otherwise acquire for themselves. Trade can make up for the lack of industries you neglected or don't find interesting, provide resources that aren't available where your dwarves settled, replace key tools you lost or accidentally destroyed, and allow you more freedom in selecting starting gear and skills at embark. Trading generally begins in the first autumn after establishing your fortress, with the arrival of the dwarven caravan from your home civilization.

Trader is the generic term used at your trade depot to refer to your fortress representative (usually your broker, although it can be anyone else in a pinch) when dealing with merchants in a visiting caravan. As a profession, the term applies to visiting merchants and dwarves whose highest skill is Appraiser.

To trade at all, you will need a trade depot and peaceful relations with at least one civilization that can reach your site. Appointing a citizen as a broker is not strictly necessary but is very helpful. Newly-founded fortresses begin the game at peace with their home civilization and will generally have at least that one trading partner each year, unless the parent civilization is dead or dying, or simply can't reach your site due to intervening mountains or open water. A civil war in your home civilization will also stop trade with them. Trading with your home civilization is quite important, as being visited by their caravans is part of attracting immigrants after the first two waves.

Graphically, merchants will always appear in white clothing.

Trading flowchart[edit]

Suggested trading procedure
Arrive at fortress location
Create goods Build Trade Depot
Check depot is accessible
Wait for caravan
Set goods to be traded Wait for caravan to arrive at depot and merchants to finish unloading Wait for the diplomat (if any) to reach your leader
Wait for goods to be hauled Turn your leader's labors off so they don't get distracted
Conduct meetings with the diplomat
Request trader at depot
Turn your trader's labors off so they don't get distracted
Turn trader's and leader's labors back on
Retrieve bins from depot to reuse

Trade depot[edit]

ToggleA Trade Depot
Main article: Trade depot

Building a trade depot is a prerequisite for trade with caravans that arrive at your fortress. If traders can't access your trade depot when they show up, their caravans will simply bypass your fortress that year. While it may be convenient to build a depot outside at first, it is usually a good idea to move it inside, or secure it with walls, bridges and other fortifications, to protect incoming caravans and your goods from thirsty animals, thieves, and goblins.

Everything that is on your map belongs to you, except:

  • the items that are on merchants' animals and wagons
  • the items that are in the trade depot (they belong to the caravan until they are moved out of it)
  • items worn by creatures that are not citizens of your fortress (initially forbidden, but can be claimed via unforbidding and dumping them)


Merchant v50 preview.png
ToggleTrading screen

Before you can begin trading, you need to designate what goods to trade and have the fortress's representative trader located at the trade depot. Select the trade depot and then click either "Broker requested at depot" or "Anyone requested at depot" if you have no broker noble assigned. Be aware that without an assigned broker, it's likely a random, probably unskilled dwarf will volunteer to conduct the trade. Next click "Move goods to/from depot" to be presented with a list of all items in your fortress that belong to you. Mark the goods you want to sell --insert clever advice--, and your dwarves will begin moving them to the depot. If you are unsure about which goods are in which containers, clicking the bin or barrel within the menu will show every item that is stored inside, along with its perceived value (using your broker's Appraisal skill). However, individual items cannot be marked if they are in a container. Note that during this step, we are just moving the goods physically to the trade depot, and that containers like barrels and bins must be moved with all of their contents (although for bins you will have an opportunity to specify which contained items you wish to trade).

Once the trade goods are moved to the depot and your trader has arrived, select the depot again and finally click the "Trade" button to enter the trade menu. In the trade menu, select the items to offer from the right and the desired items from the left. All caravans have a weight limit which cannot be exceeded, and the allowed additional weight is displayed in the lower left corner. If your trader has sufficient Appraisal skill, the value of all items will be displayed with reasonable accuracy. Once the proposal is ready, click the "Trade" button to propose the trade; merchants will not agree unless they make adequate profit. Clicking the "Offer as gift" button instead will make a gift of the selected items. The amount of acceptable profit is determined by the trader's skills and the merchant's mood, described below. Merchants may attempt to propose counteroffers if they do not accept the proposal, which can then be accepted, rejected, or further amended by the trader. If the Trader Profit is listed in green rather than yellow or red the trade will always be accepted.[Verify]

With more experienced traders and pleased merchants, even marginally profitable trades can be successful, and counterproposals can be rejected safely, offering the same trade again. Note however that a low profit margin for the traders may not be desirable - it has been suggested that both export and profit numbers influence the size of next year's caravan and, in the case of the dwarven caravan, immigration numbers.[Verify]

Note: Goods brought by caravans rarely have base quality higher than superior, and decorations on a good rarely exceed superior as well.

Note if you give or trade away an artifact, you will receive a special notification:

Treasure Gift.PNG
Treasure Trade.PNG

Items cue colors[edit]

Brown Items have been created (or modified) by your fortress. They can be traded away or offered as a gift.
Gray Items were created by another source. They can be traded, but if one of these items has been selected, the entire selection cannot be offered as a gift.
Purple Items are under a no-export mandate. If they are traded away it will result in disciplinary action (see justice) against the dwarf that brought the item to the depot.
Green Items have just been gifted to the caravan and they will not trade it back.
Red Items have been seized from another caravan and cannot be traded as is; you will need to decorate them or turn them into other items for them to become "valid" trading items.

Note that containers (barrels, bins, etc.) will be displayed according to the origin of the container, not the contents. So a foreign barrel holding locally-produced beer will display as foreign (white). Once you view the container, the locally-made contents are displayed as local (brown).

Seizing items[edit]

Clicking "Seize" from the trade menu will seize the selected items of the merchant's. If you seize goods from a caravan, the merchant will respond "Take what you want. I can't stop you." and then leave immediately without the seized goods. Items cannot be seized from the dwarven caravan, and other races will not buy goods stolen from one of their caravans (then marked in red) unless they are tricked into asking for them via counteroffer, or the items are "laundered" by decoration or used to create other goods. Seizing goods will hurt diplomatic relations, but is not grounds for an automatic siege.

Pressing the seize button while no goods are selected will result in the merchant interpreting your seizure as a joke. This apparently does nothing to benefit or hinder your trading.

As a side note, if you deconstruct your trade depot with a caravan in it, all the caravan's items will drop to the ground, to be readily hauled away by your dwarves. This does not mark the items as stolen, and the caravan will leave. However, next year's caravan is partly based on the profits from the previous year - so if you are relying on that race's caravans for needed items, you're hurting yourself in the long run.

Trying to interrogate a merchant can also cause a wagon to fall apart.

Another way to steal without marking as stolen is to forbid the trade depot just before they leave, causing them to leave their goods at the depot.

If you're using the search plugin for DFHack (e.g. from the Lazy Newb Pack), be warned that s means "seize" and NOT "search", and there is no warning for it. Use q to search the merchant's goods and w to search yours.

Note that the civilization attached to a particular caravan will keep track of the value of items the caravan was carrying when they set out to trade, and they will compare this value with the value of items they return home with. Regardless of what method you use to confiscate items from a caravan, even if you came to possess the goods through no fault of your own (an ambush killed the traders and guards, for example) the parent civilization may decide that you stole from them and send a siege instead of a caravan the following year. It is prudent to take measures to protect caravans visiting your lands!

Offering items[edit]

You can also give away items, as gifts to the leaders of the civilization you are trading with. This presumably helps relations between yourself and the other faction, though there is not yet a clear correlation between the value of the offerings and the improvement to relations. The exact effects of offerings on trading are unknown but it is believed due to the offerings' net trade value being counted towards the merchants' profit, possibly with a modifier (possibly a multiplier of more than 1 as a bonus or less than 1 to compensate for the improved relations)[Verify], which in turn increases the quantity and variety of trade goods brought by next year's caravan. Also the Monarch requires offerings to be made before their arrival. You cannot offer items that were not made at your fortress; the merchants do not want your spare Goblinite clothes.

The value of an offering for the purpose of becoming the capital is adjusted by your current export agreement.

Unless you are looking for fun, under no conditions should you offer or trade items which involve animal products, wood, or used wood in their creation (clear glass, for example) to elves, as they will refuse the trade, take offense, and leave, possibly damaging relations enough to provoke a war between you and the elven civilization you traded with. They will accept their own "grown wood" items in trade without insult, however. See below and the elves page for more detailed information.

Miscellaneous trading advice[edit]

  • Thieves and thieving critters tend to follow caravans. Expect assaults and intruders.
  • Create your trading depot inside your fort, preferably in the beginning. Place a 3-tile wide path—which must be free of obstructions such as stairways, traps, minecart tracks and boulders (not stones)—to the entrance of the fort and position war-trained animals along it (chains do not block wagons); this will help to protect the traders and keep the depot close to your supplies.
  • Avoid having multiple wagon paths to your depot. Caravan wagons cannot move through each other, and if two wagons happen to meet at a fork they may become gridlocked against each other, resulting in the destruction of wagons and loss of trade opportunities.
  • All caravans will bring extra food (meat and edible plants), wooden logs, and cloth/leather (for making clothes) if the supplies of your fortress are low enough, independent of whether or not you requested them. This does not apply in the case that the weight limit is exceeded by (other) items you requested. The supply situation, as observed by traders, is based solely on the number of unforbidden items in your fortress, stockpiled or not; thus, it is possible to trick caravans into thinking your supplies are low by forbidding all of your relevant stocks immediately prior to their arrival.
    • In order to avoid this behavior, you should make sure that, for each dwarf in your fortress, you have the following unforbidden items:
      • 5 pieces of food - meat, fish, plants, or "other" in your Status screen (even though "other" includes inedible items)
      • 1 wood log
      • 5 pieces of undamaged cloth, pieces of leather, or complete sets of pristine clothing (shirt+pants+shoe)
  • Define your trade depot as a burrow. When traders arrive, you can add your broker or another dwarf, perhaps one you want to train in trading, to the burrow. They will head to the depot immediately, and stay there until you remove them from the burrow.
  • Each trade you make (regardless of value) will increase your trader's skills by 50, distributed among Comedian, Judge of Intent, Negotiator, and Persuader. Each skill seems to gain around 5-15 experience points, but the sum will always be 50. The skill gain occurs as soon as the "t" button is pressed - if the offer is rejected, the dwarf will still gain 50 points. If the same offer is subsequently accepted, no additional skill will be gained.
  • Selecting "only broker may trade" ensures that you will start negotiations with a decently-skilled trader, but it may require a significant delay if your broker is far away (or is busy with other tasks). Selecting "anyone can trade" will ensure that you get the trading done quickly, but at the cost of all item trade values being extremely inaccurate. Once your fortress can produce enough goods to reliably buy out the whole caravan, waiting for your broker is less important; allowing your commoners to trade spreads out the trading skill gains and eliminates the micromanagement of trying to get your broker to the depot in a timely manner.

Types of Merchant Caravans[edit]

By default, each friendly civilization (including your own) will send one merchant caravan per year. Each race always trades in a particular season: autumn for dwarves, spring for elves, and summer for humans. (No race trades in winter by default.) If you have friendly contact with multiple civilizations of the same race, you may even get multiple caravans in a single season. Each race brings different goods, and they sometimes have different trading preferences.

If your fortress was founded in spring, it is highly unlikely that you will receive an elven caravan that spring, and it is uncommon for a human caravan your first summer, so probably your first and only caravan your first year will be the dwarven one. Caravans will only show up if that race considers the fortress site accessible (as denoted on the embark screen) and "worth the effort" (as determined by the [PROGRESS_TRIGGER_*] tokens in the entity definition), with the exception of dwarves, who always arrive unless they are extinct.


Greetings from the mountainhome. Your efforts are legend there. Let us trade!
(Or, if your fort is the mountainhome...)
Greetings from the outer lands. Your efforts are legend there. Let us trade!

Typically, the first caravan you receive is the dwarven one from your home civilization, giving you at least 22 weeks to prepare (assuming you started mid-spring, the default). This does require that you are on the same continent as they are, and you are not isolated by mountains or bodies of water.

The dwarven caravan:

  • arrives in autumn.
  • carries metal bars, leather, weapons and armor, food and booze, and more. Dwarves alone may bring steel and steel goods.
  • If the trading civilization does not have access to iron, they can still bring steel (and steel goods) and pig iron bars, but will not bring iron products.
  • usually carries a selection of books that your civilization has access to. This can include books written in previous forts of yours within the same civilization.
  • is heavily guarded.

The dwarven caravan from your home civilization:

  • sends a liaison who will speak with the Expedition leader, Mayor, Baron, Count, or Duke to negotiate an import-export agreement (unless the Monarch is present).
  • influences the number of immigrants received (if the caravan leaves intact).
  • will not cause sieges when repeatedly destroyed or lost.
  • is the only caravan to arrive during a fortress' first year.
  • always arrives, regardless of embark location, unless the dwarven civilization is extinct.
  • cannot have its goods seized from the trade menu.
  • may not arrive if your civilization lacks any notable figures.
  • cannot be offered goods if the monarch is present.


Greetings. We are enchanted by your more ethical works. We've come to trade.
A typical elven caravan.

Friendly elven civilizations will each send a caravan sometime in spring, giving you about a full year before the first caravan arrives when starting at the default time.

The elven caravan:

Elven caravans don't use wagons, instead bringing all of their goods on pack animals. This means that they don't need any special accommodation to get to the trade depot: any untrapped one-tile-wide path will suffice. However, this also means that elven caravans have a much lower weight limit, which means selling them heavy items like furniture or large stone goods can be problematic. Their caravans are also unguarded, and may need protection if your fortress is in a dangerous environment or under attack.

Elves will only ever have goods made from above-ground plants, goods made from their special "grown" wood, or various exotic creatures or vermin in grown wooden cages. The possibility of getting a breeding pair of giant tigers is nice, although they might just bring something useless like ravens or tree frogs instead. If you trade with elves for unusual plant crops, you may be able to brew or otherwise process those plants for seeds you can later grow in your own above-ground farms, if you live in a compatible biome. Elves also wear and sell the same-sized clothing as dwarves, if you haven't gotten your textile industry going yet. Otherwise, food, logs, cloth, or miscellaneous wooden goods like cages, barrels, and buckets can be useful.

Elves don't forge metal. All of their weapons and armor are made from wood, including item types that dwarves can't normally make from wood, like spears or different sword varieties. These are even less useful than most arms and armor sold by caravans, as wooden weapons and armor are basically useless in combat. Even metal-poor dwarves can cheaply make superior arms and armor from bone or leather. It's probably for the best that elves are so poorly armed, because offending them and damaging your diplomatic relationship with their civilization is very easy.

Unacceptable items[edit]

Elves view living trees as sacred and dislike the killing of non-hostile animals; they're the only unmodded civilization to do so. Offering them wood or animal-derived products, either as part of a trade or as a gift, will offend the merchant. The merchant will rebuke your broker and leave immediately. This offense reduces your civilization's diplomatic relationship with the elves' civilization, possibly leading to war after multiple infractions.

Examine your items carefully! Elf traders will reject containers holding a prohibited item, otherwise-acceptable items stored in a prohibited container, and all items «decorated» with a prohibited material. If you want to sell food or liquid to elves, it's best to use a large pot or one of their own grown wood barrels.

Note that elves only care about the items they are actually offered. It's perfectly allowable to use wooden bins to haul items to the trade depot, as long as you only offer the elves acceptable items from the bin and not the bins themselves.

Items made from wood[edit]
Once a beautiful tree, and now? It is a rude bauble, fit only for your kind.

Elves do not want to be offered items you made from wood, nor do they want most items that require wood as part of their creation process.

  • All items made of or decorated with wood. This includes wood from tree-like subterranean fungus, such as tower-caps. Elves make an exception for the "grown" wood items they make themselves, but items made by other races using "grown" wooden logs are still not acceptable.
  • All items made of or decorated with wood derivatives. This includes ash, potash, pearlash, charcoal, and lye. Note the exception for ash-glazed earthenware below, however.
  • Items made from or decorated with clear or crystal glass, as these items require pearlash in their creation. Again, note the exception for raw or cut glass gems below.
  • Obsidian short swords. These require wood in their production, for the handle.
Animal products[edit]
I see your low race still revels in death. That poor, gentle creature...

Elves also reject the majority of animal products. (This taboo extends to items made from intelligent creatures, despite the fact that you may see elven historical figures hypocritically wearing items made from the hair or bones of their enemies.)

A distinct retort awaits dwarves who are so tactless as to offer goods made from both wood products and animal products at the same time (such as tallow soap, or an item decorated with both wood and bone):

You truly despise life, don't you? I am beside myself with grief. Perhaps we will show you how they suffered.
Acceptable items[edit]

Any item that isn't specifically prohibited above is acceptable to elves. A non-exhaustive list of items they accept:

  • The "Feather Tree Egg Yolk" that the elves litter your trade depot with, can be traded back to them. Useful free trade items if you're looking to level another broker.
  • Items made from or decorated with stone, as well as raw clay or raw sand. This includes items made from petrified wood, lignite, or bituminous coal; elves aren't concerned with items that were plants or animals in a different geological age.
    • Gizzard stones are acceptable. Elves can't tell them from any other object made of stone.
  • Items made from or decorated with metal (including steel), green glass, or ceramic. Elves are content to assume your dwarves fuel their craft with coke and magma rather than charcoal.
  • All rough gems and cut gems, as well as items and decorations made from gem materials. Note that clear glass and crystal glass are not gem materials and are generally not acceptable, even though they can be used for gem decorations and gem crafts.
    • Due to a long-standing bugBug:919, elves do not examine the material rough gems or cut gems are made of. You can safely sell them raw clear or crystal glass, or cut gems made from clear or crystal glass, as long as you haven't used those gems for decorations. Be careful, because clear or crystal glass crafts from the "cut gems" job, including "large" gems, are still unacceptable.
  • Plant and fungus products in general. Unless otherwise prohibited, all of these items are acceptable either as themselves or as the material for an item or decoration:
  • Silk thread and cloth and items made from them. Elves don't care if you're exploiting spiders.
  • Products of the beekeeping industry, including honey, royal jelly, mead, wax, and wax crafts.
  • Cheese and milk
  • Prepared meals made entirely with allowed ingredients.
  • "Grown" wood items. These can generally only be obtained from elves, and are made in keeping with elven ethics. Note that these items can still become unacceptable if they contain unacceptable items or are later decorated with unacceptable materials.
  • Items made from certain spoiler materials, if you're willing to give these up.
  • Live creatures or vermin. Since these can only be traded when in a cage or animal trap, make sure the cage or trap is also made of acceptable materials.
  • Soap made from oil. This may be a bugBug:8571, as even plant-based soap requires lye, which is made from ash.
  • Otherwise-acceptable items are not disqualified by ash glaze, which may be a bugBug:4652.


Greetings. The craftsdwarfship of the dwarves is unparalleled. Let's make a deal!

Assuming you do have friendly contact with humans, their first caravan will arrive sometime in summer, giving you well over a full year before they arrive.

The human caravan:

  • arrives in summer. (Usually your first caravan opportunity.)
  • carries metal bars, sand, leather, cloth, wood, food and booze, books, ropes, waterskins, quivers, backpacks, metal weapons and clothing and armor, cages and a few domestic animals.
  • carries only large-sized clothing and armor, which is unusable by dwarves.
  • is moderately guarded.
  • sends a chief treasurer to negotiate import/export agreements

Good Humor[edit]

Choosing to seize goods from a human caravan without marking anything to be taken is treated as a joke, which will raise the visiting trader's mood. This can only be done once each year.

Goblins and Kobolds[edit]

Main article: modding#trade

A goblin caravan will only arrive if you mod the game, primarily because their entity lacks the entity tokens needed to make use of pack animals and wagons - that, and that the token [BABYSNATCHER] makes them hostile to all non-goblin civilizations. The same caveats apply to kobolds (whose [UTTERANCES] and [ITEM_THIEF] tags, similarly, make them hostile to every civilization).

The goblin caravan:

  • will arrive every season, four times per year
  • is unguarded
  • brings mostly food and cloth
  • does not send a liaison or a guild representative
  • does not make import/export agreements

Merchant mood[edit]


If your trader has Novice or better Judge of intent skill, there will be a line added below the merchant's dialogue describing the caravan's attitude. Their attitude rises with successful trades (especially if they get lots of profit) and falls when you propose deals they don't like. You can never make a deal that's at a loss for the merchant, even if they are at the highest possible mood.

  • (trader) seems ecstatic with the trading.
  • (trader) seems very happy about the trading.
  • (trader) seems pleased with the trading.
  • (trader) seems willing to trade.
  • (trader) seems to be rapidly losing patience.
  • (trader) is not going to take much more of this.
  • (trader) is unwilling to trade.

The happier you make a merchant, the less profit margin they will demand in a trade. Dwarven merchants start off wanting about 100% profit, maybe a little more. If you repeatedly offer less than what they expect, that will "lower" their mood. If, on the other hand, you meet or exceed their expectation, that will, over several trades, improve their mood. If merchants reach the lowest level, no further trade will be possible, and they will immediately pack up and leave your depot. Since annoyed merchants are more likely to reject deals, you should be generous in initial negotiations. Skilled negotiators seem less likely to offend merchants with unsuccessful deals.

An easy way to capitalize on this mood system is to perform several partial trades. First trade for a few items, offering goods twice the value of the items you ask for (e.g. offer 2000☼ for 1000☼ of his stuff). This will likely make the merchant ecstatic about trading with you. Perform the next trades more aggressively, working them down to about a 30% profit. With the merchant in such a good mood, they are more likely to counteroffer than reject a trade outright. If you don't like the counter-offer, try to split the difference, or just back out of the trade and start again.

Trade Agreements and Liaisons[edit]

Outpost liaisons (from your own civilization) and foreign Merchant Nobles (if added with the TRADE responsibility) will arrive with the caravan to speak to your noble dwarves (and they will speak to those dwarves, even if they have to wait at their bedside in the hospital for months after the caravan has left), appearing on the map edge at the same time as the caravan (though in a different location). Meeting with them allows you to request specific items for the next caravan to bring (at a premium price) or take requests for production for the next caravan (for which the merchants will pay a premium).

Current trade agreements can be viewed through the Civilization menu (c). These trade agreements are cleared when a liaison of the corresponding civilization enters the screen, so they are generally not accessible after the caravan has arrived.

In the event that your leader is replaced, killed, or taken by a strange mood, the liaison may decide to leave your fortress "unhappy".Bug:576 Curiously, this will not occur if your leader is otherwise unable to perform the "conduct meeting" task. You can currently lock a liaison in a room and they will wait years to attend the meeting your noble is constantly conducting (and all subsequent diplomats appear to wait in line for the first to finish); this behavior is presumably a bug.Bug:8947

Whether having successfully met with your leader or given up, a liaison who has decided to leave but is prevented from reaching the map edge will eventually go insane.


  • Merchants who are attacked by enemies or even wild animals will sometimes become disconnected from the trade depot and refuse to pack of their things to leave the map, and these items will remain 'stuck' in the depot. Deconstructing the trade depot usually forces them to leave, presumably with the downside of causing those goods to be considered seized by the player.
  • Aggressive, untrainable creatures (captured goblins, for example) cannot be traded; when a dwarf attempts to move the caged animal to the Depot, the creature is set free.
  • When merchants leave with an animal, the merchants seem to be dragging their beast of burden instead of leading it. If the animal is incapacitated but not dead, the merchant will continue to walk at the same speed, dragging the unconscious beast.
  • If a merchant's chosen map edge exit is guarded by a hostile creature (including those on a restraint), the merchant will wander back and forth repeatedly and eventually go insane rather than path to an alternate exit.
  • Animals bought from merchants don't always become available for use.Bug:10162

Loyalty cascade[edit]

Main article: Faction

If you order your military to kill merchants from your own civilization, a bizarre result of the way loyalty is handled makes the members of your military who attacked the traders become enemies of your civilization, but remain members of your fort's government (dwarves of this faction are referred to as separatists). As enemies, they attack your other dwarves (citizens), but as members of the fort, they still follow orders. Allowing citizen militia dwarves to attack the separatists will give them opposite loyalties of the separatists, (i.e. loyal to civ, not to fort), or loyalists, who do not follow orders. And then, if a separatist or loyalist kill a citizen, they become enemies of the civ and fort, making them Renegades, who are essentially complete enemies of the citizens.

To prevent the cascade from spreading, order the original separatists away from the fortress and let them fight amongst themselves. If the results are renegades, it is okay to allow other dwarves to kill them (by stationing them nearby). If the results are separatists/loyalists, then you will need to separate them, somehow.


  • Deconstructing the depot will cause merchants to leave your fortress and abandon any goods in the Depot because items are not available until the building is fully deconstructed. However any animals they had caged will still belong to the merchants and only become friendly, you won't actually own them. According to Toady One, this is actually working as intended, and is not really an exploit or bug: "...the reckoning comes when they return with lesser value, and it has the same negative effect (it'll be listed as a disaster rather than an intentional seizing -- the depot could be destroyed, for instance -- but it counts for the same value if I remember). The overall wording could be changed and the interaction could be deepened to recognize this or that, but it's working as intended."Bug:293
  • If you wait until the merchants leave the map, you can "claim" caged animals by linking a lever to the cage and opening it, the animals will be released in a tamed state. Check the unit screen before releasing them; if the creatures still show as Merchant creatures, they will wander off the map when released; if they show as Tame creatures, they will stay once released.
  • If you lock them in your fortress for a minute or two (real time), the merchants may drop items and leave behind pack animals (both of which are yours for the taking!) Note: Results are not consistent.
  • If spooked or attacked the merchants' caravan could leave their stuff behind as they attempt to flee the map, leaving the items free for the taking.
An old trading wagon from the 1880's.

World level trade[edit]

During world generation, trade is established between sites. This probably determines growth.

"Trading" in other Languages Books-aj.svg aj ashton 01.svg
Dwarven: nish
Elven: lathì
Goblin: otsmor
Human: batow