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| Caste | | Caste | ||
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− | | Allows the creature to be used as a pack animal. Used by [[trading|merchants]] without wagons and adventurers. Also prevents creature from dropping hauled items on its own -- do ''not'' use for player-controllable creatures! | + | | Allows the creature to be used as a pack animal. Used by [[trading|merchants]] without wagons and adventurers. Also prevents creature from dropping hauled items on its own -- do ''not'' use for player-controllable creatures! May lead to the creature being domesticated during worldgen, even if it doesn't have {{token|COMMON_DOMESTIC|c}}. |
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Revision as of 14:43, 22 November 2023
v51.08 · v0.47.05 This article is about the current version of DF.Note that some content may still need to be updated. |
Modding |
Tokens |
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Body tokens |
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Creature tokens |
Creature · Creature mannerism · Personality facet · Creature variation · Procedural graphics layer |
Descriptor tokens |
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Item tokens |
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Material tokens |
Material type · Material definition · Inorganic material definition |
token begins the definition of a Dwarf Fortress creature raw file. Each creature definition that follows begins with the [CREATURE:creature ID]
token, and the creature's exact properties and behavior are then specified by the use of further creature tokens. All known creature tokens are listed below.
Vanilla creature definitions can be found in <Dwarf Fortress>\data\vanilla\vanilla_creatures\
Creature ID is also used with graphics tokens to make customizable graphics sets.
The caste tokens allow defining sub-species within the broader creature definition, including true biological castes and lesser variations, such as sexes. Creature tokens can either be 'Creature' or 'CASTE-only' type which can only be applied to creature or cast respectively, or 'CASTE' which can be applied to both. In the table bellow, creature type distinguish tokens that can be applied to creature only, cast only and both ('creature', 'CASTE-only', and 'CASTE' respectively)
Contents A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top |
Token | Type | Arguments | Description |
ADOPTS_OWNER | Caste | Prevents tamed creature from being made available for adoption, instead allowing it to automatically adopt whoever it wants. The basic requirements for adoption are intact, and the creature will only adopt individuals who have a preference for their species. Used by cats in the vanilla game. When viewing a tame creature with this token, the message "This animal isn't interested in your wishes" will appear instead of "This [adorable] animal can't work" or "This animal is waiting to be trained". | |
ALCOHOL_DEPENDENT | Caste | Makes the creature need alcohol to get through the working day; it will choose to drink booze instead of water if possible. Going sober for too long reduces speed. | |
ALL_ACTIVE | Caste | Sets the creature to be active during the day, night, and twilight in Adventurer Mode. Seems to be a separate value from [DIURNAL] /[NOCTURNAL] /[CREPUSCULAR] , rather than implying them.[Verify]
| |
ALTTILE | Creature |
If set, the creature will blink between its [TILE] and its ALTTILE.
AMBUSHPREDATOR | Caste | Found on [LARGE_PREDATOR] s who ambush their prey. Instead of charging relentlessly at prey, the predator will wait till the prey is within a few squares before charging. May or may not work on other creatures.[Verify]
| |
AMPHIBIOUS | Caste | Allows a creature to breathe both in and out of water (unlike [AQUATIC] ) - does not prevent drowning in magma.
| |
APP_MOD_DESC_RANGE | Appearance Modifier |
Based on info from Wannabehero on the forums: When used with an appearance modifier token (BP_APPEARANCE_MODIFIER or BODY_APPEARANCE_MODIFIER), tells the game what numeric ranges to map to which descriptors.
The game uses 7 descriptor levels for each modifier, with the center one generally being to omit the thing from the creature description entirely. The six values in APP_MOD_DESC_RANGE define the boundaries between each described range. |
APP_MOD_GENETIC_MODEL | Appearance Modifier |
Defines a genetic model for the relevant appearance modifier(s). May or may not do anything significant at present. |
APP_MOD_IMPORTANCE | Appearance Modifier |
Determines how important the appearance modifier is, for determining whether it shows up in the creature description.[Verify] |
APP_MOD_NOUN | Appearance Modifier |
Creates a noun for the appearance, and whether it is singular or plural. |
APP_MOD_RATE | Appearance Modifier |
Setting the growth rate of the modifier. The last two tokens can be replaced by NO_END to have growth continue indefinitely. |
Applies the specified creature variation. See Creature_variation_token#Arguments_and_conditional_tokens for how the subsequent arguments may be used. |
APPLY_CURRENT_CREATURE_VARIATION | Special | Applies the effects of all pending [CV_ADD_TAG] and [CV_REMOVE_TAG] tokens that have been defined in the current creature.
| |
AQUATIC | Caste | Enables the creature to breathe in water, but causes it to air-drown on dry land. | |
ARENA_RESTRICTED | Caste | Causes the creature to be excluded from the object testing arena's creature spawning list. Typically applied to spoileriffic creatures. | |
ARTIFICIAL_HIVEABLE | Creature | Enables the creature to be kept in artificial hives by beekeepers. | |
AT_PEACE_WITH_WILDLIFE | Caste | Prevents the creature from attacking or frightening creatures with the [NATURAL] tag.
| |
ATTACK | Caste |
Defines the attack name, and the body part used. See below for valid subtokens
Example: |
Specifies when a megabeast or semi-megabeast will attack the fortress. The attacks will start occurring when at least one of the requirements is met. Setting a value to 0 disables the trigger. |
Contents A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top |
Token | Type | Arguments | Description |
BABY | Caste |
Age at which creature is considered a child, the default is zero. One can think of this as the duration of the baby stage. |
BABYNAME | Caste |
Defines a new name for a creature in baby state at the caste level. For non-caste-specific baby names, see [GENERAL_BABY_NAME] .
Creature may be subject to beaching, becoming stranded on shores, where they will eventually air-drown. The number indicates the frequency of the occurrence. Presumably requires the creature to be [AQUATIC] . Used by orcas, sperm whales and sea nettle jellyfish in the vanilla game.
BENIGN | Caste | The creature is non-aggressive by default, and will never automatically be engaged by companions or soldiers, running away from any creatures that are not friendly to it, and will only defend itself if it becomes enraged. Can be thought of as the counterpoint of the [LARGE_PREDATOR] tag. When tamed, animals with this tag will be useless for fortress defense.
| |
BIOME | Creature | Select a biome the creature may appear in. | |
BLOOD | Caste | Specifies what the creature's blood is made of. | |
BLOODSUCKER | Caste | Causes vampire-like behaviour; the creature will suck the blood of unconscious victims when its thirst for blood grows sufficiently large. When controlling the creature in adventure mode, this can be done at will. Seems to be required to make the creature denouncable (in-world) as a creature of the night. | |
BODY | Caste |
Draws body parts from OBJECT:BODY files (such as body_default.txt)
Example: If the body is left undefined, the creature (or caste) will be tagged as [DOES_NOT_EXIST].[Verify] |
These body modifiers give individual creatures different characteristics. In the case of HEIGHT, BROADNESS and LENGTH, the modifier is also a percentage change to the BODY_SIZE of the individual creature. The seven numbers afterward give a distribution of ranges. Each interval has an equal chance of occurring.
Example: |
Loads a plan from listed OBJECT:BODY_DETAIL_PLAN files, such as b_detail_plan_default.txt. Mass applies USE_MATERIAL_TEMPLATE, mass alters RELSIZE, alters body part positions, and will allow tissue layers to be defined. Tissue layers are defined in order of skin to bone here.
Example: |
BODY_SIZE | Caste |
Sets size at a given age. Size is in cubic centimeters, and for normal body materials, is roughly equal to the creature's average weight in grams.
Example: |
Substitutes body part text with replacement text. Draws gloss information from OBJECT:BODY files (such as body_default.txt) |
BONECARN | Caste | Creature eats bones. Implies [CARNIVORE] . Adventurers with this token are currently unable to eat bones.Bug:11069
| |
BP_ADD_TYPE | Caste | Adds a type to a body part - used with [SET_BP_GROUP] . In vanilla DF, this is used for adding the type 'GELDABLE' to the lower body of certain creatures.
| |
BP_REMOVE_TYPE | Caste | Removes a type from a body part. Used with [SET_BP_GROUP] .
| |
Allows a creature to destroy furniture and buildings. Value [1] targets mostly doors, hatches, furniture and the like. Value [2] targets anything not made with the b + C commands. |
Contents A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top |
Token | Type | Arguments | Description |
The creature can perform an interaction. See interaction token. |
CAN_LEARN | Caste | The creature gains skills and can have professions. If a member of a civilization (even a pet) has this token, it'll need to eat, drink and sleep. Note that this token makes the creature unable to be eaten by an adventurer, so it is not recommended for uncivilized monsters. Adventurers lacking this token can allocate but not increase attributes and skills. Skills allocated will disappear on start. | |
CAN_SPEAK | Caste | Can talk. Note that this is not necessary for a creature to gain social skills. | |
CANNOT_CLIMB | Caste | Creature cannot climb, even if it has free grasp parts. | |
CANNOT_JUMP | Caste | Creature cannot jump. | |
CANNOT_UNDEAD | Caste | Acts like [NOT_LIVING] , except that [OPPOSED_TO_LIFE] creatures will attack them.
| |
CANOPENDOORS | Caste | Allows the creature to open doors that are set to be unpassable for pets. In adventure mode, creatures lacking this token will be unable to pass through door tiles except whilst these are occupied by other creatures. Not currently useful in Fortress mode as doors can no longer be set unpassable for pets.v50.03 | |
CARNIVORE | Caste | Creature only eats meat. If the creature goes on rampages in worldgen, it will often devour the people/animals it kills. Does not seem to affect the diet of the adventurer in adventure mode. | |
CASTE | Creature |
Defines a caste. |
Caste-specific [ALTTILE] . Requires [CASTE_TILE] .
Caste-specific [COLOR] .
Caste-specific [GLOWCOLOR] .
Caste-specific [GLOWTILE] .
CASTE_NAME | Caste |
Caste-specific [NAME] .
Caste-specific [PROFESSION_NAME] .
Caste-specific [SOLDIER_ALTTILE] . Requires [CASTE_SOLDIER_TILE] .
Caste-specific [CREATURE_SOLDIER_TILE] .
CASTE_TILE | Caste |
Caste-specific [CREATURE_TILE] .
CAVE_ADAPT | Caste | Gives the creature a bonus in caves. Also causes cave adaptation. | |
CDI | Caste |
Specifies interaction details following a [CAN_DO_INTERACTION] token. See interaction token.
Multiplies body size by a factor of (integer)%. 50 halves size, 200 doubles. |
Multiplies frequency by a factor of (integer)%. |
CHILD | Caste |
Age at which creature is considered an adult - one can think of this as the duration of the child stage. Allows the creature's offspring to be rendered fully tame if trained during their childhood. |
Defines a new name for a creature in the child state at the caste level. For non-caste-specific child names, see [GENERAL_CHILD_NAME] .
The minimum/maximum numbers of how many creatures per spawned cluster. Vermin fish with this token in combination with temperate ocean and river biome tokens will perform seasonal migrations. Defaults to 1:1 if not specified. |
Number of eggs laid in one sitting. |
COLONY_EXTERNAL | Caste | Caste hovers around colony. | |
COLOR | Creature |
Color of the creature's tile. See Color for usage. |
COMMON_DOMESTIC | Caste | When combined with any of [PET] , [PACK_ANIMAL] , [WAGON_PULLER] and/or [MOUNT] , the creature is guaranteed to be domesticated by any civilization with [COMMON_DOMESTIC_PET] , [COMMON_DOMESTIC_PACK] , [COMMON_DOMESTIC_PULL] and/or [COMMON_DOMESTIC_MOUNT] respectively. Such civilizations will always have access to the creature, even in the absence of wild populations. This token is invalid on [FANCIFUL] creatures.
| |
CONVERTED_SPOUSE | Caste | Creatures of this caste's species with the [SPOUSE_CONVERTER] and [NIGHT_CREATURE_HUNTER] tokens will kidnap [SPOUSE_CONVERSION_TARGET] s of an appropriate sex and convert them into castes with CONVERTED_SPOUSE.
| |
COOKABLE_LIVE | Caste | Set this to allow the creature to be cooked in meals without first being butchered/cleaned. Used by some water-dwelling vermin such as mussels, nautiluses and oysters. | |
CRAZED | Caste | Creature is 'berserk' and will attack all other creatures, except members of its own species that also have the CRAZED tag. It will show Berserk in the unit list. Berserk creatures go on rampages during worldgen much more frequently than non-berserk ones. | |
COPY_TAGS_FROM | Special |
Copies another specified creature. This will override any definitions made before it; essentially, it makes this creature identical to the other one, which can then be modified. Often used in combination with [APPLY_CREATURE_VARIATION] to import standard variations from a file. The vanilla giant animals and animal peoples are examples of this token combination.
CREATURE | Creature |
A unique, arbitrary identifier that begins the definition of each new creature, and is used to reference the creature in other tokens and raws. |
An arbitrary creature classification. Can be set to anything, but the only vanilla uses are GENERAL_POISON (used in syndromes), EDIBLE_GROUND_BUG (used as targets for [GOBBLE_VERMIN_CLASS] ), MAMMAL, and POISONOUS (both used for kobold pet eligibility). A single creature can have multiple classes.
The full list of tokens that use creature classes is:
Creatures active in their civilization's military will use this tile instead. |
CREATURE_TILE | Creature |
The symbol of the creature in ASCII mode. |
CREPUSCULAR | Caste | Sets the creature to be active at twilight in adventurer mode. | |
CURIOUSBEAST_EATER | Caste | Allows a creature to steal and eat edible items from a site. It will attempt to grab a food item and immediately make its way to the map's edge, where it will disappear with it. If the creature goes on rampages during worldgen, it will often steal food instead of attacking. Trained and tame instances of the creature will no longer display this behavior. | |
CURIOUSBEAST_GUZZLER | Caste | Allows a creature to (very quickly) drink your alcohol. Or spill the barrel to the ground. Also affects undead versions of the creature. Unlike food or item thieves, drink thieves will consume your alcohol on the spot rather than run away with one piece of it. Trained and tame instances of the creature will no longer display this behavior. | |
CURIOUSBEAST_ITEM | Caste | Allows a creature to steal things (apparently, of the highest value it can find). It will attempt to grab an item of value and immediately make its way to the map's edge, where it will disappear with it. If a creature with any of the CURIOUSBEAST tokens carries anything off the map, even if it is a caravan's pack animal, it will be reported as stealing everything it carries. If the creature goes on rampages in worldgen, it will often steal items instead of attacking - kea birds are infamous for this. Trained and tame instances of the creature will no longer display this behavior. Also, makes the creature unable to drop hauled items until it enters combat. | |
CV_ADD_TAG | Special |
Adds a tag. Used in conjunction with creature variation templates. |
CV_REMOVE_TAG | Special |
Removes a tag. Used in conjunction with creature variation templates. |
Contents A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top |
Token | Type | Arguments | Description |
DEMON | Caste | Found on generated demons. Marks the caste to be used in the initial wave after breaking into the underworld, and by the demon civilizations created during world-gen breachings[Verify]. | |
A brief description of the creature type, as displayed when viewing the creature's description/thoughts & preferences screen. |
DIE_WHEN_VERMIN_BITE | Caste | Causes the creature to die upon attacking. Used by honey bees to simulate them dying after using their stingers. | |
Increases experience gain during adventure mode. Creatures with a difficulty of 11 or higher are not assigned for quests in adventure mode. |
DIURNAL | Caste | Sets the creature to be active during the day in Adventurer Mode. | |
DIVE_HUNTS_VERMIN | Caste | The creature hunts vermin by diving from the air. On tame creatures, it has the same effect as [HUNTS_VERMIN] . Found on peregrine falcons.
| |
DOES_NOT_EXIST | Creature | Adding this token to a creature prevents it from appearing in generated worlds (unless it's marked as always present for a particular civilisation). For example, adding it to dogs will lead to worlds being generated without dogs in them. Also removes the creature from the object testing arena's spawn list. If combined with [FANCIFUL] , artistic depictions of the creature will occur regardless. Used by centaurs, chimeras and griffons in the vanilla game.
Note: a creature tagged as DOES_NOT_EXIST can still be summoned successfully, as long as it has a body defined in its raws. [1]. It's also possible for another creature to transform into it. |
Contents A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top |
Token | Type | Arguments | Description |
EBO_ITEM | Caste |
Defines the item that the creature drops upon being butchered. Used with [EXTRA_BUTCHER_OBJECT] .
EBO_SHAPE | Caste |
The shape of the creature's extra butchering drop. Used with [EXTRA_BUTCHER_OBJECT] .
EGG_MATERIAL | Caste | Defines the material composition of eggs laid by the creature. Egg-laying creatures in the default game define this 3 times, using LOCAL_CREATURE_MAT:EGGSHELL, LOCAL_CREATURE_MAT:EGG_WHITE, and then LOCAL_CREATURE_MAT:EGG_YOLK. Eggs will be made out of eggshell. Edibility is determined by tags on whites or yolk, but they otherwise do not exist. | |
EGG_SIZE | Caste |
Determines the size of laid eggs. Doesn't affect hatching or cooking, but bigger eggs will be heavier, and may take longer to be hauled depending on the hauler's strength. |
EQUIPMENT_WAGON | Creature | Makes the creature appear as a large 3x3 wagon responsible for carrying trade goods, pulled by two [WAGON_PULLER] creatures and driven by a merchant.
| |
EQUIPS | Caste | Allows the creature to wear or wield items. | |
EVIL | Creature | The creature is considered evil and will only show up in evil biomes. Civilizations with [USE_EVIL_ANIMALS] can domesticate them regardless of exotic status. Has no effect on cavern creatures except to restrict taming. A civilization with evil creatures can colonise evil areas.
| |
The creature drops an additional object when butchered, as defined by [EBO_ITEM] and [EBO_SHAPE] . Used for gizzard stones in default creatures. For some materials, needs to be defined after caste definitions with SELECT_CASTE:ALLBug:6355
EXTRACT | Caste | Defines a creature extract which can be obtained via small animal dissection. | |
EXTRAVISION | Caste | The creature can see regardless of whether it has working eyes and has full 360 degree vision, making it impossible to strike the creature from a blind spot in combat. Invisible creatures will also be seen, namely intelligent undead using a "vanish" power. |
Contents A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top |
Token | Type | Arguments | Description |
FANCIFUL | Creature | The creature is a thing of legend and known to all civilizations. Its materials cannot be requested or preferred. The tag also adds some art value modifiers. Used by a number of creatures. Conflicts with [COMMON_DOMESTIC] .
| |
FEATURE_ATTACK_GROUP | Caste | Found on subterranean animal-man tribals. Currently defunct. In previous versions[Verify], it caused these creatures to crawl out of chasms and underground rivers. | |
FEATURE_BEAST | Caste | Found on forgotten beasts. Presumably makes it act as such, initiating underground attacks on fortresses, or leads to the pop-up message upon encountering one[Verify]. Hides the creature from displaying in a world_sites_and_pops file. Does not create historical figures like generated forgotten beasts do.
Requires specifying a | |
FEMALE | Caste | Makes the creature biologically female, enabling her to bear young. Usually specified inside a caste. | |
FIREIMMUNE | Caste | Makes the creature immune to FIREBALL and FIREJET attacks, and allows it to path through high temperature zones, like lava or fires. Does not, by itself, make the creature immune to the damaging effects of burning in fire, and does not prevent general heat damage or melting on its own (this would require adjustments to be made to the creature's body materials - see the dragon raws for an example). | |
FIREIMMUNE_SUPER | Caste | Like [FIREIMMUNE] , but also renders the creature immune to DRAGONFIRE attacks.
| |
FISHITEM | Caste | The creature's corpse is a single FISH_RAW food item that needs to be cleaned (into a FISH item) at a fishery to become edible. Before being cleaned the item is referred to as "raw". The food item is categorized under "fish" on the food and stocks screens, and when uncleaned it is sorted under "raw fish" in the stocks (but does not show up on the food screen).
Without this or | |
FIXED_TEMP | Caste |
The creature's body is constantly at this temperature, heating up or cooling the surrounding area. Alters the temperature of the creature's inventory and all adjacent tiles, with all the effects that this implies - may trigger wildfires at high enough values. Also makes the creature immune to extreme heat or cold, as long as the temperature set is not harmful to the materials that the creature is made from. Corpses and body parts of creatures with a fixed temperature maintain their temperature even after death.
Note that temperatures of 12000 and higher may cause pathfinding issues in fortress mode. |
FLEEQUICK | Caste | If engaged in combat, the creature will flee at the first sign of resistance. Used by kobolds in the vanilla game. | |
FLIER | Caste | Allows a creature to fly, independent of it having wings or not. Fortress Mode pathfinding only partially incorporates flying - flying creatures need a land path to exist between them and an area in order to access it, but as long as one such path exists, they do not need to use it, instead being able to fly over intervening obstacles. Winged creatures with this token can lose their ability to fly if their wings are crippled or severed. Winged creatures without this token will be unable to fly. (A 'wing' in this context refers to any body part with its own FLIER token). | |
FREQUENCY | Creature |
Determines the chances of a creature appearing within its environment, with higher values resulting in more frequent appearance. Also affects the chance of a creature being brought in a caravan for trading. The game effectively considers all creatures that can possibly appear and uses the FREQUENCY value as a weight - for example, if there are three creatures with frequencies 10/25/50, the creature with [FREQUENCY:50] will appear approximately 58.8% of the time. Defaults to 50 if not specified. Not to be confused with [POP_RATIO] .
Contents A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top |
Token | Type | Arguments | Description |
GAIT | Caste | Defines a gait by which the creature can move. See Gait for more information. Specifically, you likely want to use one of the existing STANDARD_X_GAITS creature variations, as described in this subsection.
NO_BUILD_UP can be specified instead of a <start speed> value to make the <max speed> instantly achievable upon initiating movement (this is equivalent to a <build up time> of 0). Note that <build up time> and <max turning speed> are both ignored if specified alongside this (as NO_BUILD_UP trumps <build up time> and preserves <max speed> whilst turning, and <max turning speed> cannot exceed <max speed>) so it is permissible to omit them so long as they are both omitted together. It's possible to specify a <start speed> greater than the <max speed>; the moving creature will decelerate towards its <max speed> in this case.
Used for moving normally over ground tiles.
Used for moving over ground tiles whilst prone.
Used for moving through tiles containing water or magma at a depth of at least 4/7.
Used for moving through open space.
Used for moving whilst climbing.
Speeds/slows movement depending on the creature's Agility stat.
Speeds/slows movement depending on the creature's Strength stat.
Makes THICKENS_ON_ENERGY_STORAGE and THICKENS_ON_STRENGTH tissue layers slow movement depending on how thick they are. Adding the STRENGTH gait flag counteracts the impact of the latter layer.
Slows movement by the specified percentage when the creature is sneaking. | |
Like [BABYNAME] , but applied regardless of caste.
Like [CHILDNAME] , but applied regardless of caste.
Has the same function as [MATERIAL_FORCE_MULTIPLIER] , but applies to all attacks instead of just those involving a specific material. Appears to be overridden by MATERIAL_FORCE_MULTIPLIER (werebeasts, for example, use both tokens to provide resistance to all materials, with one exception to which they are especially vulnerable).
GENERATED | Creature | Found on procedurally generated creatures like forgotten beasts, titans, demons, angels, and night creatures. Cannot be specified in user-defined raws. | |
GETS_INFECTIONS_FROM_ROT | Caste | Makes the creature get infections from necrotic tissue. | |
GETS_WOUND_INFECTIONS | Caste | Makes the creature's wounds become infected if left untreated for too long. | |
GLOWCOLOR | Creature |
The colour of the creature's [GLOWTILE] .
GLOWTILE | Creature |
If present, the being glows in the dark (generally used for Adventurer Mode). The tile is what replaces the being's current tile when it is obscured from your sight by darkness. The default setting for kobolds (a yellow quotation mark) provides a nice "glowing eyes" effect. The game is also hardcoded to automatically convert quotation mark GLOWTILES into apostrophes if the creature has lost one eye. This works at the generic creature level - for caste-specific glow tiles, use [CASTE_GLOWTILE] instead.
GNAWER | Caste |
The creature can and will gnaw its way out of animal traps and cages using the specified verb, depending on the material from which it is made (normally wood). |
The creature eats vermin of the specified class. |
The creature eats a specified vermin. |
GO_TO_END | Special | When using tags from an existing creature, inserts new tags at the end of the creature. | |
GO_TO_START | Special | When using tags from an existing creature, inserts new tags at the beginning of the creature. | |
GO_TO_TAG | Special | When using tags from an existing creature, inserts new tags before the specified tag. | |
GOOD | Creature | Creature is considered good and will only show up in good biomes - unicorns, for example. Civilizations with [USE_GOOD_ANIMALS] can domesticate them regardless of exotic status. Has no effect on cavern creatures except to restrict taming. A civilization that has good creatures can colonise good areas in world-gen.
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The value determines how rapidly grass is trampled when a creature steps on it - a value of 0 causes the creature to never damage grass, while a value of 100 causes grass to be trampled as rapidly as possible. Defaults to 5. |
Used in Creature Variants. This token changes the adult body size to the average of the old adult body size and the target value and scales all intermediate growth stages by the same factor. |
GRAZER | Caste |
The creature is a grazer - if tamed in fortress mode, it needs a pasture to survive. The higher the number, the less frequently it needs to eat in order to live. Not used since 0.40.12, replaced by [STANDARD_GRAZER] to fix Bug 4113.
Contents A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top |
Token | Type | Arguments | Description |
HABIT | Caste |
Defines certain behaviors for the creature. The habit types are:
These require the creature to have a |
HABIT_NUM | Caste |
"If you set HABIT_NUM to a number, it should give you that exact number of habits according to the weights.".[1] All lists of HABITs are preceded by [HABIT_NUM:TEST_ALL] |
HAS_NERVES | Caste | The creature has nerves in its muscles. Cutting the muscle tissue can sever motor and sensory nerves. | |
HASSHELL | Caste | The creature has a shell. Seemingly no longer used - holdover from previous versions. | |
HIVE_PRODUCT | Creature |
What product is harvested from beekeeping. |
Default 'NONE'. The creature's normal body temperature. Creature ceases maintaining temperature on death unlike fixed material temperatures. Provides minor protection from environmental temperature to the creature. |
HUNTS_VERMIN | Caste | Creature hunts and kills nearby vermin, randomly walking between places with food laying on the ground or in stockpiles, to check for possible [VERMIN_EATER] vermin, but they'll kill any other vermin too. |
Contents A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top |
Token | Type | Arguments | Description |
IMMOBILE | Caste | The creature cannot move. Found on sponges. Will also stop a creature from breeding in fortress mode (MALE and FEMALE are affected, if one is IMMOBILE no breeding will happen). | |
IMMOBILE_LAND | Caste | The creature is immobile while on land. Only works on [AQUATIC] creatures which can't breathe on land.
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IMMOLATE | Caste | The creature radiates fire. It will ignite, and potentially completely destroy, items the creature is standing on. Also gives the vermin a high chance of escaping from animal traps and cages made of any flammable materials (specifically ones that could be ignited by magma). | |
INTELLIGENT | Caste | Alias for [CAN_SPEAK] + [CAN_LEARN] .
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ITEMCORPSE | Caste | Determines if the creature leaves behind a non-standard corpse (i.e. wood, statue, bars, stone, pool of liquid, etc.). Ethics may prevent actually using the item in jobs or reactions. | |
The quality of an item-type corpse left behind. Valid values are: 0 for ordinary, 1 for well-crafted, 2 for finely-crafted, 3 for superior, 4 for exceptional, 5 for masterpiece. |
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Token | Type | Arguments | Description |
LAIR | Caste |
Found on megabeasts, semimegabeasts, and night creatures. The creature will seek out sites of this type and take them as lairs. The lair types are:
Defines certain features of the creature's lair. The only valid characteristic is HAS_DOORS. |
LAIR_HUNTER | Caste | This creature will actively hunt adventurers in its lair. | |
What this creature says while hunting adventurers in its lair. |
LARGE_PREDATOR | Caste | Will attack things that are smaller than it (like dwarves). Only one group of "large predators" (possibly two groups on "savage" maps) will appear on any given map. In adventure mode, large predators will try to ambush and attack you (and your party will attack them back). When tamed, large predators tend to be much more aggressive to enemies than non-large predators, making them a good choice for an animal army. They may go on rampages in worldgen, and adventurers may receive quests to kill them. Also, they can be mentioned in the intro paragraph when starting a fortress e.g. "ere the wolves get hungry." | |
LARGE_ROAMING | Creature | This is the core requisite tag allowing the creature to spawn as a wild animal in the appropriate biomes. Requires specifying a [BIOME] in which the creature will spawn. Does not require specifying a frequency, population number, or cluster number.
This tag stacks with | |
LAYS_EGGS | Caste | Creature lays eggs instead of giving birth to live young. | |
LAYS_UNUSUAL_EGGS | Caste | Creature lays the specified item instead of regular eggs. | |
The creature has ligaments in its [CONNECTIVE_TISSUE_ANCHOR] tissues (bone or chitin by default). Cutting the bone/chitin tissue severs the ligaments, disabling motor function if the target is a limb.
LIGHT_GEN | Caste | The creature will generate light, such as in adventurer mode at night. | |
LIKES_FIGHTING | Caste | The creature will attack enemies rather than flee from them. This tag has the same effect on player-controlled creatures - including modded dwarves. Retired as of v0.40.14 in favor of [LARGE_PREDATOR] .
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LISP | Caste | Creature uses "sssssnake talk" (multiplies 'S' when talking - "My name isss Recisssiz."). Used by serpent men and reptile men in the vanilla game. C's with the same pronunciation (depending on the word) are not affected by this token. | |
Determines the number of offspring per one birth. |
LOCAL_POPS_CONTROLLABLE | Creature | Allows you to play as a wild animal of this species in adventurer mode. Prevents trading of (tame) instances of this creature in caravans. | |
LOCAL_POPS_PRODUCE_HEROES | Wild animals of this species may occasionally join a civilization. Prevents trading of (tame) instances of this creature in caravans. | ||
LOCKPICKER | Caste | Lets a creature open doors that are set to forbidden in fortress mode. | |
LOOSE_CLUSTERS | Creature | The creatures will scatter if they have this tag, or form tight packs if they don't. | |
Determines how well a creature can see in the dark - higher is better. Dwarves have 10000, which amounts to perfect nightvision. |
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Token | Type | Arguments | Description |
MAGICAL | Caste | According to Toady One, this is completely interchangeable with [AT_PEACE_WITH_WILDLIFE] and might have been used in very early versions of the game by wandering wizards or the ent-type tree creatures that used to be animated by elves. [2]
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MAGMA_VISION | Caste | The creature is able to see while submerged in magma. | |
MALE | Caste | Makes the creature biologically male. Usually declared inside a caste. | |
MANNERISM_* | Caste |
Adds a possible mannerism to the creature's profile. See creature mannerism token for further info. |
MATERIAL | Creature |
Begins defining a new local material. Follow this with standard material definition tokens to define the material. |
When struck with a weapon made of the specified material, the force exerted will be multiplied by A/B, thus making the creature more or less susceptible to this material. For example, if A is 2 and B is 1, the force exerted by the defined material will be doubled. If A is 1 and B is 2, it will be halved instead. See also [GENERAL_MATERIAL_FORCE_MULTIPLIER] , which can be used to make this sort of effect applicable to all materials.
MATUTINAL | Caste | Sets the creature to be active at dawn in adventurer mode. | |
MAXAGE | Caste |
Determines the creature's natural lifespan, using the specified minimum and maximum age values (in years). Each individual creature with this token is generated with a predetermined date (calculated down to the exact tick!) between these values, at which it is destined to die of old age, should it live long enough. Note that the probability of death at any given age does not increase as the creature gets older [3].
Creatures which lack this token are naturally immortal. The NO_AGING syndrome tag will prevent death by old age from occurring. Also note that, among civilized creatures, castes which lack this token will refuse to marry others with it, and vice versa. |
MEANDERER | Caste | Makes the creature slowly stroll around, unless it's in combat or performing a job. If combined with [CAN_LEARN] , will severely impact their pathfinding and lead the creature to move extremely slowly when not performing any task. Problematically applies to animal people based on the animal and war trained animalsBug:9588.
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MEGABEAST | Caste | A 'boss' creature. A small number of the creatures are created during worldgen, their histories and descendants (if any) will be tracked in worldgen (as opposed to simply 'spawning'), and they will occasionally go on rampages, potentially leading to worship if they attack the same place multiple times. Their presence and number will also influence age names. When appearing in fortress mode, they will have a pop-up message announcing their arrival. They will remain hostile to military even after being tamed.Bug:10731 See megabeast page for more details.
Requires specifying a | |
Default is 200. This means you can increase your attribute to 200% of its starting value (or the average value + your starting value if that is higher). |
Sets up a mental attribute's range of values (0-5000). All mental attribute ranges default to 200:800:900:1000:1100:1300:2000. |
Mental attribute gain/decay rates. Lower numbers in the last three slots make decay occur faster. Defaults are 500:4:5:4. |
MILKABLE | Caste |
Allows the creature to be milked in the farmer's workshop. The frequency is the amount of ticks the creature needs to "recharge" (i.e. how much time needs to pass before it can be milked again). Does not work on sentient creatures, regardless of ethics. |
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MISCHIEVOUS | Caste | The creature spawns stealthed and will attempt to path into the fortress, pulling any levers it comes across. It will be invisible on the map and unit list until spotted by a citizen, at which point the game will pause and recenter on the creature. Used by gremlins in the vanilla game. "They go on little missions to mess with various fortress buildings, not just levers." | |
MODVALUE | Caste | Seemingly no longer used. | |
MOUNT | Caste | Creature may be used as a mount. No use for the player in fortress mode, but enemy sieging forces may arrive with cavalry. Mounts are usable in adventure mode. | |
MOUNT_EXOTIC | Caste | Creature may be used as a mount, but civilizations cannot domesticate it in worldgen without certain exceptions. | |
MULTIPART_FULL_VISION | Caste | Allows the creature to have all-around vision as long as it has multiple heads that can see. | |
MULTIPLE_LITTER_RARE | Caste | Makes the species usually produce a single offspring per birth, with a 1/500 chance of using the [LITTERSIZE] as usual. Requires [FEMALE] .
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MUNDANE | Creature | Marks if the creature is an actual real-life creature. Only used for age-names at present. |
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Token | Type | Arguments | Description |
NAME | Creature |
The generic name for any creature of this type - will be used when distinctions between caste are unimportant. For names for specific castes, use [CASTE_NAME] instead. If left undefined, the creature will be labeled as "nothing" by the game.
Some examples of adjective use:
NATURAL | Caste | Animal is considered to be natural. NATURAL animals will not engage creatures tagged with [AT_PEACE_WITH_WILDLIFE] in combat unless they are members of a hostile entity and vice-versa.
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NATURAL_ANIMAL | Caste | Alias of [NATURAL] .
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The creature possesses the specified skill at this level inherently - that is, it begins with the skill at this level, and the skill may never rust below that. A value of 15 is legendary. |
NIGHT_CREATURE_BOGEYMAN | Caste | Creatures with this token can appear in bogeyman ambushes in adventure mode, where they adopt classical bogeyman traits such as stalking the adventurer and vaporising when dawn breaks. Such traits do not manifest if the creature is encountered outside of a bogeyman ambush (for instance, as a megabeast or a civilised being). In addition, their corpses and severed body parts turn into smoke after a short while. Note that setting the "Number of Bogeyman Types" in advanced world generation to 0 will only remove randomly-generated bogeymen. | |
NIGHT_CREATURE_EXPERIMENTER | Caste | Found on some necromancers. Creatures with this tag may periodically "perform horrible experiments" offscreen, during which they can use creature-targeting interactions with an [I_SOURCE:EXPERIMENT] tag on living creatures in their area. Worlds are generated with a list of procedurally-generated experiments, allowing necromancers to turn living people and animals into ghouls and other experimental creatures, and these will automatically be available to all experimenters; it does not appear possible to prevent this. You can mod in your own custom experiment interactions, but these are used very infrequently due to the large number of generated experiments.
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NIGHT_CREATURE_HUNTER | Caste | Found on night trolls and werebeasts. Implies that the creature is a night creature, and shows its description in legends mode entry. The creature is always hostile and will start no quarter combat with any nearby creatures, except for members of its own race. Note that this tag does not override the creature's normal behavior in fortress mode except for the aforementioned aggression, and doesn't prevent the creature from fleeing the battles it started. It also removes the creature's materials from stockpile settings list, making them be stored there regardless of settings.
Does stack with This tag causes the usual behaviour of werebeasts in worldgen, that is, fleeing towns upon being cursed and conducting raids from a lair. If this tag is absent from a deity curse, the accursed will simply be driven out of towns in a similar manner to vampires. When paired with SPOUSE_CONVERTER, a very small population of the creature will be created during worldgen (sometimes only a single individual will be created), and their histories will be tracked (that is, they will not spawn spontaneously later, they must either have children or convert other creatures to increase their numbers). The creature will settle in a lair and go on rampages during worldgen. It will actively attempt to seek out potential conversion targets to abduct, convert, and have children with (if possible). | |
NIGHT_CREATURE_NIGHTMARE | Caste | Found on nightmares. Corpses and severed body parts derived from creatures with this token turn into smoke after a short while. | |
NO_AUTUMN | Caste | The creature caste does not appear in autumn. | |
NO_CONNECTIONS_FOR_MOVEMENT | Caste | Creature doesn't require connected body parts to move[Verify]; generally used on undead creatures with connections that have rotted away. | |
NO_DIZZINESS | Caste | Creature cannot become dizzy. | |
NO_DRINK | Caste | Creature does not need to drink. | |
NO_EAT | Caste | Creature does not need to eat. Seems to cause worldgen crashes if it is part of an entity with [PERMITTED_JOB:FISHERMAN][Verify] | |
NO_FEVERS | Caste | Creature cannot suffer fevers. | |
NO_GENDER | Caste | The creature is biologically sexless. Makes the creature unable to breed. | |
NO_PHYS_ATT_GAIN | Caste | The creature cannot raise any physical attributes. | |
NO_PHYS_ATT_RUST | Caste | The creature cannot lose any physical attributes. | |
NO_SLEEP | Caste | Creature does not need to sleep. Can still be rendered unconscious by other means. | |
NO_SPRING | Caste | The creature caste does not appear in spring. | |
NO_SUMMER | Caste | The creature caste does not appear in summer. | |
NO_THOUGHT_CENTER_FOR_MOVEMENT | Caste | Creature doesn't require an organ with the [THOUGHT] tag to survive or attack; generally used on creatures that don't have brains.
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NO_UNIT_TYPE_COLOR | Caste | Prevents creature from selecting its color based on its profession (e.g. Miner, Hunter, Wrestler). | |
NO_VEGETATION_PERTURB | Caste[Verify] | Likely prevents the creature from leaving broken vegetation tracks.[Verify] | |
NO_WINTER | Caste | The creature caste does not appear in winter. | |
NOBONES | Caste | Creature has no bones. | |
NOBREATHE | Caste | Creature doesn't need to breathe or have [BREATHE] parts in body, nor can it drown or be strangled. Creatures living in magma must have this tag, otherwise they will drown.
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NOCTURNAL | Caste | Sets the creature to be active at night in adventure mode. | |
NOEMOTION | Caste | Creature has no emotions. It is immune to the effects of stress and unable to rage, and its needs cannot be fulfilled in any way. Used on undead in the vanilla game. | |
NOEXERT | Caste | Creature can't become tired or over-exerted from taking too many combat actions or moving at full speed for extended periods of time. | |
NOFEAR | Caste | Creature doesn't feel fear and will never flee from battle, and will be immune to ghosts' attempts to 'scare it to death'. Additionally, it causes bogeymen and nightmares to become friendly towards the creature. | |
NOMEAT | Caste | Creature will not be hunted or fed to wild beasts. | |
NONAUSEA | Caste | Creature isn't nauseated by gut hits and cannot vomit. | |
NOPAIN | Caste | Creature doesn't feel pain. | |
NOSKIN | Caste | Creature will not drop a hide when butchered. | |
NOSKULL | Caste | Creature will not drop a skull on butchering, rot, or decay of severed head. | |
NOSMELLYROT | Caste | Does not produce miasma when rotting. | |
NOSTUCKINS | Caste | Weapons can't get stuck in the creature. | |
NOSTUN | Caste | Creature can't be stunned and knocked unconscious by pain or head injuries. Creatures with this tag never wake up from sleep in Fortress Mode. If this creature needs to sleep while playing, it will die. | |
NOT_BUTCHERABLE | Caste | Cannot be butchered. | |
NOT_LIVING | Caste | Cannot be raised from the dead by necromancers or evil clouds. Implies the creature is not a normal living being. Used by vampires, mummies and inorganic creatures like the amethyst man and bronze colossus. Creatures who are [OPPOSED_TO_LIFE] (undead) will be docile towards creatures with this token.
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NOTHOUGHT | Caste | Creature doesn't require a [THOUGHT] body part to survive. Has the added effect of preventing speech, though directly controlling creatures that would otherwise be capable of speaking allows them to engage in conversation.
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